All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (2024)

I’ve been making natural lip balm, lipstick, and chapstickrecipes for years, although it took me a while to actually get it to the point of a recipe. Typically I would just eyeball the ingredients, which shows you how easy this recipe is to make!

This homemade lipstick recipe mimics a creamy, full coverage lipstick and packs plenty of color. However, if you aren’t a fan of colored lipsticks, you can make this recipe without any added color options to achieve a basic natural lip chap.

That’s the beauty of making your makeup from scratch, like my DIY eye shadow, is you can make it exactly the way you like it!

Why Homemade Lipstick?

Wondering why you’d take the time and trouble to make your own natural makeup?

Surprisingly, conventional lipstick can be a source of harmful chemicals and since it is used on the skin (lips) and near the mouth, these chemicals can be easily absorbed. These homemade lipstick variations let you create apersonalized lipstick color that is chemical-free and inexpensive to make.

Also, homemade just means more! Give these as an inexpensive but thoughtful gift at holidays or birthdays that friends and family are sure to enjoy.

Customizing Your Perfect Natural Lipstick Color

To get the hue in the picture above, I used a tiny pinch of beetroot powder (1/8 tsp or less), 1/4 tsp cocoa powder, 1/8 tsp bentonite clay, 1/8 tsp cinnamon, and a drop of peppermint essential oil (just because I like the smell). Jump to the recipe for other color customization options, all from natural colorants.

If you like a darker shade, just add a little more cocoa powder after mixing to darken slightly until you reach your preferred tone.

Now let’s get into the recipe!

Natural Tinted Lipstick Recipe

This recipe makes a moisturizing tube lipstick with a good amount of pigment and coverage. For a lighter, glossier look, try this tinted lip balm recipe.

All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (1)


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Homemade Lipstick Recipe

This base recipe will create a smooth, clear lipstick that is very moisturizing and protective. If you want, you can add color with the following add-ins to create a color of your choice.

Author: Katie Wells


Base Lipstick Recipe

Optional Color Add-Ins

  • For Red Hues: 1/8 teaspoon of beet root powder or 1 drop of natural red food coloring with no chemical additives. NOTE: Add these very slowly as a little goes a long way!
  • For Brown/Tan Hues: 1/4 teaspoon or more for color of organic cocoa powder, a tiny pinch of cinnamon or turmeric to get the shade you want
  • For a more matte texture: 1/4 teaspoon bentonite clay- I use this with a color so it doesn't leave a white tint on the lips.
  • For scent: A drop of essential oil of choice optional


Homemade Lipstick Instructions

  • Melt the beeswax, shea butter/cocoa butter and coconut oil in a glass jar without a lid in a small pot of simmering (not boiling) water. It should melt quickly because so little of each ingredient is used.

  • When melted, remove from heat and add any optional ingredients like color or scent.

  • Once all ingredients are mixed well but still liquid, use a dropper to pour into the lip chap container. I used the glass dropper from an old tincture bottle. Fill just below the top as it will expand slightly as it cools. Leave to cool for at least half an hour.


Store in a cool place (under 80 degrees) or it will soften.

More Natural Makeup Recipes

  • Natural Mascara Recipe– Easier to make than you’d think! It took many tries to perfect this recipe, but now I finally have it down to a science. 🙂 Nutures healthy lashes too!
  • DIY Natural Blush Make-up Tutorial– For a fresh, natural glow, try this homemade blush recipe. I also love this creme version.
  • Natural Liquid Foundation Recipe– Natural foundation can be pricey! Make it for so much less (and even customize it to your own skin type.)
  • – We all need a little extra coverage sometimes. Make this natural concealer for undereye or acne prone areas.

Ever made your own cosmetics? How did it go? What hue would you make of this recipe? Share below!

All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (2)

All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (3)

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder ofWellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling booksThe Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.

326 responses to “All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe”

  1. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (4)


    Hi My daughters are allergic to coconut, can you suggest what i can use as a replacement of coconut oil.


    1. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (5)

      Jamie Larrison

      Jojoba oil would be a good choice, but you would need to increase the beeswax a little or it will be too soft.


      1. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (6)


        How can I accomplish the pink shade (second down in the infographic) ? Thank you !


        1. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (7)

          Jamie Larrison

          The image just gives some examples. If you play with the red/pink ingredient options given in the recipe you might be able to get something close to that you like.


    1. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (9)

      Katie Wells

      Try this:


  2. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (10)


    Does anyone know a colour for orangey recipe please?? I am going to use above recipe that’s wellnessmamma but want orange. For a wedding lip woo.


  3. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (11)


    How can the lipstick shade the lips


  4. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (12)


    My attempt was a fail. I used bees wax, coconut oil, and she’s butter with beet root powder and the powder wouldn’t mix in at all. Did I do something wrong?


    1. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (13)


      I had the same thing happen. And as it was setting, the powder sank to the bottom. No colour stayed on my lips. There has to be a natural lipophilic colourant. That is my next research step.


      1. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (14)


        Try using the food colouring


  5. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (15)


    Have you heard of the book by Christy Hemenway called “The Thinking Bee Keeper”. She has information that the wax from bee hives that is then melted and reused has a lot of toxins in it from the use of toxic chemicals used to kill mites in bee colonies. These chemicals she states are absorbed by the wax, and even during the melting process aren’t destroyed. This makes me think a lot about non-toxic lipsticks that use bees wax. If they use toxic wax, they’ll still be toxic.
    Sorry I don’t want to open a can of worms so they say, but I do want this information to get out there so people can be informed. If bees are allowed to make their own wax which is what they did before men interfered, and do in the wild the wax would be awesome and clean. She even states that man made wax forms are not only pretoxified they are also the wrong size. She states that when bees make their own comb the hexagon holes are different sizes unlike when man makes them all the same size. That’s a size for queens, a size for drones “males”, and a size for workers” female”.


    1. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (16)

      Evelien Stek

      Its true, I have been bee-keeping myself. Try and find a local beekeeper that works organically. They will be able to provide you with information about what they use in their hives. There are organic ways to deal with the varroa mite, and they can also provide you with the most freshly made wax from the hive. Although the yellow wax is fine, its mixed with propolis which is the bees natural way to destroy fungus and bacteria.


    2. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (17)

      Tim Camp

      Well, what you said isn’t necessarily wrong, There may be trace toxins in beeswax, but the retail lipstick you normally buy are made from tallow “animal fat”, usually beef or pig fat along with all of the chemicals and hormones and toxins fed or injected into them from the day they are born until the day they are processed. Just to be clear the day they are processed is they they aré killed for your lipstick. The bees that died from this lipstick, died from natural causes, just doing what they do naturally. I think this one is a no brainer, something you should be familiar with.


      1. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (18)


        Sorry to burst your bubble, not all bees are not killed off for honey. only the honey combs are harvested and larvae are killed the most tiny ones we used a natural gathering method with hickory or cherry branches for our smokers to calm the bees during harvest seasons. But, coming from a bee farming family, we always switched between hives to be harvested to ensure the bees were reproducing more bees and we made new hives often with our bee removal services in domestic and commercial properties. Yes there are toxins in everything now, but from my family, we never ever used chemicals to “kill” anything off and we only let our bees gather pollen from our own crops and/or from a reputable local farmer who never used chemical warfare on his/her plants.


  6. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (19)

    Sarah Mollet-Cosmas

    Hi, I tried the recipe with 1/8 tsp of beet root powder but it’s more of a lightly coloured lipbalm. Any idea on how to get a more colourful lipstick, that will actually add visible colour to my lips? Thank you 🙂


  7. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (20)


    How long is it safe to keep the natural lipstick before it expires?


  8. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (21)


    Hello, how long this lipstick can be used until it expired?

    *sorry for my bad English, but I hope you understand.


    1. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (22)

      Katie Wells

      This lasts for a very long time since it is oil based and doesn’t contain water.


  9. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (23)



    I love the two dark colors of lipstick that are on this page. What color did you use to make those?


  10. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (24)


    Hello! Can you please recommend a mica powder that you have used? I like the colors you posted, and I can’t find anything that doesn’t look really bright and unnatural. I’d love a wine/plum kind of color.
    Thank you!


  11. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (25)


    How long does it last? I for one, don’t use it daily so just wondering… 🙂 Oh, and this recipes makes 1 full chap container or more? Thanks.


  12. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (26)


    I make all natural lipsticks, and I’ve been looking everywhere for a red mica powder, and there’s NONE. other options are carmine and titanium dioxide, which are ~not~ natural. Any suggestions on where to find deep red mica powder, or any alternatives of natural deep reds?


  13. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (27)


    Hi, I was just wondering how many tubes does your All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe make?

    Thank u,


  14. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (28)


    Is Bentonite clay safe for lips?


  15. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (29)


    I tried making homemade lip stick and despite it having an obvious pink tint in the container, there was no pink color when applied to my lips. Any suggestions on what to do differently?


  16. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (30)


    I followed the recipe exactly for the hue of lipstick in your picture, but I added even more beet root powder because I love my lip colors to be bright! However, after pouring and letting it solidify, I found upon application that there’s almost no color. The product itself appears as bright as the picture, but barely any color is trasferred upon using it. It feels amazing on my lips…especially the coolness of the peppermint and I could easily use this as a chapstick. What are your suggestions for attempting to get a brighter color?


  17. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (31)


    Thanks for sharing this! I love the top two shades in the picture. Can you tell us how you blended those ones please?


  18. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (32)


    Do you have a color chart of combinations and the resulting color?


  19. All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (33)


    I tried the beet powder (actually very fine) but it definitely doesnt work. In very small amounts maybe but then it doesn’t give any color on the lips, only colors the lipstick itself. I prepared beetroot extract (dissolved in water and strained trhough very fine mesh) and now I’m experimenting on some natural emulsifier to get the liquid and fat mediums mix. But a short research in the internet turned out this is actually a challenge also for the organic products cosmetic industry.


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All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe (2024)


All-Natural Homemade Lipstick Recipe? ›

Lipstick is made up mainly of 3 main ingredients: wax, oil and colorant. Depending on the content and origin of ingredients, the lipsticks are created with different colors, smoothness, and safety.

How do you make 100% natural lipstick? ›

Homemade Matte Lipstick Instructions
  1. Add the beeswax, shea butter, and coconut oil to a double boiler.
  2. Melt over medium heat, occasionally stirring until all ingredients are melted.
  3. Remove from the heat.
  4. Add in zinc oxide, the colorant of choice, vitamin E oil, and lavender.
  5. Stir well until it's one uniform color.
Jan 4, 2022

What are the 3 basic ingredients needed to make lipsticks? ›

Lipstick is made up mainly of 3 main ingredients: wax, oil and colorant. Depending on the content and origin of ingredients, the lipsticks are created with different colors, smoothness, and safety.

What are the three ingredients in lipstick? ›

The general ingredients of lipstick include wax, oil, and pigment. Pigment refers to the color, and waxes offer spreadable texture with shape. Oils such as castor oil, mineral oils, lanolin, cocoa powder, jojoba, petrolatum, etc, can be used to add moisture.

How to make long lasting lipstick at home? ›

The Best Hacks To Make Your Lipstick Last Longer
  1. Tip 1: Prep Your Lips.
  2. Tip 2: Prime Your Pout.
  3. Tip 3: Use Concealer Or Foundation As A Base.
  4. Tip 4: Apply Lip Liner All Over.
  5. Tip 5: Blot And Repeat.
  6. Tip 6: Finish With Powder.
Feb 18, 2022

How to make the perfect lipstick? ›

How to Apply Lipstick
  1. Step 1: Prep Your Lips. Just like you prep your face with a cleansing and moisturizing skin care routine before applying makeup like foundation or tinted moisturizer, you want your lips to be well prepped before adding color. ...
  2. Step 2: Apply Lip Liner. ...
  3. Step 3: Apply Lipstick. ...
  4. Step 4: Top Off with Gloss.

How do you make organic lips? ›

  1. Take 1 tablespoon each of mango butter, beeswax, and coconut oil. Mix them in a steel bowl.
  2. Put the bowl in a double boiler system to make the ingredients heat slowly and combine evenly.
  3. To the combined mixture, add 15 drops of lavender essential oil.
  4. Add it to a tube or container and let it cool for future use.

What is the surprising ingredient in lipstick? ›

1. Cochineal Beetles. If you're using makeup that has 'carmine' in the ingredient list, that means its color is derived from cochineal beetles. These insects are native to Mexico and are crushed to release their vibrant red dye.

How to make lipstick from scratch? ›

Step 1 - Melt the olive oil, coconut oil, and beeswax in a bowl and mix away. Step 2 - Add a few drops of red food colouring to this moisturising mix. Use a stick or a toothpick to stir the mixture together. Step 3 - Pour the mixture in a container and leave it in the fridge to set.

What ingredient makes lipstick last longer? ›

What Makes Lipstick Long-Lasting? Liquid lipsticks, known for their longevity and intensity, usually contain polymers and silicones that adhere to the lips for an extended time. They are often matte, too, and are more likely to feel drying.

How to make lipstick without beeswax? ›

If you prefer not to use beeswax or you just don't have it on hand, you can still make an awesome lip balm or gloss! Coconut oil, shea butter, honey, and castor oil can all be used in various proportions to make a solid, hydrating lip gloss. Try a simple honey lip balm with coconut oil or shea butter, for instance.

How is lipstick made step by step? ›

Manufacturing Process

Lipsticks are manufactured by mixing heated oil and melted wax, blending them together, then adding and dispersing pigment into the mixture for color. Waxes used include beeswax, carnauba, candelilla, and ozokerite (ceresin). Oils used include mineral oil, castor oil, and lanolin.

How is organic lipstick made? ›

An organic lipstick is made of botanical butters, waxes and oils such as shea butter, candelilla wax and sunflower oil. The waxes are hard and give the lipstick structure. The butters and oils help the lipstick to moisturise and glide across your lips.

How do you make natural lipstick without beeswax? ›

Add castor oil, shea butter, and coconut oil to a small pan.

Pour in 1 tablespoon (15 mL) each of castor oil and shea butter. Measure out 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of coconut oil, and add that to the pan, too. If you want, you can substitute petroleum jelly for the castor oil in the same proportion.

How to make lipstick at home with vaseline? ›

Take a spoonful of Vaseline and put it in the bowl. Add flakes of the blush or lipstick whose shade you want to add to the lip balm and mix it well with the Vaseline. Microwave the bowl for 30 seconds. Alternatively, you can heat it over a low flame using the double boiler method till the ingredients melt.

How do you make red lipstick naturally? ›

Cut off a slice of fresh beet, making sure the interior flesh is bright red. Rub the slice over your lips, squeezing gently as you go to release the juice. Let the juice dry, then apply more layer for deeper color. Seal it using a clear lip balm.


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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.