Farmers and consumers market bulletin, vol. 69, no. 7 (1983 February 16) (2024)


Tommy /rv/n, Commissioner Georgia Department of Agriculture

Market Bulletin

Vol. 69, No. 6

Wednesday, February 16, 1983

Ftot Ag Pepi.

1982 Field Crops

Serving Georgia

Yields Increased While Prices Dropped

Over a Century
The Georgia Department of Agriculture will celebrate its 109th birthday this month. With its many years of service, it is hard to remember Georgia without a
Department of Agriculture.
Prior to the establishment of the Department in 1874, Georgia agriculture faced 1733 - 1983 many problems. The War Between the States forced many Georgia farmers to resort to an unfamiliar share crop system of farming. This caused a decline in
In celebration of Georgia's 250th birthday, the Georgia Semiquincentenary Commission has selected a special theme for each month of the birthday year. February, designated as Founder's Month, focuses on the founder of our state, James Oglethorpe, as well as the founders of our communities and important state institutions.
Georgia farms because they were not properly tended and improved.
The existing Georgia Horticultural Society was backed by many farmers in its efforts to change the farming structure of the late 1800's. The Society not only promoted horticultural education among farmers, but it also tested and recommended suitable varieties of plants and trees and distributed information on culture, shipping, and preparation for marketing.
In addition, the Society was responsible for leading a powerful campaign to organize the country's
(Continued on Page 15)
INDEX Letters to
the Editor ......... pg. 2 Georgia Cookin'...... pg. 5 Livestock
Quotations ........ pg. 8 Bulletin
Calendar ......... pg 14 Features ...... pg. 5,15,16

Although the average prices received by Georgia farmers for many major crops fell sharply in 1982, overall value increased three percent, according to the Georgia Crop Reporting Service.
Weaker prices were offset by favorable yields for most crops. Increased yields, combined with some acreage increases, lifted overall production and value above 1981 levels.
The gross value of production* for Georgia's major crops in 1982 totaled $1,561 million. This total was up $44.7 million from the same crops in 1981 and $477.5 million above the 1980 drought plagued growing season.
Pick-Your-Own Course
Offered to Producers
Interest in pick-your-own fresh fruits and vegetables is increasing in Georgia due in part to a renewed interest in home freezing and canning and the desire for fresh produce.
In pick-your-own operations, growers become the retailer with many of the same problems as retailers. Many growers have neither the time, temperament, nor desire to assume retail market operations, so, pick-your-own sales are not for all growers. However, for those with the time, temperament, desire, land, and location, it is a worthy alternative in marketing produce.
Primary consideration should be given to the customers when designing the pick-your-own enterprise. Varieties should be selected which are easy to harvest and are flavorful with high consumer appeal. Some customers recognize varieties of superior quality and ask for them by name.
To learn the advantages and disadvantages of a pick-your-own opera-
(Continued on Page 16)

Farm Land
The spring farm land edition of the MARKET BULLETIN will be published March 9. Deadline for this issue is February 23. Please follow these guidelines when submitting an ad for publication in the farm land edition:
"Only farm land may be advertised; land tracts must be at least five acres in size.
"Indicate acreage and county where your property is located. Also include your phone number in case we need to contact you.
*There is a 30 word limit including name and address.
*Ads must be submitted by the individual owner; no realtors or agents are allowed to advertise.
*A11 notices must be received in writing by the February 23 deadline.

Soybeans took the place of peanuts as the highest value crop in 1982. The crop accounted for 24.8 percent of the value of all crops with a value of $375.2 million.
Peanuts came in a close second with a value of $366.9 million contributing 24.2 percent of the state's total crop value.
Although the acres of corn harvested for grain dropped 41 percent, a record high yield of 85 bushels per acre lifted production slightly above last year's level. The value of the 1982 crop was $173.2 million.
Georgia's 1982 tobacco crop declined four per-
(Continued on Page 14)
Plan to Enter
Ag Contests
Agriculture Day, March 21, will be here before we know it. The day is set aside each year to recognize the backbone and basic strength of our nation's economy agriculture.
If your club or organization is interested in a speaker for "Ag Day," the Georgia Agribusiness Council is sponsoring a Speaker's Bureau. Contact Charlie Crowder, Executive Director of the Council at 404-656-3678 for more information.
In addition, do not forget about the Agriculture Day essay and photo contest. Rules for the contest are listed below and the deadline is March 2, 1983.
Senator Sam McGill, Chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee and Representative Henry Reaves, Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee have been selected as judges for the contests.
STUDENT ESSAY CONTEST *An essay of 250 words or less on
(Continued on Page 5)

Page 2

Dear Editor;
Information about growing figs in the South is very hard to come by. I would like to hear from any other fig hobbyists who might like to get an informal "Fig Growers Association" started for the purpose of exchanging information, plant cuttings, etc.
Jack N. Thomas 840 Ralph Road Conyers, Georgia 30208


Dear Editor

Many white and yellow Georgia field corn varieties ap-

peared to have been lost in their pure form. These are fine

old Georgia field corn varieties and to have them lost to

farmers in the entire South would have been a major loss.

They are not replaceable.

I am sure there are other such old varieties of field crops


and vegetable seeds in the hands of farmers and gardeners in our state. These folks need a place to let other Georgia farmers and gardeners know what they have. The MARKET

BULLETIN is such a vehicle to disperse these priceless

treasures. This past year I located a sweet potato in Jeffer-

son County through the BULLETIN that had been in the

McNeely family for over 100 years. Thank you for this service.

Bruce Hanco*ck

Sourwood Farms, Inc.

Route 2

Soc*ial*Cir*cle, Georgia 30279

Dear Editor:
Recently, you asked that those located in the zip codes between 30401 and 30477 contact the MARKET BULLETIN or else be dropped from the mailing list. Yes, I sure do want to continue receiving the BULLETIN. I will soon be 72 and I remember when I learned my alphabet and spelling words in the BULLETIN, My parents took it for as long as I can remember.
Eugene Phillips 705 East 2nd Street
Vidalia, Georgia 30474

Dear Editor: I am very much interested in locating year-round sources
of organic food, including beef, chicken, eggs, grain pro-
ducts, vegetables, fruits, etc. within a reasonable distance of Atlanta. I am hoping your readers can help me.
Linda Christenberry 5660 Hearn Road Ellenwood, Georgia 30049

Dear Editor. Herewith is my five dollars for one year of the MARKET
BULLETIN which I would hate to have to do without. It really makes my day even though the mail does not get here until around three and sometimes four. But all activity stops until I have gone through the BULLETIN to see what gives agriculture-wise. I am still a country girl at heart.
Now, when you start to bake cornbread, do not forget to grate a cooking apple into it and it will be moist and slightly sweet. Folks will remember it a long time after it has been eaten.
Cora McCurdy 815 Fielder Road Sebring, Florida 33870
Dear Editor: The Tullie Smith restoration project at the Atlanta
Historical Society is involved with a representative garden of vegetables and field crops grown in the state in the mid-1800's.
We are currently seeking some older varieties of sweet potatoes. Our research tells us that Small Spanish, Nansemond, Brimstone, and Red Bermuda are some varieties grown in Georgia in the mid to late 1800's. If you or any of your readers can help us locate these or other older varieties of sweet potatoes, we would appreciate the help very much.
R. Alien Sistruck, Horticulturist Atlanta Historical Society 3101 Andres Drive, N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30305


Wednesday, February 16, 1983

Farm employment
No commercial, industrial or domestic employment permitted. Only that employment that pertains to the individual farm may be advertised.
Man, 34, wants farm job, need place and salary. Wm. Anderson, Box 105, Bishop 30621. Ph. 404-769-8126._____
Want reliable family to care for hen farm. J. Johnson, Macon. Ph. 404-479-8627._______________
Want exp. helper for post 8k beam barn construction, part-time near Alto-Banks Co. Stan Morrison, Chamblee. Ph. 458-0601.______________________
Need retired couple to do farm work', sml. sal., house furnished, Fayette Co. Ed Vanderslcie, Atlanta. Ph. 404-320-9688.
Need lady to help retired man w/farm vegetables, free home exchange. Clint Jones, Monroe. Ph. 404-267-5025.
Need someone to cut oak trees, will barter the cutting for the trees. Harold Malone, College Park. Ph. 996-6645 5-9
pm.________________________ Want mgr. for nursery, exc. opportuni-
ty, consider partnership, exp. req. Charles Simpson, Star Rt., Box 30A3, Harlem 30814. Ph. 738-9999 day / 556-3903 night._________________
Want man/couple to help w/sml. farm / lake, garden; share house, middle Ga. Thomas Smith, Atlanta. Ph. 404-458-2394.
Will pick up roots, you can pit. right behind me. Oscar Bailey, Vienna. Ph. 912-268-4911._______________
Female wanted to live-in & do light farm chores. R. Field, Monroe. Ph. 874-3931.______________
Want someone to del. & spread chicken litter, 8 mi. S. of LaGrange. Roger Farmer, UaGrange. Ph. 404-882-1975.
Want someone w/modern tree planter to pit. 50 A. of soybean land, Newton Co. Ed Simmons, Preston. Ph. 912-649-4800.
Want partner to help estab. & operate vineyard, nursery, greenhouse, Whitefield Co. Bill Tenney, Dalton. Ph. 404-253-6365._____________
Want mature woman / couple w/some income for light garden / flower work, house & sal. Earl Varner, Box 218, Swalnsboro 30401._____________
25 yr. old man would like farm caretaking job, w/horse, cleaning stalls, etc. Johnny Weaver, Dalton. Ph. 226-4575.
Want reliable couple for farm employment, furnished house, ref. req. James Austin, Dallas. Ph. 404-445-7994 aft. 6, no collect calls._________________
Man 50, sgl., seeks farm / cattle work, parole exp. 4 / 83, ref., written Inquiries only. James Chaffin, MCI, Box 396, Mens Unit, Hardwlck 31034._________
Want someone to prune, fert, harvest, 16 Irg. scuppernong vines; take entire crop / dispose of anyway. C. Foster, Ellenwood. Ph. 241-4431._________
Man 51 w/anlmal science background, exp. w/hogs / cattle / goats, welding, etc. seeks employment w/ln commuting dlst. Frank Manlscalco, Scott. Ph. 912-668-4038.______________
Need exp. farm couple, part / full-time, mech. exp. helpful, btw Macon & Atlanta. Paul Spieks, Lithonia. Ph. 981-1653.
Farm Services
Breed your cows w/ABS proven sires, 8 yrs. exp.; sem*n & supplies. Wayne Ansley, Cornelia. Ph. 778-1445.______
Horseshoeing / trimming by prof, farrier, reg. & corrective work. Benny Biddy, Alpharetta. Ph. 404-475-4869 (24 hr. ans. service).____________________
Will build & repair farm fences In Cobb, Douglas, Pauldlng Cos., mostly wire fences. J. L. Bond, Marietta. Ph. 422-8226.
Will tear down / clean up old farm bldg. for materials, have truck, tools & exp. Gary Caprara, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-5777.
Will remove stumps below ground level, reas. Bill Howard, Douglasvllle. Ph. 942-8876.________________
Will catch wild cattle / hogs, have track / catch dogs. Randy Pittman, Marietta. Ph. 404-434-9459.______________
Exp. horse owner will haul horses locally, extra ht. trailer. Marshall Vaughn, Alpharetta. Ph. 404-475-1223.________
Will do bush hogging, gardens plowed, tractor work. Mr. Verp, Lawrencevllle. Ph. 962-1949 / 963-1506.____________
Will grind stumps below ground level. John Dempsey, Stone Mtn. Ph. 404-469-5935.____________________
Will do loader / dozer work on farm, grading, clearing, etc.; rubber tire tractor. M. Fox, Canton. Ph. 887-7308 / 926-9078.
Will do A.I. of beef / dairy cattle in Clarke & surrounding cos.; sem*n & sup7p2li5e-s7.222C. lyde Lambert, .,Bo,g.a.rt.. Ph.

Need your well cleaned out, Macon-
Chattanooga; pumps installed, water lines run. Stan Cook, Covington. Ph.

Wild cattle caught, no catch, no pay. Jim Davis, Mansfield. Ph. 468-8979.

All types tractor work, plowing, bush hogging, aerating & reseeding. Glenn Dutton, Lawrenceville. Ph. 921-3121 /

Will custom sprig pastures w/Coastal Bermuda in Tattnall & surrounding cos. George Fowler, Reidsville. Ph. 912-557-6943 aft. 4.__________

Will do tractor work. Lynn Hale, Acworth. Ph. 404-428-2835.___________

Garden tilling w/Troy-Bilt, Cobb, Dekalb, N. Fulton. Chuck Tankersley, Stone Mtn. Ph. 469-5593.__________

Will haul horses local / long dist., reas. rates, ref. avail. Debbie Alien, Marietta. Ph. 977-1309 / 659-2727.__________

Horses hauled local / long dist. by exp. horsem*n, reas. Don Barnes, Gumming. Ph. 889-1371.__________________

Qual. depend, horseshoeing, careful atten. to horses needs. W. Blackstone, Mableton. Ph. 944-8443._______

All types tractor work, bush hogging,
plowing, seeding, etc. D. Brock, Cumming. Ph. 889-1949.______________

Any type loader dozer, backhoe work, ponds built, 50 mi. Covington. A. W. Chapman, Covington. Ph. 787-3621.

Horses hauled anywhere, anytime, reas. rates. D. Christian, Covington. Ph.

Will reband tri-ply in chicken houses. Harvey Hester, Box 106, Maxley. Ph. 404-759-3819.__________________

Will build & repair farm fencing. Robert Hopkins, Dawsonville. Ph. 265-3444.

Will catch wild hogs/cows, no chrg. R. Dean Lindsey, Sandersville. Ph. 912-552-0651.___________________

Bush hogging, plowing & all tractor

work, guar., Covington & surrounding

cos. Charles Morrell, Covington. Ph.



Will A.I. beef / dairy cattle in Rock Spring & Ringgold area; sem*n & supplies. Randy Porter, Ringgold. Ph. 404-955-5185.

Will build farm fences anywhere, any type. Cleveland Reed, Ellijay. Ph. 273-3022._________________

All types welding by certi. welder w/portable machine, Rome, Cedartown, & Summerville. Chris Smith, Rome. Ph. 235-9953 aft. 4._________________

Ponds built, land cleared, logs sawed into boards, 6-24 ft., Meriwether & surrounding cos. J. H. Taunton, Gay. Ph. 404-538-6865._________________

Will do custom work, any type hay work, 10 yrs. exp. Wayne Womack, Louisville. Ph. 912-625-8697.________

Will water grind corn, wheat, rye into meal, flour & grits. Mike Buckner, Junetion City. Ph. 404-269-3630 aft. 3.

Backhoe & front end loader work done for you. T. J. Edwards, Fayetteville. Ph. 461-7975.________________

Bush hogging, all types of tractor work, by the job / hr. Dudley Field, Marietta. Ph. 422-3193 / 424-9392.__________

Will furnish sprigs & custom pit. Certi. lift. 44 Bermuda, N. Ga. area. Charles Hurley, Summerville. Ph. 404-857-2707.

Garden plowing, bush hogging, tractor work, done w/exp., Cobb-Marietta-
Woodstock area. Gene Mitchell, Marietta. Ph. 422-9023._____________

Will grind tree stumps, 6-8 in. below
ground level, reas. Gary Reynolds, Rowell. Ph. 992-8005.___________

Dragline work, fish ponds built, clean out dams, watering holes, reas. W. C. Barwick, Gainesville. Ph. 404-867-6056.

Qual. horseshoeing, grad of OK farrier college, comp. hoof care for horse owner.
Ken Cannon, Marietta. Ph. 427-0688.

Will build & repair any type farm fencing w/in 50 mi. of Hull. Charles Crawford, Hull. Ph. 788-2352.______________

Horseshoeing, grad of OK horseshoeing school, 8 yrs. exp., ref. furnished. Eddie Crider, Powder Springs. Ph. 941-9006.

Will grind tree stumps below ground into useable mulch in Athens area. Marvin Drake, Hull. Ph. 546-5078._________

Plowing, bush hogging, backhoe work; livestock hauling anywhere, any kind. Wayne Green, Bremen. Ph. 404-562-4197.

Will do all types of farm fencing. Bill Hardin, Dacula. Ph. 962-5094._____

Will furnish sprigs & custom pit. Certi. Tift 44, Alicia / Coastal Bermuda. Gene Hart, Guyton. Ph. 912-728-3380.______

Horses hauled local & long dist., reas. rates, enclosed trailer. Judy Noel, Dalton. Ph. 404-226-0662.________________

Will do A.I. of beef / dairy cattle in
Cherokee & adjoining cos. William Odom, Woodstock. Ph. 404-926-5420.

1 or 2 horses hauled anywhere, anytime, $1, 901, 80c / loaded mi. Harold Paden, Covington. Ph. 404-786-1056.

Will catch cattle / hogs, no catch no pay. Larry Pittman, Douglasvllle. Ph. 404-042-1917._______________

Horseshoeing, prof. & prompt services. Perry Bishop, Newnan. Ph. 404-251-0386. !

Draglined work, dig & clean out ponds, drain swampland on mats. Larry Potts, Watkinsville. Ph. 404-725-7851._______
Horseshoeing, hot, cold / corrective, prompt, reliable service, satisfaction guar. Ron Powers, Douglasville. Ph. 942-1784._____________________
Will do A.I. in Houston & surrounding cos. Paul Reamer, Perry. Ph. 912-987-3870._____________________
Livestock hauling anywhere. Jim Toney, Stockbridge. Ph. 404-483-7993.
Horseshoeing & trimming, hot / cold & corrective, depend, service. Ed Whitehurst, Jackson. Ph. 404-775-5591.
Tractor work, bush hogging, blade, fert. & seeding, reas. Jon Manning, Doraville. Ph. 237-2111 / 396-4765.__________
Gardens plowed, bush hogging, reas. rates, Cobb, Marietta, Woodstock, Kennesaw area. Harold Rich, Marietta. Ph. 973-0721._________
Bush hogging, plowing & all types tractor work. J. Rich, Austell. Ph. 941-6855.
Will do A.I. breeding in beef / dairy heads in Union & surrounding cos. G. Rogers, Blairsville. PH. 745-5735.
Custom gardening w/Troy-Bilt / tractor plowing, all kinds tractor work. Steve Schultheis, Lawrenceville. Ph. 921-8468.

Farm machinery and equipment for sale

Only farm machinery used in an individual farming operation and sold by that same individual may be advertised in this column. Those wanting equipment should be seeking equipment for their own individual farm.
Cat. 977L front loader, 95% undercarriage, eng. and drive train overhauled comp. $35,000. Reid Callaway, Greensboro. Ph. 404-453-2667 aft. 7 pm.
1971 Franklin skidder 160B w/winch and grapple 50% tires, runs good $10,000; also, other equip. Wayne Callahan, Rt. 7, Box 607, Dallas 30132. Ph. 404-445-4152.________________
Ford 3400 diesel $4950; Industrial, power steering, new tires and paint exc. cond. C. F. Collins, Dahlonega. Ph. 404-864-6300/4569 aft. 6 pm._______
1981 JD 314 garden tractor w/48 in. belly mower; also, cart. A. Faber, Cox Rd., Woodstock 30188. Ph. 404-993-1396.
Model 222 Case garden tractor, mower, turn plow, harrow and cult. Ken Boyette, 106 Eldorado Ave., Centervllle 31028. Ph. 923-7335.

(USPS 187620)
Georgia Department of Agriculture
Agriculture Building Capitol Square
Atlanta, Georgia 30334 404-656-3722

Tommy Irvin, Commissioner
Valera JMM, Editor Lisa Ray, Awl. Editor Martha ttondenon. AML Ed., Notice* Ella M. Beach, Or* Garel,
Danlelle Thompson
Ann)* L. Wilson, Circulation Mgr. Maryam Kenner, Asat. Mgr.
In order to subscribe to the MARKET BULLETIN, you may call (S6-3722 or send requests to the above address. There is no charge lor Georgia residents to receive this publication: out-ol-state residents are charged $5.00 annually. Send check or money order to above address. No cash please.

Address all requests to be added to or removed from the mailing list, change of address and Form 3579 to the MARKET BULLETIN office at the above address.
To advertise, you must be a resident of Georgia. Out-of-state wanted column is the only exception to this rule. Notices must not exceed 20 words and must adhere to rules and regulations preceding each category. All advertisem*nts must be received in writing. Deadline is Wednesdays at noon. Send all notices to the above address.

Published weekly at Capitol Square, Atlanta 30334. Second class postage paid at Atlanta, Ga.

The Farmers and Consumers Market

Bulletin assumes no responsibility for any

notice appearing in the Bulletin nor for any

transaction resulting from published no-

tices. Advertisers are cautioned that it is

against the law to misrepresent any product

offered for sale in a public notice or adver-

tisem*nt carried in any publication that is

delivered through the United States mail.

The Department of Agriculture is an

equal opportunity employer. It is the policy

of this department not to discriminate on

the basis of sex, race, color, handicap,

national origin or age in its employment

policy., ,


Wednesday, February 16,1983


Page 3

Hawk Bilt hay baler practically new, like to exchange for 550 Oliver dlesel tractor, pay difference. Hoke Lee Sr., Rt. 1, Box 15, Metter 30439. Ph.404-685-2417.
Intl. 500 C dozer, cab, 6 way blade $7,100; Intl. TD20 dozer, cab, good tractor $9,200. D. K. Griffith, Greenville. Ph. 941-7815 nights._____________
I New Holland sq. hay baler 278, good cond., used last season $800. Jerry Davis, Vldalla. Ph. 912-537-1657._______
Ford Select-O-Speed trans., over $300 new parts, needs adjustment, make offer; 2-5000 Ford fenders and bumpers. James Newsome, Statesboro. Ph. 764-2609.
FMC 100 gal. 3 pt. hitch PTO driven pecan and orchard sprayer like new cond. $2,995. Mose Lee, Rt. 1, Box 84, Lakeland 31635. Ph.912-482-3112.________
JD B model saw and harrow $1000. Larry Myers, 746 Whit Davis Rd., RR, Athens 30605. Ph. 549-8380 aft. 6 pm.
1974 MF 135 dlesel tractor very good cond. $4,400. Leonard Hart, Rt. 1, Box 720, Tennllle. Ph. 912-552-7194.______
Troy-Bilt tiller, 6 hp. Horse model, elec. start, new battery, wrap around bumper $675. Jim Robinson, Covlngton. Ph. 404-787-3520 eve.___________
Rubber tired wagon w/5x11 ft. x 24 in. body, exc. cond. $300; 1 H or M pulley exc. cond. $25. Hoke Sitton, Rt. 1, Box 1290, Newnan 30263. Ph. 404-253-6349.
1975 580B Case backhoe $10,500; 4 row Intl. planter $1,250; 4 row cult. $1,250; 4 row middle buster $300, other. J. Flowers, Valdosta. Ph. 912-244-4393.
TO 35 MF tractor new paint, runs like new $2,500. Daniel Jones, Buford. Ph. 404-945-3356.________________
2 row covington planters comp. w/fert. dist. and plates like new $600, 16 ft. tandem axle utility trailer $450. Robert Bennett, Byron. Ph. 825-7577._______
12 disc wheat drill good cond. M. J. Richards, 1353 Reese Rd., Woodstock 30188. Ph. 404-475-1133.__________
Pull type dirt scoop approx. 1 yard, good shape $175. E. W. Vines, Rt. 3, Box 316, Adairsville 30103. Ph. 773-3557.
Garden leaf shredder, Sears 6 hp., used very little good cond. $140. C. I. Brown, Marietta. Ph. 971-4067.__________
1952 Ferguson tractor, new tires, 5 ft. bush hog $2,425; 2 disc turning plow 3 pt. hitch $275; walk behind garden tractor w/equip. $445. J. Cann, Lawrencevllle. Ph. 962-4743.__________________
MF 135 diesel tractor 1970 model low hrs., exc. cond., homemade trailer dual wheels 3 pt. hitch liner, pulverizer $4,900. Joe Goodrich, Marietta. Ph. 404-428-6789.
One 300 amp. Hobart welder on 20 in. tires 4 cyl. Chrysler Ind. eng. needs repairs $1,200. G. Todd, P.O. Box 15, Crawtordvllle 30631. Ph. 456-2980.
Bush and bog harrows $150 for Farmall Cub. 14 ft. dual axle trailer for hauling tractor, etc. James E. Wheeler, Acworth. Ph. .974-3481._______________
MF 509 diesel tractor multi-power trans., power steering, PTO, 3 pt. hitch, $4,750. C. Luther, Appling 30802. Ph. 404-541-1039._______________
Case Uniloader, A-1 cond., backhoe, buckets, forks, dlesel, roll cage, new rubber. S. Owenby, Mineral Bluff. Ph. 404-374-5289._____________
IH 1066 tractor w/wts. and dual tires; IH 475 hyd. fold harrow 17 1/2 ft., Perkins irrig. motor w/550 gpm Berkeley pump. Henry Walker, Eastman. Ph. 912-374-2628._____________
JD 4430 quadrange trans., canopy, duals and wts., MF 1105 multipower, canopy, duals, wts., 14 ft. bush hog harrow. Lorin Williams, Pineview. Ph. 892-9704._________________
Ford 5000 diesel, good cond., power steering, remote hyd., Independent PTO. Jeff McCoy, Luthersville. Ph. 404-927-6742._____________
II shank Blanton chisel plow, spring trip feet $800; also, JD front wt. brackets no. R 27642R $50 pr. Kenneth Ison, Zebulon. Ph. 404-567-8649.________
19 ft. flatbed trailer 2 axles w/equalizers, cell curved pine floor 1 1/2 in. thick approx. 8 ft. wide. Jack B. Fowler, Rt. 2, AdalrevHIe 30103. Ph. 629-2563.
JD 600A Hi-Cycle sprayer, 12 row boom, $3,200, 6 twin 7 In. Burch peanut and soybean planters w/lrg. seed hoppers $175. Billy Sanders, Vienna. Ph. 912-268-4703._______________
JD Maxi-Merge planter 4 row harrow, no-till coulters, dry fert. herb and Insecticide boxes monitor, good cond. $4,000. Darvin Holdeman, Stapleton. Ph. 912-625-3375.________________
4 row KMC tllllvator $1,200; Boss traveler, JD dlesel pumping unit, pipe, trailer. M. A. McCrary, Americus. Ph. 912-924-5551.______________
Combine, 1974 MF510, AC, straw chopper, both heads $10,000. Charles Davis, P.O. Box 1013, Ft. Valley 31030. Ph. 912-825-2419.________________
1978 MF 1105, cab and air $1500 hrs. $10,000. W. L. Giddens, Eastman. Ph. 374-2635._______________
David Bradley 2 wheel tractor, reverse and two speed trans. $600. Dean Hix, Decatur. Ph. 404-292-1360 an. 4:30 pm.
i, Submit ads by Wednesday noon. i

Vermeer 603 C baler new belts ready to bale $2950. Jimmy Norman, Rt. 3, Lin colnton. Ph. 404-359-4198.
1000 Case or D9 Cat. bulldozer, rock rippers $1500 or trade for equal value. Robert Anderson, Rt. 2, Box 415, Trenton
30752.___________________ MF 560 round baler, bales Irg. bales
good cond., orig. belts, ready to bale $4,500. Winfred Crane, Winder. Ph. 367-9617.___________________
Intl. 986 tractor 100 hp., roll guard top $10,000. Paul Spieks, Llthonia. Ph. 981-1653.______________
Tires, 2 ea. 11-2.5 recaps w/rims for trailer to haul hay etc. $60 ea. C. D Medley, Canton. Ph. 404-479-8219.
1976 MF 16 hp. tractor, 52 In. hyd. mower, headlights, rebuilt eng., PTO, etc. $1,850 firm, exc. cond. G. Glbson, Allanta. Ph. 349-5453/3054.___________
EZ Flow fert. spreader and seeder $100; Ford cult, frame, 2 row w/fert. hopper, 2 Cole planters plus extra plates $650. Gerald Rawlins, Rt. 1, Box 10A, Bamesville 30204._____________
Belly mounted planter and belly mounted mower for Cub tractor. L. A. Killian, 666 Dozier, Marietta 30066. Ph. 427-3435.___________________
Hardee 6 ft. rotary mower 3 pt. hitch $500. Geo. Barren, Barnesville 30204. Ph. 358-3813._____________________
D-600-C Terex dozers, ROPS, cab, straight blade and tilt and angle blade, Fleco root rake, power shift trans. 3 shank ripper. Billy Stackler, Lizella. Ph. 935-2390.________________
245 MF and 2640 JD loader; NH 851 round baler, Vicon mower, 8 1/2 off-set harrow, 7 ft. smoothing harrow, Gleaner combine and AC combine PT. James Rutledge, Slockbridge. Ph. 474-4279.
One 140 Intl. 2 disc plow, 2 row cult., 5 plows, all purpose, 1 bush hog dist. 70 20 in. dist., 28 foot D. cut, cost $14,800, sell / $5,000. P. R. Isley, Rt. 5, Dallas 30132.
Wood splitter, 36 in. stroke, 2 stage pump, Briggs / Stratton mtr., 28,000 Ibs. force, $1,100. Clyde Wade, Waleska. Ph. 404-479-9237._______________
2 row JD 71 Flexi-planter w/fert. and insecticide hoppers $1,800 exc. cond. Donald Baxter, 139 Baxter Dr., Carrollton 30117. Ph.404-832-1837.__________
D7 17A Cat. track backhoe, pan, lowboy, tractor, chisel plows, rake $30,000, sell all or part, selling out. Lawson, Rt. 1, Coolidge. Ph. 912-346-3376._______________
Massey Ferguson 300 combine, gas, cab, 13 ft. grain had, 2 row corn head, pick up reel, straw chopper $4,500. Grady Pennington, Milledgeville. Ph. 912-452-0839._______________
Peerless 14 ft. peanut drying wagons, rear duck exc. cond., like new $1150 ea., KMC peanut inv. gear box $100. James W. Whittle, Rt. 1, Chester 31012. Ph. 912-358-4518._______________
Ford Tr. commander 6000 part tractor; MF 165 dlesel good cond.; also, 2 pull type Taylor-Way harrow, needs work. S. G. Mayfield, 1075 Tyrone Rd., Tyrone
30290._____________________ 1979 MF 245, 700 hrs., harrow, 5 ft.
rotary mower box blade, $8,000. Norman Muggins, Ocilla. Ph. 468-9587.______
135 MF tractor and 7 shank chisel plow $3,650. A. M. Branch, Conyers. Ph. 483-7588._________________
Sears 5 hp. B/S belt driven tiller used only 2 seasons $110. Wesley Lawrence, Flowery Branch. Ph. 967-6052._____
Lincoln air operated pump for 55 gal. drum $125. Rex Thompson, 4469 Deborah Dr., Doravilte 30340. Ph. 449-5789.
One Covington planter w/all plates, fert. / hopper, exc. cond. $350. B. A. Gilbreath, Rt. 1, Box 310A, Bethlehem 30620. Ph. 404-867-9802 or 894-2727.
JD 1020 tractor, gas, P.S., exc. cond. equip, trailer 6 pcs. of equip., $8,500 firm. K. L. Rutledge, Rt. 4, Cedartown. Ph. 748-7915.__________________
Like new Kan'Sun grain dryer, LP gas tank incl., one motor grader good for parts. Mark Castello, Sparta. Ph. 404-444-6561.________________
Garden tractor 12 hp. Cub Cadet hydrostatic, elec. lift plow, disc., cult., other equip., pkg. deal only. Herbert O. Edwards, Decatur. Ph. 404-294-5514 aft. 5
pm.______________________ JD B tractor rollmatic, power-trol, good
cond., 20 disc JD harrow pull type, both $1,000. Donald Purcell, Commerce. Ph. 404-335-2029.________________
Equip 1 JD 218 grain platform. Hank Russell, Boston. Ph. 912-226-8578.
JD B, new mtr., 1975, new clutch 1982, JD wagon, both exc. cond. M. A. Tate, Newnan. Ph. 404-253-0942._________
A-1 Cub tractor, plow, cult. disc. GeeWhiz, lay-off bar, real good tires $2500; AC B plow and cult. $1,050. Dan Ledbetter, Rt. 2, Box 581, Summerville. Ph. 857-1092._________________
1 Intl. 2 disc plow In good cond. $100. Robert Jackson, Ft. Valley 31030. Ph. 912-825-5866._______________
1979-4600 Ford dlesel 7 ft. bush hog all purpose plow $11,000. W. W. Robinson, 4085 Mt. Zion Rd., Carrollton 30117. Ph. 404*32-73,^.;..-. tl .^.., ..,~| = ,,, :,,

AC 5040 tractor w/front end loader, $5,500, 775 hrs., 5 ft. bush hog model 105, disc harrow, sgl. cutter disc, adjustable. Henry Weaver, Jackson. Ph. 404-228-4394.

JD 400 yard tractor, 60 in. mower deck, exc. cond., var. of implements, hyd.,
$4,000. Chip Flynn, Camilla. Ph. 912-336-7783.

Heavy duty utility trailer 4x8 w/30 in stake sides $325. Franklin Barton Athens. Ph. 404-549-4023.

Utility trailer 41/2x8 ft. tilt bed, 12 in.
sides, 15 In. wheels, steel frame, wood bed $250. Johnny Outen, Cordele. Ph. 912-273-3613.

4x4 irrig. pump, 40 hp. motor, trailer
mounted; also, Airco welder / gas. motor; also, winch for 350, 450, 550 JD dozer or loader. W. J. Vaughan, Thomasville. Ph. 912-226-4611/2814.

AC 260 pan, good cond. $3,500. Joe Marlow, Maysville 30558. Ph. 652-2975.

Tiller 5 hp. good cond. $250 or swap for scrape blade for 8N tractor. Betty Kalinka, Rt. 1, Box 175, Bethlehem 30620. Ph. 404-867-6820.

1981 JD 950 tractor w/5 ft. mower, used very little. C. Summerour, Lawrenceville.
Ph. 963-5336.

1977 F-2 Gleaner combine w/cab and air, 4 row corn header and grain table good cond. Randall Richardson, Bluffton. Ph. 912-835-2038.

Farmall Cub tractor w/cult. and harrow, good tires $1,850. Hilton Alien, Rt. 2, Box 345, Eastman 31023. Ph. 783-1352.

MC rotary scythe hay cutter good cond. $450. Royce Kendrick, Rt. 1, Box 85, Sparks 31647. Ph. 912-549-8416._____

JD 7700 Turbo combine no. 216 rigid table $18,500; R-40 Ditch Witch $3,500; JD no. 216 rigid grain table fair cond., make offer. Tim Dupree, Byron. Ph. 912-956-3818.________________

11 shank Blanton chisel plow, has spr-
ing trip feet $800; also, JD front wt. brackets no. R27642R $50 pr. Kenneth Ison, Rt. 1, Box 39A, Zebulon 30295. Ph. 404-567-8649.__________________

Ford sickle hay mower w/2 new blades, new bearings, exc. cond. $475. Terrell Sailors, Rt. 1, Winder 30680. Ph.

JD 6600 combine w/216 flex head, strawchopper, low hrs. exc. cond. Marvin Kauffman, Montezuma. Ph. 912-472-8833.

Lowboy trailer 16 ft., 3 axles, 2 in. oak
floor, lights, elec. brakes, heavy duty, used very little $1,000. Ed Tallon, Madison. Ph. 404-342-0240._____________

JD 350 dozer, 6 way blade, 3 pt. hitch $8,500; Gooseneck trailer $600; 610 Bobcat w/backhoe, and trailer $4,500; other. Joanne Strait, Marietta. Ph. 971-2386 or

Chicken litter spreader truck 22 ft. body exc. cond. Tony Norton, Stephens. Ph. 404-743-8233._____________

580 CK Case backhoe $6,500; one row

planter-dist., used 1 yr. $250. Gene

Brown, 3615 Hwy. 41, Byron. Ph.



3 pt. Athens cutting harrow, 16-20 in. disc, S/B, exc. cond. $375. T. F. Peaco*ck, Vldalia. Ph. 912-537-7030.________

18 ft. Bush Hog harrow, MF planters, Lllliston rolling cult., 4 row, Hardee 150 gal. sprayer, Buddy Bragg, Savannah. Ph. 912-748-4803 or 912-232-7171 Ext. 246.

1950 G model J D tractor, pul I type bush / bog harrow, some cult., tractor needs 2 insert rod bearings and 1 clutch bearing $500. Alien Harper, Atlanta. Ph.

1968 JD 1010 4 cyl. diesel, wide front, PTO and lift w/3 pt. hitch $3,300. Eugene Slzer, Rt. 2, Bockmart. Ph. 404-684-6914.

Intl. Cub Low-boy model 154 w/60 In. belly mounted mower, exc. cond. $3,000.
Dave Johnson, Kitty Hawk Dr., Stockbrtdge. Ph. 404-474-3525.______

Homemade utility trailers sml. $150; 4x8 $250; 6x9 $350; also, drag line bucket, make offer. John Higglns, Lawrenceville. Ph. 404-963-2445/5746.________

1971 Intl. 1600 spreader truck w/pump. George Burnett, P.O. Box 156, Valdosta 31601. Ph.912-242-9911.__________

5000 Ford tractor, good cond., new rear tires, 4 row Ford planters and 4 row rolling cult. $6,200/all, MF planters. Fred Atkinson, Rt. 5, Valdosta. Ph. 242-2230.

12 fert. spreader body on Ford Chassis, new cond. $9,000. J. C. Swancy, Rt. 4, Chalsworth. Ph. 404-334-2402.______

Garden tractor Troy, 7 hp. 2 yrs. old, pull start. C. W. Reyelts, Winston. Ph. 404-489-2650 an. 6 pm._________

10 ft. Rhino 3 pt. blade, hyd. angle and tilt; Brillion 8 ft. cultipacker-seeder; Gandy granular applicator for IH 480 harrow, 20 ft. Phil Ogletree, Griffin. Ph. 227-4601.

4 row set of Cole Duplex planters
w/cult. frame, kept under shelter, used only 1 season. $1,850. Pat McCorkle, Blakely. Ph. 912-723-5702.______

1962 Super C Farmall, exc. cond., 1 owner 3 disc tiller, section harrow, bush
hog, all planters and cult. $3,500. J. W. Puryear, Milledgeville. Ph. 912-968-5585.

Eight 20 in. discs bush / bog harrow, 3 pt. hitch, new bearings and races $450. Also, H Intl. tractor radiator $75. Billy Reddick, Sparta. Ph. 404-444-6130.

JD 1640 cutting harrow good cond. $3,500. Wilson Kendrick, Woodland 31836. Ph. 404-674-2214.
4 row KMC ripper spider and 4 JD 71 planters fully equipped for use, best offer. Rama Medders, Rt. 2, Sylvester 31791. Ph.912-776-4750.________
Rear tine tiller, KGilson 5 hp. Briggs / Stratton eng. $500 firm, exc. cond. C. V. Snedeker, Rt. 9, Box 307, Gainesville 30506. Ph. 534-9977.___________
Cattle beds 1 set sq. metal tubular, will fit Chev. longbed stepside pickup truck. Jerrill Garner, Temple. Ph. 562-3813 aft. 8
pm.__________________________ One J20 Ditch Witch trencher, exc.
cond. w/wo trailer. B. L. Grimes, Rt. 4, Box 147, Colquitt 31737. Ph. 912-758-3306.
1970 JD 350 dozer, 8 ft. blade, good cond. $6,200. Thomas Broome, Rincon. Ph. 912-826-2536._____________
Late model NH 273 hay baler, 950 JD mower, hay rake, all exc. cond. J.E. Mathews Jr., Pavo. Ph. 912-859-2711.
1980 MF tractor w/front end loader equip., trailer, other, $17,000. James Barnett, Covington 30209. Ph. 404-787-0158.________________
8N Ford tractor comp. rebuilt 1 yr. ago, one row cult., Cole planter w/dist., like new 5 ft. bush hog $2,550. Lamar Crawford, Grovetown. Ph. 404-541-1858.
Front cult, frame for JD 420, 430,2 row $25, no feet; Prolix liquid feed 2 wheel tank $65. Roy Goodwin, Evans. Ph. 404-863-8770 aft. 6 pm._____________
4 ft. bush hog $250; 6 ft. scrape blade $150. C. H. Holmes, Fayetteville. Ph. 461-6497._________________________
5020 JD tractor, good cond. $5,500; Turfline heavy duty, fully hyd., 20 ft. harrow $2,500. R. J. Thompson, Senoia. Ph. 404-599-3587.________________
L260 Kubota tractor 800 hrs. 4 pcs. equip., 16 ft. trailer, dual axle. A. H. Dobbs, Rt. 5, Dallas. Ph. 445-9370.
JD 6 row pull type planter model 7000 like brand new, used only once and planted 200 A. $9,000. Gene Starling, Rt. 1, Box 9, St. George 31646. Ph. 912-843-2366.________________
MF 180 diesel M/P PIS, dual remote hyd., spin outs w/wts., new paint $5,275. Lloyd Leach, Loganville. Ph. 466-4158.
4400 JD combine w/13 ft. Flexible head, diesel, straw chopper, 1976 model good cond. M. Hogan, Dublin. Ph. 912-676-3853._________________
Butterbean and snap bean picker 2 row Pixall priced to sell. Rudy Smith, Vidalia. Ph. 912-565-7374.______________
HD7 10 ft. dozer blade and cable operated dirt pan. Waymon Hilley, Rt. 3, Box 314, Danielsvllle 30633. Ph. 404-795-2210.__________________
JD dirt scoop $250, Earthway planter $250,4 row plus tree sprayer $390, all like new used 1 yr. Clarence Brown, Wamer Robins. Ph. 912-953-4800.________
Shredder Torso 5 hp., runs good $100. H. P. Willis, Marietta 30060. Ph. 436-0525.
JD LA, newly rebuilt eng., new paint job, new rear tires and tubes, new carb., w/plow and cult. $1300. Louis Hartzler, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-9663.
A Farmall tractor, cult., planter and 2 blade tiller, good cond. $1500. W. E. Hill, Sr., Conyers. Ph. 404-483-2451._____
16 in. bottom plows and older type bush hog, 5 ft. blade, all / $500. Charlie Dykes, Rt. 6, Macon. Ph. 746-2667.
One JD 2440 tractor, canopy, wts., 215 hrs., like new $12,500. Hubert Bonner, Rt. 1, Bremen. Ph. 404-537-5561.________
641 Ford tractor, JD rotary cutter, cult, w/all feet, planters, dist. and harrow all in good cond. Felton Borum, Box 523, Unadilla 31091. Ph. 912-627-3269/3070.
Gehl feed mill, exc. cond. Lyn Ingram, Rt. 1, Box 171 A, THton. Ph. 912-283-0654.
Sickle bar mower attach, for 16 hp. Sears tractor, cuts 48 In. swath $200. Randy Wllkins, Gumming. Ph. 887-9156.
JD 450 crawler loader Ser. no. 111008T, new tracks, pins, rollers, new paint canopy, 4 in 1 bucket $12,000. W. Susong, Conyers. Ph. 404-483-8288.________
Roto spader 5 hp. good cond. $100; at- tach. hiller / furrower and cult. $50. Fowler, Lawrenceville. Ph. 923-4688.
1952 8N Ford good to exc., 4 ft. brush cutter, 6 ft. scraper blade, BIB harrow $2,800. Harris, Falrburn. Ph.404-964-9405.
Farmall Cub tractor, rebuilt motor, 90% rubber, belly mower and cult. $3,000. James Lee, Gainesville. Ph. 404-532-0478.
One horse Bagwell wagon spring seat, exc. cond., orig. paint. Mrs. Ray Little, Rt. 6, Gainesville 30506. Ph. 404-983-7577.
JD 8430 tractor w/equip., 500 gal. Butane tank, 4 wheel farm trailer. Neal Dobbs, Cartersvllle. Ph. 382-5591.
H Farmall Cub, disc plow, cult, chopping, harrows, planter, good tires exc. cond. Robert McGuire, Covington. Ph. 786-9614._________________
AC HD 16 dozer, hyd. 80% Undercarriage, good eng. $16,000. R. J. Bradley, Social Circle. Ph. 464-3678 aft. 6 pm.
TD14 bulldozer w/hyd. straight blade,' clearing cab, extra bulldozer for parts. Henry Terry, Rome. Ph. 235-2456._____
45 JD corn header 210 for parts $50. Joe jBiady, Hsphzibah, Ph. 404^92-3696,.

JD 350 dozer blade, good cond., ROPS, $6000; front end loader fits med. size tractor, manual dump. Jim Doles, Marshallvllle. Ph. 912-967-2188.__________
1978 Ford tractor 7700 90 hp., like new, Ford 3 bottom flip over plow. W. C. Cook, Macon. Ph. 477-6578.____________
Pecan harvester McNair model 810 BM, 48 in. wide, dual fans, extra heavy duty gear box, good cond. Bill McKinnon, McRae. Ph. 912-868-5581._________
JD 5-16 bottom plow, IH 11 ft. disc harrow $500 ea., 5 ft. scrape blade $100. T. S. Stinson, Rome. Ph. 404-295-4722 or 232-3009.__________________
Lockwood pecan sprayer, 500 gal. stainless tank, Detroit dlesel eng., mounted on Intl. 1700 truck exc. cond. Ellis Belflower, Ft. Valley. Ph. 912-825-8513/1212.__________________
MF 180 diesel M/P PIS dual remote hyd., spin outs w/wts., real nice, new paint, $5,275. Lloyd Leach, Loganville. Ph. 466-4158._____________
D-7 3T Cat., real good shape. Chip Baggett, Lenox. Ph. 912-546-4525 aft. 6 pm.
Farmall Cub tractor, belly mower, sgl. disc plow, H. Hammond, Gumming. Ph. 887-3375.______________________
Gravely 7.6 dual wheel garden tractor, rotary plow, cult., turning plow, bush hog, elec. start exc. cond. C. M. Barron, Newnan 30263. Ph. 253-3171.________
Porclain LC 80 backhoe, tractor type undercarriage, 3/4 yd. bucket, exc. cond. $15,000, best offer. Lany Wheat, Macon. Ph. 912-935-2410 aft. 6._________
Sears auger 4 in. for sgl. man motor driven post hole digger $20. L. G. Jolley, Rt. 5, Box 263, Jackson 30233._____
6 row Nitrogen applicator 3 pt. hitch John Blue L4000 pump, stainless steel tank $750. James Short, Americus. Ph. 912-846-3911._______________
Kubota, 42 in. rotary tiller, 3 pt. hitch PTO operated, used one season, cost $1200, sell / $800. John Andrews, Social Circle. Ph. 404-464-3646.__________
Farm tractor, AC CA, cycle mower and 2 disk plow $2250 or best offer, all In good cond. Steven Stewart, Warner Robins. Ph. 912-929-0876.________
AC combine model 66 w/grain bin, wheat, millet, soybean screens, good canvas, runs good. Kenneth Harrison, Winder. Ph. 404-867-2053 aft. 6 pm.
AC B w/cult., turning plow, blade, and side mower, hyd. lift, tractor A-1 shape, equip, needs some repair. James Scott, Bethlehem. Ph. 962-1612 or 867-7054.
JD 40 U tractor, wide front end gas, 3 pt. $1,895. Warren Rogers, Jr., Griffin. Ph. 404-228-0345._______________
MF 35 Deluxe tractor in good cond. 3 cyl. diesel $2,200. Morris Pilkinton, Rt. 1, Sycamore 31790. Ph. 912-567-2403.
1972 JD combine 6600 w/20 ft. grain head $7,500 and JD 654 row crop header $4,000. Leon Lance, Rome. Ph. 404-232-6159.________________
Bush Hog 4 ft. $350. Mr. Verp, Lawrenceville. Ph. 963-1506 or 962-1949.
Morse scales portable, weighs up to 6000 Ibs. $450 or trade for corn; saw blades $100, up; Cub Cadet make offer. C. a Gowder, 639 Friendship Ch. Rdt, Powder Springs 30073._________7
16 hp. Ariens hydrostatic tractor w/lift, 5 in. 1 plow and 42 in. mower deck $2,200. G. H. Jones, Lithia Springs. Ph. 941-9680
aft. 6 pm.___________________
1 Paulk irrig. unit, pump, traveler, 3000 ft. pipe and trailer, used only 3 times, 1 ripper-bedder. Johnny Heath, Americus. Ph. 912-924-9836._____________
8 ft. cutting harrow, very good cond. Mickey Moore, Calhoun. Ph. 404-629-1668.___________________
D7 3T Cat. w/two dirt blades and one root rake. Troy Herndon, Bainbrldge. Ph. 912-246-7300._______________
Rebuilt, low hrs., Myers pecan sprayer 500 gal. stainless steel tank $10,000. J. W. Lute, Locust Grove 30248. Ph. 404-957-2181/9009.______________
One 30 in. dia. sawmill blade 2 In. center hole $30. Lester Bailey, Rt. 2, Box 1142, Rlnpgold 30736. Ph. 404-673-6068.
1 Sears 10 in. turner and 1 Sears 8 disc harrow, both 3 pt. hitch $97.50 ea., 1 horse turner $25. 0. L. Reese, Washington. Ph. 404-678-1370.______
H3 AC loader, 2 shears, Sherman backhoe, knuckleboom loader. A. W. Webb, Rt. 2, Box 366, Forsyth. Ph. 912-994-0861.______________
1978 White tractor, 4WD, approx. 72 hp. very good shape $8,500; 6 ft. sidewinder bush hog $800. T. Davis, Cumming. Ph. 887-1815.__________________
4440 JD 4 post canopy, duals and wts., 1600 hrs., exc. cond. John Itson, Rt. 1, Box 289, Pelham 31779. Ph. 912-294-4992.
Farm platform scales 4x6 ft., 6500 Ib. cap. $350, must be assembled. Bob Paxton. Falrburn. Ph. 404-964-4407._____
JD 1010 diesel dozer, hyd. reverser, recent eng. and undercarriage overhaul $4,900. Charles Smith, Ochlocknee 31773. Ph. 912-226-7082 aft. 6 pm.
14 ft. flatbelt conveyors; pit; corn shelter, 2 T. mixer. Lora Nell Burkett, Rt. 1, Box 25A, Homerville 31634. Ph. 912-487-2696 aft. 5.

Page 4


Wednesday, February 16, 1983

Farm machinery and
equipment for sale
Lilliston cult. w/Cole hopper $750; Cole planter $800. B. Q. Chitty Jr., 2440 Meadowbrook Dr., Valdosta 31601. Ph. 912-242-6056._______________
Wabco 11 yard self loading scraper pan, good cond. $5,500 or trade for tractor of equal value. Wm. Marks, Hephzibah. Ph. 404-592-4374.______
JD 40 tractor no lift. B. J. Tomlinson, Rt. 2, Box 246, Lake Park 31636. Ph. 912-559-7271 nights.________
Two high speed Cole planters, like new $200 ea.; also, 2 row cult, frame $200. J. Slmmons, Hazlehurst. Ph. 375-3445.
8N tractor good cond., like new tires. David Barnett, Fayetteville. Ph. 461-4649 or 478-0264._____________
1979 Intl. tractor w/front end loader, cost new $15,500, sell / $10,500, 3509 actual hrs. Carleton Fox, Roswell. Ph. 404-475-3688 or 404-992-7010.______
One TD-18 bulldozer, runnable, 1 TD-18 bulldozer for parts only incl. good blade; 1 McCormick Dearing silage cutter, Jack Lindsay, Jefferson. Ph. 404-543-8338.
Taylor-Way harrows, 16 in. disc, dbl. section w/8 disc on ea. section $425. L. Dangar, Woodstock. Ph. 404-345-6330.
1952 8N Ford tractor like new cond. w/new paint and eng. overhaul, $2,195 or best offer. E. Bracewell, Augusta. Ph. 404-793-2250.______________
Used 690-B JD backhoe 1977 model, 30 in. track pads, entire machine in good cond. $42,500. John Hobbs, Edison. Ph. 912-835-2888.________________
5 ft. bush hog, deep sides extra heavy exc. cond. $400. Dwight LaVelle, 2616 Hwy. 155, McDonough 30253. Ph. 957-5793.__________________
Hough 25B loader 73 mode. 3/4 yd. Lou Bianchi, 7099 Countyline, Lithia Springs 30059. Ph. 404-942-0725.________
20 ft. trailer, 3 axle, all metal, lights, elec. brakes $1,050, will swap for 14 ft. tilt trailer and 2 row cult. James Campbell, Fitzgerald. Ph. 912-423-5596.______
Attach, for Sears tractors, 8 in. plow, 10 in. plow, mechanical hit, scrape blade and drag harrow $45 ea. or all / $150. Hansell Cross, Covington. Ph. 404-786-7591._______________
1 ear corn conveyor 20 ft.; also, piston type pump (Myers bulldozer) w/1/H motor G.E. Holcomb, Rt. 3, Cartersville 30120. Ph. 404-382-2955.______________
Deutz tractor need transmission repair, David Brown, need eng. repair, T340 IH dozer $2000 ea. J. -Lewis, Griffin. Ph. 227-0940.____________________
20 ft. Parkhurst grain and livestock body, new oak floor, tarp and bows, good cond. John Melvin, Carrollton. Ph. 404-834-3167.______________
4 row Paulk ripper spider w/o planters like new $1,800. Donnie Martin, Ft. Valley. Ph. 912-825-2758._________
126 rack Long LP gas bulk barn, 5 tower Gillord-HI. center pivot, good cond. Rex Smith, Ambrose. Ph. 912-384-6645.
1965 D-7 Cat. bulldozer. Doug DeMott, Rt. 1, Box 52, Hartsfield 31756. Ph. 912-941-2675 aft. 6 pm._________
4 row AC no-till planters w/coulters, lift type like new $2,200. Dudley Stamps, Moreland. Ph. 404-253-0410 or 251-2696.
1972 Ford 4000 gas tractor w/772 Ford front end loader $5,500; also, Blanton chisel plow w/7-tines $400. Kenneth Scott, Ranger. Ph. 334-2488.______
1 KMC 4 row ripper bedder, 1 4 row planter w/JD-71 planters and Penco injector attach, 1 KMC 11 shank chisel plow. Leon Coates, Rt. 1, Ft. Gaines 31751. Ph. 912-768-2609._____________
Ford Dexta tractor, 30 hp. diesel, live PTO, A-1 cond. $2,900. W. Parker, Marietta. Ph. 404-926-8592.__________
HD 6 dozer w/winch and root rake in reas. coind., cab, new batteries $6,500. Jim Lugo. Colquitt. Ph. 912-758-2975.
JD RWA harrow, Century sprayer, JD 4 disc tiller, Jeep dump trailer, rotary hoe, 30 in. cut-off saw w/steel frame. James Heath, Jr., Woodland. Ph. 404-674-2616.
JD 1010 dozer w/elearing cab, hyd. blade, almost comp. rebuilt, very good cond. $6500, consider trade for larger dozer. Grady Stanley, Resaca. Ph. 404-277-1002._________________
For sale or trade New Idea 256 mower $400, AC pull type hay rake $500, used last year. Clarence Page, Winder 30680. Ph. 867-4035 aft. 5 pm.__________
Ford bottom flip on land plow $1,800. Glenn Short, Americus. Ph. 912-846-4362.
Sides for shortbed pickup for hauling cattle, made of pipe $50. Ed Hltt, 626 Chamblin Rd., Grovetown 30813. Ph. 404-863-1620._____________
One 30x70 ft. and one 30x40 ft. Harvestores w/Goliath unloader and sweep auger. Mrs. Edith Stripling, Rt. 5, Box 553, Moultrie 31768. Ph. 912-985-1776 or 912-324-2222.____________
Comp. steering box for 8N Ford tractor and comp. steering box for 600 Ford tractor. H. F. Atha, Rt. 2, Monroe 30655. Ph. 26^-8768..

10 ft. MC rotary scythe; AC 7060, 165 hp. w/duals 20.X36, $10,500. Leo Perfect, Rt. 2, Box 44, Unadilla 31091. Ph. 912-627-3820._____________
1972 MF 135, gas, 1671 hrs., good paint and rubber, exc. cond. $4,250. D. Herron, Rt. 2, Martin 30557. Ph. 404-356-8603.
Pert, spreader, 3 pt. hitch, cone shaped 550 Ib. cap., like new $275 firm. D. Van Vliet, Jonesboro. Ph. 478-9977._____
No. 202 New Holland manure spreader good cond. $475 or will trade for 8 disk Taylor-Way bush / bog harrow. Fred Harcrow, Roopvllle. Ph. 404-854-4891.
IH B414 diesel tractor, 3 pt. tandem disc harrow, 3 bottom plow, all in good cond. $2,400. Barry Sklles, Americus. Ph. 912-924-1960.____________
Farmall Cub, cult., 1 disc plow, drawbar, scrape blade, sickle mower, dbl. disc harrow $2,000. John Sizemore, Rt. 8, Rome 30161. Ph. 235-5356.________
TD-15 Intl. dozer w/cable blade, good cond. Jet Cooling, Tallapoosa. Ph. 574-7533/2490._____________
Intl. tractor and harrow, 2 row $1,700. Jimmy Barrineau, Cairo. Ph. 912-377-4488 aft. 8 pm.___________________
2 Ford backhoe buckets, one 30 in., one 24 in., exc. cond. $500 for both. Oscar Thomas, Lithonia. Ph. 404-482-8346.
464 Intl. diesel/tractor and harrow, planters, cult., R/mower and T/plow, 875 hrs. $9,500. H. W. Deal, Statesboro. Ph. 912-865-2187.__________
Sawmill, Frick, w/edger and power unit $3,500, mill w/edger only $2100, mill only $1800. Calvin Stanley, Talking Rock. Ph. 698-4427.________________
No. 120 Gehl feedmill (portable) 3 ton cap., exc. cond. list $8,200, sell for $4,400. D. A. Law, Rt. 1, Chula 31733. Ph. 912-382-4842._________________
Troy-Bilt6hp. 1979 mo., like new cond., used 15 hrs. w/furrower $500; also, hand pushed seeder 5 plates $25. M. L. Whithead, Rt. 1, Bogart. Ph. 404-543-3600.
D-15 AC tractor, bush hog, post hole digger, all purpose plow $2,750; JD 3 pt. hitch mower $475. Fred Cooke, Temple. Ph. 404-562-4488.___________
3T-D7 Cat. whole or parts, one H16 AC dozer, cable blade, new paint, possibly will trade for cattle. Thomas Segars, Bowman. Ph. 404-245-7003._______
9416 Cat. loader 1978 model D-2 Cat. dozer, 580C Case backhoe 1980, 2-S-12 Euclid pans, D-7E Cat. dozer. Mary Ruth Lockaby, Hiawassee. Ph. 404-896-4901.
Ford model 4-16 in. bottom plow, spring trip, 3 pt. hitch, very good cond. Bob Fowler, Royston. Ph. 404-245-6875.
Farmall A tractor w/2 disc plow, cutting harrow, cult., new rear tines, runs good $1,700. Tommy Shields, Cohutta 30710. Ph. 404-694-8170.________
1977 MF grain feed mill 2 ton cap., extra grating $2,000; 1977 tractor Hardee agri. herbicide sprayer, fiberglass tank, 6 row, $250. Mrs. Watson Bevill, Springfield. Ph. 754-6940._________________
5500 Hesston round baler, baled 1000 rolls, $5,500; NH 489 haybine, 7 shank chisel plow, 12 shank, chisel, other. Emmett Colllns, Jr., Woodbury. Ph. 672-1380.
4 bottom plow $450, 5 ft. Covington rotary cutter $790. Ed Waldrep, 956 Ala. St., Carrollton 30117. Ph. 404-832-7086.
615 AC backhoe $8,500, 3 buckets, good cond. Bobby Hamil, 2126 Hwy. 16E, Griffin. Ph. 404-227-6342/2851._____
Dbl. axle Lowboy 16 ft. bed, lights, brakes, attached ramps, steel all around, standard cuts $850. D. B. Holbert, Fairmount. Ph. 404-337-2431.________
1982 9 row AC no-till planters, A-1 cond. like new, planted only 300 A. Fred T. Craig, Rt. 1, Box 59, Carnesville 30521. Ph. 404-384-4655.__________
Hobart 400 amp. portable welder on heavy trailer $1,000 or trade for portable generator. James King, Dawsonville. Ph. 404-265-2571.________________
Farmall Cub tractor w/cult., Woods belly mower, good cond. $1,875. Ron Arrendale, Clarkesville. Ph. 404-745-4349 aft. 5
pm. ____________________ TD 15 Intl. dozer, power shift, clearing
cab, 12 ft. blade. Gene Ensz, Louisville. Ph. 912-625-3796/6408.__________
WC AC tractor w/cracked water jacket, good for parts. James King, 5232 Rivoli Dr., Macon 31210. Ph. 912-477-1587.
Cement mixer, legs have wheels $150. Ed Bowles, McDonough. Ph. 404-957-4665.________________
14 ft. hammer mill, belt-sacker, 8 ft. cultipacker $200; 10 ft. JD grain drill $500. Dwight Kirby, Fayetteville. Ph. 461-7832.
4 row set of Cole Duplex planters w/cult. frame, kept under shelter, used one season $1,850. Pat McCorkle, Rt. 2, Blakely. Ph. 912-723-5702._______
1969 140 Farmall tractor and cult, w/planters in exc. cond. Roy Vaughn, Barnesville. Ph. 404-358-1123 aft. 6 pm.
Hammer mill 2/3 pt. hitch, PTO drive w/sacker attach., good cond. $200. P. Paulk, Eatonton. Ph. 404-485-9252 aft. 6
pm.___________________ 5 shank JD bottom plow 3 pt. hitch
$500; 5 shank subsoiler 3 pt. $300; 1 row Ford corn snapper mount type $50, other. Wayne Luckey, Blythe. Ph. 404-592-4687.

641 Workmaster Ford tractor, gas, good cond. Dale Davis, Pearson. Ph. 912-422-3128.
JD 4030 and JD 2440 both in good cond.; also, JD 6620 combine w/469 hrs. Donnie Conned, Williamson 30292, call aft. 7 pm.
2 MF 37 planters $300 ea., one 6 hp. 3 pt. roto-spader for Sears $300. W. J Register, Stockton 31649. Ph 912-482-3840.
JD 4430, quadrange transmission, canopy, duals and wts.; MF 1105 multipower, canopy, duals and wts.; 14 ft bush hog harrow. Lorin Williams, Pineview. Ph. 892-9704.
JD 20 ft. finishing harrow, 4 row JD rotary hoe, Lilliston 6 row rolling cult Robert Abel, Americus. Ph. 912-924-9814
1973 Economy tractor model K3215,14 hp. Kohler eng. fully hyd., 4 ft. belly mower, scrape blade, harrows and cult. $2,000 firm. Morton, Covington. Ph 404-787-9285.
3020 JD tractor, roll bar and canopy, good tires and tractor in exc. cond. 225 JD off-set harrow and 7 shank chisel plow. M. G. Harris, Manchester. Ph. 404-846-9777.
Sims all weather cab for 4500 TL B, in cl. windshield and curtains to be used w/ROPS. Hubert Bramblett, Suches. Ph. 404-838-4779.
8N Ford rebuilt motor good cond. $1,950. C. Price, Macon. Ph. 912-746-0900.
3 pt. hitch Pittsburg, 2 row cult, w/9 feet and stabilizer disc $350 cash. J. T. Woodard, Gray. Ph. 912-986-5341.
Pittsburg 2 row cult., 7 feet, exc. cond. $275. F. L. Harbuck, 213 Earl St., Americus 31709. Ph. 912-928-0256.
1 set 4 row AC planters, 5 JD bottom plow 14 in., 1 set 5 Ford bottom plows 16 in., good cond. Mac Benson, Milledgevllle 31061. Ph. 912-452-4962.
KMC rotary tiller w/lift access wheel, row markers, 6 JD 1971 Flex planters, subsoiler attach. $4,500; JD rotary hoe 21 ft. $2,200. J. E. Carroll, Macon. Ph. 788-9597.______________
471 Detroit diesel power unit, just been rebuilt. Warren Wishon, Ellijay. Ph. 404-635-2786._____________
Midland 10 ft. dbl. hopper no-till grain 1 drill $3,800; also, 3 row JD 335 corn head for 55 combines. John Leslie, Rt. 1, Ball Ground. Ph. 893-2592.__________
Kubota L185 tractor w/Woods 59L belly mower, 1 yr. old, 17 hp. diesel 800 hrs., $5,000; Cub Cadet 125 $1,000. B. Lavender, Marshallvllle. Ph. 912-967-2814.
Pecan sprayer, Myers Irg. cap., rebuilt $10,000; pecan sweeper $2,500; pecan harvester $2,500. H. R. Shearouse, Locust Grove. Ph. 957-9009/2181.________ '
TO 35 MF diesel tractor w/less than 75 hrs. on rebuilt eng. and rebuilt front end $3,250. R. T. Harris, 2191 Trailwood Dr., Smyrna 30080.__________________
1979 MF 245, 700 hrs., harrow, 5 ft. rotary mower, box blade $8,000. Norman Hugglns, Ocilla. Ph. 468-9587.______
Intl. 504 diesel, power steering, live PTO, remote cyl. hookup, A-1 cond. $3,500. Dave Drexler, Fitzgerald. Ph. 912-423-7174 aft. 6 pm._________
2010 JD tractor, gas, low hrs., 3 pt. hitch, live PTO, PS, exc. cond., equip. F. L. Horton, Rt. 1, Moultrie. Ph. 912-782-5750.______________
Loader-backhoe, rubber tires, 1972IHC 2400 series A, $5500 or trade for equal value tractor. Andy Buchanan, Columbus. Ph. 563-1752.__________
2 manure spreaders, one good and one good as a wagon, both for $250. J. Cohen, Rt. 3, Buena Vista. Ph. 953-3003 or 922-2097._______________
1977 F2 Gleaner combine w/cab and air, 4 row corn header and grain table, good cond. Randall Richardson, Edison. Ph. 912-835-2038.___________
Gurley surveying transit model 100 w/other equip., exc. cond. John Young, Buena Vista. Ph. 912-649-7308.______
Hyd. controlled disc plows, bush hog and H Farmall, good cond. Alfred Saville, RFD 1, Homer 30547. Ph. 404-677-3632.
Tractor, rubber tires, backhoe w/front loader, Intl. 3400, new eng., good cond. $5,500. Oliver Hall, Jonesboro. Ph. 477-6725 aft. 7 pm._____________
Model F Gleaner combine, 13 ft. grain platform, cab, good cond. Thomas Jordan, Rt. 2, Andersonville 31711. Ph. 912-924-4131/7112.______________
1486 Intl. tractor, 4 post front and side enclosure, 21 ft. Bush Hog harrow, 4 row rip/plant w/Cole planters, 3 skidders, other. M. Folendore, Milledgeville. Ph. 912-452-9338.____________
AC model C, will sell all or parts in good cond. except for cracked eng. block. Al Sims, Jonesboro. Ph. 478-2673.
A-orchard type JD for parts only $350; MT JD runs $750. J. Snipes, Montezuma. Ph. 912-472-8084.___________
Sears 8 hp. tiller, rear tine good cond., used very little $300. C. W. Hyatt, Atlanta. Ph. 622-6395.________________
1971 New Holland mower conditioner model 478, like new only cut 20 A. field $4,500. Ed Britzius, Newnan. Ph.' 404-251-1757 or253-3733.- > -

3 pr. wheels, axles and tires, elec. brake, 3 extra tires and rims exc. cond. $500 for making farm trailer. J. R. Mock, Juniper. Ph. 269-3895._________
JD 520 tractor, 3 pt. hitch, 6 ft. JD Bush Hog in exc. shape $2,200. J. P. Strickland, Rt. 2, Cedartown. Ph. 748-5434.
Want front and rear cult, for B model JD; also, 16 disc harrow. Edward Colston, Rt. 1, Taylorsville 30178. Ph. 404-382-9619._____________
Want good 5 ft. or 6 ft. sidewinder or equal qual. rotary mower; PTO driven 230 V, 12,000 watt or larger gen., will trade hay. R. W. Johnson, Concord. Ph. 404-227-6211._____________
Want root rake for JD 450 loader. Billy Pruitt, Mansfield. Ph. 468-6096.______
Want one set 440 JD front end loader rails, good cond. J. D. Parker, P.O. Box 126, Geneva. Ph. 404-269-3821.______
Want 2 sickle blades 7 ft. for MF 41 mower, give price and location. Wallace Glover, Rt. 1, Box 138A, Rock Springs 30739.________________
Want to buy 9 ft. dozer blade for a 450B or 450C JD dozer, must be in good cond. Bob Whitmire, Clermont. Ph. 404-983-7256.______________
Want hyd. pump for 1969 P. King tractor, need idle gear but will consider whole pump. R. C. Boyd, P.O. Box 367, Adairsville 30103. Ph. 404-773-3141 aft. 5
pm._________________________ Want one 3 pt. hitch for WD AC tractor.
E. E. Karr, 1080 N. Old Gumming Rd., Roswell. Ph. 404-945-6873._______
Want rotary tiller for Gravely walk behind tractor. Verne Bliss, 1180 Kingston Dr., N.E., Atlanta 30342. Ph. 404-255-1730._______________
Want junk or repairable JD M 320, 420, 430, 1010, 1020. Larry Fleming, Rt. 1, Wlnterville. Ph. 724-8825 aft. 5 pm.
Want hood, grille and fenders for MF 35, would consider junk tractor. Carter Hall, Rt. 3, Adairsville 30103. Ph. 404-773-3263._______________________
Want turning plow to fit a Sears 12 or 14 hp. garden tractor w/3 pt. hitch. Bobby LaFavor, 2520 Tucker Vill Rd., S.W., Conyers 30207. Ph. 922-8720.________
Want mulcher, gas, or elec. eng. Karen Palmer, Rt. 2, Box 147C, Jesup 31545. Ph. 912-427-4383 aft. 5 pm.________
Want diesel 4 cyl. eng. for Case 310 crawler tractor. William Huff, Milledgevllle. Ph. 452-5177.______
Want 7 shank all purpose plow w/in middle N. Ga. area. Bill Durrett, P.O. Box 451, Jasper 30143.________________
Want sml. bulldozer good to fair cond., prefer JD 420 or 440 or one of comparable size. Clay Pace, Rt. 1, Nicholson 30565. Ph. 404-757-3430 aft. 6.________
Want M or 40 JD tractor and cult, for B AC tractor, corn header for JD combine, James Boleman, Rt. 2, Hartwell. Ph. 403-376-8980.______________
Want 9 or 10 ft. off-set harrow cyl. type in good cond. C. F. Collins, Dahlonega. Ph. 404-864-6300.____________
Want 35 hp. or better diesel tractor, prefer Industrial w/wo front end loader in need of repair, not abused. Gary Caprara Alpharetta. Ph. 475-5777._______
Want one heavy duty off-set harrow) want one 12 or 15 in. Fitchburg brush chipper. Mahlon Turner, Rt. 3, Cleveland 30528. Ph.404-865-2311._______
Want to buy JD silage cutter, prefer 2 row. George Lanier, Cartersville. Ph, 404-382-9859 aft. 5 pm.___________
Want Bush / Bog harrow, cult., scrape blade, other farm equip., 3 pt. hitch to fit Ford Jubilee fire tractor. P.L. Hembrey, P.O. Box 66, Winder 30680. Ph. 867-6778.
Want 4 or 5 bottom flip over on land MF plows 16 in. any cond. w/good frame. Andy Morrell, 258 Maryland Dr., Camilla 31730. Ph. 912-336-5580.________
Want 8N or 9N Ford, will exchange JD Grassland drill, pay difference. Hoke Lee, Rt. 1, Box 15, Metter. Ph. 665-2417.
Want 1 row JD w/3 pt. hitch and equip.; want one row Farmall w/fast hitch and equip., please no junk. C. R. Baker, PO Box 67, Pavo 31778. Ph. 859-2231.
Want MF model 65 for front end parts or total salvage. Don Baker, Waynesboro. Ph.404-554-3651.___________
Want to buy a 40 to 60 hp. power unit in good cond. and reas. Doyl C. King, Rt. 2, Bremen 30110. Ph. 404-537-3168 aft. 6 pm.
Want turning plow and harrow for AC B model tractor. Mike Alien, Atlanta. Ph. 404-892-2055._____________
Want Farmall Cub fert. hopper. J. E. Wheeler, Acworth. Ph. 404-974-3481.
Want two 11.00-16 front tractor tires and wheels to fit Ford 9600 6 lug pattern. Tom Kinchen, Screven. Ph. 579-6684.
Want trans. parts for TD15 Intl. dozer. W. T. Liner, Tallapoosa. Ph. 574-7533 /
2490._________________ Want Troy-Bilt N. of Atlanta area, good
cond. 6 hp., will consider other similar garden tractor or hp. Troy-Bilt. H. B. GitoraattvTrion. Ph. 734,2543. ,

Want cover for transmission rear axle for 8N Ford tractor. Paulk Smith, Rt. 1, Box 250, Alapaha 31622. Ph. 912-532-5071 or 4155.________________
Want JD tractors for parts 430 or 435. Martha Dorsey, Sunny side. Ph. 404-227-4749 aft. 4:30 pm.__________
Want gravity wagon on 5th wheel, front end mounted 150 gal. sprayer tank and 4 row cult. Leroy Hartzler, Toomsboro. Ph. 912-933-5952.______________
Want operators manual on H and B JD tractors, will pay post. Thomas Pennington, Rt. 1, Box 36, Pendergrass 30567.
Want tire chains 8.00x16 and wts. for Case 444 garden tractor. Frank Dumas, Rt. 5, Box 297, Cumming 30130. Ph. 889-1399._________________
Want used turnip green cutter. Bobby Hamil, 2126 Hwy. 16E, Griffin. Ph. 404-227-6342/2851.___________
Want horse wagon w/good wheels and axles, body cond. doesn't matter. Chuck Stanley, Atlanta. Ph. 525-4728._____
Want 3 pt. hitch rotary mower 6 ft., 3 blades in good cond. and reas., 50 mi. radius. A. M. Roberts, 4795 Kimball Br. Rd., Alpharetta 30201. Ph. 475-3570.
Want Shaver Post driver any cond., want dirt, used forklift or farm equip., will trade T950 Ford 14 ft. Box dump. J. H. Taunton, Gay. Ph. 538-6865.________
Want to buy tiopper bottom grain trailer and want to buy blade for D7F dozer. Leon Lance, Rome. Ph. 404-232-6159.________________________
Want to buy hay rake in good cond. Pete Peterson, RR 2, Box 199, Jasper 30143. Ph. 404-692-5984._________
Want left rear housing and bull gear for HD4 AC dozer. Jimmy Cochran, Rt. 1, Baldwin 30511. Ph. 404-677-4952.
Want comp. hay press for NH 273 or 275 hay baler. Everette Lowe, 900 Lower Rd., Cohutta 30710. Ph. 404-694-8474 aft.
6 pm._______________________________ Want 1 pt. hitch 3 cubic foot or larger
cement mixer. Charles Barefoot, Box 121, Grantville 30220. Ph. 404-583-2674.
Want portable sawmill that can be rebuilt, cheap for cash. M. Parsons, West Point. Ph. 645-1596._________
Want metal or wood cattle sides for longbed Dodge pickup prefer slide-in type. B. Hester, Winder. Ph. 867-7709.
Want to buy peach sprayer for a small peach orchard, PTO, need it now. Robert Rowe, Rt. 1, Box 118, Luthersvllle 30251. Ph.404-927-6371.
Cattle, swine, other
livestock for sale
Cattle farmers should have had the livestock advertised in their possession 60 days or more before offering it for sale through this publication.
Cattle moving from farm to farm should have a negative brucellosis test within the past 30 days before they are moved whenever this is a change of ownership. Exceptions being cattle from certified herds or those consigned directly for slaughter.
1 to 16 outstanding reg. Limousin heifers, Carnival and Fanfaron breeding. Joe Glbson, Rome. Ph. 404-235-6296.
Jersey/Holstein heifer, $175, Angus / Holstein heifers, 12 mos., $350, Jersey cow to freshen in Aug., $500. Jae Motes, Canton. Ph. 479-3892.__________
Reg. Beefalo bulls and sem*n for sale. O. E. Deaver, Rt. 4, Blairsville. Ph. 404-374-5789._____________
Polled/horned reg. Santa Gertrudis bulls, reas. priced, good selection, from reputation herd, can del. Joe Garcia, Oonalsonville. Ph.912-524-2680 night, 372-5634 day.____________
Yearling Santa Gertrudis bulls, horned, from $900, polled from $1100, certi. herd, del. avail. A. Haman, Sapelo Farms, Brunswick. Ph. 912-264-0864.______
Purebred Angus bulls, long type, ready for service. Dallas H. Powell, Leesburg. Ph. 912-435-9707.______________
Jersey heifers, bred, open, milk cow w/calf, grass calves, bulls, heifers, beef type on feed and pasture. B. Hester, Winder. Ph. 867-7709.___________
Reg. Holstein bulls, service age, sires Pete and Conductor, $900-$1200 ea. Noah W. Yoder, Montezuma. Ph. 912-472-7944.
Reg. Black Angus bulls for sale, AHIR data avail. Alan Laney, Scottswood Farm, Pine Mtn. Ph. 404-663-4981._________
Ready for freezer, 2 Black White Face heifers about 650 Ibs., corn fed for 2 mos., 68$ Ib. E. A. Greer, Snellville. Ph. 979-1334 aft.-5 pm.

Wednesday, February 16, 1983


Consider, the Month

When Buying Food

The quality of some foods is higher and the prices more reasonable when you make it a practice to buy a particular item in its most abundant season. Refer to the list below when you shop for the best food buys.

January apples grapefruit oranges
February apples grapefruit oranges
March apples artichokes grapefruit oranges
April artichokes asparagus pineapple turkey
May asparagus corn pineapple strawberries tomatoes
June berries cherries corn fresh fish melon plums tomatoes

berries cherries corn fresh fish grapes lemons limes melon nectarines peaches plums tomatoes
August berries corn fresh fish grapes melon nectarines peaches pears plums tomatoes
September cauliflower corn grapes peaches pears plums tomatoes

October apples brussels sprouts cauliflower cranberries fresh shellfish pears pumpkin sweet potatoes turkey winter squash
November apples brussels sprouts cauliflower cranberries fresh shellfish oranges pumpkin sweet potatoes turkey winter squash

Calvin Melcber of Grovetown is proud of this five pound, purple top turnip he produced in his 1/2 acre patch earlier this season. After the picture was made, Melcher replanted the turnip in a pot and according to a letter from his wife, "It's growing again by leaps and bounds."

December apples cranberries grapefruit oranges sweet potatoes
turkey winter squash

No, that is not a little turnip Brace Holly of Marietta is holding but an extra-large radish. The radish weighs one pound and 12 ounces and Mr. Holly grew it in his garden this fall.

Ag Day Contests
(Continued from Page 1)

the topic, "Agriculture: It's your Heartbeat, America." For example, essays can emphasize the importance of agribusiness in Georgia or your community, your knowledge of a particular crop that is produced in Georgia or agriculture's link in the economy. Contest open for two grade categories: Fifth to Eighth grade and Ninth to Twelfth grade students.
*Each essay must be accompanied by a statement from the student's teacher verifying the grade and listing the school's name and city. Absence of this statement will disqualify entry.
*A.$50 prize will be awarded the winner of each group and five "honorable mentions" will be selected.
*Be sure and write clearly and neatly. Illegible entries will be disqualified.
* Include your name and complete address. Essays cannot be returned.
* Deadline for entries is March 2, 1983. Winners will be announced in the March 23 MARKET BULLETIN.
PHOTO CONTEST * Submit a clear photo capturing a typical scene from

Georgia agriculture. Minimum size photo three inches by five inches. There will be two categories, black and white and color. Limit of three entries per person.
* Include a statement explaining the content of the photo. Identify any individuals in the photo and include their permission for publication. Be sure to write your name and address on the back of the photograph and any attachments.
* Photographs cannot be returned. They become the property of the MARKET BULLETIN office and may be used in future editions of the paper. Credit will be given photographer if used.
The winning picture in each category will be published in the MARKET BULLETIN and each winner will receive $50. Five black and white and five color picture honorable mentions also will be selected.
* Deadline for entries is March 2, 1983.
Prizes for the contests are provided by the Atlanta Farmers Club and the Georgia Agribusiness Council. Employees of the Georgia Department of Agriculture, members of the

Georgia Agribusiness Coun-

cil and Atlanta Farmers Club

and their families are not

eligible to enter. Contests are

limited to Georgia residents.

Mail contests entries to:




BULLETIN, P.O. Box 38313,

Capitol Square, Atlanta,

Georgia 30334.

If you have any questions

concerning the contests, call


GEORGIA NO. 2 Georgia is the second largest egg producing state in the nation with approximately 22.8 million layers. Each hen lays approximately 245 eggs per year. That totals to 15.3 million eggs every day . . . 107 million eggs a week . . . and 5.6 billion eggs per year!
Watch "Georgia Farmer" each Friday morning at 7:15 on the Georgia Public Television Network.

Page 5
eorgia Cooking
February is Egg Month in Georgia and this year the Georgia Egg Commission is placing special emphasis on the importance of breakfast. To make breakfast a little easier, the Commission has developed the following recipes that featuring Georgia eggs that can be prepared the night before.
BREAKFAST SQUARES 10 slices of bread 6 eggs g 2 cups milk g 1 pound mild pork sausage, cooked and crumbled g 2 cups mozzarella cheese, grated
(The night before) Cut bread slices into cubes. Beat together eggs and milk. Add bread cubes and allow to soak. Cook sausage and drain well. Lightly grease 11 x 7 inch glass baking dish. Layer sausage and cheese in pan. Pour egg mixture on top and mix gently. Refrigerate over night.
(In the morning) Bake in a preheated oven at 400 degrees for 40 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Yields 8 servings. This may be baked ahead and frozen.
Georgia Egg Commission
BANANA NUT BREAD Vi cup shortening 1 cup sugar 2 eggs g 4 bananas, mashed 2 cups flour, sifted >/4 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon soda Vt teaspoon salt 1 cup nuts, chopped g
(The night before) Cream shortening and sugar. Add eggs, one at a time, beating after each addition. Add bananas. Next add dry ingredients and pecans. Bake in a greased and floured loaf pan in 350 degree oven for 1 hour 15 minutes. Makes 12 servings. (In the morning) Slice and toast, add butter and serve.
Georgia Egg Commission
EGG PIZZA 2 cups biscuit mix VA cup cold water 1 tablespoon oil 5 hard-cooked eggs e 1/2 teaspoon salt V* teaspoon pepper g 1 no. 2 can tomatoes, sliced and well drained g 1 six-ounce can tomato paste 1/4 cup finely chopped onion g Vt teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon oregano Vi teaspoon thyme 2 cups Cheddar cheese, shredded g
(The night before) To prepare crust, stir water into biscuit mix until moistened. Form into a ball and place on a lightly floured surface; knead 8 to 10 times. Pat dough out on a cookie sheet or pizza pan into a 12-inch circle. Pinch up edges of dough to make a rim and brush surface with oil. Slice eggs and arrange evenly over dough, reserving 5 center slices for garnish. Sprinkle eggs with salt and pepper. In bowl, combine tomatoes, tomato paste, onion salt, oregano and thyme. Spread mixture over eggs, top with shredded cheese. Cover with aluminum foil and refrigerate. (In the morning) Bake in a 450 degree oven for 20 minutes or until crust is brown and cheese is melted and bubbly. Serve immediately with an egg slice on top of each wedge. Makes 4-6 servings.
Georgia Egg Commission
WANTED: PEACH RECIPES If you have a favorite recipe which includes peaches, please send it to the MARKET BULLETIN, Room 227, Agriculture Building, Capitol Square, Atlanta 30334.
The "g" signifies that this Is a Georgia product.
Unless otherwise Indicated, all recipes have been tested tor accuracy In the Department of Agriculture test kitchen, by Home Economist Marcia McNeely. If you would like to share your favorite recipe with our readers, send to Georgia Cookin', Market Bulletin, Capitol Square, Atlanta 30334.



Wednesday, February 16,1983

Angus, bulls, 12-24 mos., production tested Angus herd improvement records, birth, weaning and yearling wts., from 1400 Ib. cows artificially bred to top bulls. Mr. Nordlund, Fayetteville. Ph. 404-461-8741.___________________
Angus bulls, A.I. sired, 10-16 mos., Old Warrent & Long Dist., $500 up. Richard Cochran, Baldwin. Ph. 404-677-4542.
3 purebred Santa Gertrudis bulls, 3,5,6 yrs. old, on feed, ready for hvy. breeding, $800-$1200. Mark Bayer, Warner Robins. Ph. 912-987-0032._______________
12 Holstein heifers, avg. wt. 400 Ibs., all for $5000; group steers and heifers. Lester Carson, Watkinsville. Ph. 769-6113._______________
20 head reg. Jersey heifers, 8-13 mos. Hank Russell, Boston. Ph. 912-226-8578.
Nice Polled Hereford reg. bull, 5 yrs. old; young Polled Hereford bull, 14 mos.; 1 lot nice young Polled Hereford heifers, some bred, some open, CMR & Gay Hill breeding. R. S. Sherman, Rome. Ph. 295-2020.___________________
Black Angus cows, calves at side, bred back, $750. Mr. Verp, Lawrenceville. Ph. 962-1949/963-1506.__________
Beef type feeders and grass calves, bull and heifers on grass. Mrs. E. Summers, Stockbridge. Ph. 404-483-1747.
Reg. Angus bull and Vi Limo. polled blk. bull, both 4 yrs. old, $1000 ea. D. M. Pitts, Haddock. Ph. 932-5231 eve.
Santa Gertrudis purebred bulls, reg., classified S. Robert Reed, Doerun. Ph. 912-766-4935.__________________
Norwegian Reds, fine pure blood bull, $2000, pregnant crossbred cows, $500 ea., certi. / accredi., reg. Richard Putnam, Blalrsvllle. Ph. 404-745-6848._______
Top bred Brangus bulls & heifers, 6 mo.-2 yrs., $60042000. Maurice Harbin, Tyrone. Ph. 487-4468.____________
Reg. Brangus, from certi. herd, 17 bulls, fertility tested, 18-25 mos., 5 heifers, 17-23 mos. Glover Smith, Cordele. Ph. 912-273-8591._________
4 yr. old Blk. Angus bull, $700, sell to prevent Inbreeding. Coy H. Morris, Colbert. Ph. 404-783-5722._______________
Top 2 yr. old Reg. Polled Hereford bulls, sem*n tested, priced reas., herd certi. / accred. James L. Hadden, Qibson. Ph. 404-598-3223._______________
4 reg. Beefmaster bulls, 19-21 mos., ready for service, sem*n tested, prod, records avail.; also, Beefmaster heifers / cows. Bill McKinnon, McRae. Ph. 912-668-6489 am, day; 868-5581 pm.
Reg. Blk. Angus bull, perf. tested, ADG 3.04, 1118 Ibs., 15 mos., sired by Franko. Victor Briscoe, Bremen. Ph. 404-646-3529._______________
Lrg. frame yrlg. bulls, reg. Angus. Bobby E. Moon, Rt. 1, Resaca. Ph. 404-629-3549.______________
4 yr. old purebred Limousin bull, (Son of Hanchon); also, breeding age percentage Limousin bulls for sale. R. M. Patterson, 4935 Hwy. 166, Douglasville. Ph. 404-942-2637._______________
Reg. Guernsey cow, 3rd calf due early March, bred to Dari Fayvor, $900. S. M. McCarter, Athens. Ph. 404-548-1542.
Red Angus bulls, ready for service, see others, come and compare quality and price. Wayne Ballard, Riverdale. Ph. 997-0708.___________________
14 blk. and black and White Faced heifers, approx. 1 1/2 yrs., old, $3600 for all. C. L. Grizzle, Dahlonega. Ph. 864-6474 after 5 pm.____________________
14 Reg. Polled Hereford bulls, 12-48 mos., $400-$800, mainly Victor Domino breeding, good condi. Murphy Stanley, Dalton. Ph. 404-277-2410._______
Over 100 head young beef cows and calves, Charolais, Angus and Hereford, 2 herd bulls, $31,000. J. L Ozburn, Montlcello. Ph. 468-6317.__________
Slmmental cows and heifers, percentage and purebred, $500 up, bred to son of Polled, Renz. J. Baker, Valdosta. Ph. 912-244-2044.______________
3 reg. Herefords, 3 yrs. old, bred to reg. Hereford bull. Gerry Weaver, Rt. 2, Calhoun. Ph. 404-629-9925.________
Purebred Blk. Angus yrlg., 6-15 mos., heifers, 6-15 mos. Billy J. Evans, Rydal. Ph. 382-3528.____________
Limousin bulls for sale. Terry Tankersley, T & T Ranch, Lincolnton. Ph. 359-3291 / 4495.____________
Percentage Limousin heifers, 11-13 mos., all solid red, Gendarme breeding. Otls Mllner, 804 Charton Rd., Rome 30161. Ph. 404-232-3019.________
Purebred reg. and cert. Santa Gertrudis bulls, 12-36 mos. Luke Griffis, Screven. Ph. 579-2382._______________
5 purebred Hereford heifers, 5 purebred Angus heifers, Bangs / Blackleg shots, wormed, 3 Hereford cows w/calf by side, reg. Red Angus bull. John Brown, Barnesvllle. Ph. 358-2201 / 4050.
5 reg. Angus bulls, 2 yr., 1 bull, 11 mos., extra good, modern bloodlines. Walter Gray, Jr.. Pe.ry.. Ph. 912-987-2486.
Blk. Angus heifers and bulls, 10-12 mos., top qual. R. Holland, Senola. Ph. 404-559-6663 or 599-3678.________
Holstein bull, 20 mos. old, $475. Phillip Hembree, Scottdale. Ph. 292-9540.

Reg. Polled Hereford bull, 28 mos., $750. Billy Holden, Hephzibah. Ph. 404-592-2120 after 5.
Reg. herd Blk. Angus, 1 bull, 9 mos., 4 cow / calf prs., 3 cows bred, 3 heifers bred, 7 open heifers, 3 heifer calves. Dean Reece, Hiram. Ph. 943-5613 or 366-0921.
Reg. Holstein bulls, out of top A.I. sires and best of herd, 12-20 mos. Robert Yoder, Montezuma. Ph. 912-5864702 or 472-7256.
Reg. Black Angus bull 3 yrs. old, 1100 Ibs. $600. Allyn Bishop, Rt. 1, Barnesvllle. Ph. 358-2643.______________
Reg. Black Angus bulls ready for light service, 12 heifers and 1st. calf heifers. F. G. Blltch, Jr., Rt. 4, Statesboro. Ph. 912-865-2475._______________
3 full French Charolias cows w/calves, 5 bred top bloodlines. Billy Bullock, Dallas. Ph. 445-1631 or 459-3536.
1 Reg. Black Angus bull, grain fed, born 12/26/81,2 prs. of Reg. Angus cows w/bull calves. Kenneth Caldwell, Rt. 1, Box 317, Zebulon 30295. Ph. 404-567-8843.
24 Holstein springers 800-1000 Ibs., freshening now. Douglas Cawthon, Jackson 30233. Ph. 404-775-4070 aft. 7
pm.______________________ Santa Gertrudis Red Angus bull 30
mos., gentle, proven sire, Ideal for heifers $650. H. W. Crew, Rt. 3, Dallas. Ph. 445-3515.______________
One purebred Santa Gertrudis bull 2 yrs. old, sound breeder. H. A. Densen, 1321 Dorris Rd., Douglasville 30134. Ph. 404-942-5376._________________
Brahman bulls $400 and $500, grays 16 mos. black and white bull $700. Buddy Eason, Collins. Ph. 693-2948._______
Purebred and percentage limousin bulls, ready for service, Polled, back / red will del. Rodney Fain, Valdosta. Ph. 912-242-3698.________________
Red Angus bulls exc. herd bulls by Progressor, Warrant and Dynamo 1 Transplant. Lamar Green, Llthonia. Ph. 404-296-2361 days, 972-4293 nights.
Purebred Simmental bulls from a cert, herd. Willle Branham, at Embry Farm, Duluth. Ph. 404-476-2086 aft. 6 pm.
Top qual. springing Holstein heifers. C. V., all shots, M. N. Smith, Haddock. Ph. 912-932-5581 aft. 6 pm.___________
20 spring CV Holstein heifers, close. Philip H. Summers, Leesburg. Ph. 912-759-2688.________________
8 cows, 6 Angus and 2 Herefords, 7 bred 5 to 8 1/2 mos., 1 open $3,000 cash. Ernest Thrower, Tallaposssa 30176. Ph. 574-7069.___________________
1 gentle Jersey cow and Black Angus calf $475. Leroy Wilkie, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-6635 / 7433._________________
Reg. Charolais 4 yrs. old bull, Royal Sam bloodlines, $1050. James R. Woods, Flying W Ranch, 10 ml. W. Pine Mtn. and Hwy. 18. Ph. 882-6580.___________
3/4 Limousin, 1/4 Angus bulls, service age, 4-H club project. Kurt Chllders, Barney 31625. Ph.912-775-2754._____
15 mo. old reg. Angus bull, top perf. bloodlines, gained over 3 Ibs. / day on UGA feed trial. Sam B. Hay, III, CovIngton. Ph. 404-788-3031.________
Reg. Polled Hereford bulls, LMF / RWJ Victor Domino bloodlines, 13-14 mos., $650 at farm. Leonard Fleming, Rt. 2, Reed Creek Rd., Hartwell 30643. Ph. 404-376-2995._____________
Limousin cattle, halfbred to purebred, cows, bulls and heifers. L. G. Mack, McDonough. Ph. 957-5366.___________
One 50% Slmmental cow, 6 percentage Limousin cows, 8 percentage Limousin bulls, best offer. Rama Medders, Rt. 2, Sylvester 31791. PH. 912-776-4750.______________
Reg. 7/8 Limousin bull, 5 yrs. old, Fanfaron bloodline, 1800 Ibs., gentle, proven breeder, $1000. Alton Orr, Kennesaw. Ph. 404-428-3940._________________
Reg. Blk. Angus bull, 5 yrs. old, $1000. Jewell Padgett, Rt. 2, Senola 30276. Ph. 599-3407._________________
1 Santa Gertrudis purebred bull, 9 mos. old, approx. 650 Ibs., $595,1 purebred blk. Brahman bull, 30 mos. old, 1000 Ibs., $700. Brantley Prlckett, Sr., Carnesville. Ph. 404-384-4636._______.
12 Blk. Angus cows, calving this spring, $375 ea. Aros Reeves, Powder SprIngs. Ph. 404-943-6473.____________
4 good commercial cows bred to Beefmaster bull; also, sev. 1/2 Beefmaster heifers for sale. Ralph Rucker, Woodstock. Ph. 475-6250._______
Beau. reg. Black Angus yearling bull, $425, handsome Wye bred sire very heavy. Bo Edwards, Milledgeville. Ph. 912-452-4969.
Reg. Beefmaster bulls, 1 yr. to 3 yrs. old, $800 to $1,200. L W. Tyre, Rt. 1, Screven 31560. Ph. 912-579-6573.
40 reg. Charolais heifers for sale, open. R. J. Duncan, Tignall. Ph. 404-285-2407.
Reg. purebred classi. S Santa Gertrudis cattle, bulls 9-21 mos. and heifers 9-12 mos. Steve Brannen, Watkinsville. Ph. 404-769-5578.
Do not submit multiple subscrip tions. Requests must be received in dividually.

Limousin cows w/'82 fall calves, ser vice age embryo tran. Limousin bulls Don Craighton, Pine Mtn. Valley. Ph 404-628-4277 or 628-5953.

Brahmans, reg., reds, red speckled and black and whites, bulls and heifers, $750
to $1,000. E. C. Parks, Cleveland. Ph. 864-6966.__________________

Holstein heifers, calfhood vac. dehorned, wormed, 300 to 400 Ibs. Wes Whitehead, Bogart. Ph. 404-725-7832 o 404-769-6852.
Reg. polled Hereford bulls, Victo Domino line, from $440 to $4,400. F. J Adams, Griffin. Ph. 228-2976 or 227-7951
Production tested Angus bulls, 12-2 mos., Angus herd improvement records on ea. bull (weaning and yearling wts.) herd certi. / accredi. S. Thad Rush, Rome Ph. 404-291-4849.
4 heifers, reg. Angus, weaning age

Reg. Black Angus bulls by Warrent and Southenior, halter and lead broke, Al bred, good show/herd prospects. E. H. Wages, Loganville. Ph. 404-466-4178, 963-7455._________________
Reg. Black Angus, young bull and heifer, 11 mos., good prospects, $550 and $375. M. Rose, Jonesboro. Ph. 478-7216.
Reg. Holstein bull, sire Elevation son out of a Al Point 25,000 Astronaut, breeding age, wormed, vaccinated, $950. Wade L. Yoder, Montezuma. Ph. 912-472-8921.

$350 ea., 15 mo. bull, $600, Charolais Angus cross bull, 14 mos., $450. B. F Bohanon, Chickamauga. Ph 404-375-4783.


Reg. Black Angus bull, 6 yrs. old, gen tie, wt. approx. 2,000 Ibs., $900. Rhett Spires, Danville. Ph. 912-676-3857.
2 cows, 1 Black Angus, 1 black w/white face, freshen in Apr., $750 for both Harold Mauldin, Jefferson. Ph. 404-367-5686.
Jersey cow, 5 mo. Jersey bull calf, cow bred back to Jersey bull, 2 bred Holstein heifers. Mrs. Anne NeSmith, Danville. Ph 912-962-3453.
Full and 7/8 blood Limousin bulls for sale. Steve Allison, Covington. Ph. 787-3436.
Purebred Black Angus heifer w/first heifer calf, 1 Vi mos. old, $475 cash. Anthony Stapler, Carrollton. Ph. 404-834-8108.
Two 7/8 Limousin 4 yr. old bulls, used 1 breeding season. M. Folendore, Milledgeville. Ph. 912-452-9338.
Reg. Angus cattle, Wye, Bar Emulous, Bandolier, Linebacker bloodlines, 2 yearling heifers, one 3 yr. old bull. John Brown, Taylorsville. Ph. 386-2410._______
High qual. crossbred heifers, father is reg. polled Hereford, exc. potential for fine brood cows, $300-$350. Gil Rampy, Carrollton. Ph. 404-854-4124._______
Reg. Black Angus bulls, service age, $695 up. Matt Thompson, Monroe. Ph. 267-5583 or 267-4035._________
Reg. Red Brahman bull w/papers, 4Vi yrs. old, $200. Andrew Bud Johnson, Alma. Ph. 632-5721.___________
Heifers, good selection of crossbred Santa Gertrudis heifers to select from; also, some young purebred bulls. D. M. McAfee, Kennesaw. Ph. 427-5957 or 429-0400._________________
Limousin bull, polled, ready for light service, red, gentle; $585. Gene Austin, Sylvania. Ph. 912-829-4622._______
3 reg. polled Hereford bulls, Victor Domino bloodlines, ready for service, herd certi. / accredi. F. M. Satterfield, Fayetteville. Ph. 404-461-7178.______
Santa Gertrudis cattle bulls and females, good selection. Tony Norton, Stephens. Ph. 404-743-8233._________

Rabbits, pure American Blue, pure Chinchilla and others. Luther Defreese, Rt. 2, Dallas 30132. Ph. 404-445-6709.
Rabbits, French-Lop, Mini-Lop, NZW, Red Satin, English Angora, Silver Marten and mix. bunnies and breeders, priced to sell. Wes Hamryka, Lawrenceville. Ph. 921-2751._______________
Rabbits, mix. buck and doe, breeding age, both $8. D. Paradise, Lithia Springs 30057. Ph. 941-6496 after 3:30 pm on wk.
days._______________________ Rabbits, NZW, California, Dutch,
fryers, breeders, all ages and sizes, from $1 up. Mr. Verp, Lawerenceville. Ph. 963-1506 or 962-1949._________
Rabbits, bucks and does, top-notch breeders, $5, free Instr. on starting herd, all-weather raising, breeding, etc. Doug Wllburn, Tucker. Ph. 939-1461._____
Rabbits, New Zealand, California and mix. breed. Jimmy L. Clark, Rt. 9, Gainesville. Ph. 983-7057._______
Rabbits, NZW, Dutch, mix. breeds, fryers, live / dressed, mix. does and bucks for sale. Roger B. Smith, Royston. Ph. 245-8617.___________________
Rabbits, Rex, Dwarf, California, breeders and dressed fryers, reas. priced, bunnies of dlff. sizes and cols. O. Rasheed, Atlanta. Ph. 377-0955 after 6
REW Netherland Dwarfs, pedi. and reg. stock, srs. and jrs., bred and open does, herd bucks, reas. G. E. Stahlkuppe, Allanta. Ph. 344-6747.______________
Rabbits, pedi. Red Satins, Rex, English Spots and NZW, Flemish Giants and cross, breeders and fryers. Henry Bowen, Clermont. Ph. 983-7260.__________
Rabbits, Chinchilla Giants for sale, 9 wks. old. Earl Banister, Woodstock 30188. Ph. 404-926-8118.________
Rabbits, NZW, English Spots, Black Dutch, White Flemish Giants; bunnies, NZW breeders, pr. Dwarf breeders and Spot buck. Jack Vaughan, Clermont. Ph. 983-7025.________________
Flemish Giant rabbit for sale, reg., $10. Frank Duke, Fayetteville. Ph. 461-8676

7 nice weaned heifers, wormed and
vaccinated, take all $225 ea. or choice $250. D. A. Brown, Williamson 30292. Ph.

after 7 pm.___________________
Rabbits, selling out, mostly does, 60 white, black, tan and brown, all $250. Joel Bond, Elberton 30635. Ph. 283-1878.

Reg. Red Brahman bulls w/papers, 20 mos. and under. Chester Hewell, Gillsville. Ph. 404-869-7850._______

Rabbits, meat type, fryers for sale. D. Hulett, Rt. 2, Box 25, Gordon 31031. Ph. 628-5141.____________________

Santa Gertrudis, reg. S bulls, 20-26
mos., 7 tested ready for service, priced for commercial and purebred cattlemen.
Clifton A. Ward, Bogart. Ph. 404-769-7223.

Rabbits, a variety of breeding age bucks, $5 up, few young rabbits, $3.50 up. J. L. Thompson, Hwy. 29, Statham. Ph. 404-725-5381._______________

Reg. Brahman bulls, greys and Vi red- 1/: gray. E. J. Collier, Arlington. Ph. 912-725-4819 aft. 7pm.____________
Reg. Slmmental heifers, calves, halter broke, good bloodline. Eddie Porter, Rt. 1, Box 290A, Rock Springs 30739. Ph. 404-935-5185.______________
Reg. polled Hereford bulls, 12-16 mos., $395 up, 5 reg. polled Hereford heifers, 14-18 mos., $75, herd certi. / accredi. W. C. Hathco*ck, Atlanta. Ph. 445-7272 or 974-7075.__________________
Holstein heifer and bull for sale, reg., breeding age. Mrs. Arthur Turner, 3565 Dallas Hwy., Acworth 30101. Ph. 974-3966._______________
Reg. Brangus bulls, 20-28 mos., certi. herd, fertility and perf. tested, reg. Brangus heifers, 21-25 mos., open. J. H. Chandler, McRae. Ph. 912-833-2810.
Solid red, reg. Limousin % Echo cow, % Prairie Chief heifer, 7/8 Fanfaron cow and 15/16 Eclair bull. Robert L. Porter, Rt. 1, Box 320-B1, Waycross. Ph. 285-9852.
Reg. polled Hereford cows w/no calves, heifers, breeding bulls. Dave Olson, Decalur. Ph. 289-6627._______
One 3 yrs., two 2 yrs., Charolais polled bulls, Valliant and Royal Charolais breeding. Grady Webb, Jr., West Point. Ph. 205-644-1781.______________
4 Beefmaster BBU reg. bulls, 8 to 11 mos. old, top bloodlines, bulls are top quality, $750 to $900 firm. Frank Hogan, Rt. 9, Galnesville. Ph. 983-7977._______
Reg. polled Hereford bulls, 2 yrs. old, ready for service. Jack Jennlngs, Plains. Ph. 912-824-7582 or 824-7443._______
Reg. polled Hereford bulls and females, Victor Domino bloodlines, herd certi. / accredi. Sherman Leonard, Chatsworth. Ph. 404-695-2008.

Have 2 mo. old beige rabbits, will exchange to renew bloodline; also, want Dutch pr. for breeding. Brigitte Camandona, Dawson. Ph. 912-995-3304._____
San Juan rabbits for sale. W. L. Reece, Box 30, McDonough 30253.________
Rabbits, pr. Dwarf Smutnose for sale, $12/pr. Dan Ivy, Rt. 7, Canton. Ph. 404-479-5788._________________
Rex rabbits, $5 ea., 2 Mini-Lops bucks w/papers, $5 ea., Chinchilla rabbits, $3.50 ea., Flemish Giant and San Juan crossed, $3.50 ea., etc. Ed Pursley, Statham 30666. Ph. 725-5168.________________
Rabbits, 3 prs., NZW, mature, $12/pr., raise on Easter bunnies for profit. J. O. Heft, 4909 Glllonville, Albany. Ph. 941-0399._______________
Rabbits, Netherland Dwarfs, pedi. Hlmalayans (himmies); also, Mini-Lops, Chinese Rex. Larry Crider, 2787 Clay Rd., Austell. Ph. 941-0399.___________
Florida White rabbits; also, all wire pens and equip., auto, water system. W. Alien Oglesby, Atlanta. PH. 404-627-1153.
Rabbits, white & brn., $5 ea. Bobby Klnsey. Calhoun. Ph. 404-625-1866.
Rabbits, 1 NZR buck, NZW does & young rabbits, $2 up. R. Ray, Canon. Ph. 245-5196.
Reg. Rex buck & doe, 2V4 Rex, French Lop does. Lyman Robb, Watkinsville. Ph. 769-5909.
Netherland Dwarfs, max. wt. 2-3 Ibs., $10 w/o pedigree, $25 with. Lesley Haynle, Newton. Ph. 912-734-5935.
1 male rabbit, white w/gray tail & ears, 1 yr. old, $3.50. Mrs. J. B. Cooper, Douglasvllle. Ph. 942-3297._________
2 blk. does, real nice, $3.50 ea. Terry Wlnfrey, Kite. Ph. 469-3267.

Rabbits, NZW's, Callfornlans, some does have bred; also, few fryers left, all gedi. Jim Smith, Tyrom. Ph. 487-5050.


Pigs, cross Hampshire and Yorkshire, Duroc and Poland China. Harold Rutledge, Rex. Ph. 404-961-6742.
20 pigs, 6 wks. old, ready Feb. 12th, $40 ea. Harry Ramey, Rt. 1, Box 337, Cornelia 30531.________________
Hampshire and Yorkshire boars, breeding age and size guar. breeders from healthy herd. Roger Martin, 15760 Hopewell Rd., Alpharetta 30201. Ph. 404-4754052.________________
Reg. Yorkshire boar, Ga. Fair, State Grand Champ. 1982. S. Culberson, Rt. 1, Box 418, Summervllle. Ph. 235-2102 aft. 4
pm.________________________ Choice crossbred open gilts, ready to
breed. Mary Bailey, Rt. 3, Box 79, Nashville. Ph. 912-686-3444.______
2 yr. old sow 500 to 600 Ibs. $300. Harold Jones, LaFayette. Ph. 404-638-3857.______________
Pigs, 6 wks. and older. Nolan Kell, Douglasville. Ph. 404-942-0138 / 2696.
Purebred Hampshire boars, Ronsen Hampshire, Rt. 4, Box 345, Waycross. Ph. 912-283-2096 or 912-285-1244._____
Purebred Boars, Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc, top qual.; also, open gilts. Dwlght Werner, Rt. 1, Kenwood Farms, Ocilla. Ph. 912-468-7504 or 9196._______
Pigs 6 wks. old $35 ea. Mike Petrella, Acworth. Ph. 974-5344._________
6 feeder pigs 14 wks. old, Hampshire and Berkshire mix. $35 ea. J. Wooten, Fayetteville. Ph. 461-3678 an. 4:30 pm.
18 feeder pigs, 11 to 12 wks., castrated, wormed, $40 ea. Robert Barlow, Rt. 4, Box 7798, Blalrsvllle. Ph. 745-5871._______
Reg. Hampshire and Yorkshire boar from healthy val. herd, ready to breed. Roger Martin, Alpharetta. Ph. 404-475-6052.____________
Reg. Spot boars 3-4 mos. $175, up., val. herd no. 284. J. C. Caye, Cedar Hill Farms, Loganville. Ph. 404-786-9567.
Good selection purebred Yorkshire boars and gilts, val. herd. Edward Newberry, Colqultt. Ph. 912-758-2870.
One young purebred Doroc boar approx. 4 1/2 mos., 250 Ibs. Mahlon Turner, Rt. 3. Cleveland 30528. Ph. 404-865-2311.
Reg. Duroc boars, service age and younger. Wayne Wood, Rt. 1, Box 34, Buchanan. Ph. 404446-3413.______
Reg. Spotted boar, 14 mos. old, has avg. of 10.2 pigs per litter from 11 litters $450 firm. George Moxley, Rt. 5, Box 614, Jesup. Ph. 912-427-6206.___________
Yorkshire gilts, crossbred gilts, open or bred $100 up. Doug Williams, Bluffton. Ph. 912-641-3195.

Goats & Sheep

Billy goats, grain fed, ready for BBQ, Irg. / $35, sml. / $35 ea. E. Wilkie, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-4736 / 7413.______

Purebred Nubian nanny, $50. S. Wood, Dacula. Ph. 9454537.__________

White Saanen nanny, due to freshen Mar., grain fed, healthy, 17 mos. first, $50 cash. Chris Yard, Gumming. Ph. 887-4879 / 377-4884._____________

Two 3 wk. old billy goats, $25 ea., Nubian & Toggenburg. Dottle Chembars, Adalrsvllle. Ph. 4044254315.______

1 ADGA reg. Nubian buck kid from hvy.
milk stock, ex. line on both side, 1 Vi mos. old, $75. Kenny Gillasple, Rome. Ph.

Nubian & Saanen crosses, young billies & nannies, $35 up. Robert Gunby, Sharpsburg. Ph. 251-2877.__________

1 reg. Nubian billy, out of good stock. L. Hawks, Hull. Ph. 546-7130 aft. 6.

Nubian billy, Irg. beau., $25 / trade, mix. w/Toggenburg, looks like Nubian. Phllllp
Mason, Llthonia. Ph. 923-9973 day / 482-4744 night._____________

1 Suffolk ram & ewes w/kids. Rabsul Montaza, Loganville. Ph. 404-4664993.

Nubian, Alpine does & kids. V. Prince,

2180 Mann Rd., Douglasvllle 30134. Ph.



ADGA reg. Nubian buck, 7 mos. old, ready tor service, red w/trosted ears, exc. bloodline $100. Jim Wadley, Statham. Ph. 725-2464 / 2257.___________

French Alpine milk goats, kids, bucks, $30 up. Don Welsh, Acworth. Ph.

1 yr. & 1% yr. old billy goats; 3/4 Nubian, Vi Common, $10 ea. Hugh Valentine, Loganville. Ph. 979-3400.______

2 reg. Amer. Nubian does, 8 mos. old,
nice & healthy, $100 ea. Bonnle Zink, Loganville. Ph. 466-4723.________

Goats, Nubian billies. Wilson Carson, Griffin. Ph. 228-1972.

Female Saanen, 11 mos. old, mother & fathers, mother Star milker, $95. Wm. Chauez, Stockbridge. Ph. 474-3883.

Grown nanny goats, $40450. Donald E. Dyches, Savannah. Ph. 912-927-2424.


Wednesday, February 16, 1983


Suffolk ewes, young and reg., bred, had twins and triplet lambs In 1982, $1.50 ea., $725 all, can del. Jan Davis, Newborn. Ph. 468-8979.________________
3 Nubian does, 7 to 10 mos. old, ready to breed, very pretty, $100 ea. Royce Pomlny, Mclntyre. Ph. 912-946-2963.
Healthy black face ram, 6 mos. old, selling to prevent crossing w/Barbados, $50. Carolyn Avery, Sylvester. Ph. 776-7388.__________________
Lrg. Nubian buck, butt-headed, black and white spotted, good breeder, $40. Tommy Britt, Coleman. Ph. 912-768-2198.
Common billy goat, black, 10 mos. old, $25. Phillip Hembree, Scottsdale. Ph. 292-9540.________________
Males baby goats, no females, these are 5 wks. old, none milk. Chares T. Massey, Box 382, Rockmart 30153. Ph. 684-7156._________________
11 nice young steer goats, $30-$50, ready for butchering. C. D. Medley, Canton. Ph. 479-8219._____________
Purebred Toggenburg bucks, subject to reg., $50. Mrs. Avert Poole, Rt. 1, Jasper. Ph. 893-2664._________
African Pygmy goats, purebred buck, half-bred doe, 3 yrs., due Mar. 10, $100 / both or trade for bldg. / fencing supplies. G. Stallings, Conyers. Ph. 922-3016.
Good common goats, $20-$50. Randy Earnest, Donalsonvllle. Ph. 861-3585.
Nubian Cross goats, 6 mo. old kids & adult nannies, $20-$40. Ken McMIchael, Oxford. Ph. 404-786-4722._________
2 milk goats, $1.00 ea.; 1 billy; $40, 3 nannies, $30-$40 bred, all goats are Toggenburg / Nubian. JoAnn Millington, Monroe. Ph. 267-9377._________
Nubian buck, 4 mo. old, blk. w/tan markings, can be reg., good bloodlines, trade for female lamb. Linda Morrow, Rt. 1, Box 31, Roundoak 31080._______
Reg. Nubian, 2 does, $150-$200,1 buck, $100, 3 doe kids, $125 ea. George Perryman, Cochran. Ph. 912-934-4217 aft. 6.
5 Irg. nannies w/klds, $50 / family. Howard Pounds, Mllledgeville. Ph. 912-452-6088 aft. 6._____________
Grown goats w/sml. ones, born Jan. 3, 1983, $165, sml. billy, $35, Irg. billy / $50. Calvin Rawls, Jr., Lllburn. Ph. 921-1311.
4 doe kids, 8 wks. old wormed, part Saanen Nubian, mothers good milkers, extra nice kids, pure white. Lyman Robb, Watkinsville. Ph. 769-5909._______
Amer. LaMancha doe, 1 yr., Little Orchard bloodline. P. Rouadi, Flowery Branch. Ph. 532-0124.__________
Slaughter lambs. Roy Stanaland, Jasper. Ph. 692-5719._________
Crossbred ewes w/wo lambs, $65 & $85 ea., 2 purebred Nubian does w/2 kids. William Gambrell, Griffin. Ph. 404-228-0104.______________
Common young male goats, $150, females, $20-$30. Carter Hall, Adairsville. Ph. 773-3263.______________
Nubian young doe, blk. w/Sllver Spots, bottle raised, $50. Edward New, Lithonia. Ph. 482-8142._______________
Baby goats, nannies & billies, guar. healthy. Bill Sewell, Tucker. Ph. 404-921-3492.________________
Nubian, grade nanny bred, 2 yrs. old, gentle, $50. Mrs. E. L. Whitt, Ellaville. Ph. 912-472-6712.
Stock dogs for sale
Qnly trained farm dogs are eligible to be advertised. Include dog's breeding and special training or ability that qualifies as a stockdog. Untrained dogs will not be advertised.
Australian Shepherd, working stockdog, Red and Red tries. L. Lee, Llthla Springs. Ph. 404-944-2099.
Australian Shepherds, dbl., reg., Blue Merle & Blk. Trl, farm raised from good working line, $100 & $75. Scott Johnson, Athens. Ph. 404-549-1763.__________
Border Collie female, fully trained to sheep/cattle by whistle, hand/voice, DOB Mar. 25, 1978, reg. from imported dogs. Mr. Nordlund, Fayetteville. Ph. 404-461-8741._______________
Reg. Australian Shepherds, working stockdogs, blacks, $50 and $75, champion bloodlines. Buddy Eason, Collins. Ph. 693-2948.______________
Australian Shepherd stockdogs, exc. farm working dogs, farm raised and used. Patsy Jackson, Rt. 2, Nebo Rd., Dallas 30132. Ph. 404-445-7610._________
Australian Shepherds, Blue Merle male and Black Tri female, trained on cattle. Billy Bullock, Dallas. Ph. 445-1631 or 459-3536 day.____________
Australian Shepherd, working stockdog, reg., 3 yrs. old, $50. J. W. Harmon, Rt. 3, Rockmart 30153. Ph. 445-3458.
Reg. Australian Shepherd males, working horses/goats, $100-$150, consider t9r1a2d-e384fo-9r65h5a.y.- "S. ' Kel"ley, Do"u"glas. Ph'".

Choice English Shepherds, trained stockdogs, farm raised and worked, guaranteed. Sandra Ransom, 2748 Mayo Rd., Augusta 30907. Ph. 404-860-0893.
German Shepherds, pure white, AKC reg., trained livestock working dogs, male and female, 4 yrs. old. Joseph Hein, Marietta. Ph. 404-429-8080.________
Border Collie, female, trained on cattle, sheep, goats, $600. Bill Frederberger, Valdosta. Ph. 912-242-4107.________
Reg. male Border Collie, 2 yrs. old, farm trained/worked. Mike Hutcheson, Hiram. Ph. 949-0394.
Horses, mules, ponies
for sale
Horse farmers should have had the livestock advertised in their possession 60 days or more before offering it for sale through this publicatin.
All horses offered for advertise ment through the Market Bulletin should have had a negative coggin test wihin the past 60 days.
Reg. TB gelding, 4 yr. old 15.3 hds. by Parkway North, gentle, good conf., $1200 firm. S. Schutte, Alpharetta. Ph. 404-475-0230._________________
4 yr. old 1/2 QH sorrel gelding, 25.3 hds., well-broke, exc. field hunter prospect, $2,000. C. Snipes, Roswell. Ph. 587-5777 or 475-9145.____________
1V> yr. Appaloosa filly, $400, AQHA reg. 2 yr. gray / roan filly, $1000, blk. 10 yr. mare, Vt TB-Vi QH, $1000, trade for cows. D. K. Smith, Marietta. Ph. 992-1627.
Reg. Appaloosa gelding, spotted blanket, 15.2 hds., exc. Western Pleasure / trail riding, 10 yrs. old, $1000. Mike Stanley, Adairsville. Ph. 404-773-3841.
Reg. QH colt, Doc Bar, Swenson, TwoEyed Jack breeding, sorrel w/2 hind socks. C. Summerour, Lawrenceville. Ph. 963-5336.____________________
3 year filly, 14.2 hds., seal br. / dapple, green broke, gentle, sire, Waggoners Joker, Western, hunter prospect, sell / trade. J. Tallon, Madison. Ph. 342-0240.
1 gentle 4 yr. old horse mule, 1050 Ibs., broke dbl., $400. Eldon Thomas, Rt. 2, Canton. Ph. 475-6720.___________
AQHA yearling colt, Rocket Bars and Blondies Dude breeding, $800, Appaloosa colt sire-Silver Strikes Equal, $800, Appaloosa filly sire-High Spots Image, $700, prices neg. H. Thompson, Butord. Ph. 945-0419.___________
AQHA buckskin gelding, 10 yrs., 15.3 hds., hunter jumper, shown succ. in halter, Eng. Pleasure, and jumping, ideal ladies / girls horse, others for sale. L. Thompson, Buford. Ph. 945-8208._____
Sml. racking gelding, 14 hds., gentle, trail exp., shown succ., child outgrew, $400 / tack avail. M. Tuley, Marietta. Ph. 952-4910 pm._______________
Miniature horses, var. ages / cols., miniature donkeys, others to choose from. Billy Turner, Union Point. Ph. 404-486-2558 nights.__________
AQHA 12 yr. gelding, gentle, welltrained, $500 firm. Lisa Vance, Gordon. Ph. 912-628-2534._____________
TWH mare, natural racker, good trail horse, shots / wormed / neg. cogs., $750. R. Veach, Conyers. Ph. 922-4654.
Sml. QH mare, chestnut, 14.1 hds., compact, gentle, needs regular rides, $400. Jennifer Anderson, Barnesville. Ph. 404-358-3708._______________
RHBA TWH, top bloodlines, 4 yr. old sorrel mare, 3 yr. blk. gelding, trained to show, will pleasure, $2500 ea. M. Berkley, Covington. Ph. 404-786-9659.______
AQHA '79 gelding, sorrel, Poco, Poco Leo San breeding, very gentle. Henry Bowen, Clermont. Ph. 983-7260._____
Half Arab yearlings, chestnut filly w/flaxen mane / tail, and sorrel colt, both should mature over 15 hds. C. H. Clay, Macon. Ph. 474-3109.___________
Reg. AQHA gelding, Bill Haygood Jr. 1701021 bay, Arab type head, price neg. Robin Cheek, Butord. Ph. 945-0577.
Reg. TWH 14 yr. old gelding, gr'son Midnight Sun, gentle but spirited. $1050. Plane Cole, Toccoa. Ph. 404-770-3712.
Reg. purebred Arabian filly, 2 yr., grey, $1800, reg. purebred Arabian gelding, 12 yrs., bay, $2500. Dixie Corry, Alpharetta. Ph. 1-887-1134.______________
3-2 yr. old geldings, 14 yr. gelding, 5 yr. buckskin mare, yearling palomino stud. Buddy Eason, Collins. Ph. 693-2948.
16.2 hds., 5 yrs. old, bay gelding Quarter Horse, State Champ. Hunter Hack. Mary Fowler, Pch'tree City. Ph. 1-253-1447._______________
'80 AQHA chestnut gelding, 2 hind stockings / blaze, sire-Beauty's Red Boy, '80 AQHA colt, sorrel Boston Mac / Skipper W breeding, halter, pleasure / rein. Futurity prospect C. Kjng^Sayannah, Ph. 912-925-1409.

AQHA Halter / Pleasure 5 yr. old mare, bay, Dbl. reg. palomino, 4 yr. old pleasure mare, exc. youth prospects, 5 yr. Otoe Sugar Bar pleasure / halter producing stallion, exc. disp. Mrs. Thomas Lyle, Eatonton. Ph. 404-485-8479._______
Reg. Arab, chestnut yearling, exc. show / breeding prospect, S. A. Gazollo / Rlvoli Galishara bloodline, $2000. Denise Madden, Elberton. Ph. 404-283-2940.
AQHA '82 colt by Win or Lose, white blaze, 3 stockings, Futurity prospect, price neg. Ms. M. McClure, Forest Park. Ph. 964-8253 after 9 pm._________
Reg. Appaloosas, 2 yr. old gelding, bay roan / blanket, started training, $800,2 yr. filly, blk. spots, $750. Kathe McMullan, Hartwell. Ph. 404-376-7327.________
Aged Appaloosa broodmare, must sell, top qual., open for '83, $950. J. Musselwhlte, Stockbridge. Ph. 404-474-7062.________________
Reg. APHC gelding, 15 plus hds., sound, 10 yrs., good pleasure / trail horse, $600, also, 3 yr. reg. APHC filly, now ready to be broken. Cindy L. Painter, Powder Springs. Ph. 943-3174._____
7 yr. old AQHA bay gelding, shown succ. in Western Pleasure / Halter, started huntseat and going well. James B. Poland, Martlnez. Ph. 860-1711.
2 reg. purebreds, both gentle, no vices, dappled gray Arabian stallion and sorrel TWH gelding. J. H. Rea, Ellijay. Ph. 635-7827 after 7 pm.____________
Paso Flno filly, foaled 6-13-'82, solid bay, started halter breaking, $1200. Wendy Rush, Thomson. Ph. 595-6965._____
Beau. reg. TWH mare, sorrel w/flaxen mane / tail, blaze / stockings, anyone can ride, loads easily. H. Slone, Lexington. Ph. 743-8297._________________
AQHA 7 yr. mare, good field hunter / jumper, 15 hds., bay, sound, $1000. Debbie Walker, Augusta. Ph. 404-592-4038 after 6 pm.,________________
1/2 Arabian-V4 QH mare, 8 yrs., dapple bay, trail wise, child-safe, bred to reg. Arabian stallion, $650. B. Smith, Canton. Ph. 404-479-8370.____________
AQHA gelding, gentle, sound and well broke, good ranch horse, had lots of hvy. cattle ropes on him. Ronald Thurmond, Madison. Ph. 342-3276/0930._______
3 yr. old Standardbred driving mare w/harness, well-mannered, $700. Jim Valiants, Hawklnsvllle. Ph. 892-9686.
'80 AQHA filly, grey w/blaze and 4 white feet, 9 mos. riding, exc. show / performance prospect, $3500, others. Sheila Wagner, Preston. Ph. 912-887-2541.
Reg. Appaloosa, broodmares, 2 yr. olds and yearlings, all cols, and sizes, over 30 to choose from. Gerry Weaver, Rt. 2, Calhoun. Ph. 404-629-9925.__________
10 yr. old sorrel mare, $700, good woman's / child's horse. D. Waller, P.O. Box 95, Mt. Vernon 30445. Ph. 912-583-2722.__________________
Pretty Shetland mare, gray, silver mane / tall, good riding pony, lunges, jumps, sweet disp., $200. S. Benton, Ellenwood. Ph. 241-3768.___________________
Blk. / white Welch pony, brown Shetland pony, very gentle, children can ride. J. A. Barnett, College Park. Ph. 404-964-6404.________________
Reg. AQHA broodmare, Otoe line, pretty, gentle, chestnut, gelding, English Jumper, gentle, good on trails, $1500 ea. J. Henry, Pch'Tree City. Ph. 487-9655/9103._______________
White Quarter / Saddlebred gelding, 15.3 hds., started over fences, can be ridden Eng. / Western, safe, gentle, trail or show, $875. George Holton, Cumming. Ph. 887-0367._______________
Reg. leopard Appaloosa yearling colt, must sell, best offer, need room, consider qual. hay in partial trade, Nat'l Champ, dam. S. Kelley, Douglas. Ph. 912-384-9655._______________
Youth Pole Bending / Barrel racing gelding, 10 yrs., sorrel, '80 Cloverleaf Champ, and Res. Pole Bending Horse, $1250. Brenda Smith, Augusta. Ph. 404-796-7859.________________
Mare mule about 800 Ibs., $285 cash. Edward McCarty, Rt. 3, Alma. Ph. 632-4842.________________
2 Tenn. Walking Horses, $750 & $950; 2 Racking horses, $750 & $800, 1 strawberry roan horse, $550, anyone can ride. Billy Nappier, Dallas. Ph. 445-3425.
Beau. '82 AQHA colt, straight, wellmuscled, exquisite head / neck, Tardy Too, 3-Bars, King bred, Heluxe halter / pleasure. Judy Pearson, Ellabell. Ph. 912-823-3174.____________________
Good farm mule, works or rides, 1100 Ibs., $350 firm. Ron Peyton, Albany. Ph. 912-439-0986._____________
2 reg. TW, solid blk. fillies, 3 yrs. old, 2 reg. TW blk. broodmares, foals April, all cheap. Earl Stokes, Griffin. Ph. 227-7502.
8 mo. Appaloosa colt, make nice size horse, ready to train, bay color, blk. mane / tail / stockings white spot on head, $450. P. Stover, Hiram. Ph. 445-5916._____
Trade reg. Arab gelding, Eng. / Western for reg. Arab weanling filly. Dot Blessett, Covington. Ph. 786-4246.__________
Reg. Tenn. Walking stallion and saddle 4h0o4rs-e3s56f-o1r1s4a3lhei.gChf.."M.'"Bon' d' , La'v"o*n"ia'.<Ph'.

'75 AQHA sorrel gelding, qual. State Show, WP/WH/Reining, 120 days roping, sire-'That's Ty, Halter/Western Pleasure Champ, dam-Cow Boy's Penny. N. Lowe, Guyton. Ph. 772-3227.___________
Mare pony, dapple gray, her 9 mo. old mare mule, blk., long ears, $450 for both. June Maddox, Molena. Ph. 404-495-5870.
Reg. AQHA colt, yearling, red roan, Mr. Bar None / Pute Cee Bonanza breeding, bred to run, $850. Guy Middleton, Dahlonega. Ph. 404-664-6735.______
'78 AQHA sorrel mare, gr'daughter of Tuffernhell and War Leo's Bud, due to foal March '83 by APHA own son of Varsary Bars. Don Noll, Locust Grove. Ph. 227-4788.________________
10 mo. old chestnut stud colt, very gentle, good potential. Clarence Page, Winder. Ph. 867-4035 after 5 pm._____
2 POA mare ponies, child-safe. E. C. Parks, Cleveland. Ph. 864-6966.______
Reg. TWH 3 yr. old blk. filly by full brother to Premier Delight and out of Midnight Sun mare, ideal for show, pleasure, broodmare. Dr. Richard O. Parks, Atlanta. Ph. 753-2112.______________
Good looking QH mare, 12 yrs., in foal to gray TB stallion (Vanishing Point), due March, $1800. Mrs. Cherry N. Pease, Columbus. Ph. 404-563-5741._________
6 yr. old Quarter Horse bay, barrel trained, spirited, approx. 15% hds., serious inquiries only. Sherry Payne, Homer. Ph. 677-3459.___________
Fillies and colts, 8-12 mos., Hollywood Gold / Brown Rip breeding, exc. conf. / disps, out of grade mares, $4004600. H. G. Phillips, Ellaville. Ph. 912-937-5588.
Good young AQHA and APHA reg. horses featuring the blood of Otoe, Jackstraw Jr. and Skipper W. Leif Eric Richmond, Smyrna. Ph. 404-436-3901.
'76 AQHA chestnut gelding, Leo Bid by Doubld Bid out of King bred mare, fast athletic, Money and Trophy winner in barrels / poles, $2500. K. Rodgers, Waycross. Ph. 912-287-1539._______________
Bay gelding, 12 yrs. old, show horse, 3 yr. old bay filly (King and Jaguar) both reas. Mr. Russell, Montezuma. Ph. 912-472-2207.__________________
Reg Arabian purebred colt, almost 2, grey, Morific-Fadjur breeding, good conf., sweet disp, must sell. B. Schaefer, Shiloh. Ph. 628-5914.____________
'83 APHA breeding stock colt, Yellow Mount, Dual Image, Slow Motion bloodlines, exc. open 4-H horse, exc. conf. C. Astin, Douglasville. Ph. 942-8674 9 am-6 pm.________________
Sev. beau, carriage ponies, dapple grey, blacks / red bay, all well, broke / mannered. W. Alien, Athens. Ph. 404-549-8175 day or 404-543-8461 night.
Walking and racking mares, studs, geldings colts and fillies for sale, pleasure and show. P. M. Attaway, Rt. 1, Cochran. Ph. 912-934-4659._________
Reg. APHA bay '82 breeding stock filly, Amigo Raider, Adlos Amigo, Leo breeding, exc. conf. / disp. Dawn Bailey, Lawrenceville. Ph. 404-963-3160._____
Horse mule, approx. 650 Ibs., 9 yrs. old, will plow, fast when 1st started. W. E. Barfield, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-5821, no collect calls.___________________
Reg. Quarter Horse gelding, 5 yrs. old, 16.1 hds., son of Captain Boss, shown Western Pleasure / English, won big at Ga. State show. Connie Barker, Gainesville. Ph. 536-4084 after 5 pm.
3/4 Arabian filly, bay, 14.2 hds., 2 yrs. old, show prospect, $1200 firm. Christine Bayer, Warner Robins. Ph. 912-987-0817
nights._______________________ Gelding horse, saddle / bridle,
childrens horse, $500. John Harris, Harlem. Ph. 404-556-3776._________
Reg. 9 yr. Thoroughbred / Quarter Horse bay gelding, has been shown succ., $2500 / best offer. Ron! Harrison, Roswell. Ph. 993-3568 after 6 pm.

Draft-type grey mare, in foal to 16.3 hds. Thoroughbred, gentle pinto gelding, $750, purebred and half-Arabians, terms avail. Claire Boyd, Falrburn. Ph. 964-5403.

AQHA broodmares, Skipper W bred mare in foal for '83 to Top Lucky; '76 daughter of Swift Solo; also, '82 Top Lucky gelding show qual., reas. Andrea Callaway, Lovejoy. Ph. 404-471-4527.

Med. size mule, unbroke, $125, must sell. H. G. Chambers, Winterville. Ph. 404-742-8120._________________

Broodmare, Saddlebred w/Wing Commander bloodline, 14 yrs., chestnut, must
sell, $600. Pat Champion, Culloden. Ph. 404-358-4864.______________

Grey Arabian filly, 3 yrs., started under
saddle. S. P. Cowart, Rt. 3, Vidalia 30474. Ph. 912-537-8067 days, 537-1825 nights.

Purebred Arab mare, 7 yrs. old, chestnut w/3 stockings, exc. disp. / conf., Western Pleasure / Eng. good trail horse. $1200. A. Cox, Villa Rica. Ph. 404-459-4223.______________

Arabians-3 gorgeous yearling fillies, all show qual., $1800 ea., also sev. open and
bred mares $2,000 / up. C. Cummings, 5216 Rivoli Dr., Macon 31210. Ph. 912-477-3963._______________

2 yr. old AQHA sorrel mare, 15.1 hds., X Captain Boss from Three Bars mare, greenbroke, nice hunter prospect, $2500. R. F. Dixon, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-9145 or 587-5777.__________________

Sml. horse, pinto, 9 yrs. old, $200. Carole Doherty, Rt. 1, Kathleen. Ph.

3 yr. old grey Arab gelding, 14.3 hds., for show or endurance, sound / correct, presently in training, exc. disp., $1000 / terms. D. Hayward, Fayetteville. Ph. 964-7689 or 461-4646._________

Reg. Quarter Horses yearlings, exc. show prospects, for barrel, halter and pleasure, most by Impressers Imp's broodmares in foal to same. Danny Hogan, Rt. 1, Dexter 31019. Ph. 912-875-3476._____________

AQHA dun filly by Denver Jack Two, 2 yrs. old, green broke, make exc. youth / ladies pleasure prospect. Cissy Howard, Newborn. Ph. 342-3344._________

AQHA yearling colt, super halter / performance prospect, chestnut w/stockings, will finance. B. Iffland, Augusta. Ph. 798-3813 days._____________

2 AQHA broodmares, 3 yr. old filly, 2 yr. old colt, 5 yearlings, 6 to 9 mos., yearling bred for cutting. Harold Jones, LaFayette. Ph. 404-638-3857._______

9 yr. old American Saddlebred gelding,
spirited, $550. Kenneth Kauffman, Montezuma. Ph. 912-472-8833._______

R~eg. Appaloosa'yarlihg colt, Jok'er B7

bloodline, halter broke, good disp., $750.

Nolan Kell, Douglasville. Ph.



'71 AQHA mare, bred to foal in mid-
March, foal eligible for GQHBA Futurity. Paul Kelly, Tifton. Ph. 912-386-5882.

Racking mare, ridden in Snellville Parade, 9 yrs. old, very good horse, to foal in May, bred to reg. Quarter Horse, $900. Charles Linder, Snellville. Ph. 466-8096.

Reg. Appaloosa blue roan mare, 2 3/4 yrs. old, 14.3 hds. Joker B. bloodlines, gentle, greenbroke, can be ridden, $900.
Y. Loden, Conyers. Ph. 404-922-7335.

Arab mare, reg. Polish breeding, 6 yrs., bay, 14.2 hds., ride or broodmare, $1600,2 Arab reg. yearling dillies, grey. Jack Long, Stockbridge. Ph. 474-5122 after 6

pm._____________________ Reg. TB's exp. field hunter and show
jumper, also, sharp palomino Pony club mare, ready to show for novice on up. Judy Noel, Dalton. Ph. 404-226-0662.

Appaloosa 14 mos. old farm mule, drk. brown, stocking feet. W. Pace,
Milledgeville. Ph. 912-452-8857._____

Nice 10 mo. old stud colt, sorrel w/star, will mature 15-16 hds., halter broke, $375.
Chas. E. Scott, Griffin. Ph. 228-8805.

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Page 8


Wednesday, February 16, 1983

Horses, mules, ponies
for sale
AQHA reg. broodmares, Hollywood Gold, Sanddrift and other old bloodlines, reas. H. H. Reeves, Calhoun. Ph. 629-4191.___________________
2 beau. blk. reg. TWH fillies, 5 mos. / 7 mos., weaned, very gentle, top bloodlines, gr'daughters of Midnight Sun / Ace's Sensation / Shadow. Cheryl Schepis, Lexlngton. Ph. 404-743-5191.
Team roping horse, red dunn gelding, 7 yrs., 15.3 hds., 1275 IDS., Rodeo contested heading / heeling, good pasture working horse, $2500. Bobby Jackson, Dallas. Ph. 404-445-7610._________________
20 mo. old horse colt, $350, has been ridden by,6 yr. old girl. Howell Jordan, Rt. 3, Box 563 A, Hawklnsvllle 31036.
'82 AQHA chestnut gelding, exc. conf. / dlsp., halter / pleasure prospect. J. Jones, Montezuma. Ph. 912-472-8202._____
Reg. Arabian broodmare, chestnut, *" Serafix-Abu Farwa gr'daughter. J. Kelley, Douglas. Ph. 912-384-8083._______
Pony, very gentle, good for sml. childbred, saddle / bridle, $150. Steven Kenney, Stockbridge. Ph. 404-474-2929.
14.1 hd. mare, chestnut, Reserve and Champion many times, 3rd in State '80 and '81 GHSA 2'6", sound, willing, foxhunted, $2500. Charles Lancaster, Madison. Ph. 404-342-2772._____________
9 yr. old Quarter Horse, bay mare, 15 hds., guarn. child-safe, exc. pleasure mare, $450. Billy taster, Dublin. Ph. 912-275-3206.____________________
Perm. reg. Appaloosa mare, 16 hds., 17 yrs. old, colorful good broodmare, exc. endurance prospect, $800. D. Lence, Qrlffin. Ph. 228-0968.____________
AQHA reg. gelding, 5 yrs.. old, by own son of Three Bars out of a He's A Dude mare, performance prospect, $1200. M. Benefield, Buchanan. Ph. 404-646-8131.
Arabs-purebred, 2 and 3 yr. old colts and fillies, well known bloodlines, exreas. terms avail, must sell. Dee Bruce, Fayetteville. Ph. 461-1413.________
Racking Horse gelding, bay/blk. mane/tail, 15 hds., pleasure/show, very smooth, 19 ribbon '82 show season, good trail / parades / field, $1000. T. Champion, Acworth. Ph. 974-4259 or 974-5611 wk.
2 TB's, bay mare, 16.2 hds. or blk. gelding, 16.9 hds., both exc. jumpers, and good for beginners. Dawn Dooley, CummIng. Ph. 887-9291.______________
Nice choice of show / pleasure horses, TB's, QH's, weanlings or yearlings, also. Deborah Dunlvant, Cumming. Ph. 887-9191/5147.________________
APHC mare, 10 yrs., 15.2 hds., proven trail horse, has filly by side, will trade for 16 hds. jumper. L. Gowdy, Cumming. Ph. 887-7853._______________
Pinto overo gelding, racks, 10 yrs., child-safe, trail-safe, harness broke, $650 / neg. H. Hltt, Canton. Ph. 404-479-8370.
For sale or lease-1/2 Morgan mare, sorrel, 10 yrs. old, exp. trail horse, Eng. / Western, prefers ladles / young girls, price neg. D. Hollingsworth, Atlanta. Ph. 952-2965 after 6 pm.______________
Reg. TB mare, 16.1 hds., good broodmare or hunter-jumper prospect, has produced one winner at race track. Bill Hutton, Ml. View. Ph. 404-363-0624._______
20 mo. old TB gelding, bay w/star, nice mover, 15.1 hds., sound w/sweet disp. Heather Lee, Cumming. Ph. 887-9291.
Reg. Morgans, yearling colts. Bill Meredith, Good Hope. Ph. 404-267-8874.
Qual. Appaloosa mare, terrific jumper, medallion winner, 16 hds., 7 yrs. old, tallent unlimited, bargain at $5500. P. McGlothlln, Cumming. Ph. 404-889-1536.
Morgan-5 yr. old gelding, 14.3 hds., spirited, $550. Charles Miller, Bowdon. Ph. 258-3673.__________________
Sml. Shetland stud colt, paint, 2 yrs., very gentle. Linda Moss, Atlanta. Ph. 634-3564 or 636-3121.__________
AQHA-golden palomino colt, 21 mos., sire-Bill The Cutter, dbl. bred Cutter Bill, $1000. J. Nelson, Brooks. Ph. 404-227-5012 or 599-3346.__________
2 very gentle pleasure / trail horses, anyone can ride, both 15 hds., $600 ea. J. Overcash, Loganvllle. Ph. 466-1295.
Reg. 3/4 Arab mare, 8 yrs., exc. youth horse, $1100, Quarter mare, 5 yrs., gentle, $900, 7/8 Arab filly yearling, halter broke, $700. Ronnie Pesserlllo, Lilbum. Ph. 972-6145 eves._______________
AQHA Jet Deck gr'daughter, 4 yrs., 15.3 hds., exc. conf., '82 SGHJA Baby Green Champ. Graydon Pierce, Valdosta. Ph. 912-242-3556/9908._____________
Reg TWH Midnight Sun breeding, 15.2 hds., 1100 Ibs., prof, trained, 7 mo., In foal, $950. Mike Roberson, Dublin. Ph. 984-4830.__________________
10 AQHA colts and fillies, top bloodlines (Parkers Trouble / Top Moon), sev. halter / perf. prospects very reas. Ken Smith, Calhoun. Ph. 404-629-8814.
'81 colt by One Gun cut of Beauty's Red Boy mare, 14% hds., drk. sorrel w/blaze, $2500/offer. Chuck Swafford, Jackson. Ph. 775-2443.

Half Arab-half Quarter, 4 yr. old reg. gelding, beau, copper chestnut / blaze / stockings, full Arab, 5 yr. old chestnut mare, Superior Michigan breeding. Ron Tlshaw, Douglasvllle. Ph. 949-8646.
Beau. AQHA bay colt, 1 yr. old, exc. show prospect, Impressive and Top Deck bloodlines, well-muscled, gentle / spirited. Billy Tolbert, Douglasvllle. Ph. 404-489-1107.___________________
Beau. '69 reg. AQHA, chest broodmare offspring of AQHA Superior Champ., 9180/'81 foals can be seen, sacrifice, $2500. Mrs. C. L Wages, Lawrenceville. Ph. 404-921-3003._______________
AQHA reg. bay stallion, Champ, bloodlines, and gentle, make exc. stud, sell or lease. Martha Warner, Woodstock. Ph. 926-7392.________________
Saddlebred, gaited, 5 yrs., 16 hds., Eng. / Western, make offer. Mrs. Betty Waters, Roswell. Ph. 928-0297 after 6 pm.
Friendly blk. liver yearling colt, reg. 7/8 Arabian, will mature big. R. Watson, Bonaire. Ph. 912-922-2518._______
Pair sorrel Belgian fillies, full sisters. Warren Wlshon, Ellljay. Ph. 404-635-2786.
'77 grey Arabian mare, Fadjur, Raffles, Abufarwa w/breedlng to Champ, son of Ansata E1NISR, $3500, 75 perf. trained gelding, $1500, same bloodline. F. Winne, Bowersvllle. Ph. 404-376-7824._______
Reg. 3/4 Arab filly, 3 yrs., started over fences, shown dressage, gentle, reas. offer, must sell. Judith Yu, Fayetteville. Ph. 461-9953._________________
Palomino pony, 12.1 hds., rides, pulls, ex-gentle, harness, saddle / bridle, $700. Nancy Warner, Conyers. Ph. 404-922-7335._____________
AQHA broodmares and yearlings, exc. breeding-Doc Bar, Dun Berry, King, Wimpy II, must sell, moving. Sandra Almy, Athens. Ph. 404-549-7537.__________
White event pony, 13.3 hds., 7 yrs. old, gelding, good jumper / dressage, great folr sml. child or beginner, $1500. Linda Benson, Alpharatta. Ph. 475-2335/6894.
15.3 jumper, very athletic bay, 9 yrs. old, gelding, well-trained, top cond. W. Blackstone, Mableton. Ph. 944-8443.
Reg. 3/4 Arabian grey gelding, sound, good mover, good jumper, exc. field hunter / show prospect, $2500 / neg. Marilea Butler, Warner Robins. Ph. 912-922-8844 after 5 pm._______________
14 hds. palomino gelding w/tack in exc. cond., $685, 15 hds. sorrel mare, 4 yrs., $825 w/tack, both gentle, sound, ideal first for beginner. D. Dunahoo, Loganvllle. Ph. 466-8318.___________
Buckskin gelding, 9 yrs., 14.2 hds., Eng. / Western, good jumper, exc. for beginners, $990. C. Frazier, PchTree City. Ph. 487-7486._________________
Liver chestnut purebred Arabian gelding, 6 mos. prof, training Western Pleasure / Halter, ready to show, $4500. Mrs. Gould, Llthonla. Ph. 972-6348.
12 yr. gelding show horse, bay, 3 yr. old filly, bay, very reas. D. Ham, Montezuma. Ph. 912-472-2207._______________
AQHA 2 yr. old gelding, flashy, pleasure prospect, 9 yr. QH gelding, 15.3 hds., Hi-Point Hunt Seat 1982, jumps, dressage, Western Pleasure. M. Adams, Douglasville. Ph. 942-6861.____________________
Arabian gelding, tall flashy chestnut w/flaxen mane / tail, halter qual., prof, trained, ladies horse. $4,000. Bonnie Anckersen, Oxford. Ph. 1-787-2132.______
Reg. Appaloosa horses, top qual., all very gentle, must see to appreciate, priced to sell. N. Barrett, Gray. Ph. 912-743-0040._________________
Lrg. sorrel filly, Skipper W bred, should be super riding mare w/lots of class. R. Bennett, Valdosta. Ph. 912-244-9614.
Reg. AQHA sorrel gelding, 1300 Ibs., exc. for woman / child, $800 firm. Billy Bullock, Dallas. Ph. 445-1631 or day 459-3536.__________________
Reg. Arabian gelding, bay, 6 yrs., 15 hds., Raffles bloodlines, exc. show prospect, prof, training, gentle / spirited. C. W. Erwin, Blue Ridge. Ph. 838-4797.
Reg. blk. and white gelding, Nat'l Spotted Saddle Horse, racks, well-mannered, great for lady / child. Shirley Federer, Bremen. Ph. 404-537-3000._________
AQHA sorrel gelding, 4 yrs., child-safe, sound / reas. G. Garrett, Dalton. Ph. 404-673-2437 or 694-3197 / leave message.___________________
Purebred Arabian, 4 yrs. old, bay gelding, reg., Eng. / Western, $700. Linda Haddox, Macon. Ph. 912-474-4969 after 1
pm.____________________________ Arabian gelding, beau., 8 yrs. old,
honest, willing / friendly, Hunter / Jumper, shown lightly, needs exp. rider. L. Hinson, Atlanta. Ph. 257-0048 eves.
14.2 hds. flashy Quarter Horse mare, barrel racer, very fast, exp. rider only, $650. R. Holton, Cumming. Ph. 887-0367.
4 yr. old gelding, Appaloosa crossed w/TWH mare, chestnut, 15.2 hds., halter broke, needs training, orig. owner, possible rodeo prospect, $600. D. Jackson, Lithonia. Ph. 981-4041.
AQHA 67 King bred mare by AQHA Champ., can see her yearling filly, 2 yr. colt, real nice, will breed to son of Dan L Straw in Feb. James Jordan, Dalton. Ph. 226-5206.

Pretty mare mule, 700 Ibs., $250; jack, nice, gentle, pulls, $225. Charles I. Kelly, Rt. 3, Valdosta 31601.___________
Morgan mare, chestnut, 15 hds., trained Eng. Pleasure, Towne Ayre mare, very strong Lippet Lines. Mrs. Lee, Douglasvllle. Ph. 949-9528 or 993-2980.
Reg. Thoroughbred stallion, hunter / racing type, handsome, kind, proven, drk. bay (near blk.) imported sire / dam, $2000. M. A. Mahoney, Suwanee. Ph. 404-476-5590._________________
4 yr. old 13.3 hds. red mare, real good w/kids, trailers / lunges, make good jumper, sell $550 / trade. Tiny Mizzell, Covington. Ph. 1-786-8695 or 922-4225 after 7 pm._________
Mare mule coming 7 yrs. old, good working mule and very gentle, approx. 800 Ibs. James (Red) Norton, Morganton. Ph. 374-6016._______________
Arabians, part Arabians, show, breeding, investment and pleasure qual. mares, colts and fillies, geldings, wide price range / terms avail. S. C. O'Connor, Newnan. Ph. 583-2070.___________
AQHA palomino gelding, 14 hds., 4 yrs. old, exc. Pony Club prospect, very gentle. Pam Patillo, Temple. Ph. 898-3321 days or 836-0335 nights.___________________
4 yr. old miniature Shetland mare, dapple, bred to miniature stud, due to foal in April, $300. John W. Quarles, Rt. 1, Nlcholson. Ph. 546-7247._____________
Bay Quarter Horse mare, hvy. in foal, wide hips, 14.2 hds. Barrel / Pleasure, $750. Diane Roberson, Dublin. Ph. 984-4830._______________________
5 yr. old AQHA mare, pleasure or broodmare, 2 yr. AQHA palomino filly, gentle, easy to handle. Hugh Scott, Waynesboro. Ph. 404-554-3102.______
AQHA mares, buckskin, guarn. sound, $1000 and $1500. David Swenson, Decatur. Ph. 289-5798 or 296-2527.
Hunter, reg. Arab, chestnut gelding, 7 yrs., 15.2 hds., show / hunt / pleasure, 4 mos. prof, training, $2500. Mr. Thompson, Douglasvllle. Ph. 942-6353.
'81 grey Arabian filly, beau, correct, show qual., exotic head, show qual., 50% Egyptian, by Champ. Applehillazal, must
see, $5000. Paul Winne, Bowersvllle. Ph. 404-376-7824.
Arabian fillies, 15.1 hds., grey, 4 yrs., 14.3 hds., grey, 22 mos., Mr. Storm / Vazon, gr'daughters, exc. conf. /temperament, sell / trade for Eng. Pleasure / Equitation gelding. Bill Williams, Cartersvllle. Ph. 404-386-2333._______
Pr. reg. Belgian mares, blonde, bred and broke. Jerry Wishon, Ellljay. Ph. 404-635-7607.________________
Pretty mare, 14.2 hds., 3 yrs., very affectionate, loves children, ex-fast, terrific child's home horse, $500 / trade for 2-horse trailer. B. Alien, Marietta. Ph. 425-2039._________________________
Glen Hawk Farms QH's, Gold Seeker Bars, Baron Bell / Eternal Sun bloodlines, exc. conf. / show qual. visitors welcome. Don Barnes, Cumming. Ph. 1-889-1371.
Dbl. reg. palomino mare, 11 yrs. old, 3 yr. old AQHA mare, sev. good riding horses, also avail. David Barnett, Fayettevllle. Ph. 461-4649 or 478-0264._____
AQHA stallion, 5 yrs., beau, red, spirited but gentle, $3,000 / best offer. Adrianne Bell, Wrightsville. Ph. 912-469-5154.____________________
3 Quarter Horses, rides anywhere, also 1/2 Arabian, 2% yrs. old. D. Christian, Covington. Ph. 1-786-2958.________
4 Leo bred mares for sale, see to appreciate. Chuck Cole, McDonough. Ph. 404-957-2119.________________
AQHA 2 yr. old blk. filly, exc. bloodlines, Baron Bell on top, Eternal Sun on bottom, show qual. M. A. Cole, Cumming. Ph. 889-1371._____________
Reg. drk. bay Saddlebred mare, racks, needs work or broodmare, Nasrca '82 Eng. Halter Champ. Ginger Cooley, Smyrna. Ph. 434-5350.____________
15.3 hds., very athletic bay, 9 yr. old gelding, well trained, top cond. W. Blackstone, Mableton. Ph. 944-8443.
AQHA chestnut gelding, 5 yrs. old, son of Quick Henry, AAA, AQHA Champ., gr'son of Sugar Bars, nice pleasure / trail horse, $1500. Gil Davies, Douglasville. Ph. 942-4705._________________
Reg. AQHA 2 yr. old colt, Doc Bar breeding, very pretty, sorrel. J. L. Garner, Stone Mtn. Ph. 921-6099._________
Racking horse, half Thoroughbred-half walking horse, gelding, lots of motion, bay col., strawberry roan QH, gentle / spirited, exp. rider. Joe Glnn, Jefferson. Ph. 367-9956/8788 after 6 pm.______
1/2 Thoroughbred-Vi Walker, 9 yrs. old, 3/4 Thoroughbred- Vt Walker, 2 yrs. old, 1 paint pony w/tack, 5 or 6 yrs. old, $2600. Peewee Henderson, Harlem. Ph. 556-9409.___________________
Reg. 1/2 Thoroughbred gelding, 3 yrs. old, 15 hds., exc. conf. / disp., Eng. / Western, very athletic, $850 / firm. Kim Jackson, Roswell. Ph. 404-993-9540.
Reg. AQHA filly, 10 mos. old, sireBandito Gold, dam-Que Rojo Que Pecho. R. Johnson, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-1784.
Name and city are required on every ad. Please include this Information so your ad will not be withheld.

Reg. 10 yrs., 16.1 hds., Appaloosa gelding, exc. show / pleasure / trail horse, will jump 4 ft., needs exp. rider / strong hand, $2000. T. Jones, Norcross. Ph. 939-2707 after 6 pm._____________
Pretty sorrel mare, sml. gentle, $600, real nice Quarter type colt, 9 mos., $400, both $900. Marion King, Douglasville. Ph. 949-0668:__________________
Reg. 11 yr. TB bay gelding, 16.1 hds., working dressage / over fences, $2500. Susan Day / Karen Komadowski, Atlanta. Ph. 892-1411 or 394-1462.

Livestock Wanted

Want to buy guinea piglet boar or gilt,

lots of TLC. Ken Roberts, Calhoun. Ph.



Want reg. Hereford cow, will trade 200 ft. of new V4 inch chain. John Robinson, Lawrenceville. Ph. 979-0322 after 5 pm.

Want to buy or catch wild cattle. Ronald Thurmond, Madison. Ph. 342-3276
/0930. _____________

Want to by a gentle but spirited stud or
gelding, at reas. price, 15 hds. or more. Rhonda Henry, Rabun Gap. Ph. 746-2159.

Want 1 crossbred bull, prefer Charbray, 2 yr. old, or Red Brahman / Simmental cross or Red Brahman - Red Angus cross or Red Brahman / Limousin cross. J. P. Anderson, Nlcholson. Ph. 757-2517.
Want Nubian milk goat (need milk for children), pay sml. price or trade wethers. P. Anderson, Dahlonega. Ph. 864-4398.
Want AQHA and APHA breeding stock mares, will pay $300-$500. M. Astin, Douglasvllle. Ph. 942-8674 from 6-8 pm.
Want to buy Bucking Horses. M. M. Carter, Rt. 2, Douglasville 31533. Ph. 912-384-3680._______________
Want calves, 250-400 Ibs., will trade Irg. round bale prime Coastal hay, fert., no rain. D. S. Bickers, Atlanta. Ph. 355-6428 days or 237-7009 eves.__________
Want to buy Shetland ponies. C. M. Bond, Lavonia. Ph. 404-356-1143 aft. 8:30
pm.______________________________ Want to buy 15.1 hds. or larger gelding
w/big feet and 3 to 6 yrs. old. D. Carnahan, Thomasville. Ph. 912-228-4812
nights.______________________ Want TB type horse, prefer 5-8 yrs.,
15.2 hds. -16.3 hds., gelding w/good manners, can be unreg. and/or unproven. Beth Croce, Roswell. Ph. 993-1951._______
Want reas. priced proven Yorkshire herd boar, 300-400 Ibs., w/papers, Central GA area. R. F. Dube, Griffin. Ph. 404-229-1981 aft. 6 pm.___________
Want orphan baby calves, free or will pay sml. amt. for them w/in 50 mi. of Dahlonega, plenty TLC. C. G. Gilstrap, Dahlonega. Ph. 404-864-2908.________
Want 1 buck, 1 doe, San Juan rabbit, w/in 50 mi. of Hartwell. Thomas Griffith, Hartwell. Ph. 404-376-3751._________
Want to buy a few horses and cows. Wayne Green, Bremen. Ph. 404-562-4197.
Want to ouy cattle or hogs, any size or amount. Lynn B. Hale, Rt. 2, Acworth 30101. Ph. 404-428-2835.__________
Want cattle, will trade Bermuda hay. R. W. Johnson, Concord. Ph. 404-227-6211.
Want Arab mare to lease on breed back basis, will be bred to top Arab stallion. D. Hayward, Fayetteville. Ph. 404-964-7689 or 461-4646.___________________
Want full-blooded little bone guinea hogs. Paul J. Kent, Star Rt., Marble Hill. Ph. 893-2322.___________________
Want unwanted cattle - cows, goats, misc., to prospective good home, will pick up w/in reas. distance. H. Mclntyre, Locust Grove. Ph. 957-9749.

Livestock Handling
And Equipment
DD 2-horse trailer, exc. cond., $1400. Judy Lunsford, Roswell. Ph. 992-2077.
Want 2-horse Gooseneck trailer w/dressing room, will trade 2-horse bumper type and pay diff. for right trailer. John Mullls, Ft. Valley. Ph. 912-987-0977.
Saddle blanket / red nylon bridle, no reins, blk. saddle w/silver trim, $100, used very little. Ray L. Mullins, Pine Valley Stables, Powder Springs. Ph. 943-4260.
2-horse in-line trailer, like new, blue w/silver band, bus windows, reas. Mr. Russell, Montezuma. Ph. 912-472-2207.
Pasture avail, for horses or cows, 105 A. w/runnlng water In Bibb Co., close to Monroe Co. line. J. Richardson, Macon. Ph. 935-2552.______
17" Stubben forward seat w/strirrups and leathers, matching bridle Incl., 2 yrs. old, exc. cond., $500. Chris Saia, Marietta. Ph. 429-1797 aft. 7:30 pm.______
1 Big Horn, blk. w/red seat parade saddle w/matching breast collar, lots of silver, $225. Charles E. Scott, Griffin. Ph. 228-8805.___________________
Western saddle, good cond., blk. / red seat, $1.50, Western show accessories. S. Schutte, Alpharatta. Ph. 404-475-0230.

LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Annual Prices for 1B82 .. Georgia Auction Markets
Ga. Department of Agriculture And
U.S. Department of Agriculture' Cooperating
Federal-State Market News Service





Good, 900-1100 Ib. ........ 60.10


Good, 500-700 Ib. ......... 51.50

Good, 700-900 Ib. ......... 53.59 Cows:

Utility .................. 41.07 Cutter .................. 36.36 Bulls:

Yield Grade 1-2

1300-1700Ib... .......... .49.28
Yield Grade 1-2 1000-1300 Ib... ........ 47.14

Calves, 250-500 Ib. Choice .................. 53.57

Good ................... 50.77

Vealors, 100-250 Ib. Choice.................. 61.75 Good ................... 57.00


Med. Frame 200-300 Ib. . . .. 71.56

Med. Frame 300-400 Ib. .... 66.51

Med. Frame 400-500 Ib. . . . . 62.49

Med. Frame 500-600 Ib. .. . . 60.10

Med. Frame 600-700 Ib. . . . . 58.49 STEERS: No. 2

Med. Frame, 200-300 Ib.. . . . 63.69 Med. Frame, 300-400 Ib.. . . . 60.40

Med. Frame, 400-500 Ib... . . 57.61 Med. Frame, 500-600 Ib... . . 55.33 Med. Frame, 600-700 Ib... .. 53.29

HEIFERS: No. 1 Med. Frame, 200-300 Ib..... 56.29

Med. Frame, 300-400 Ib.. . . . 53.88

Med. Frame, 400-500 Ib.. . . . 52.04 Med. Frame, 500-600 Ib..... 51.22

HOGS: Barrows and Gilts:

200-220 Ib. U.S. 2-3 ........ 54.75

220-240 Ib. U.S. 2-3 ........ 54.75

200-220 Ib. U.S. 1-2 ........ 56.68

220-240 Ib. U.S. 1-2 ........ 56.68 Feeder Pigs:

30-40 Ibs. U.S. 1-2 ........ 116.88 40-50 Ibs. U.S. 1-2 ........ 106.64

50-60 Ibs. U.S. 1-2 ........ 100.80

60-80 Ibs. U.S. 1-2 .......... 87.52

Western saddle for sml. horse or Irg. pony, fair cond., make offer. Rusty Adcox, Buford. Ph. 945-6534 leave message.
2-horse trailer, tack comp., new paint/floor, good tires, sgl. axle, $850. James Barnes, Ft. Valley. Ph. 825-2290.
Pasture land for lease-35 A., yr. round Fescue, water, cross fenced, ideal for horses, Liberty Grove Rd. E. A. Beaver, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-3546 or 455-2015.
Hale 2-horse trailer, 5 new tires, good floor / paint, removable partitions, $1200. T. Belnecke, Lawrenceville. Ph. 963-7641.
17" western roping, cutting saddle, good cond., $200 firm. Larry Byron, Jonesboro. Ph. 477-1795.___________
2-pony saddles, 1 nice big saddle, $175 for all. Joel Bond, Rt. 2, Elberton 30635. Ph. 283-1878.___________________
18" Argentine huntseat saddle, suede knee rolls, almost new, exc. cond., $150. L. Buhmann, Macon. Ph. 912-742-7633 aft.
5 pm._________________________________________ Portable cattle corral panels, 5x12 ft.,
$30 ea. panel. Bill Callaway, Rt. 1, CummIng. Ph. 404-887-4443.________
Want lightweight alum, bits w/plastlc or nylon mouthpiece. Lynn Chandler, 801 Riley St., Albany 31705. Ph. 912-439-7569.
Big Horn western show saddle, 15" Arabian cut, very nice tooling and silver, exc. cond., $400. T. Champion, Acworth. Ph. 974-4259 or 974-5611 work._____
1 western saddle, good cond., $65. Hansell F. Cross, Covington. Ph. 404-786-7591._________________
1975 2-horse trailer, new paint, div. and mats, tack comp., $750. Shirley Federer, Bremen. Ph. 404-537-3000._______
'82 WW 2-horse trailer, like new cond., 6'6" hgt., elec. brakes, escape door, radial tires, $2700. Bobby Foster, Marietta. Ph. 973-3712._______________________
Want 14 ft. cattle trailer w/covered top, reas. priced. Willie Gooch, 3221 Thompson Mill Rd,, Buford 30518. Ph. 945-5618.
Champion 2-horse trailer, new paint / floor / tires, many extras, $1500. L. Gowdy, Cumming. Ph. 887-7853.

Wednesday, February 16, 1983


Page 9

Want four (4) 14%" trailer tires w/ or w/o wheels. Bill Anglin, Lithonia. Ph. 981-1344.__________________
14 ft. stock trailer w/o top, hvy. duty, new floor, needs rewiring, good cond., $700. S. Benton, Ellenwood. Ph. 241-3768.
20' x 6' Gooseneck stock trailer, center gate, escape door, 1974 Chev. 3/4 ton, new 454 engine / transmission, tires. Billy Bullock, Dallas. Ph. 445-1631, 459-3536
Want to buy good used 2-horse trailer. Fred Childers, Rt. 2, Cave Springs 30124. Ph. 404-777-3584.______________
Bona Alien huntseat saddle, 17", made especially for wide backed, low withered horse, $125, w/o fittings. Mrs. Davis, Lithonia. Ph. 498-1284.__________
Want used treadmill for horses. DeWeese Eason, Colllns. Ph. 693-2948.
Gooseneck trailer hitch. W. B. Mltchell, Lithonia. Ph. 972-5350.__________
2-horse trailer, $850. Billy Nappier, Dallas. Ph. 445-3425.__________
2 Eng. saddles, $85 ea., 1 Western Irg. youth saddle, $90, 1 ladles side saddle, $150. Walter L. Susong, Conyers. Ph. 404-483-8288.________________
Want to buy a silver show halter for grown horse. J. R. Taylor, Albany. Ph. 912-436-7692._______________
4-horse Supreme hot walker, like new, used very little, $800 or make offer or trade for horse trailer. L. Thompson, Bulord. Ph. 945-8208.____________
Want lightweight western endurance saddle, will trade Bailey 16" western saddle, in like new cond. Ellen Thrall, Hampton. Ph. 946-4652 eves.___________
Want to lease 300 A. or more on Walton Co. for hunting rights. Jimmy Turk, Loganvllle. Ph. 979-8074.__________
Hvy. duty roping saddle, good cond., $150 / trade for blk. western saddle w/padded seat, good cond. R. Veach, Conyers. Ph. 922-4654.____
16 ft. D D 4-horse trailer & saddle room and divider, good cond., $1550. Fred Weaver, Canon. Ph. 404-356-8007.
14 ft. dual axle trailer good for hauling hay, wood and equip., $450; cattle trailer 4' x 10', $250. James E. Wheeler, Acworth. Ph. 974-3481.______________
2-horse trailer, homemade but ex-nice, sell / trade for 16 ft. livestock trailer. Milton white, Lula. Ph. 404-677-3388.
Pasture / stall for rent, cross fenced, close in, Stone Mtn. area. Roger Stall, Stone Mtn. Ph. 469-1405 or 529-7620.
Roughout Simco highback barrel saddle, 15" seat, $300. Debbie Walker, Augusta. Ph. 592-4038 after 6 pm.
2-horse Gllmore trailer w / dressing room, ex-height, good cond., $1250. Henry Weaver, Jackson. Ph. 404-228-4394._______________
Two 20 ft. flat Gooseneck tralers, floored over neck w/loading ramps, $1950 ea., one 16 ft. Gooseneck stock trailer, $2700. D. M. Womack, Dallas. Ph. 445-7510._________________
2-horse trailer, D D, new paint, good floor / tires, ex-tall, elec. brakes / mats, $1400. Hugh Wilcox, Winterville. Ph. 742-8032._________________
Billy Royal prof, series saddle, Tommy Manion seat, like new, $1500; also, headstall & breastplate, Hereford brand saddle, $350. S. Wood, Dacula. Ph. 945-8537._________________
English flat saddle, $75, huntseat saddle, $295. C. Frazier, Peachtree City. Ph. 487-7486.___________________
Heiser roping saddle, made in Denver, Col., very good cond., $250. Paulette Grizzle, Acworth. Ph. 404-974-4098._______
1 Big Horn saddle, good cond., $150; 1 pony saddle, good cond., $50. D. Ham, Montezuma. Ph. 472-2207._________
Dressage saddle, like new, qual. brand, comfortable narrow twist, must sell, reduced price. J. Hitman, Suwanee. Ph. 945-2723 nights or leave message.
Kingsman horse trailer, ex.-hgt., ramp, side door, surge brakes, new paint / tires, $1500. C. H. Holmes, Fayettevllle. Ph. 461-6479._________________
Cattle trailer, squeeze chute, tractor attachments, hay racks, much more. A. Doyle Johnson, Athens. Ph. 549-1763.
4-horse Gooseneck trailer w/5 ft. dressing room, saddle racks, new tires, good floor, $1500, pulls easily. J. Kinsey, Forsyth. Ph. 404-887-0960.____________
Buford Western show saddle, lots of silver, buck stitching and hand tooling, $950, used once. Mrs. Lee, Douglasville. Ph. 949-9528 or 993-2980.__________
Tex Tan show halter, silver, dbl. harness leather, blk. patent covered, never used, sell for $75. J. Loggins, Clarkesvllle. Ph. 754-6934.________
17 in. Kieffer standard all-purpose saddle, 1 yr. old, exc. cond., $700/trade for Kieffer dressage saddle. Marilea Butler, Warner Robins. Ph. 912-922-8844.
2-horse trailer, good cond., needs minor repairs, all new wiring and lights, good floor, moving, must sell, $795. A. Cox, Villa Rica. Ph. 404-459-4223.
Want pull type stock trailer, will trade reg. Polled Shorthorn bull. Carl Coffman, Rt. 1, Box 664, Chickamauga 30707. Ph. 375-5051.

2-horse trailer, fair cond., $900. James Allison, Rt. 2, Winder. Ph. 867-4537.
20x6 Gooseneck stock trailer and '74 Chev. 20 series 454 eng. equip, to pull above trailer, both exc. cond. Billy Bullock, Dallas. Ph. 445-1631 or day 459-3536.________________
21" seat cutback, $135; also, huntseat saddles, $100 up. Richard Dunivant, Cumming. Ph. 887-9291 /5147._________
Want used 16 ft. or larger cattle trailer. Bobby Hamil, Hamil Farms, 2126 Hwy. 16 E., Griffin. Ph. 404-227-6342 / 2851, no collect calls.________________________
15" Simco parade saddle, like new, $425, also, 2-horse trailer, '76 Hale, exc. cond., $1250. Eddie Hannah, Newnan. Ph. 404-253-1048.___________________
Simco silver show saddle w/matching breast collar, good cond., $350. Jim Hayes, Braselton. Ph. 654-2526 / 3284.
'79 Neckover 16' comb. 4-horse or stock trailer, center gate, front/rear removable partitions for hauling horses / tack comp., low mi., exc. cond. C. Henson, Calhoun. Ph. 404-625-0261.______
Western pony saddle / bridle and pad for sale. Wanda Emory, Homer. Ph. 404-677-3649._________________
Beau. Passier dressage saddle, 17" seat, orig. Federbaum tree, very good cond., $600. Kim Jackson, Roswell. Ph. 404-993-9540.______.________
Want used 2-horse or 4-horse trailer, reas. priced. D. Lunsford, Roswell. Ph. 992-2077._________________
Steel cattle bed, crown top for cover, fits long-bed step side pick up, size 8'x52", $200. Charles T. Massey, P.O. Box 382, Rockmart 30153. Ph. 684-7156.
'69 Hale 2-horse trailer, good cond., exc. floor, nearly new tires, pulls easy, $800 firm. Pam McGlothlin, Cumming. Ph. 404-889-1536.______________
'79 Hale 16' Gooseneck stock trailer, all gates, $1250; '77 16' stock trailer, bumper hitch, brakes, all gates, $1450, both exc. cond. Billy Mullis, Lizella. Ph. 912-935-8693._____________
Want 16-20' used cattle trailer, covered, escape door, partitioned, axe. cond. only. David Alien, Social Circle. Ph. 404-981-9402.____________________
16 ft. 2-axle farm trailer, treated floor lights, jack and safety chains. L. J. Blasczyk, 6549 The Kings Way, Douglasville 30135. Ph. 942-5018.
24' bed-over Gooseneck flat-bed, $1750. Larry J. Brown, Warner Robins. Ph. 912-953-4721.__________________
Pasture for rent, Fescue grass, water, shelter, prefer horses. B. J. Feifer, Sandy Springs. Ph. 256-1055.__________
Want late model 20-24 ft. Gooseneck cattle trailer in exc. cond., reas. priced. M. B. Moate, Rt. 1, Dexter 31019. Ph. 912-6894 / 4240._____________
2-horse trailer, good cond., $850. Billy Nappier, Dallas. Ph. 445-3425._______
18" Borelli huntseat saddle, $190, 17%" English saddle, $75, blk. padded seat, western pleasure saddle, $165. P. Parson, Maysville. Ph. 404-652-2323.
2-horse trailer, 7 ft. hi., exc. cond., escape door, inside lights, elec. brakes, etc. Pam Patillo, Temple. Ph. 898-3321 days or 836-0335 nights.__________
'82 Hale 20 ft. Gooseneck, covered top/nose, 3 gates, like new, sell/trade for young bull or cahs. Terry Powell, Griffin. Ph. 404-228-3424._______________
Simco show saddle, bridle/blanket, $950. George Pugh, Buford. Ph. 945-8459.
Want used cattle sides, slide in preferred, longbed, tube or steel, good cond., reas. priced, cash. Hugh Sams, Winder. Ph. 867-7709._________________
'79 custom D D trailer, lights, brakes, many extras, very good cond., $1200/best offer. Candy Sanders, Snellville. Ph. 972-7525.____________________
Cattle trailer, '80 model, 16 ft., all metal w/escape gate, 6 ft. sides, open top, $990. B. J. Segars, Rt. 1, Winder 30680. Ph. 404-867-4886._________________
Want 2-horse Gooseneck trailer w/dressing room, good cond. Holly Scoggins, Danlelsvllle. Ph. 795-3179.______
Want 16" forward huntseat saddle w/suede knee roll, in exc. cond., or will trade 17" forward huntseat saddle w/suede knee roll. Peggy Sinnen, Douglasville. Ph. 404-445-9736.______
Want to rent sml. pasture in Lilburn, Lawrenceville or close by to raise goat herd, don't mind sharing. Doug Wilburn, Tucker. Ph. 939-1461.______________
Want 14 ft. bumper hitch stock trailer w/top, must be near new cond., reas. priced. James R. Woods, Pine Mtn. Ph. 882-6580 aft. 6 pm._____________
Stubben Rex. 15" seat, leathers and irons incl., $375. M. Adams, Douglasville. Ph. 942-6861.________________
Want used cattle trailer, 16 ft. or less bumper hitch type, Glenn Arp, Bamesville. Ph. 358-2154._________
16" Passier-Hanover saddle / all fittings & pad, exc. shape. C. Cofer, Buford. Ph. 945-2897.________________
English saddle, $175, western barrel racing saddle, suede seat, $180, both used once. J. Overcash, Loganville. Ph. 166-1295.

Want used 1-horse trailer or light wgt. 2-horse trailer, brakes, escape hatch, not home built, prefer bulldog hitch. Sondra M. Franceil, Danielsville. Ph. 404-795-3166 eves._______________
Want slide-in cattle sides longbed Dodge slots, 49%" and 42" on center, metal or wood. B. Hester, Winder. Ph. 867-7709._________________
Late '81 Neckover, 6' wide, 14' long Gooseneck cattle trailer, like new, used very few times, cross gate and spare wneel, $2550, red. Frank Hogan, Gainesville. Ph. 404-983-7977._______
Bona Alien saddle/bridle, exc. cond. Larry Honea, Marietta. Ph. 424-6070.
'72 D D 2-horse trailer, ex-height, tack comp., good cond., $950. Susan Hornsby, Augusta. Ph. 404-798-8574 aft. 7 pm.
Exc. yr. round pasture for rent w/shelter and creeks, mo. rate per horse. D. Mitchell, Duluth. Ph. 476-5118.
2-horse Stidham Gooseneck w/dressing room, completely enclosed roof, new tires, many extras. W. Pace, Gray. Ph. 912-986-6322.__________________
Mark VI combination saddle, exc. cond., 16%", stirrups / leathers not incl., $400. Lisa Shaw, Atlanta. Ph. 458-2424.
Want to lease 200-1000 A. for deer hunting, w/old house, East / West / South of Atlanta. Leon Stephens, Marietta. Ph. 404-971-1456.__________________
Steel cattle body, 43" hi., 78" long, 53" wide, overhead rollup gate, $100. W. D. Tillery, Rt. 2, Smyrna. Ph. 435-7701.
Saddle/bridle, good cond., $200 for both. Big Moe Townsend, Marietta. Ph. 427-1400.___________________
Pasture for rent, Dallas, GA. Mrs. G. R. Tucker, Marietta. Ph. 977-2042._____
Sml. stock trailer, 4%x8, see to appreciate, $400 firm. Bill Snead, Silver Creek. Ph. 234-7581 or 748-0810._____
3 axle trailer, 16 ft., metal, brakes on all axles, ramps, lights, $700. Fred E. Smith, Rt. 7, Dallas 30132. Ph. 445-7360.
Want 14 or 16 ft. stock trailer under $900 w/in 50 mi. B. Akers, Carrollton. Ph. 834-6434._______________________
Borelli 4" cutback, saddle, blk. used only 5 times. Andrea Claborn, Jonesboro. Ph. 478-0124.__________________
Western trail saddle, $80, also, parade or show saddle, blk. w/red padded seat, matching bridle / breast collar, $260. P. Hood, Loganvllle. Ph. 466-8318.______
Want to rent/lease pasture land near Conyers (immediate need). V. Murphy, Conyers. Ph. 483-5536 or 922-5529.
8% stock trailer, 2 axle, 2 in. oak floor, like new, best offer. B. Sartaln, Royston. Ph. 404-245-5008.______________
Need trailer space for one horse to Thomasville, Ga., will share expenses. C. Walker, Decatur. Ph. 299-1288._____
Driving harness for med. to Irg. size horse, 3 sets, var. cond. Claire Boyd, Fairburn. Ph. 964-5403.____________
Ex. pasture for rent, mo. rate per horse, S. Dekalb Co. D. Boroughs, Decatur. Ph. 404-241-3565.______________
20' x 6' Gooseneck stock trailer and 1974 Chev. 20 series 454 engine to pull trailer, both exc. cond. Billy Bullock, Dallas. Ph. 445-1631 or 459-3536 days.
17%" Borrelli Mercury jumping saddle, exc. cond., w/o fittings, $175 or swap for Western Equitation saddle. R. Cronk, Billchton. Ph. 912-858-2052.__________
32 ft. Gooseneck livestock trailer, $3200. Chas. Davis, Ringgold. Ph. 404-935-5804._________________
Cherokee 2-horse Gooseneck trailer, exc. cond., good tires, and extras, $3500 / best offer. Brenda Long, Hogansville. Ph. 404-637-8596 after 6 pm.__________
15" all-purpose western saddle, buckstitch, for show / pleasure, $200. J. Mitchell, Vidalla. Ph. 537-3945.______
Want to lease / rent 1000 acres / more less w/in 75 mi. of Atlanta for hunting reserve, must have water, open land, long time lease. W. J. McCall, Marietta. Ph. 404-435-3864 after 4 pm._________
2-horse trailer, good cond., mats, removable partition tack comp., $1000. L. Moss. Atlanta. Ph. 634-3564 or 636-3121.
15%" saddle, English complete w/stirrup leathers, girth, good cond. Mr. Sykes, Atlanta. Ph. 393-1206.
Livestock feed, hay
and grain for sale
Well fert. Fescue / Bermuda hay, 90s bale at barn. John Leslie, Rt. 1, Ball Ground. Ph. 893-2592.____________
'82 hi fert. Coastal Bermuda hay, $2 bale or $65 / ton, any amount. D. Brotherton, Valdosta. Ph. 912-242-1865 or 247-2572.___________
Bermuda grass hay, square bales, $2 bale, mulch hay, $1.25 bale. J. M. Brown, Fairburn. Ph. 404-964-7046.
Changes of address are to be reported by the customer.

Bermuda hay, $1.60 bale at barn. Danny Carraway, Griffin. Ph. 404-227-8105 or 567-3626.____________________

Tlfton 44-Coastal hay, round bales,

$20, $25, $30 ea. based on size. Guy

Cheatham, Stillwater Farm, Gray. Ph.



Qual. Allcia Bermuda hay, hi fert. / limed / rain / weed-free, $2 bale, Griffin area. D. K. Cochran, Mllner. Ph. 228-7472 eves.

'82 hi fert. weed / rain-free Irg. round
bales Bermuda / Fescue or Sudan hay at barn, $20, del. avail. E. Crane, Maysville.
Ph. 652-2891._________________

Fescue hay, Irg. round bales, good cattle hay, $20 bale, del. free. Winfred Crane, Winder. Ph. 367-9617.___________

Lrg. round bales Fescue / Clover hay, well fert., stored inside, $30 bale, quantity discount. Bob Davis, Cave Spring. Ph. 404-777-3506.__________________

Fescue/Coastal mix, $1.50 bale in barn, Fisher Rd. Ida Evans, Stone Mtn. Ph.

Lrg. bales Fescue hay, fert. / rain-free, $1 bale at barn. Billy J. Evans, Rydal. Ph. 773-3529.____________________

'82 Fescue, fert. / rain-free, can del. Z. W. Fltzpatrlck, Madison. Ph. 404-342-2990 eves, all day Frl. & Sat. Ph. 404-342-3826.

400 bales '82 Fescue / Coastal Bermuda mix hay, $1.25 bale, good qual., will del. V. Harris, Decatur. Ph.
404-325-9065. ____________

Hay for sale. Bobby Jackson, Rt. 2, Nebo Rd., Dallas 30132. Ph. 404-445-7610.

Coastal Bermuda hay, well fert. / weed / rain-free, exc. top qual. for horses, $2 bale. Bill Lake, Warner Robins. Ph. 912-953-3579._____________

'82 Coastal Bermuda hay, fert. Irg.
round bales. Dr. James Lee, 711 S. Wilkinson St., Mllledgeville 31061. Ph. 912-452-5531._____________

Top qual. well fert. / rain-free Tift 44 Coastal Bermuda hay, grown for horses, $2.25 bale at barn. J. D. Lewis,
Thomasville. .Ph. 912-226-7247 before 9 am and after 6 pm._____________________

Top qual. Fescue hay, Irg. bales, $1.50. Ralph Mills, Gainesville. Ph. 404-536-8438._____________

Sml. round bales hay, well fert. / rainfree Bermuda hay, $18 bale in barn. Charles Miller, Bowdon. Ph. 258-3673.

Fescue hay, limed / fert., have few hundred bales, good price for all. George Pace, Hampton. Ph. 946-4187._____

Coastal and Fescue mixed mulching
hay, square bales, 50 ea. B. C. Parrish, Gray. Ph. 912-986-3996._____________

Round bales Alfalfa hay, $30, Coastal, $25, FOB Madison, taking orders for '83 Alfalfa hay. Robert Pennington, Madison.
Ph. 404-342-1234._____________

Rain-free and under plastic, $50 / ton, Peanut hay, $50 / ton, Coastal. Robert Phillips, Cordele. Ph. 912-273-2183 / 5392
after 6 pm.________________________

'82 Fescue/Coastal Bermuda mix hay, good qual., $1.25 bale, will del. J. E. Pltts, Thomaston. Ph. 404-648-3567.______

Fescue hay, rain-free. Aros Reeves, Powder Springs. Ph. 404-943-6473.

Coastal Bermuda, 1500 Ib. bales, $35, free del., 15 bale load, 150 mi. Ellaville, Harry Richardson, Decatur. Ph. 404-288-5535 or 937-2238.__________

Lrg. amount Coastal Bermuda hay, 1500 Ib. bales, can arrange del. Hugh Richardson, Ellavile. Ph. 404-973-9288 or

'82 Coastal Bermuda hay, Irg. round
bales, Fescue hay, w/o rain, $25 / 20 per roll, exc. qual. loaded on your truck. Bud Rowden, Bogart. Ph. 404-725-5157 nights.

Fescue hay, $1.65 bale, will del. Ralph Rucker. Woodstock. Ph. 475-6250.

Good qual. Coastal Bermuda hay, $1.50 bale at barn. Jimmy Sailors, Watklnsville. Ph. 404-769-6240 after 5:30 pm. Ph. 542-2965 during day._______

Hi fert. Fescue / Bermuda Serecia hay, $20, 1100 Ib. rolls, no rain, stored under shelter. Charles Segars, Jefferson. Ph. 404-367-9132.______________

60 Ib. Irg. wlrebound Coastal Bermuda hay, rain-free feed hay, $2 bale, bedding hay, $1 bale, gully stopping hay, 75 bale. Ed Simmons, Ga. 41 at Marion-Webster Co. Line, Preston. Ph. 912-649-4600.

440 rolls 800-1000 Ib. Fescue and Bermuda hay, well fert., $9 / roll, will load. Roy Stanley, Lexlngton. Ph. 404-743-5700.

Coastal Bermuda hay In barn on Hwy 34-2% ml. N. of Franklin. Tom Arrlngton, Falrbum. Ph. 675-3435 (Heard Co.).

Coastal Bermuda hay, Irg. round bales,
located between Reynolds / Oglethorpe. W. T. Walker, Warner Robins. Ph. 912-922-9870 after 6 pm.____________

'82 Fescue and grass hay for sale, $1.20 bale at barn, 400 bales mulch hay, stored in barn, 65t bale. Harold York, Dalton. Ph. 404-259-5530.________

Hay for sale, round bales Fescue, $15 roll. Vernon Wilkinson, Rt. 4, Homer Rd., Toccoa 30577. Ph. 886-3993._________

Coastal Bermuda grass (Alicia straw)
for sale, 800 Ib. round bales at $14 ea., located at Dearing. G. S. Whitaker, Waynesboro. Ph. 404-554-4872._____

'82 Fescue hay, limed/fert., $1.50 bale. R. W. Turner, Brooks. Ph. 404-599-6719.

HI fert. Coastal hay, $2.50 bale at barn located Flying W Ranch, 10 mi. W. Pine Mtn. James R. Woods, Pine Mtn. Ph. 882-6580._______________________
Fescue hay, $1.50 bale, Bermuda hay, $2.30 bale, mixed Fescue/Bermuda, $1.70 bale, all no rain. Don Brodt, Cumming. Ph. 404-887-9857.____________
'82 Coastal Bermuda hay, 850 Ib. rolls, $20 bale, $15 for 10 or more or trade for cattle. Jack Burnette, Lawrenceville. Ph. 404-963-1918.________________________
Hi fert. Fescue and Bermuda hay in barn, rain-free ex-lrg. bales, Carmichael Farms. John F. Carmichael, Conyers. Ph. 404-483-2133.________________
Coastal Bermuda hay, clean, well fert. / rain-free bales, $1.50 at barn. I. R. Chanin, Lizella. Ph. 912-935-2292 or 746-1810.
Good qual. Coastal mix hay, $1.25 at barn, fert. / no rain. Doug Cody, Temple. Ph. 562-3500._______________
Good qual. Bermuda hay, $1.50 bale at barn in Walton Co. Wade Cown, Snellville. Ph. 972-1367 aft. 6 pm.
1982 crop round bales hay for sale, $30 per bale. Hugh Crook, Montezuma. Ph. 912-472-6302 aft. 5 pm ph. 912-472-8421.
Fescue hay, well fert., put up w/o rain, $1.25 bale. 0. E. Deaver, Rt. 4, Blairsville. Ph. 404-374-5789.____________
Lrg. round bales (1000 Ibs.) well fert. Bahia hay, $15 bale. J. C. Dixon, Hamilton. Ph. 404-582-3711.__________
'82 Coastal Bermuda hay, Irg. round bales, $25, hi fert., nit. Ray Dixon, Camilla. Ph.912-336-8291 / 8040._____
Mixed Bermuda hay, fert. / limed, $1.50 bale at barn. Tom Fuller, Newnan. Ph. 25^6929.__________________
Bermuda / Clover / Fescue hay, $1.50 bale; Fescue, $1.25, hi fert. / rain-free. Ed Garner, Buchanan. Ph. 404-646-5224.
Fescue hay for sale, good hvy. bales, fert., $1.50 bale. Dave Garland, Pine Log. Ph. 382-0386._______________
Sq. bales Coastal Bermuda hay, $1.50, Alfalfa hay, big bales, $2. Wesley Greeson, Statham. Ph. 725-5850.______
Fescue hay, fert. / limed, lTand 2nd cutting, will del. Larry Graham, Rt. 1, Canton. Ph. 475-7350.______________
Lrg. round bales Fescue-Bermuda grass hay, loaded on your truck. Dave Harris, Newnan. Ph. 404-253-0635.
'82 Coastal Bermuda hay, sq. bales, $2. Tony Harris, Lithonia. Ph. 482-2371.
Peanut hay for sale, $1.25 bale, grass hay, $1 mulch, 85. C. B. Hurst, Rt. 2, Box 126, Meigs 31765. Ph. 683-3501._____
'82 Coastal Bermuda w/o rain, sq. bales, $1.75 bale, also, sml. no. of mulch bales, $1 bale. M. K. Jackson, Lawrenceville. Ph. 963-4311._________
Bermuda hay, Irg. round bales In Pike and surrounding cos., $20 or trade for cattle, pulpwood truck, etc. R. W. Johnson, Concord. Ph. 404-227-6211.________
Fescue and Clover hay, well fert., 750 Ib. rolls, will load out of barn, $20. Gene Jones, Rt. 2, Talking Rock. Ph. 404-692-5788._______________
300 Irg. round bales Coastal Bermuda hay, good qual., $25. Fred Kight, Cobb. Ph. 853-5375.______________
Coastal Bermuda, rain-free, top qual., hi fert., sq. bales in barn. Russell Landrum, Stockbridge. Ph. 404-474-2643.
Fescue hay, Irg. sq. bales, spring/fall cutting, $1.50 In barn. David Lingerfelt, Rt. 8, Canton. Ph. 404-479-9218 / 1278.
Coastal and Peanut hay, baled w/wire, $1.50 bale. Royce Kendrick, Rt. 1, Box 85, Sparks 31647. Ph. 912-549-8416._____
'82 Fescue/Clover and Orchard grass, well fert. / rain-free, $1.50 bale. Lamar Long, Chatsworth. Ph. 695-5906._____
Mixed Bermuda / Fescue hay, $1 at barn. Stan Lowery, Watkinsville. Ph. 404-769-5833._________________
Coastal Bermuda hay, sq. bales, rainfree / well fert., $2 bale at barn. Donald Martin, Loganvllle. Ph. 466-8229._____
Hay for sale, hi. qual. Coastal Bermuda in round bales, $60/ton FOB farm, del. can be arranged. Bill McKinnon, McRae. Ph. 912-868-5581._____________
Fescue hay, exc. qual. rain-free / fert. / weed controlled. Wayne McLockiin, Statham. Ph. 404-725-7247.________
Top qual. Coastal hay, weed/rain free, $2 bale, $1.75 bale 50 or more, also mulch hay, $1 bale. Gene Mittuch, Byron. Ph. 953-3683._____________________
Good Coastal hay, at barn, $2.50 ea. bale, Hwy. 279 at 138. P. Moore, Fayettevllle. Ph. 461-5394.___________
1000 bales Fescue and Bermuda, $1.50 bale at barn near Griffin. G. C. Morris, Hampton. Ph. 404-946-3664._________
100 Irg. rolls '82 Fescue hay, $15 ea. E. C. Parks, Cleveland. Ph. 864-6966.
Vermeer round bales of hay at $45 per ton. Leo Perfect, Rt. 2, Box 44, Unadilla 31091. Ph. 912-627-3820.___________
Top qual. Alfalfa hay to be baled this spring, 40 mi. W. of Albany. Randall Richardson, BluHton. Ph. 912-835-2038.
100 big bales of Coastal Bermuda hay, $15 per bale at barn. Randy Rigsby, Rt. 4, Camilla 31730. Ph. 912-336-8911._____
Fescue hay, $1.50 in barn, del. avail. E. R. Barton, Adalrsvllle. Ph. 773-7274.

Page 10


Wednesday, February 16, 1983

Oats, cleaned, bagged, $3 bu.; corn, yellow, shelled, $110/ton; wheat, $3.50 bu., bulk only. W. E. Rooks, Sr., Leary. Ph. 734-4211.__________________
Top qual. Coastal Bermuda hay, well fert. / limed / weed / rain-free, $2 bale. Frank Ruzza, US 41, North, Perry. Ph. 987-3298.__________________
Fescue hay, $1.25, rained on, $1.50, rain-free, sq. bales. Harold D. Smith, Douglasville. Ph. 942-4847._______
Fescue hay, $1.25 bale in barn. Roy L. Stanaland, Rt. 4, Box 135, Jasper 30143. Ph. 692-5719._______________
Coastal Bermuda, clean, well fert., Irg. bales, $2 bale at barn, discount Irg. orders. James Stephens, Monticello. Ph. 468-2355.________________
Sudan hay, Irg. round bales, $25 bale, can del. Bob Strickland, McOonough. Ph. 404-957-5110._____________
'82 Fescue or Bermuda, Irg. round bales, $15 field stores, $25 stored inside, can del. locally. Paul Webb, Lexington. Ph. 404-743-8938._______________
'82 Coastal Bermuday hay, top qual., $2 per sq. bale. William Wynn, Kathleen. Ph. 912-987-2946 / 5866.__________

'82 Fescue hay, hi fert., $1.50 bale and some $1.25 picked up at barn. Donald Abernathy, Rt. 3, Adairsville. Ph.

Lrg. hvy. sq. bales Wheat straw, $1.50

bale at barn. Theron Ballard, Fayetteville.

Ph. 461-8219/6136.


1500 bales '82 Coastal Bermuda hay, Irg. sq. bales, $1.50 bale in barn. Steve Belflower, Ft. Valley. Ph. 912-825-7971 aft. 6 pm._________________
'82 Fescue / Coastal mix, good qual. sq. bales, $1.25 bale in barn. L. Chastain, Canon / Royston. Ph. 245-6370._______
Hi fert. Coastal, round rolls, $25 per bale, you pick up, del. avail., some rolls of mulch. Emmett Collins, Jr., Woodbury. Ph. 672-1380.____________
Coastal Bermuda hay, $2 bale at barn, del. avail. Alvin co*ker, Woodstock. Ph. 926-3897 aft. 6 pm.___________
Coastal Bermuda and Fescue hay, not mixed, rain-free / fert., $1.50 to $2.25, can del. David Covington, 2118 Hewatt Rd., Snellville. Ph. 972-7780._________
'82 Fescue Bermuda hay, limed/fert. sq. bales, $1.75; round bales, $29 and $35. D. B. Dixon, Covington. Ph. 404-786-6218.
Ear corn, Fescue hay, limed/fert. / no rain, $1.50 bale. C. W. Ervin, Blue Ridge. Ph. 836-4797._______________
Coastal Bermuda hay, $1.25 bale, only 400 bales left. Doug Exley, Big "E" Farm, Springfield. Ph. 912-754-6144.______
Coastal Bermuda, clean, fert. Irg. bales, $1.75 at barn. Gordon Fleming, Sharpsburg. Ph. 487-8298 day or 251-5101
night.________________________ Clover hay, $1.50, Coastal, $1.25 bale,
$15 round bale. Peter Fogg, Ft. Valley. Ph. 825-8735._________________
'82 Coastal hay, 65 sml. round bales, $12 ea., 700 sq. bales, avg. 60-65 Ibs., $1.65 ea. Don Graham, Sparta. Ph. 404-444-6364.________________
Coastal Bermuda, $2, 100 bales or more, $1.75, Fescue, $1.50 at barn, well fert. / no rain. Prentice L. Gott, Carrollton. Ph. 404-834-1268 day or 832-9757 eves.
Coastal Bermuda and Fescue hay, not mixed, rain-free, fert., $1.50 to $2.25 per bale. Herman Grogan, Tom Miller and Johnson Rd., Bethlehem. Ph. 867-7683.
Hi fert. Fescue hay, rain-free, $1.75 bale, can del. Lynn Hale, Rt. 2, Acworth 30101. Ph.404-428-2835.________
Lrg. round bales Orchard / Fescue mix, hi fert. / rain-free, $25. Terry Harris, Kensington. Ph. 404-539-2943 / 2134.______
'82 Coastal Bermuda hay, weed free, rain free and well fert., $1.75 bale at barn. Jerry Hayward, Warner Robins. Ph. 912-922-3004._________________
Bermuda hay, Irg. sq. bales, $1.50, Bermuda/Fescue mixed, $1.25. Steve Himic, J. J. Brown Farm, Hwy. 85 E. between Manchester/ Woodbury, Manchester. Ph. 846-2494 or 327-5446.__________
Top qual. '82 weed free Coastal Bermuda hay, well limed/fert., Irg. round bales, $20 ea., 10 or more. A. W. Hudson, Hudson Farm, Byron. Ph. 912-825-0110
nights.__________________________ Well fert. Fescue/Bermuda hay, Irg. sq.
bales, hi fert. / rain-free, $1.50 bale. Webb Mask, Fayetteville. Ph. 404-461-8564.
100 bales of good Peanut hay, $1.15 bale at barn, 40 Ib. bales. R. P. McCorkle, Buena Vista. Ph. 912-649-7196.________
Coastal Bermuda hay for sale, 1982 crop. W. J. Moore, Rt. 2, Gray 31032. Ph. 912-986-6983.________________
Coastal Bermuda hay, top qual., over 70 Ib. bales, cash at the barn. H. Nordlund, 1470 Hwy. 85 S., Fayetteville. Ph. 461-8741._______________
Coastal Bermuda hay, $2.50 bale. R. M. Patterson, 4935 Hwy. 166, Douglasville 30135. Ph. 404-942-2637 or 949-4390.
Coastal Bermuda hay, $2 bale at barn, $100/ton, del. w/ln 100 mi. Bishop Pirkle, Covington. Ph. 786-6095._________

'82 Coastal hay, rolls, $20 per roll, or

trade for cattle. Robert Bickers, Dacula.

Ph. 404-963-8006.


Lrg. round bales Fescue / Clover hay, $15 ea. at barn; sq. bales Fescue/Clover hay, $1.25 at barn. Hoyt Robinson, Dahlonega. Ph. 404-864-3461.
Coastal Bermuda hay, rain-free, exc. qual. Irg. bales, $2 ea. at barn. Russell F. Smith, Loganville. Ph. 1-787-1275.
Well fert. Fescue hay, $1.50 sq. bale, $20 round. Ernest Smith, Winder. Ph. 867-6538._______________-
Coastal Bermuda hay, Irg. bales, round, $20, sq., $2 in barn, fert. U. GA. specs., del. avail. Olin Trammell, Forsyth. Ph. 912-994-6463/6534.________
Good Coastal Bermuda hay, nice size bales, $2 at barn. H. E. Weldon, Cataula. Ph. 404-323-6619.___________
250 Irg. round bales Fescue, $25 at Yatesville, 165 Irg. bales Coastal, $30. Cecil Wilson, Rt. 2, Butler. Ph. 912-862-3513.________________
Snapped corn for sale, $8 per 100 Ibs. Danny Adams, Stockbridge. Ph. 404-474-1103._______________
Lrg. bales Coastal Bermuda hay, well limed / fert., exc. qual., $25 ea. in field, $35 ea. at barn. F. J. Adams, Griffin. Ph. 228-2976 or 227-7951.___________
Lrg. round bales Oat hay, $25 bale, Irg. round bales grass hay, $12 bale. E. A. Ballard, Fayetteville. Ph. 461-6136.
Coastal Bermuda hay, no. 1 qual., $2 Irg. bales, mixed Fescue / Coastal, $1.60. R. D. Ballard, Rose Acres Farm, Barnesville. Ph. 358-4988.________
'82 Coastal Bermuda hay, well fert. / limed / rain-free, exc. horse hay. Charles Cornelius, Hahira. Ph. 912-794-3616 night.
'82 Coastal Bermuda, $2, Fescue, $1.50 at barn, no rain, well fert., can del. Dudley Field, Marietta. Ph. 422-3193 or 424-9392.
Lrg. round bales Coastal hay, sml. or Irg. lots. M. Folendore, Milledgeville. Ph. 912-452-9338._______________
Top qual. rain-free / hi fert. Alicia Bermuda hay, Irg. round bales, approx. 1500 Ibs., $30 ea., will load, you haul. Maurice Harbin, Tyrone. Ph. 487-4468._____
Lrg. round bales Coastal hay, $25 ea., kept in barn. J. Hembree, Rt. 2, Tallapoosa 30176. Ph. 404-574-7349.
Lrg. round bales hay, 1200-1500 Ibs. per bale, $30 for Coastal, $25 commer Bermuda and mixed grasses. Harvey Hester, Maxey. Ph. 759-3819._____________
Bermuda and Fescue hay, $1.50 per bale at barn, stored near Monroe. S. A. Hiatt, Atlanta. Ph. 404-373-5476._____
'82 mixed Bermuda / Fescue hay, Irg. round bales, no rain, exc. qual., loaded on your truck, $25 roll. Cindy P. Huff, FarmIngton. Ph. 769-8506 / 5746._______
Good .Fescue hay for sale, $1 bale. Donald Jones, Danielsvllle. Ph. 795-2625.
Fescue hay, hvy. bales, rain-free, exnice, reas. del., $2 bale. C. D. Medley, Canton. Ph. 479-8219.___________
'82 Fescue, Irg. round bales, 1500 Ibs., $20 ea., loaded on truck, also some sq. bales, $1.50 ea. Don McAfee, Kennesaw. Ph. 404-427-5957 home, 429-0400 farm.
Lrg. rolls Fescue hay, $25, Sudan hay, $30, stored inside, del. extra. Grady McGuire, Rt. 3, Cumming 30130. Ph. 404-887-2282 / 1816.___________
Good Coastal Bermuda hay, $1.75 bale at barn, Adberry Farm. A. E. Adams, Powersville. Ph. 956-5843 / 2288.______
Fescue hay for sale, Irg. bales, $1.50bale at barn. R. D. Baker, Rt. 1, Box 142, Clermont 30527. Ph. 404-983-3571.
'82 Coastal hay, top qual., hi fert. / rainfree round bales, $20. Joe R. Brady, Hephzibah. Ph. 404-592-2964.
Agricultural seed and
plants for sale
All agricultural seed must have a current germination report not more than 9 months old. First ad must be accompanied by report which will be returned if requested.
Certain varieties of seed are protected from propagation unless it is grown as a class of certified seed. For example, wheat seed such as McNair, Oasis, co*ker, and Arthur may not be propagated for sale unless the grower is certified. Propagation of such seed is a violation of the Plant Variety Protection Act and the Federal Seed Act. If you have questions regarding certified seed, call the Market Bulletin office or the Seed Division of the Department of Agriculture, 656-3633.
Climbing peach vine seeds 30/$1 plus SASE. Iris Brown, Rt. 2, Box 43A, Dahlonega 30533.____________
Giant Hungarian squash seed, 1 pkg./$2 w/SASE. S. C. Suddeth, 946 Orris Rd., Mableton 30059. Ph. 404-941-9282.
Mtn. blueberry, black raspberry pits., $6.50 perdoz. M.A B,,Wwtqr,qok, Rt. 2, Ball Ground 30107. ;,,<r..,v>n ,,,:,,-

Blueberry pits. 1 ea of 4 var. for $12 ppd; rooted cuttings in peat pots 35$ ea., plus post.; others. Calera McHenry, 824 Poplar Spgs. Rd., Dallas 30132. Ph. 428-3616.__________________
Sugarberry, crabapple, hazelnut, wild blueberry 6/S10 ppd. Mrs. Donald Greer, Rt. 5, Ellijay 30540.____________
Chufas 87% germ. $12.50 for 5 Ib. ppd., quan. prices avail. Mike W. Preston, RR 6, Belwood Rd., Calhoun 30701.________
Old fashion vine pomegranate pocket melon seed, tsp. 50$ w/SASE. Julie Moore, Rt. 1, Box 169, Rock Spring 30739.
Apple trees, $2 ea., peach, pear, cherry, plum, apricots, come and get. J. M. Webb, Ellljay 30540. Ph. 635-4700.
Wild Mtn. blackberry, dewberry, huckleberry, strawberry pits., well rooted, 20/$10 ppd. Donnie Lowman, Rt. 5, Ellijay
Hastings Prolific corn $3 / cup ppd. R. Gregory, c/o Mike W. Preston, RR 6, Belwood Rd., Calhoun 30701._________
Clemson spineless okra seed 1982 qual. seed, germ. 92%, 10 Ibs. $2.50 per Ib., 20 Ibs. $2.30, all ppd. Billy Risner, Rt. 2, Hartwell 30643._______________
Ozark Beauty strawberry pits. 50 / $10 ppd. Joseph W. Johnson, P.O. Box 1397, Blue Ridge 30513._____________
Black Walnut trees any size $5 ea., Muscadine grapevines $2 ea. Debbie Fountain, Rt. 5, Box 1316, Ellijay 30540.
Thornless blackberry, Rabbiteye blueberry, new sweet var. muscadine, new var. grapes for South, fruit / nut trees. Bill Ison, Brooks 30205. Ph. 404-599-6970.________________
Native 2 yr. old blackberry pits., blueberry, dewberry 6/$6 ppd. Mrs. Louise Lee, Rt. 5, Box 209, Ellijay 30540.
Old fashion Banana Muskmelon seed 100/$2 w/SASE; old fashion Yellow Moon / Star watermelon seed 75/$2 w/SASE. A. L. Boatright, Rt. 1, Box 442, Mershon 31551._________________
Rabbiteye blueberry pits., 24-36 in., container grown $2 ea., 1 yr. pits. $1.25 ea. Troy Riberon, Homerville. Ph. 912-487-5504.______________
Scuppernong and muscadine vines, 1 Bronze female, 1 Black female, 1 pollinator $6 ppd. Sherri Bryant, 600 Eastman St., Eastman 31023._______
Semi-dwarf apple trees, pecans, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, figs, blueberries, other, free list. B. D. Smith, Taylorsville. Ph. 684-3242.________
Rabbiteye blueberry pits., 3 yr. old in pots $2 ea., Tifblue and Woodard, quan. prices avail. Mrs. R. A. McCrary, Jesup. Ph. 912-427-4339._______________
Reg. Bragg soybeans, 93%, 92% and 83% germ. William Braddy, Rt. 1, Vidalia 30474. Ph. 912-537-3259._________
High qual. Pensacola Bahia grass seed. Fred Blitch, Jr., Rt. 4, Westwood Angus Farms, Statesboro 30458. Ph. 912-865-2475 or 912-764-6873._____
Crabapple, hazelnut, muscadine, grapevines, 3/$1; also, garlic bulbs 6/$1 plus post. Mrs. Robert Norrell, Rt. 6, Gainesville 30506. Ph. 532-3945._____
Old fashioned Red Cherry tomato seed $1 per tspn. w/SASE. Mrs. Homer Alien, Dial Star Rd., Box 107, Blue Ridge 30513.
Glaze Green collard seed, germ. 87%, 3 tblspn. $2, 40$ post.; also, Birdeye pepper seed, 5 pods, $1, 40$ post. Mrs. Joe Gilbert, Rt. 3, Box 18A, Sylvester 31791.
True Vidalia onion pits., Granex 33 var. $18 /1000; $10 / $500 del. David New, P.O. Box 426, Vidalia 30474. Ph. 912-537-3447.
Well rooted brown and purple sugar figs; also, Irg. deep purple $2.50 and $3.50, ship C.O.D., UPS. L. W. Danforth, Rt. 1, Tifton. Ph. 912-382-4583.________
Pencil Cob corn $1.50 per Ib. FOB or smaller amount if desired, 94% germ, plus post. Eulie Johnson, P.O. Box 503, Dearing 30808. Ph. 404-556-9181.
Yellow or Red old fashioned Tender Sweet watermelon seeds 125 / $1 w / long SASE; white multiply onion sets 12 / $1 w / long SASE. M. Smith, Rt. 2, Box 53, Rincon 31326. Ph. 912-826-5277.______
Lots of old time peach trees, Irg. and sml. $1 ea., you dig. Opal Ledford, 2799 Jims Rd., Marietta 30060. Ph. 926-6377.
Vidalia sweet onion pits., F-1 Granex ppd in Gal., IM / $18; 5C / $10; 1C / $4. Hank Alien, P.O. Drawer R-F, Vidalia 30474. Ph. 912-537-9260 / 9595.______
Winter mustard seed 2 tblspn. $1 w/SASE. Blanche Harkins, P.O. Box 4, Mountain City 30562.___________
Blueberry pits., Tifblue and Woodard 2 yrs. old in pots $2 ea., no shipping. Ernest 0. Anderson, Jefferson. Ph. 367-5800 /
8783._____________________ Old fashion sweet potato pumpkin
seed $1 for 30 seed and SASE. R. W. Gilstrap, Rt. 4, Box 460, Dahlonega 30533.
Muscadine grapes exc. var. $2 ea., some at discount; Brown Turkey figs $2 ea., up., pomegranates $3 ea. cannot ship. L. M. Scarborough, College Park. Ph. 997-1749._______________
Granny Smith, Crispin, Yates, OzarkGold, semi-dwarf appletrees, 3-5 ft. $8 ea. ppd., min. 2 per order. Paul Vignos, Box 303, Molena 30258.

Blueberries, Tifblue, Woodard, Homebell, Southland, Briteblue, Delite and Climax $2 ea. shipping $3.50 ea. Jack Fletcher, Rt. 1, Box 537, Fitzgerald 31750.
Old fashioned apple, peach, pear trees $5. E. G. Acree, Rt. 6, Duluth. Ph. 476-2249 or 233-3171.______
Rabbiteye blueberry pits. 6 diff. var., sev. sizes. Andrew Avery, Jr., Rt. 1, Camilla 31730. Ph. 912-246-6406 aft. 6 pm.
Peach trees, white clear seed, 3 to 4 ft. sizes 3/$10; Black walnut trees, same price, damp pkd., well rooted. Ruth Shuman, Rt. 1, Box 445, Ellabell 31308.
Rabbiteye blueberry pits., potted 5/$10 plus $2.50 post. B. J. Tomlinson, Rt. 2, Box 246, Lake Park 31636. Ph. 912-559-7271 nights.______________
5 muscadine pits. ea. diff. var., polinator incl. $14 ppd. 10 improved blackberry pits. $10. C. A. McCord, Rt. 2, Box 207, Quitman 31643. Ph. 912-263-7770.___________________
Pencil cob corn $3 per cup ppd. W. S. Caudell, Rt. 2, Box 438, Jefferson 30549.
Yellow cushaw seed 18/50$ plus SASE. George Sloan, 2807 S. Clark DR., East Point 30334. Ph. 761-5608.____________
Old fashion pomegranate seed, fragrant, vine type 80/$1 plusm SASE. J. D. West, 2412 S. Lee St., Buford 30518.
Wild blueberry, dewberry, blackberry, red plum, wild crabapple 6/$10. Mrs. David Stover, Rt. 1, Blue Ridge 30513.
Crisp nutty Jerusalem artichokes, Red var. 2 Ibs. $6, White var. 2 Ibs. $4 ppd. A. J. Ware, Rt. 3, box 202, Ringgold 30736.
Mtn. strawberry, dewberry, blackberry pits.; also, catnip $6.50 / doz. plus post. Mrs. Elzie Cantrell, Rt. 5, Box 139, Ellijay 30540. Ph. 273-3716.___________
Lrg. Rabbiteye blueberry pits. 2 yrs. old in cont., Climax and Tifblue $2 ea. plus post. Jerry Vanerwegen, Rt. 7, Box 233, Ringgold 30736. Ph. 404-937-4048.
Native Mtn. blueberry, Yellowroot, blackberry pits. $1 ea. plus post. Malachi Smith, Rt. 1, Sautee 30571. Ph. 878-2992.
200 bu. GaSoy 17 State reg. soybeans 92%, 80% germ. W. McNair, Cochran. Ph. 913-892-2338.________________
Pits. Thornless blackberry pits. Mrs. Floyd Howard, 130 Oxford Rd., Griffin 30224. Ph. 227-0405.____________
High qual. Pensacola Bahia grass seed 75% / Ib. Fred Blitch, Jr., Rt. 4, Westwood Angus Farms, Statesboro 30458. Ph. 912-865-2475 or 912-764-6873.________
Old fashion Striped cushaw seed 50 / $1 w/SASE; Irg. head sunflower seed 50/$1 w / SASE. Jethel Chumbley, Marble Hill 30148. ____ . ._____
Old time Blue Java peas, old time Little Pink Peanut beans $3 / cup., $1.25 post, ea. cup. P. B. Brown, Rt. 1, Ball Ground
30107._________________________ Rabbiteye blueberry pits., 2 yrs. old
container grown, 5 var. $1.50 to $2.50. William Brown, 1055 Jones Rd., Roswell. Ph. 404-993-6866.___________
Crabapple, hazelnut, sugarberry, 2 yr. old blackberry pits. $6 / $10 ppd. R. C. Chastain, Rt. 5, Box 209, Ellijay 30540.
Blackberry, dewberry, huckleberry, strawberry $6.50 / doz. ppd. Mrs. W. W. Lowman, Rt. 5, Ellijay 30540.______
Climbing peach-vine seed 30 / $1 w/SASE, good eating, makes preserves. S. T. Styles, Rt. 2, Box 393, Summerville 30747.________________
Old fashioned cane seed 91 % germ. $1 / Ib. or 50$ Ib. for 50 Ibs. or over. George W. Prix, Social Circle. Ph. 404-788-8605.
Want apricot, slippery elm or any tree used as medical home use. Mrs. Butler, 793 Sandtown Rd., Marietta 30060. Ph. 429-6723.__________________
Want to buy some Lady Finger peas for early planting, send price and if they have been treated. Milton Harris, RFD 2, Nashville 31639._____________
Want old fashion Pink Tip bean or Greasy bean seed; also, Irg. Yellow tomato seeds. Linda Garner, 106 Holly Lane, SE, Eatonton 31024. Ph. 404-485-4986._________________
Want old time black rind yellow mealed watermelon seed. Egbert Barker, 1729 Burgess Rd., Suwanee 30174.
Want 1 Ib. White Running butter peas, 1 Ib. Willow Leaf Running butter beans, please send price, post., etc. W. G. Newman, 2 Webster Dr., Savannah 31406.
Want seed of edible white eggplant, not ornamental type. Allie McKelvey, 538 Rebecca St., Lawrenceville. Ph. 404-963-2080.
Flower plants, bulbs
and seed for sale
Dwarf and Irg. marigold seed, 2/3 cup / $1 ppd.. zinnia seed, 2/3 cup / $1 ppd. C. H. Diokers'on, Rt. 5, Franklin-30217-.

Angel trumpet seed, 25$ / pkg. w/SASE. Mrs. Arthur Gentles, Rt. 2, Box 143, Toecoa 30577.__________________
Dbl. pink fragrant sasanqua, 3 gal. container, euonymus coloradus, green liriope, In bulk, pines, 1 gal., aucuba. W. L. Morris, Atlanta. Ph. 355-5249._______
Wild flower seed, 20 butterfly weed, $1, 20 sweet shrub, $1 w/SASE. W. G. Wallace, 1841 Gainsborough, Chamblee 30341. Ph. 457-9734, no long dist.
Coreopsis or Japanese iris, 10 / $3.50, daylilies, wild iris or montbretia, 10 / $3 ppd. Iris Brown, Rt. 2, Dahlonega 30533.
Hemlock, mtn. laurel, holly, rhododendron, maple, white dogwood, azaleas, 2-3 ft., 6 / $10 ppd. Mrs. Donald Greer, Rt. 5, Ellljay 30540._____________
Red zinnia seed, purple zinnias, old fashioned purple bachelor button, tbsp. / 50$. Mrs. George D. Collins, Rt. 3, Danielsvllle 30633._________________
Marigold mixture, 1/4 cup / $1 w / SASE. Norma Halley, RT. 2, Box SOB, Metier
30439.____________________ Extra long neck gourd seed, up to 40
in., guar. pure, 10/$1 w/SASE. W. B. Lewis, 231 Chatham Ave., Pooler 31322.
Giant sunflower seed, flowers 12 in. or bigger, 100 for $1 plus SASE. Frieda Chance, P.O. Box 28353, Atlanta 30328.
Dwarf, red president canna lily bulbs, $3 / doz., cannot ship. Berto Tuck, 3814 N. Bogan Rd., Buford 30518. Ph. 404-945-8864, no collect calls.______
Mix bulbs, snow drops, daffodils, red spider, others, 50 mixed, $12 ppd., 25 same, $7, ppd. Mrs. A. B. Westbrook, Rt. 2, Ball Ground 30107.______'
Sev. bright col. of 1982 dbl. touch-menot seed, $1 / tspn. w/SASE. Robert Clark, 20 Mason Dr., Columbus 31903._____
Canna bulbs & tube rose bulbs, $5 / doz., $7 / doz. if mailed. Alvin G. Evers, 4355 Miranda Ct., Douglasville 31035. Ph. 942-1894.________________
25 bulbs, jonquils, daffodils, others, red spider lily, narcissus, 50$ ea. plus $1.50 post. Amanda Beverly, Rt. 2, Box 254, Jesup 31545.______________
Confederate rose cuttings, 5 / $2 ppd. luffa gourd seed, tbspn. / $1 plus SASE . Mrs. R. L. Pullen, Rt. 1, Box 114, Damascus 31741.______________
Seed, Martin gourd, molebean, Luffa sponge, 25 / 25<t, 50 / 50$, etc. Phil Busenitz, 1640 Aqua Rd., Madison 30650.
Amaryllis bulbs, mix. cols., blooming size, 4 / $6 plus $2 post.' R. Wilde, 43 Russell Ave., Garden City 31408._____
Redtips, gal. containers, $1.50, aucuba, ground covers -for sun and shade. James N. Henderson, Austell. Ph. 948-5336.____________________
Bamboo roots for sale, 6 / $3 plus post. Wilbur Beaver, 385 N. Albany St., Jesup. Ph. 912-427-6690.______________
Thunbergia seed (Black-Eyed-Susan vine), 12/$1, touch-me-not, $1 / tbspn. w/ SASE. Robert Clark, 20 Mason Dr., Columbus 31903.__________________
Native rhododendron, mtn. laurel, holly, white dogwood, hemlock / white pine, azaleas, sweet shrub, 6 / $10, post. $2. Mrs. Elzle Cantrell, Rt. 5, Box 139, Ellijay 30540. Ph. 273-3719._____________
Althaea, redtip, boxwood, Cherokee rose, hemlock / white pines, peach almond, rhododendrons, dogwoods, sourwood, $1 ea. plus post. Malachi Smith, Rt. 1, Sautee 30571.____________
Redtips, 24 in., $1.50 / gal., bare-root redtip cuttings, 35$ ea. ppd. C. Reese, Rt. 2, Box 139A, Hull 30646. Ph. 404-548-9085.
Pink lady's-slipper, wild fern, trailing arbutus, 12 / $10, 24 / $15, laurel, white pne and white dogwood, 6 / $10 ppd. Mrs. David Stover, Rt. 1, Blue Ridge 30513.
American boxwoods, 200 to select from, 12 to 36 in. tall, $5 to $25 ea. Marvin West, Riverdale. Ph. 404-997-6790.
Michelssen achimenes bulbs (widow's-tears), red, blue, salmon, purple or pink, 8 / $3.50 w / SASE. Mrs. McMillan, 4955 Conover Dr., Dunwoody
30338.___________________ New crop castor molebeans, 100 seed /
$1 w / SASE. Mrs. John Carroll, 1677 Buford Dam Rd., Buford 30518.______
Red/pink flowering dogwoods, 4-6 ft., ball / burlap, $15 ea., cannot ship, Sats. Paul Vignos, Eppinger Bridged Rd., Molena 30258. Ph. 404-495-5488._____
Mix. daffodils, 1 1/2 doz. / $5, vinca minor, 15 / $4 plus $1 post. Mrs. Paul Tllley, Rt. 3, Box 301, Ellijay, 30540.
White cushion mums 3 / $1, feverfew, perennial 3 / $1, vinca minor 8 / $1, aloe 75$, min. order $3.50, post. $1.50. C. Farmer, 17 Rebecca dr., Griffin 30223.
Japanese bamboo roots for sale, 3 / $1.25 plus post. Mrs. W. C. Fowler, Rt. 5, Box 292, Ellijay 30540.__________
Sweet william pits., white daisy, blue mink, border grass, $1 / bunch plus post., no less $5 orders. Estelle Reagan,, Snellville. Ph. 972-0986._________
1982 luffa (sponge) gourd seed, 50 Vi $1 w / SASE. Mrs. Louie F. Taylor, Jr., Rt. 1, Box 69, Camilla 31730.__________
Sultana or impatien seed, 23 diff. cols., mix., $1 / pkg. w / SASE. Miss Barbie Green, Rt. 2, Box 94, Chatsworth 30705,

Wednesday, February 16,1983


Page 11

100 marigold seed, 100 eggtree, 100 touch-me-not, 100 sunflower or 10, pods of ornamental peppers, $1 plus SASE. Mrs. George Cline, Rt. 8, Box 517, Ringgold 30736.________________
Martin gourd seed for sale, 35$ / pkg. plus SASE. Edward S. Thurmond, 1311 McHenry Crossings, Madison 30650.
Dogwoods, red maples, euonymus, exc. qual. pits., 6-7 ft. tall, reas. priced, plant now for best results. Bran Ritchie, Decatur. Ph. 325-3721.__________
Night blooming cereus, hellebores seedlings, sweet shrub, ferns, vinca minor, dbl. blossom kerrla, liriope. Milton Kuniansky, 1536 Nantahalla, Atlanta. Ph. 633-9507.______________
Blue Dutch Iris, yellow daffodils, white narcissus, mix. col. violets, $5.50 / doz. ppd. Sherry Dunn, 5760 Jefferson Ave., Forest Park 30050._____________
Giant red velvet co*ckscomb seed, 200 / $1 w / SASE or Bouquet pepper seed, 75 / $1 w / SASE. S. W. Boatright, Rt. 1, Box 442, Mershon 31551.____________
Angel trumpet seed, tspn. / 50$ plus SASE. R. B. Me, 102 Valley View Dr., Winder 30680._______________
Angel trumpet seed 50$ per tbspn. w/ SASE, daffodil bulbs $3.50 / doz., dark blue Siberian iris $4 / doz., $1.25 post. ea. R. Beach, 2966 Cardinal Lk. Cir., Duluth 30136.__________________
Boxwood, 3 yrs., 15 in., gal. / $1.25, redtip, 20 in., gal. / $1.25, 36 in. $2, azaleas, hollies, others. Norton Eldridge, Ashburn. Ph. 912-567-3849._____________
Orchids and bromeliads, some in bloom; also, Staghorn ferns, SASE. Sam Hedgepath, 2215 Ingleside Ave., Macon 31204. Ph. 743-0777.____________
New crop seed, castor molebean, 100 / $1, Luffa sponge 50 / $1, Bottle gourd, 50$ / pkg., Panther marigold 50$ / pkg., w / SASE, C. L. Housworth, 3105 Hwy. 138 SW, Conyers 30208.__________
Lrg. Martin gourd seed for sale, 50 / 50$ w / SASE. Pearl Williamson, Rt. 2, Box 164, Bremen 30110.______________
Grandpa's pipe and Bird's-Nest cacti, $2 ea., $1 post., ea., Irg. dbl. mix. hollyhock seed, 50$ / tbspn. w / SASE. Mrs. P. B. Brown, Rt. 1, Ball Qroudn
30107.____________________ Dwarf Red President cannas, $4 / doz.
plus $1.50 post.; also, red co*ckscomb seed, $1 / tbspn. plus two 20$ stamps. G. P. Tuck, Flowery Branch. Ph. 967-6496.
Spring blooming bulbs, sev. diff. varieties, daffodils, daylilies, narcissus, jonquils, etc. Ha Kaye Johnson, Loganville 30249. Ph. 404-466-4886._______
Castor molebean seed, 10 doz. i $1 w / SASE, tall marigold seed, cup / $1 ppd. Janie Burgess, Box 23, Ellijay 30540.
Lrg. canna bulbs, tall, beau, purplish foliage, sml. salmon col. flowers, 50$ ea., $5 mln. order plus $2 post. J. Stone, Stone Mtn. Ph. 404-498-0009.
Azaleas, 3 yr. plants, many varieties, $1.50 ea. Steve Kennerly, Tucker. Ph. 972-8357, after 5.__________
Gourd seed for sale, Martin short neck or long neck Dipper, 1$ ea. w / stamped env. Walter Kitchens, Box 68, Stapleton 30823. Ph. 404-547-6878.__________
Red cedar trees, 2 yrs., 2-3 ft, digging now, only $1.50 ea. Bud Urbach, Bonaire. Ph. 912-987-1282.___________
Mini nandinas, camellias, azaleas, sky rocket junipers, pampas grass, banana shrub, tea olive, banksia roses, others, in containers, S. L Stlnson, Thomasville. Ph. 912-226-3824._____________
Cannas, dbl. Red President, $3 / doz., 4 doz. / $10, cannot ship. H. A. Goddard, Box 297, Alto 30510. Ph. 404-778-8083.
Seed, rattle box, raintree, Dishrag gourd, marigolds, coreopsis, shishkabob, 4-o'clocks, catalpa, love apple, 4 pkgs. / $1 plus SASE. Jim Donaldson, Box 893, Swainsboro 30401._________
Achimenes bulbs for hanging baskets, red, blue, 12 / $4 ppd., min. $4. Raymond Goza, 86 Harmony Grove Rd., Lilburn 30247. ________________
Martin gourd seed, 50 / 50$ pkg. w / SASE. Little Nlchols, 3297 NorcrossLawrenceville Rd., Duluth 30136._____
'82 marllgold seed, mix., yellow, orange-brown, about 14 in., $1 / cup ppd. Mary Wlgley, 2165 Stephenson Rd., Llthonla 30058.______________
African violet leaves, 25$ ea., white orchard cactus, barrel cactus, monkey'tail cactus, $1 ea., plus post. Ruth Payne, 11355 Jones Bridge Rd., Alpharetta
Columbines, foxgloves, $2/doz., gaiety pinks, shastas, sweet Williams, $1.50/doz., perennial white candytuft, stokesias, $2.50/doz., post. $1.50. Mrs. Glynn James, Rt. 4, Lyons 30436._____
Sweet William pits., $1.50/doz. plus $1.50, seed, dbl. red poppy, Shirley poppy, hollyhock and amaryllis, 4 pkgs./$1. Mrs. J. W. Sapp, Rt. 5, Lyons 30436.
Japanese bamboo roots for sale, 3/$1.25 plus post. Mrs. Willa Mae Mooney, Rt. 5, Box 292, Ellijay 30540.
Giant red velvet co*ckscomb or prince's - feather seed, 1000/$1, mix. touch-menot, tspn./$1, purple bachelor's button, Vt cup/$1 w/SASE. Mrs. L. V. Itson, Pelham 31779.

Pink spice pinks for sale, $3.60/clump, green liriope, 5 clumps/$6.60 ppd. Mrs. J. G. Garney, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-4957.
Holly seed, plant in box inside now, transplant in spring, 50 seed/$2 w/SASE. Frank Rushing, Box 813, Carrollton
30117.___________________ Azaleas, knee high and bushy, quantity
discount. Gene Colson, Rt. 5, Fitzgerald 31750. Ph. 912-423-7846._________
Tuberose bulbs, Irg. blooming size, $5/doz. ppd. Pat Wise, 1780 Allgood Rd., Marietta 30062. Ph. 404-971-4340.
Seed, unicorn, 3 doz./$1 w/1 stamp, eggtree, 100/$1 w/1 stamp; also, luffa gourd seed, 125/$1 w/2 stamps. Ronnie L. Crowder, 14 Leon St., Rome 30161.
Dipper or Martin gourd seed, 5 doz./$1 w/SASE. M. L West, 2408 S. Lee St., Buford 30518._____________
Ground covers, crownvetch, green and white creeping sedum, ajuga, 3/$1 plus $1 post., min. order $3. Mrs. Evelyn Little, 106 Stonewood Way, Sharpsburg 30277.
Sultana seed for sale, mostly dark cols., 75/$1, 200/$2 ppd. Mrs. J. G. Cook, 35 Valley Dr., Carrollton 30117._____
White pine and scotch pine, landscaping trees, 4 to 6 ft., you dig, $5. Bob Pollard, Marietta 30066. Ph. 971-8785.
Orange-red spider lilies, $1 ea., Easter roses, $2.50 ea., Irg. Siberian iris, $4/doz., daffodils $3/doz., $1.25 post. ea. order. Rosa Avery, Rt. 1, Box 78, Ball Ground
30107.____________________ Purple King achimenes, 10$ ea., 50$
post. Bill Waters, 2522 Briarwood Ave., Augusta 30906. Ph. 404-798-5668.
Long handle Dipper gourd seed, $1/pkg. w/SASE. Lois Suddeth, 946 Orris Rd., Mableton 30059. Ph. 404-941-9282.
Lrg. mix. gladiolia bulbs, $3/doz. ppd., orange day lilies, $5/doz., ppd. Mrs. Myrl Williams, Rt. 1, Box 58, Tallapoosa 30176.
Native rhododendron, mtn. laurel, holly, dogwood, sweet shrub, azaleas, 2-4 ft., 6/$10 ppd. W. W. Lowman, Rt. 5, Ellijay
30540.___________________ Ornamental pomegranate seed,
fragrant, vine type, 80/$1 w/SASE. J. D. West, 2412 S. Lee St., Buford 30518.
Kerria, shrub of the rose family, 2 to 4 ft. tall, $4.50 ea. plus $1.25 post. W. G. Lunsford, Hwy. 60 N., Suches 30572. Ph. 404-747-2331._______________________
White pine, 5 ft., $5, white dogwood, 6 ft., $5, field grown. Lindsey Wiley, Rt. 1, Lula. Ph. 404-983-7834._________
Old timey iris, mix. cols., $5/doz., fancy hybrid daylilies, mix. cols., $6/doz. Mrs. Ann Eubanks, Rt. 2, Hiram 30141.
Hardy raintrees, 3 ft./$5, 6 ft./$10, no mailing. Doris Garner, 2465 Hogan Rd., East Point 30344. Ph. 767-5294._____
Martin gourd seed for sale, 1$ ea. w/SASE. Ben Brown, 171 Little Cir., Eatonton 31024. Ph. 404-485-7640.
Wild trailing arbutus, fern, trailing pine, princess pine, $7/doz. ppd., laurel and azaleas, 2 ft., 6/$10. Donna Welch, Rt. 5, Box 131, Ellijay 30540._________
Impatiens (sultana) seed, all cols., lots of 2 cols., Vt tspn/$1 w/SASE. Murtis Phillips, 469 Springcreek Rd., Thomaston 30286. _______________
Running okra seed, 50/$1.50 ppd. John Beasley, 4521 Karla Cir., Conley 30027.
Fragrant geraniums (pelargoniums), 2/$7 ppd., rose, nutmeg, apple, snowflake, cinnamon, many others. Calera McHenry, Dallas. Ph. 428-3616.
Luffa gourd seed, 30/$1, white eggtree seed 20/$1, running okra, 30/$1 w/SASE. Vincent Carnazza, 1303 Sagewood Cir., Stone Mtn. 30083.______________
Native red maple, sourwood, shoemake, rhododendron, white pine, mtn. laurel, Hemlock pine, holly, dogwood and birch, ppd. Donnie Lowman, Rt. 5, Ellijay 30540._____
Giant co*ckscomb seed, Vt cup/$1 plus SASE. M. Popham, 2350 Slater Mill Rd., Douglasville 30135._____________
Native rhododendron, laurel, fern, Hemlock / White pine, holly, white dogwood, sweet shrub, 6/$10 pd. R. C. Chastain, Rt. 5, Box 209, Ellijay 30540.
Seed, feverfew, snow-on-the-mtn., 50$/pkg., mix. zinnia and mix. marigold, send SASE. Mrs. E. T. Ivester, Rt. 1, Chickamauga 30707._____________
White pine, mtn. rhodododrens, sweet shrub, fern, holly, dogwood, Hemlock pines, 1-3 ft., 6/$10 ppd. Mrs. L. Lee, Rt. 5, Box 209, Ellijay 30540.__________
Maple trees, orange and pink azaleas, sweet shrub, laurel, rhododendrons, white pine, dogwood, $2 ea., $1.50 post. Mrs. L. W. Welch, Ellijay 30540. Ph. 273-3557.______________________
Forsythia, purple lilac, nandina, althaea, snowball, sweet shrub, white spires, ground covers, others, $2 ea. up, cannot ship. L. M. Scarborough, College Park. Ph. 997-1749._______________
Running okra seed, 30/$1.25 w/SASE, money orders only. N. Davls, 71 Memorial Dr., SE, no. 376, Atlanta 30312._____
Rhododendrons, mtn. laurel, white and hemlock pines and sweet shrub, 3/$l plus post. Mrs. Robert Norrell, Rt. 6, Qainesvllle 30506._______________
Submit ads by Wednesday noon.

Native dogwood, sweet shrub, holly, mtn. laurel, rhododendron, white pine and azaleas, $2 ea. or 6/$10, $1.50 post. Debbie Fountain, Rt. 5, Box 131-C, Ellijay
30540.___________________ Canna bulbs and tuberose bulbs
$5/doz. Alvin G. Evers, 4355 Miranda Ct., Douglasville 30135. Ph. 942-1894.
3 ft. high jade plants and 3 ft. high cactus plants. B. Smith, Atlanta. Ph. 523-8621.___________________
Althaeas (Rose-of-Sharon), from 1 ft. to 3 ft., purple and white, reas. priced, damp packed / wrapped. R. Shuman, Rt. 1, Box 445, Ellabell 31308.______________
Native holly, white pine, rhododendron, 5/$10 plus $2 post. Joseph W. Johnson, Box 1397, Blue Ridge 30513._______
Seed, touch-me-not, pink rosette, dbl. red, marigold (bronze), gloxinia bulbs. Ethel Adams, Lawrenceville 30245. Ph. 963-4795.____________________
Luffa seed tspn./35<t, tbspn. / $1 and SASE. S. Carnes, RT. 3, Box 220, Camilla
31730._____________________ Luffa gourd seed 10$/doz. w/20$
stamp. Eulie Johnson, Box 503, Dearing 30808. Ph.404-556-9181.__________
Snowball, crepe mytle, Rose-ofSharon, sweet shrub, weigelas, hydrangeas, English dogwood, red honeysuckle, others. Mrs. L. W. Starnes, Douglasville. Ph. 942-4051.________
African violets, standards, miniatures, Irg,. blooming plants, $2-$3, no shipping. Blanche Owen, 1079 Snyder St., NW, Atlanta. Ph. 872-0508.____________
Cannas, tall president red, canary yellow and others, $5.50 / doz. ppd. Mrs. W. S. Griffin, Adel 31620. Ph. 896-7398.
Lrg. quantities and clumps of green liriopes, forsythia and flowering quince. M. R. Cartledge, Atlanta. Ph. 404-874-3168._______________
Perennial daylilies, hlbsicus, mix. cols., $1/C w/SASE, luffa seed, $1/C. Mrs. J. O. Blackstone, Rt. 2, Powder Springs
30073.________________________ Bachelor's-button seed, purple and
white, tbspn./$1 w/SASE. Opal Ledford, Marietta. Ph. 926-6377.__________
Reseeding petunia, little orange marigold, white feverfew, black-eyedSusan, mix. sultana and some marigold seed, 3 pkgs. / $1 w/SASE. Mrs. Cecil Turner, Rt. 2, Box 203, Carlton 30627.
Seed, daylilies, mix. cols, $1/tbspn., Philipine lily, $1/2 tspns. w/SASE. Dorris Johnson, Rt. 2, Box 3SA, Hahira 31632.
Jellybean seed, beau, ornamental shrub and for tasty jelly, 25/$1 and SASE. Mrs. M. P. Brannon, Rt. 3, Box 5D7A, Moultrie 31768.______________
Dwarf red/orange marigold seed, 2 tbsp./$1 ppd., w/instructions. F. Abreu, Rt. 1, Box 32, Sylvester 31791._____
Yellow canna bulbs, $2/doz. plus $1.50 post. Sylvia Echols, 4414 Cannon Rd., Loganville 30249. Ph. 466-6940._____
Grandpa pipe, bird nest cactus, air plant, $2 ea., 95$ post, ea., mix col. hollyhock seed, 50$ / tbsp. w/SASE. Mrs. P. B. Brown, Rt. 1, Ball Ground 30107
Flower of joy, lady of lake, mum, iris, jonquil, narcissus, $2.50 / doz., yellowbell, baby snow ball, dogwood, 3/$5, add post. Mrs. E. I. Gray, Rt. 1, Box 328, Bremen 30110.___________
Lrg. mixed marigold seeds and sunflower seeds, 3/4 cup, $1 plus Irg. SASE w/extra post. Beuna Hales, Rt. 3, Box 251, Ellijay 30540.____________
Marigold or purple globe amaranth seeds, 1/4 cup / $1 w / SASE. J. H. Singleton, Rt. 1, Box 170, Ochlocknee
31773.____________________ Dipper and martin gourd seed, either
one or mix, Irg. pkg. / $1 plus SASE. Steve Maddox, 2826 Springlake Dr., Buford
30518.____________________ Perennial blue angel daisy, 2 clumps,
$9 plus post.; also, Irg. clump white perennial candy tuft, $20 ea., no mailing. Mrs. Clarence McMillian, 1107 Ewings Chpl. Rd., Dacula 30211.________
Seed: klondyke cosmos, 4 o'clock, cleome, mixed cols., 100 / $1 plus SASE. Ada Klnsey, Harmoney Grove Rd., Auburn
30203.________________________ Green border grass, butter and eggs,
and jonquil bulbs, 1 doz. / $1, angel wing begonias, red, night blooming cereus, $5 / Irg. pot, no shipping. Ada B. Patch, Rt. 2, Austell 30001. Ph. 948-1468._______
Philippine lily seed, $1/tsp., gloriosa daisy seed, $1/tbsp. w/SASE. Mrs. Destephano, 1936 2nd St., Moultrie
31768.___________________ Sweet shrub, 75$, ginger, $1.50, orchid
cacti (6 in. cream blooms), $2.50 plus $1.50 post. ea. Lillian Brooks, Rt. 1, Box 24, Hahira 31632._____________
Marigold seed, 1/4 cup, $1 w/SASE. Mrs. J. W. Epperson, 607 Lawrence St., Monroe 30655._______________
Giant crimson co*ckscomb seed, 1/2 tsp., 50$ plus SASE. George T. Sloan, 2807 S. Clark Dr., East Point 30344.
Blaze o' purple mums, bloom 1st yr., 4 plants / $5 ppd. A. J. Ware, Rt. 3, Box 202, Rlnggold 30736._______________
Castor molebean seed, 1982, 105 / $1. Ryan Griffin, Rt. 2, Possum Mews, Alto 30310.

Eggtree seed, Jerusalem cherry, bouquet pepper, 40/$1 & SASE or mix, w/growing instruc. Nick Metcalfe, Box 361, Rt. 1, Monticello 31064._______
Redleaf castor molebean seed, 50/$1 w/lrg. SASE. Guy F. Dodd, 115 King St., Roswell 30075. Ph. 993-6395.______
Boganville seed for beau, hanging baskets, 3/$1 w/SASE. Arnold Parker, Rt. 7, Statesboro 30458.______________
1982 dish rag gourd seed, 12 seed/$l w/SASE. Jesse Wray, Rt. 3, Box 571, Trenton 30752._________________________
Mixed cols, sultana seed or egg tree seed, 25$/pkg. plus SASE. Mrs. A. P. Sheppard, 1640 Williamson Rd., Griffin
30223.______________________ Sunflower seed, grows like a bush,
bloom to 20-25 ea. bush, 100/$1 w/SASE, no checks. Ruby Hagin, Rt. 2, Ball Ground 30107.________________________
Verigated marigold, sev. diff. cols., 1 tbsp. / $1 plus SASE, dbl. touch-me-not seed, all cols, 1/2 tsp. / $1 w/SASE. Carrie Mathis, 1253 Swan Dr., Gainesville 30501.
Star of Bethlehem bulbs, $1.50/doz. ppd. C. L. Stone, 1301 US Hwy. 41, S. Calhoun 30701._________________
Martin gourd seed, 100/S1 w/SASE. Mel I Richardson, Rt. 1, Good Hope 30641.
Marigold seed, gold / bronze, blooms til frost, 200/$1 plus SASE. Mrs. W. B. Kicklighter, 201 Caswell St., Glennville
30427.________________________ Nest egg gourd seed, 1 tbsp. / $2 plus
SASE. M. L. Cornwell, Rt. 1, Fairmount
30139._________________________ Yellow tanzy plants, 1 doz. / $5, 2 doz. /
$8,2 tone purple / lavender iris, 1 doz. / $5, 2 doz. / $8. Lillie Ellis, Rt. 5, Box 232, Ellijay 30540._______________
Hardy polyanthus primrose plants, 5/$6 ppd, or will swap for African violet plants, both pay post. ea. way. Mrs. Alfred Moss, Rt. 1, Box 2490, Clermont 30527. Ph. 983-3425.
Want 500-750 white periwinkles; also, want 12-15 hybrid rhododendrons, 24-26 in., sev. cols. Rev. Chas. A. Jackson, 3102 Chamblee-Tucker Rd., Chamblee 30341. Ph. 404-452-7768.____________
Want 3 or 4 mayhaw trees, include price w/reply. Mrs. Destephano, 1936 2nd St., SE, Moultrie 31768.____________
Want ginkgo (maidenhaire tree) cuttings, water lily, lotus, yellow yarrow plants or seed. B. Pruitt, 485 S. Indian Creek Dr., Stone Mtn. 30083. Ph. 292-9710.___________________
Want sweet violet (viola odorata) seedlings ot .small bunches. Frank Pearson, 3508 Dolphin St., Brunswick 31520.
Want green, striped liriope border grass, send price, infor., quan. avail. Cohen Davis, Rt. 1, Box 361-A, Bremen 30110. Ph. 646-3554._____________
Want sev. dbl. flowering dogwoods. B. Boland, Decatur. Ph. 987-1103._______
Want grancy greybeard bushes, state price. George Darsey, 3961-B Withrow Dr., Doraville 30340.________________
Want night blooming jasmine, real sweet smell and sml. white blooms, rooted in a pot. Margaret Glover, Rt. 2, Box 578, Camilla 31730. Ph. 912-294-9550, no collect calls.________________________
Want some chinaberries. Mrs. Mary K. Gardner, 440 East Lanier Ave., Fayetteville 30214.__________________
Want flower or other flowering bulbs or plants, will exchange old fashion, multibloom jonquil bulbs. Ben Brown, 171 Little Cir., Eatonton 31024. Ph. 404-485-7640.
Want to buy some rare white marigold seed. Lauriene Daniels, Rt. 1, Jakin
31761.___________________ Want to buy papyrus, pampas grass,
oleander, bamboos, hibiscus, arbutus; also, caneapple, hazelnuts, medlar tree, chestnut trees, kiwis and almond trees. Brigitte Camadona, Dawson. Ph. 912-995-3304.
Poultry, game, fowl
and eggs for sale
6 roosters, 1 fat hen $2 ea. John Robinson, Lawrenceville. Ph. 979-0322 aft. 5
pm.____________________________ Trio white peafowl 4 yrs. old and three
1 yr. old $200. Van Williamson, Rt. 4, Box 316B, Waynesboro 30830. Ph. 404-554-2761.______________________
Partridge cochins, Black Sexlinks, White Langshans, Black Rosecomb, Barred Rocks, Black Silkies, guineas, Rouen ducks. Jerry Wlnfrey, Kite. Ph. 469-3267.
Purebred Black Crested Polish, 1 rooster, 3 hens $30 / all; Speckled guineas $2 ea.; $2 hatch, Black Rosecomb, pr. / $8. Jim Poore, Douglasville. Ph. 949-8262._________
1 Araucana hen (laying), 1 RIR rooster, 2 mix. col. rooster, selling out. Mrs. Cooper, Douglasville. Ph. 942-3297.
Write ads on the back of postcards or sealed envelopes.

25 RIR and NH laying hens 18 mos. old $3 ea. George Ingram, Lithia Springs. Ph. 941-1303.______________________
3 turkeys $9 ea. born In June 1982, are 8 mos. David Hudgins, Rt. 2, Ball Ground 30107. Ph. 735-3491._____________
White Old English bantams $5 ea. or cheaper if you take all. Raymond G. FlemIng, Douglasville. Ph. 942-1755 aft. 5 pm.
Geese $5 ea., Muscovy ducks $3, White Pekln, White Crested ducks $5 ea., ducklings $1.50; also, goose / duck eggs. Doug. Williams, Rt. 1, Bluffton. Ph. 912-641-3195.______________
1982 hatch India Blue peafowl, hens or co*cks $25 ea. Howell Jordan, Rt. 3, Box 563A, Hawkinsville 31036. Ph. 912-892-2118.______________
Game chickens, 2 roosters, 8 hens, 1982 hatch. Jack Whitaker, 1270 Sewells Ch. Rd., Mansfield 30255. Ph. 557-2568.
Polish, Frizzle, Ancona, Game mix. turk hens, roosters, Rlngneck doves, White doves, pr. guineas. Jack Vaughan, Clermont. Ph. 983-7025.____________
Purebred bantams, Araucana and white Wyandotte. Jimmy Clark, Rt. 9, Gainesville 30508. Ph. 983-7057.
White Leghorn chicks 4 wks. to 7 wks. old, 4 wks. chicks $1, 7 wks. $1.75. Clyde Wade, Jr., Mableton. Ph. 948-2634.
Muscovy ducks, quackless about 25, $3 ea. If all taken, 1982 hatch. Mrs. Alice Stonaker, Rt. 1, Box 212, Williamson 30292. Ph. 404-567-3798._________
Racing Homers avail, when they hatch. Tara Hall, Thomaston 30286. Ph. 648-2072.__________________
Pheasants, 1982 hatch, Swinhoe, Silvers, Reg. Golden and Chigi Golden. M. L. Hutcheson, Rt. 3, Box 99F, Jesup 31545. Ph. 912-427-4082.________
50 mix. chickens, $3.50 ea., 2 guineas $3.50 ea., bring own cages. V. A. Blackstone, Rt. 3, Box 115, Old Keysville Rd., Hephzlbah 30815.__________
Jumbo Wise, quail all ages, Mayzell Gray game chickens, White quail. Earl Banister, Woodstock 30188. Ph. 404-926-8118._____________________
20 laying hens, doz. or more eggs per day, $2.50 ea. also, eggs 75$ / doz. Steve Arnold, Rt. 2, Laurel Gate Lane, Monroe. Ph. 267-3662.________________
Blue peafowl, breeders, $100 / pr., 1982 hatch, $50 / pr., Golden pheasants $25 / pr. Marvln Kent, Pendergrass. Ph. 404-693-2547 aft. 6 pm.___________
2 RIR roosters $2.50 ea., Muscovy ducks, 8 big roosters $1 ea., 1 pr. Golden pheasants $35 ea. pure Games, Red and Grays, proven stock; Gerald L'edfoird,Conyers. Ph. 483-8534 or 787-2043.
Game roosters $5 ea., also, fresh yard eggs $2 flat. B. Hester, Winder. Ph. 867-7709._________________
Pure Dave Berg Blue muffs; also, Sonafwal, Rampuri, Khan, Aseels, co*cks, hens, stags pullets, eggs in season. D. Whittaker, Rt. 1, Sandersville 31082. Ph. 912-552-5100._____________________
Pigeons, Indian Fantails, asstd. cols., brood stock, sgls., prs. $12 / pr. Marelyn Calvert, Marietta. Ph. 428-3796.________
Pheasants, '82 hatch, Amherst $30 / pr., Golden Silvers $20 / pr., '81 hatch, mutants $30 / trio, Reeves $50 / trio, peafowl 5 yrs. $175 / pr. Jack Dunagan, Canton. Ph. 479-3267._____________
Roundhead and Hatch stags $5 ea., hens $3, selling out. Roberson, Dublin. Ph. 964-4830. '_____________
Speckled guineas, ducks, Muscovy turkeys, Sarge Bourbon Reds, bantams, Golden Sebrights, pigeons, Red Carneaux and Fantail. Wilson Carson, Griffin. Ph. 228-1972.____________
Game chickens, Grays, Manziel and Bumblefoot, Roundhead / Butcher crosses and Aseel crosses. Leonard Langford, Riverdale. Ph. 997-7422 or 628-4441.________________
Show bantams, White and Black O.E., Mille Fleur, Mottel, also, GQF auto, incubator and separate hatcher. Willard Cook, Lawrenceville. Ph. 963-1303.
White and Black Cochins, 3 white Blacktail Jap roosters $2, Black Japs $6 / pr., 1 pr. Black-tailed Buffs $6. Roger Jameson, Rt. 5, Gumming. Ph. 887-6237.
Purebred Black Rosecomb bantams $10 / pr., roosters only In White Cochin, W.T.T. Jap., Brown-Red Jap and Silver Laced. Bob Johnson, Douglasville. Ph. 942-5014.______________________
Pigeons, Kings, Runts, and Kings crossed for extra large birds, produces Irg. squabs, all cols. Leon Crews, Rt. 2, Box 103, Jesup 31545. Ph. 912-427-4824.
Free to good home, few Indian Fantail pigeons, no traders or dog trainers. Ray Owens, 769 Kurtz Rd., Marietta. Ph. 427-1779.___________________
Bobwhites $2.25 ea., Chuckars $7 / pr., Gambels $12 / pr. O. E. Carroll, 3464 Mtn. View Rd., Gainesville 30501. Ph. 404-536-6888.____________________
25 young growing Speckled guineas $4.50 ea. Mike Pasko, 1164 Hwy. 212, Conyers. Ph. 483-9254.___________
Trio Black Sumatras, 1 pr. Ginn Red Toppy Gray Toppy, 1 pr. Quinsable. Ludon Barnes, Hwy. 81, Loganville. Ph. 466-8988.

Page 12


Wednesday; February 16,1983

Black Australorps 3 hens and rooster. S. Wood, Dacula. Ph. 945-8537._____
Rheas, (Ostrich family) $85., $95., up; Fantall pigeons $4; 1 grown Egyptian goose $17.50, taking orders for babies $12.50. Dan Queen, Douglasville. Ph. 942-2239.____________________
Game chickens, 7 Hatch stags, 4 Gray stags, 2 co*cks, no scrubs. A. F. Burkhalter, Rt. 2, Cedartown 30125. Ph. 404-232-8550.______________
McMurray Strain Danish Brown Leghorns $10 / pr., roosters $4. Roy Hensley, 3660 Colston Ln.. Tunnel Hill 307S5. Ph. 673-6064.___________
1 pr. Button quail, 1 pr. utility king pigeons. Charles Blume, Hampton. Ph. 946-3287, no shipping.__________
Jumbo Wise, quail and Pharoah. C. C. Otting, 510 Cassville Rd., Cartersville 30120. Ph. 382-0285.___________
Show bantams, Blue Red and Wheaten OE also, Black Cochins $5 ea. Bobby Kinsey. Calhoun. Ph. 404-625-1866.
Bobwhite quail $2 ea., pheasants, roosters only, Silvers and Goldens $10 ea. Tommy Harris, Rt. 3, Cumming 30130. Ph. 404-887-4688.___________
White geese, Mallard ducks, 6 gen. from wild, see aft. 4 pm, and wk. ends. Ora coleman, 410 Coleman Rd., Roswell
30075.__________________________ Game chickens, Doms, 10 stags, white
and gray, 4 hens 2 pr. of Travelers, 1 pr. Muff. Burg. M. B. Moon, 1565 Park St., MHstead. Ph. 483-2375 or 922-0119.
Purebred Manziel Gray and Red stag, 10 mos.old, 15 mos. old co*ck and hens. John Shaw, Canton. Ph. 404-475-1277.
Muscovy ducks, young and adults $3.50 ea. or $3 if all 20 taken. James Gatliff, Rt. 1, Box 88, Midville 30441. Ph. 912-589-7433.______________
Bantams BB Reds, Golden Sebrights, sev. others. Randy Garner, Douglasville. Ph. 949-3654._________________
Rollers, Fantails, Indian Fantail hens, Arch Angels, BRRC and White Cochins, $7/pr. William Kelley, Rt. 7, Canton. Ph. 404-479-2773.______________
Racing show Homers, champion bloodlines, $25 / pr. up. Bobby Wier, Hamilton. Ph. 404-628-5732._______
Guineas for sale, $2.50 ea. Robert Carnes, Rt. 1, Cartersville 30120. Ph. 283-3413 or 382-6773._____________
Taking orders for Wisconsin quail chicks for '83, hatching every wk. starting in April. Doug Thomas, Kathleen. Ph. 912-987-3026, after 6 pm._________
Muscovy ducks for sale, assortment of males and females, $2 ea., reduce the insect population on ponds. Bonnie Anckersen, Oxford. Ph. T-404-787-2132.
4 bronze hen turkeys, 1 torn, $50. Joel Anderson, Rt. 6, Elberton. Ph. 283-4847.
Ringneck pheasants, '82 hatch; also, 5 round Still-Air incubators, one 2 tray StillAir incubator. June Denham, Cordele. Ph. 273-1088.____________________
2 hen turkeys, white, now laying, bring container to pick up, $25.J. L Dameron, 1092 Bankhead Hwy., SE, Mableton. Ph. 948-6539.________________
Sex-Link hens for sale, good layers, $3 ea.; also, mix. chickens, $1.50 ea. Leo Brady, Rt. 3, Box 250, Watkinsville 30677. Ph. 404-453-7853._____________
Gambel quail, $8 / pr., Blue Scale quail, $25 / pr., India Blue peahens, $25 ea. H. J. Jennings, Perry. Ph. 987-1137, after 6 pm.
Roosters for sale, $3 ea., Plymouth Rock hens, $2.50 ea.; also, duck hen, $3. Roy L. Mullins, Rt. 2, Powder Springs. Ph. 943-4280._________________
Few young Jumbo Wisconsin quail breeder co*ckerels, $2.50 ea. Frank Vaughan, 833 Atlanta Rd., Cumming. Ph. 404-887-2436.______________
Games, brood fowl, Brunners or Saunders, R.H.'s, Muggs, Garrett Whites or Pyles, $50 / trio. H. Clayton Garrett, Rt. 1, Cumming 30130. Ph. 887-4889.
Doves, white, fawn, rosy, peach, wild col. and pieds; also, pr. Diamond doves and other birds. P. Alien, Red Oak. Ph. 404-766-2270.________________
Show quality bantams, Old English and Moderns, sev. varieties, other breeds; Araucana bantams; also, incubator. Rondal Williams, Lawrencevllle. Ph. 963-7597._______________
Jumbo Wisconsin and Pharoah quail for sale, grown live birds. J. Alton Little, Duluth 30136. Ph. 476-5959._______
Beau, bantam chickens, Silver-Gold Sebrights, Buff-Yellow Cochins, Belgium D'Anvers, breeders and young. Lee Roy White, Brunswick. Ph. 912-638-2123.
3 prs. India Blue peafowls, 1981 hatch, will lay this spring, $75 / pr. C. C. Haslam, Jr., Marshallvllle. Ph. 912-967-2491.
1 rooster, 4 hens, purebred, standard Buff Cochins, Ghigi Golden pheasant breeders, 1 Java Green peaco*ck. Dwayne Lake, Dublin. Ph. 275-0860._______
Bronze turkeys, $30 / trio, show type Rhode Island Reds, $8 / pr., mix. layers and game hens, $3 ea. Tommy Britt, Coleman. Ph. 912-768-2198.___________
Cochins, Black, White, Partridge trios, Lakenvelders, S. Spangled Hamburgs, Buff bantams, Australorps, B. S. Smith, Canton. Ph. 404-479-8370.

Purebred bantams, trio BB Red OE, trio Golden Sebrights, Red Pyle, co*ckerel, 4 pullets, pr. Silver Duckwings, Blue Reds, co*ckerel, 3 pullets. Alan Ledford, Woodstock. Ph. 926-3368._______
White and Grey Call drakes, $5, pr. '81 hatch white peafowls, turkeys, Rouen ducks, Gerald Smith, Cochran. Ph. 934-4286.________________
Turkeys for sale, toms only, $10 ea. Roy McHargue, The Rock. Ph. 404-647-6303.___________________
5 turkeys, 1 torn and 4 hens, 6 to 7 mos. old, sell all together only, $8 ea. Phillip Hembree, Scottdale. Ph. 292-9540.
Purebred New Hampshire pullets, 6 mos. old, now laying, $3 ea., cannot ship. R. C. Anthony, Rt. 1, Box 174, Hamilton 31811. Ph. 628-5098.__________
Pheasants, yellow-gold, red-gold, silvers; doves; Button quail; Chukars, others. L. W. Johnson, College Park. Ph. 964-8862.________________
Homing pigeons for sale, no shipping. R. Gaines, 5019 Seneca Dr., Columbus. Ph. 404-563-9460.____________
4 Black Australorp roosters, $2 ea. or trade for laying hens. F. Payne, Thompson Rd., Alpharetta 30201. Ph. 475-0227.
Young Sex-link roosters $1 ea., less if all taken. Coy H. Morris, Rt. 2, Box 68A, Colbert 30528. Ph. 404-783-5722._____
Trio of white Crested Black Polish, fall hatch, hens have beautiful ousts, these chicks considered rare $30 ea. Lyman Robb, Rt. 1, Box 152, Watkinsville 31522. Ph. 769-5909._______________
Show bantams, Yellow Buff, White Cochins, Rhode Island Reds, Dark Cornish, Golden pheasants, 2 co*cks only, 1 pr. Indian Blue peafowls 5 yrs. old. D. C. Brock, Dalton. Ph. 278-7990.______
Purebred Araucanas, 6 hens and one rooster, Golden Seabrights and Cochins. Lula Hall, Griffin. Ph. 404-227-0263.
Jumbo Wise, quail good flight cond.; also, bantams. J. R. Dickerson, Rt. 8, Box 409, Cumming. Ph. 404-887-5723._____
Comp. stock White Giant runts, 9 birds $150, show qual., also, other birds. Ralph Robinson, Rt. 1, Aragon. Ph. 684-6473 aft.
5 pm.____________________ Wise. Jumbo quail all ages. Ernest
Burch, College Park. Ph. 404-997-4425.
RIR laying hens, 5 mos. old, Just started laying $5 ea. Mrs. West, 3560 Stapp Dr., Tucker 30084. Ph. 404-939-8960._______________
Trio Bronze turkeys $55, Silver Duckwing bantams $8 / pr., Cornish game $8.50 pr. Joel Bond, Elberton 30635. Ph. 283-1878.__________________
RIR's 3 roosters, 15 hens $4 ea. or $60 for all, Barred Rock, 3 roosters, 11 hens $4 ea. or $25 for all. JoAnn Mllllngton, Rt. 4, Monroe. Ph. 267-9377._____.
Pigeons, Fantails $3, English Trumpeters $5 ea., doves $5 / pr., Diamond $20 / pr., Amherst co*ck, $20, Button quail co*cks $3 ea. F. K. Fields, Marietta. Ph. 993-3870._______________
Good broodfowl, Saunders Roundhead, Alien Roundhead, best in .Hatch blood, trio old time Irish Pyles. C. Callihan, Ellenwood. Ph. 404-474-2917.
Ringneck pheasant co*cks $5, Dominique roosters $3. R. Ray, Canon 30520. Ph. 245-5196.________________
Bobwhite all ages and Pharoah, dressed 759 live, Silver Duckwing and also, others. Harold Lawrenceville, Forest Park. Ph. 361-4573.
13 black Sexlink hens, 10 mos. old, $3 ea., 1 rooster free. Mrs. Christine Dean, Madison. Ph. 342-3576.
Speckled guineas $3.50 ea. Calvin Rawls, Jr., Lilburn 30247. Ph. 921-1311.
Game chickens, Butchers, Doms, Travelers, Red Quill and McClean Hatch, co*cks, hens and stags. Randy Herring, 2411 Roswell Rd., Marietta 30062. Ph. 973-5130.
Pheasants, Amherst and Golden co*cks $14 ea., Elliots, hens $30 ea., 1 pr. Swinhoe breeders. J. H. Roquemore, Rt. 2, Americus 31709. Ph. 912-924-7575.
White Chinese and Pilgrim geese $20 / pr. Mr. Nordlund, Fayetteville. Ph. 461-8741.


Want to buy some Button quail eggs for hatching; also, peaco*ck eggs. Charles T. Massey, Box 382, Rockmart 30153. Ph. 684-7156._____________
Want to buy two Chinese owls around the Thomaston area. Tara Hall, 106 Hillview Dr., Thomaston 30286. Ph. 648-2072._________________
Want unwanted guineas, will catch w/in reas. dist. Jolly Graham, Lyons. Ph. 912-565-7500.______________
Want to buy pheasant hens, Hume BarTailed, brown eared, cheer, cinnamon gold. Dwayne Lake, Dublin. Ph. 912-275-0860.
20 word limit including name, address, and telephone number.

Do not call in ads -- they must be writ

ten out and signed.*" '-' ''


Button crown bonnets, 13 plus post., old fashion bonnets w/sunskirt tie streamers, $3 & post., potholders, $1.50 plus post., beau. cols. Mrs. Sudie Bailey, Rt. 2, Box 103A, Lavonla 30553.______
Dbl. size quilts, all new mat., Brick design, multicols., $12 plus post. COD. Dolan Bowles, 1745 Meadowview Dr., Gainesvllle. Ph. 536-2142._________
Dbl. bed size quilt tops, cotton/string, 3 blocks, $10 ea. plus post., MO only. Gertrude Cravey, Rt. 1, Box 29 Alamo 30411. Ph. 912-568-7994.______________
Handmade quilts, Gentleman's Bow, Rolling Ball / Colonial Patch patterns, $65 ea., come see. Mrs. R. A. Farr, East Point. Ph. 766-3218._______________
Cathedral Window crib quilt, unbleached muslin and calico. Mrs. E. S. Fountain, Rt. 7, Hwy. 5, Canton 30114. Ph. 479-9556.
Cotton calico patchwork quilts w/cotton flannel backing, full, $70, twin, $45, baby, $30. Linda Harrelson, Rt. 4, Box 844, Blalrsvllle 30512. Ph. 404-745-4658.
1 dbl. bed, ext.-iong granny square spread, off-whtie and blk., made of 4 ply orlon thread, $150. R. Kemp, 777 Kellytown Rd., McDonough 30253.
Handmade Irg. woodstove potholders / mats, $4 pr., Smilie potholders, $3.50 pr. ppd. Mrs. C. Lynch, 633 Floyd Springs Rd., NE, Armuchee 30105._________
Hand cro. afghans, some on hand, beau, patterns and designs. Mrs. Hugh McElroy, 200 Oakhlll Dr., Fayetteville 30214. Ph. 461-7094._____________
Multlcol. granny square afghans, patchwork style, 52x54", $35 ppd. Peggy Smith, Rt. 1, Box 163-S, Royston 30662. Ph. 245-8298._______________._
Asstd. patterns & size afghans, already made or will make, your col., size and pattern. Mrs. M. L. Thompson, 1328 Laurel St.. Augusta 30904. Ph. 404-733-4021.
2 full size quilts, old fashion Wedding Ring, $75, asstd. blocks, $50. Grace Coleman, Rt. 4, Box 234-A, Eastman 31023. Ph. 374-7225. _______________
2 granny square afghans, 75" long, 50" wide, set together w/blk. Mrs. W. T. Ivester, Rt. 1, Box 297, Chickamauga 30707._________________
Old fashion bonnets, $4, childs, $3, prints or solid. Patsy McKie, 2550 Wedgefield Ct. no. 7, Columbus 31903. Ph. 404-689-7622._______________
Will do quilting in my home, send SASE. Mrs. Mamie Saunders, P.O. Box 132, Doerun 31744.____________
Want Grandmother's Flower Garden, Tulip, Wedding Ring, Star Flower quilt patterns, also, granny bonnet and button crown. Mrs. Willie Taylor, 4468 Edna Place, Douglasville 30134.__________
Ex-lrg. granny square afghan, green and white fringed, 88"x100. Mildred Winburn, 1023 N. Hairston Rd., No. G 4, Stone Mtn. 30083. Ph. 294-8629.___________
Handmade-hand quilted reg. Dutch Doll quilt, $100, cro. ercu-mercerized cotton, popcorn stitch bedspread, $250. Mrs. E. C. Wilson, Rt. 1, Box 138-A, Fairmount 30139. Ph. 404-337-2653.__________
4 Step Around Mtn. for queen size bed, all cols., some big block, some little blocks, $10 ea. plus $1.65 post., also, quilt for $35. Delia Witt, 807 Ave. B, Apt. 201, Rome 30161. Ph. 291-0824.______
Flower Garden, Wedding Ring, Dresden Plate, Bear Paw quilt tops, $60 ea., ppd., M.O. only. Hazel M. Bates, 55 Henderson St., #811, Marietta 30064. Ph. 424-6810.__________________
Cathedral quilt 82x96", Igt. green, yellow windows, perm, press, $600. B. Bevins, Rt. 4, Box 359, Ellijay 30540. Ph. 635-4947.___________________
Cotton quilts, hand-quilted, Fan, Grandmothers' Flower Garden, $125 ea. plus post. Ruth Biddy, Rt. 2, Ball Ground 30107. Ph. 735-2224.___________
Granny afghans, diff. sizes, cols. / prices or made to order, good work. Mrs. E. H. Clark, 2270 Lawson Way, Chamblee 30341. Ph. 457-8006. ________
Poly knit quilt scraps, Irg., med. / sml., 10 Ibs., $5 plus $2.50 post. Mrs. P. R. Crowder, Rt. 2, Alma 31510.________
Quilt tops, cotton, handmade, string quilt, $15, Log Cabin and Flower Garden, machine made, all poly 3V4 in. blocks, $20 and $3 post., M.O. only. Necie Davls, 71 Memorial Dr., SE, Apt. 376, Atlanta 30312. Ph. 659-6916.__________
Quilt tops, dbl. bed size, cotton, Step Around Mountain, or dbl. knit, make offer, cannot ship. Guy F. Dodd, 115 King St., Roswell 30075. Ph. 993-6395._____
Double bed quilt tops, hand sewn, Grandma's Flower Garden, Lone Star, $25 ea. Lillie Ellis, Rt. 5, Box 232, Ellijay
30540.___________________ Beau. cro. potholders, His/Hers, Little
Britches, $4/set, Mushroom, $3, pineapple, orange/apple, $2. Gladys Fincher, 5229 Hwy. 92, Douglasvllle 30135.
Pets are not allowed.

Handmade quilts, Double Sunflower, $100, king appliqued, $100, queen, Bowtie, $55, other patterns and prices. Era Garrison, Rt. 1, Box 138, Buchanan 30113. Ph.404-646-3173.___________
Sunbonnets, button crown or granny style, adult/child, $5 ppd. M. C. Grant, PO Box 783, Rome 30162.__________
Beau, appliqued quilt tops, $25/up, Daffodil, Butterfly, Dutch Doll, etc. Jeanette Haynes, Rt. 2, Maysville 30558. Ph. 404-652-2851.__________________
Appliqued quilt tops, full size, $25 plus $2 post., Eight Point Star, Dutch Doll, Colonial Lady, Butterfly, Joseph's Neck Tie. Mrs. Coy Hefner, Rt. 2, Talking Rock
30175.____________________ Beau, appliqued quilt tops, $25/up,
Dresden Plate, etc., $15, baby quilts. Gertrude Hiland, Rt. 2, Maysville 30558. Ph. 404-652-2851._____________
2 cro. afghans, 2 queen size, 1 Irg. reg. bed size, 3 quilt tops, sev. cro. pieces, cannot ship. Mary A. Kimble, Atlanta. Ph. 622-0606.__________________
Beau. poly, quilt tops, full size, $24.50, $20 ppd. at home. Mrs. Mack Lane, Beaulieu Nursing Home, PO Box 40, Newnan 30264._______________
Dbl. knit quilt scraps, 10 Ibs., $7.50 ppd., 20 Ibs., $13.50 ppd. Mrs. Robert Norrell, Rt. 6, Gainesville 30506.______
All cotton, hand-pieced, Double Wedding Ring, Windmill, Log Cabin, Piece Star, West Star / many other patterns. Mrs. Ethel Poole, Rt. 5, Box 326, Gainesville 30501. Ph. 532-1771.______
Cro. strawberry potholder or doll dress potholder, $2.50 ea. ppd. Jeanette Rednour, 3951 Rockey Valley Dr., Conley
30027.___________________ Machine made quilts, king, $35, queen,
$30, dbl. $20 and $25, plus post., all Step Around Mtn., Log Cabin, and blocks. Mrs. Lessie C. Sanders, 805 N. Forest Ave., Hartwell 30643. Ph. 376-2629.________
Beau, oversize stuffed chicken potholders, asstd. calico designs, no two exactly alike, $2.50 or 2/$4 incl. 50c post, for ea. A. Small, Box 32675, Decatur 30034._________________
New hand-quilted quilts, ready now, queens-$45, dbls.-$40, twins-$35, baby bed size-$25, all cotton. Mrs. T. E. Snow, 218 E. Trinity PI., Apt. 107, Decatur 30030. Ph. 377-3706.______________
Hand-quilted baby quilt, 44x46", top blue lining, cotton pad blue lining, $12.50 ppd. Mrs. W. E. Thomas, Box 414, Irwinvllle31760. Ph. 831-4415.________
1 Cathedral quilt, all cotton, $400. Dot Ware, 501 N. Congress, Summervllle 30747. Ph. 857-4444.___________
Beau. perm, press appliqued calico Dahlia quilt top and lining, ready made to match, $50 ppd. Leona Wallace, 114 Griffeth St., Winder 30680. Ph. 404-867-5918.
Quilt tops, Patchwork, Butterfly, Colonial Girl, Big Red Apple, $35 ea., pieced tops, $15 plus post. Mrs. W. W. Lowman, Rt. 5, Ellijay 30540. __________
3 full size quilt tops, handmade, 2 Bowtie, 1 Broken Sash, $20 ea., plus post. Mrs. Coleman Puckett, 175 Memorial Dr., Apt. 518, Atlanta 30312. Ph. 659-0876.
Dbl. bed, cotton quilt tops, $15 and $2 post. Mrs. G. W. Sorrow, 116 Carolyn St., Griffin. Ph. 227-5394.___________
Chef's apron w/strawberry or jam jar applique, $6, matching potholder, $2, accessories, $2.50. Evelyn Stanley, 6445 Irma Lee Dr., Riverdale 302956. Ph. 996-8719._________________

Scraps, Irg., mixed cols., no rayon, wood dbl. knit, cord, 10 Ibs., $5 plus $2 post. Mrs. O. w. Chumbley, Marble Hill 30148.______________
Quilt top, made in blk., king size, $20 ea., M.O. Mrs. Doris H. Cochran, 1309 New Harmony Church Rd., Thomaston
30286.____________________ Handmade quilts and other items for
sale, Cathedral quilts, others. Azzie Lee Cole, Winder. Ph. 867-5373._________
Work aprons, $4.50 ea. and band aprons, $4 ea. ppd. Sherry Dunn, 5760 Jefferson Ave., Forest Park 30050.______
Granny sunbonnets, ladies sizes, $$ ppd., girls, toddlers and infants, $4 ppd., all cols, and patterns, $1 ea. Mrs. Ann Eubanks, Rt. 2, Hiram 30141.______
Cotton scrpas, solids and floral prints, 10 Ibs. $6 and $2.50 post., cash, check or M.O. Mrs. V. L. Gaddis, Rt. 1, Demorest 30535. Ph. 404-778-2688._________
Sunbonnets, old fashion, lace trim, lovely prints, qual. work, fast del., $5.55 ppd., adult size only, no patterns. M. G. Glover, 1940 W. Mercer Ave., College Park 30337.________________
Want someone in Atlanta area to repair an old quilt (sml. size). Oscar N. Gore, Atlanta. Ph. 329-9629.___________
Handmade quilts in cotton / cotton / poly., sev. patterns, $55-$75, 1 Grandmother's Flower Garden, $115. Mrs. Hoyt Hales, Rt. 3, Box 251, Ellijay 30540. Ph. 404-698-4281.__________________
2 ripple afghans, all off-white, 70x82, $50 plus post., avocado / fisherman, 42x64 in., $30 plus post. Mrs. Lucille Herring, Hephzibah. Ph. 404-798-5512._____
2 Bowtie dbl. bedsize quilt tops, made of cotton blend material, $20 ea. ppd. Leila Hill, 4505 Thompson Rd., College Park 30349. Ph. 964-4646.__________
Will do quilting in my home, very reas., good work. Shirley Hughes, Rt. 2, Dawsonville 30534.____________
Want "Star of David" queen size quilt pattern. M. A. Johnson, 20 Neal St., Cartersville 30120. Ph. 404-382-8589.
Poly-cotton scraps, prints / solids, 12 Ibs. $6.50 plus COD and freight. Debbie Ledford, 832 Sinyard Rd., Lithia Springs 30057.__________________
Want Friendship squares, 12x12 in., any design or col. for Anniversary quilt. Rose McElwaney, 8857 E. Bourne Dr., Jonesboro. Ph. 477-7391._________
2 ex.-lrg. granny square afghans, 1 green, orange, yellow, other light pink, white/blk. Mrs. Paul Montgomery, 1023 N. Hairston Rd., G-8, Stone Mtn. 30083. Ph. 294-4988.________________
Machine made dbl. knit king size quilt, Star pattern, $50. Mrs. Myrtice Peevy, 284 Old Pch'tree Rd., Lawrenceville 30245. Ph. 945-7148.________________
Dbl. knit full size quilt tops, asstd. blocks, cotton tops, asstd. blocks, knit string, cotton strong tops, $10 ea. plus post. Estelle Reagan, 1953 Parkwood Rd., Snellville 30278. Ph. 972-0986.______
Cro. afghans made to order, ripple, shell, granny squares, some on hand. Mrs. A. E. Riley, 3430 Rushing Rd., Augusta 30906. Ph. 404-798-4150.
Stuffed chicken potholders, $4 pr., plus 50it post., 3-in-1 aprons, $3 ea., 50<p post. M. O. Bessie Sims, 441 Chestnut St., Lawrenceville 30245.
Farm Supplies

Cro. afghans, diff. patterns / designs / sizes, $30 to $50. Mrs. Exie Addington, 22 Henderson St., Cornelia 30531. Ph. 778-6275.________________
Presidential quilts, $50 ea., come see them. Margaret Butler, 760 Marian Rd., NE, A 928, Atlanta 30308.___________
Sev. ripple and granny square afghans, earth colors, also some in bright cols., reas. priced. Mrs. Thelma Beasley, 1023 N. Hairston Rd., Apt. G-2, Stone Mtn. 30083. Ph. 299-3310.____________
Want expert quilter to quilt my tops, exc. workmanship required, send name, address / phone. Mrs. Chris Brown, P.O. Box 76918, Atlanta 30358._________
Potholders, red or yellow watermelon slice, set 2/$3, granny square w/rose in center and dress type to match, $4, and 80<t post. ea. set. Mrs. P. B. Brown, Rt. 1, Ball Ground 30107.____________
Machine made quilts, asstd. cols. / patterns, Tobacco Leaf, Butterfly, Dresden Plate, Flower Garden, Starflower, Hearts, etc., dbls., $45, kings, $50 and up. Mrs. Ed Burger, Chatsworth 30705. Ph. 404-695-2583._______________
Quilts, handmade, all cols., long strips, king, $25, dbl. $20 and $4 post, on ea., money order only. Sallie Butler, Rt. 4, Dahlonega 30533._______________
Nancy tea aprons, $3 ea., bib aprons, $2.40 ea., band aprons, $2 ea., asstd. prints, checks, stripes, add post. Mrs. Elzie Cantrell, Rt. 5, Box 139, Ellijay 30540._________________
Quilt tops, cotton, Drunkard's Path, print on white, $22 ppd. Cora Chastain, 290 Crescent Dr., Gainesville 30501.
Dbl. bed cotton quilt scraps, $15 ea., and $2 post. Mrs. G. W. Sorrow, 116 Carolyn St., Griffin 30223. Ph. 227-5394.

2 bathtubs for watering cattle, $30 ea. Robert Baker, Jr., Rt. 5, Box 368, LaFayette 30728._______________
2 elec. fence chargers, $15 ea.; 4 hole self feeder, $75; 2 bathtubs for watering,
$25 ea. Robert Bennett, Byron. Ph. 825-7577.______________________
4 rolls Sears hvy. duty hog/cattle wire, catalog/$99.98 plus freight / roll, sell, $75/roll firm. John Brown, Barnesville. Ph. 358-2201 / 4050.__________________
Dbl. insulated safety glass for greenhouse, clear/fogged panels, 34x76/$7.50 up, 46x76/$10 up, trade. Gary Caprara, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-5777.
Used rabbit cages, 11 compartments, $35, trade for nanny goats / Coastal hay, you del. Bill Edmunds, Llncolnton. Ph. 404-293-4246._______________
Nursette In good cond., $275. Harold Fallin, Thomaston. Ph. 404-648-2553.
Kerosene heater w/200 gal. tank, $175, can use in greenhouse, good cond. Coleman Hadden, Eatonton. Ph. 404-485-5649 aft. 8._______________
2 Big Dutchman chain feeders; two 8 ton bins; 100 eight ft. drinkers, others. E. Haiski, Pendergrass. Ph. 693-2615.
Chainllnk fence wire, 3 gates, post trail; Come-A-Long wire pully, $200; qt./pt. fruit jars,-$3/doz. C. Head, Atlanta. Ph. 622-3634.______________________
Sears deep well pump. Emmie Jones, Thomson. Ph. 595-3043._____________
24 in. cut off saw, $100; Rome Eagle wood cook stove, $300; 30 gal. water heater, $75. J. Lawrence, Franklin. Ph. 251-5398.______________________
Used concrete blocks, 16x8x8, cleaned, from chicken house, you haul, 80 ea. Dean Hix. Decatur. Ph. 292-1360 an. 4:30

Wednesday, February 1, ,1,983


Page 13

Used rabbit cages, all wire, feeders & metal nest boxes, incl. 3,4,5, hole cages, $10/hole. Harold Mauldln, Jefferson. Ph. 404-367-5686.__________________
Well pump, 3/4 hp. mounted on 30 gal. tank, good cond., $60. M. Popham, Doufllasvllle. Ph. 942-2196._______
690 ft. of chicken houses, 40 ft. wide steel trusses. H. Powell, Gumming. Ph. 993-3193 eve._______________
Bathtub for livestock use only. Mr. Nordlund, Fayettevllle. Ph. 461-8741.
Brooders, cages, elec. 3 drawer In cubator, hand turn eggs, $130. E. Sears, Warner Robins. Ph. 912-923-6554.
Extra Ira. yellow locust farm fence posts, 6 1/i ft./$1.50, split chestnut rails, 8 ft./$2.50. James Stancll, Rabun Gap. Ph. 746-5447.___________________
Cement test cyl., 6x12, for retaining walls, etc. O. Vandeford, Lawrencevllle. Ph. 963-3606._______________
Nursery pots, plastic & clay, ship sml. only, del. Irg. orders, 50 mi. Mrs. A. Westbrook, Ball Ground. Ph. 735-2035.
14 greenhouse windows, 5x10,11/4x10, other uses. John Williams, Lithonla. Ph. 404-981-1263.__________________
4 drawer incubator, 400 egg cap., $125. Van Wllllamson, Waynesboro. Ph. 404-554-2761._______________
Poulan chain saw, model 306, 20 in. bar, $195; metal Incubator, 50 egg cap., $50. Terry Winfrey, Kite. Ph. 469-3267.
One 10 hp. Wise, gas eng., like new, $600. E. E. Treadwell, Jr., Decatur. Ph. 404-296-2295 aft. 6.____________
Lrg. cypress fence post, can del. by the mi. R. H. Underwood, Conyers. Ph. 483-8965.__________________
Firewood, hdwd., full load, cut & split, $35. W. Earl Vautin, Jasper. Ph. 692-6192 /
5836.__________________ 1750 ft. irrigation pipe, 15 sprinklers,
Berkley PTO pump, exc. cond. G. Webb, Adel. Ph. 912-549-8684.___________
Drinkers, pans, etc., 6 ventilators for chicken houses, good cond., $15 ea. Bill Wheeler, Gumming. Ph. 887-3445.
Yellow locust fence post, 6V: ft./$1.50 ea.; chestnut rails, 8 ft. / $2.50 ea. Terry York, Dillard. Ph. 746-2029 aft. 6._____
Surge bucket milker, $75. Bonnie Zink, Loganvllle. Ph. 466-4723._______
Approx. 705 Irg. burlap feed sacks, good cond., $30. Jenn Anderson, Barnaville. Ph. 404-358-3708._____
Pre-fab wood trusses, 21 ft. long, 6-12 pitch, $10 ea. Jonny A. Brown, Conyers. Ph. 483-5861._____________
Firewood for sale, reas. price. Mark Costello, Rt. 3, Sparta. Ph. 404-444-6561.
Many Irg. timbers from burned farm bldg. plus few sheets of tin, $250; salt / mineral cow feeder, $35. Roy Goodwin, Evans. Ph. 404-863-8770 aft. 6.______
Oak kegs w/spigots, charred / plain, 1-20 gal. sizes. Cecil Jones, /Columbus. Ph. 404-563-4002 eve.________
6 ft. tomato stakes, 35$, bean stakes, 10$, 3 ft. stakes, 15$, 14-17 in. surveyor stakes, 8$. Paul Kng, Lithonia. Ph. 404-482-6858.______________
Hickory chips for smokers / BBQs, 25 Ibs. / $2.50, del. Bouchard Malain, Augusta. Ph. 796-8016 eve.________
Metal bow greenhouse, w/2 heaters & fans. W. K. McCurley, Dallas. Ph. 428-3743._________________
Bench grinder, 6 in. stone, on-off switch, $30, USP ppd. D. Miltimore, Waleska. Ph. 404-337-2331.________
Firewood, split, hdwd., $45 / pick up. S. Mosley, Walnut Grove. Ph. 787-5130.
One 1977-3600 bu. metal grain bin w/5 hp. fan, concrete blocks for floor support, disassem. V. W. Odom, Adrian. Ph. 912-668-3828._______________
Atlanta stove works, Homesteader wood heater for greenhouse, exc. cond. Everett Peterson, Atlanta. Ph. 622-7942.
Farm Best incubator 4 tray circulator type exc. cond.; 2 sml. elec. brooder, $125. Ed Scarbrough, Comer. Ph. 404-783-5466.________________
4 doz. no. 2 dbl. long spring steel traps, dyed / waxed, $30 / doz. W. S. Sewell, Tucker. Ph. 921-3492.__________
Cattle squeeze, like new, $600. Loren Taylor, Newnan. Ph. 251-0142._____
Firewood, del. in Lawrenceville area, $45 / '/2 ton, pick up. Rex Thompson, Lawrenceville. Ph. 963-3722._______
Creosote fence post, 2-3 in. dia., 6% ft. long, $1.35 ea. Marshall Vaughn, Alpharetta. Ph. 404-475-1223._______
3 hp. sg. ph. elec. mtr., used on milking mach. / milk cooler, $200. Tom Wickliffe, Athens. Ph. 788-2103._____________
Used 50 water trough, 8 ft. long, $4 ea.; 1 gas incinerator both from chicken house, $200. Robert Wood, Ellijay. Ph. 404-273-3362.____________________
Used alum, ridge roll / ridge cap, from farm bldg., $1, 40 ft., 4 sec. G. E. Slahlkuppe, Atlanta. Ph. 404-344-6747.
500 gal. gas tank to sell, $200. George Stokes, Ft. Valley. Ph. 912-825-1948 aft.
5:30._____________________ Wood stove, Magic heat auto., fire
brick, air tight, exc. cond., $200. Mrs. J. Sutherland, Douglasville. Ph. 942-0802.

2 cyl. 16 hp. Wise, eng., recently overhauled, $200. Wally Berry Cartersville. Ph. 404-382-6011.
About 24 gal. glass jugs, free. Kevin Brune, Atlanta. Ph. 261-5940.
Wire cages for rabbits, chickens, 10 ft. $10 ea.; 10 hole metal hen nest, $20 ea. J Cohen, Buena Vista. Ph. 953-3003 i 922-2097.

20 ton Lewis steel winch & canope plus 100 ft. cable for 4000-5000 Ford tractors, $675. Bobby Gooch, Suches. Ph. 404-838-4513.________________
Firewood, all hdwd, cut in 12-13 ft. log lengths, del. Wayne Green, Bremen. Ph. 404-562-4197.______________
2 broiler house w/all equip. Robert E. Griffin, Ray City. Ph. 912-686-2885.

Firewood, oak / hickory, dry, $90 / cord, Anvil, farm bell, no. 2 w/pot, tobbaco you haul, $1104125, del., Atlanta area. W, cutter, hand corn sheller, water kettle, H. H. Gilstrap, Suwanee. Ph. 476-2620 /1902. Hammond, Gumming. Ph. 887-3375.

Split chestnut farm fence rails, del anywhere. Champ Harris, Oakwood. Ph. 404-967-2293.
Fence posts, Arizona cypressd, 75$ & up / post, cut to order. L. Hill, Jonesboro. Ph. 404-471-5836.
Sears brooder broiler pit., $145. R. Johnson, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-1784.

Free wood, pine / oak on ground. Mrs. W. H. Holcomb, Decatur. Ph. 636-0558.
Sears incubator & brooder, perf. cond., $75. C. R. Hudgins, Gainesville. Ph. 532-4981.__________________
Firewood, all hdwd., seasoned, split & del., 2 cords, $150. Larry Logan, Homer. Ph. 677-3207.____________________

300 Cypress fence post, 6 ft., $1 ea.; 2 metal milk cans, $25 ea.; rabbit cages, $15 ea. Charles Kelly, Rt. 3, Valdosta 31601.
12 x 8 ft. greenhouse w/pipe rafters, shelves & pre-wire, $395. Bob Milton, Snellville. Ph. 404-972-7506.
Sears Kenmore 45000 BTU circulations oil heater, can be use in greenhouse, pipe, $65. E. R. Peters, Box 103, Mur rayville 30564.____________
Firewood, pulpwood length, grn. / seasoned, $50 /cord plus del., can cut up. Joel Sorrells, Ephesus. Ph. 854-4178 aft.
4______________________ Comp. jalausy window for shed / barn,
56 x 28, $22. Bill Szabo, Smyrna. Ph. 436-7304.___________________
80 gal. syrup pot, good cond., $350. Ed Waldrip, Carrollton. Ph. 404-832-7086.
Creosote poles & post, various sizes & lengths, reas. priced. Tim Whaley, Ellaville. Ph. 912-937-2420 / 649-7308.
Firewood, oak / hickory, you haul, $90 / cord or we del., $100-$ 125 / cord. Bill Wyatt, Dallas. Ph. 445-5711 / 943-2469.
Bamboo canes, exc. fishing poles & bean runners, 25<t ea. Wilbur Beaver, Jesup. Ph. 912-427-6690._____.

Hdwd. pallets, $2 ea. Roy E. McCoy, Acworth. Ph. 974-8406 eve.________
Fishing pole type bamboo, up to 25 ft., many uses. C. A. McCord, Rt. 2, Quitman 31643._________________
10 drawer incubator, can hatch 1500 eggs, $200. JoAnn Millington, Monroe. Ph. 267-9377.______________
Portable corral panels, 10 ft. / $40,12 / $45, 14 / $50, 16 / $66, any quan. Judy Noel, Dalton. Ph. 404-226-0662.______
Rabbit pens, 3 Irg. dbl. sec.; 1 sgl. sec., qual., built to last. David Patton, Palmetto. Ph. 964-1402.______________
Insulated glass for greenhouse, 76 in. length, various lengths. Lyn Priegel, Hickory Flat. Ph. 475-4744._________
Alum, roofing from farm bldg., 4x7. Eula Roper, Douglasville. Ph. 942-6222.
Extra Irg. & straight yellow locust farm fence post, 6V / $1.50, split chestnut rails / $2.50. Walt Stancil, Rabun Gap. Ph. 746-2488.
Miscellaneous for sale

Wood ladder & B&S eng. George Bechtold, Buford. Ph. 945-6534 leave

Bees, Honey & Supplies

Firewood, oak / hickory, $100 / cord, $50 / '/t cord, del. w/ln 30 ml. J. M. Brown, Falrbum. Ph. 404-964-7046.________
Elec. mtrs., $5500. Lora Nell Burkett, Homervllle. Ph. 912-487-2693 aft. 5.
No. 1 yellow locust farm fence post., $1.35 ea., can del. Gary Davenport, Blalrsville. Ph. 745-4451.___________
Incubator circulated air 2, 3, 4, & no. 6 tray hand / auto, turning dbl. switch thermostat. Ernest Dickey, Millen. Ph. 912-982-5515.________________
No. 2 cast iron farm bell w/yoke, exc. cond., $40. Eugene Foster, Buford. Ph. 404-945-7205.________________
Firewood, oak / hickory, $45 / longbed pick up. V. C. Gunter, McDonough. Ph. 404-957-2879 /1497^_______________

Will remove bees & unwanted bees. Earl Banister, Woodstock. Ph. 404-926-8116._________________
Honey for sale, $4/qt. Dr. Colllns, ManChester. Ph. 846-9816.__________
Fresh wildflower honey, $3.25 / qt., $12 / gal., Covington Hwy.-Wesley Chapel Rd. area. Richard Greene, Decatur. Ph. 284-3406._________________
Pure local raw honey, any amt. avail.; rent extractor & want beeswax. P. N. Williams. Forest Park. Ph. 366-6404.
Pure raw local honey, 2 Ib, / $3, $12 / gal., will remove bees. W. O. Canady, Douglasville. Ph. 942-3887._______
Hives, supers, frames, KD / assembled. Bobby Lovlns, Bremen. Ph. 404-537-5662.

Dixie Rebel wood stove, $100. John Hart, Atlanta. Ph. 624-1888.________
500 gal. diesel fuel tank, hvy. guage steel, hand pump, exc., $450. G. Housley, Marietta. Ph. 404-428-0561._________
50 gal. cardboard fiber drum dried storage w/lids, $2, w/o, $2. Karl Kunisch, College Park. Ph. 767-8246._________
Rabbit raising equip., baby saver wire, carrying cages, heat cable, water sys., pens, scales. W. Alien Oglesby, Atlanta. Ph.404-627-1153.
^j, hdwd. & mix.; split, del., stacked / you pick up. Al Rushin, Atlanta. Ph. 792-7599.
Three 1/8 ton chain hoist, $350, one long diesel furnance for bulk barn, $500. Rex Smith, Ambrose. Ph. 912-384-6645.
Ponderosa fireplace insert, used 1 mo., glass doors, brass trim, $395. R. Ballard, Barnesville. Ph. 404-358-4988.
Lrg. bale hay feeder, 3 sec., $100. J. Bower, Milledgeville. Ph. 912-932-5535.
Rock garden stones for sale. M. R. Cartledge, Atlanta. Ph. 404-874-3168.
3 unit surge stainless steel pipeline milkers; 435 gal. Sunset tank w/washup compressor / vacuum pump, $1000. James Garthright, Rt. 2, Warrenton

Will pick up pkg. bees from Drews Apiary to del. to Cobb area, March 20, share exp. G. C. Robinson, Marietta. Ph. 422-3798.__________________
Durable cypress bee hives & bees. B. J. Semegran, Dacula. Ph. 962-1067._____
Italian queens & nucs (northern stock), hvy. producers, April & May. W. Earl Vautin, Jasper. Ph. 692-6192 / 5836.
Pure raw natural honey, gal.; Gallberry / $14.95, White Clover / $14.95, Tupelo / $19.95, shipping incl. B. R. Argoe, Rt. 2, Box 239, Cairo 31728._________
Top qual. multl flavored syrup for bees / feed sweetner, $3 / gal., 55 gal. / $125. Dan Moore, Smyrna. Ph. 436-8410.
Strong colonies, $5 new equip.; honey & we want beeswax. Harold Ward, Savannah. Ph. 912-964-1978.___________
Pure honey & sourwood, blend, $3.50 / qt., $12 / gal., strained / unstrained. Sam Burns, Kennesaw. Ph. 428-0281._____
Used supers, 100 med. 10 frame, $7 ea. if pick up in Union Co. Dean Houdeshel, Marietta. Ph. 424-0153.
Wild flower natural honey, $2.50 / qt. or $9 / gal., in your containers. F. C. Masdonatl, 431 Rt. 5. Rome 30161.

30828._____________________ Firewood, all hdwd., split, $80 / cord
plus del., unsplit, $65 / cord, you haul. Harold Rutledge, Rex. Ph. 961-6742.
Pine trees for firewood, you cut & haul. C. Wilson, Atlanta. Ph. 321-6420.______
Bathtub, can be used for watering livestock, $10 ea.; cast iron wood stove, $100. William Wynn, Kathleen. Ph. 912-987-2946.______________
4 I beams, 300 ft. monorail w/6 wheel carriage, make good overhead crane; fluorescent light 75$. W. C. Barwick, Gainesville. Ph. 404-867-6056.______
5 gal. plastic buckets, 75$ ea.; 55 gal. steel drum, $8 ea.; 27 gal drums, $8 ea. R. T. Browning, Jr., Lithonia. Ph. 404-972-6226.______________
Firewood all hdwd., split. T. J. Edwards, Fayetteville. Ph. 461-7975.

Things To Eat
Chuckare eggs, 50/$1 ppd. Dock Hinson, Chester. Ph. 912-358-4475 aft. 7.
Lrg. fresh yard eggs, 75$/doz. C. Leonard. Atlanta. Ph. 758-9424.______
Raw shelled jumbo peanuts, 11 Ib. poly-bucket / $14.50 ppd. Carrol) McMillan, Rt. 2, Ocllla 31774._______
Fig, peach & pear preserves, $3/pt., not shipped. J. R. Thompson, Lithonia. Ph. 981-1836.
Pure ribbon cane syrup, just made, $4/qt. Joe Walker, Fayetteville. Ph. 404-461-7142.
Shelled Stuart pecans halves, '83 crop, $3.25/ Ib. ppd., min. 3 Ibs., no cks. Maxine Adams, Rt. 2, Box 124, Hortense 31543.

Oak firewood, split & stacked, $90 / cord, $45 / Vt cord. William Fowler, Dawsonville. Ph. 265-6681.

When calling, ask for correct depart
ment: ads, circulation, editorial, or in formation.

Blk. walnut, $2.25 ea. plus, $1.25 post. Mrs. Jack Beverly, Rt. 2, Box 254, Jesup



Blk. walnuts, $4/bu. John Robinson,

Lawrenceville. PH. 979-0322 aft. 5.

Choice dried apples / peaches, ship ped ppd. UPS, $12.50 / 5 Ibs. Virginia White, 437 S. Glenwood Ave., Dalton

Shelled pecans, mostly halves $3.25/lb. Carole Hays, Atlanta. Ph 396-4311.

Hot pickled pepper, some jalapeno, $2/qt. or $20/case, $1.25/pt. M. Popham, Douglasville. Ph. 942-2196.

Sweet potatoes, golden nugget, house cured, exc. qual. Russell Smith, Loganville. Ph. 787-1275.
Water ground meal/whole wheat flour, grits, $2.50/10 Ibs., $1.50/5 Ibs. plus post. Mike Buckner, Junction City. Ph. 269-3630 aft. 3.
Red ribbon pure cane syrup, $2.50/qt. plus shipping; avail, in 55 gal. drums. Darryl Cobb, Abbevllle. Ph. 912-423-3260.

Raw shelled peanuts, 5 Ibs. / $8.50, shelled pecan halves, $4.50/lb., shipped ppd. UPS. H. Davis, Rt. 1, Box 233, Doerun 31744.

Fresh stone ground wheat, rye, buckwheat flours; white/yellow corn meals & grits. G. Rogers, Blairsville. Ph. 745-7535.

Shelled pecans, mostly halves $3.25/lb. plus post. Edward S. Thurmond, 1311 McHenry Crossing, Madison 30650.

Country style pork sausage & grain fed beef, any amt. Jim Toney, Stockbridge. Ph. 404-483-7993.
Chinese chestnuts, $1/lb., no shipping. Clara Arceneaux, 125 S. Belair Rd., Marti nez 30907.

Grain fed GA lamb, Fed. inspec., pro cessed the way you want. Richard Curtis. Comer. Ph. 404-783-5981.

Pure sorghum syrup, $3/qt. or $30/case Georgen Frlx, Social Circle. Ph. 404-786-8605.

Sweet potatoes, golden nuggets, $8/bu. Jack Gastin, Marietta. Ph. 971-7374.

Peppers, cowhorns & peter, 40 / $1. Nick Metcalfe, Box 361, Rt. 1, Montlcello
31064.___________________ Jalapeno pepper seed w/startlng / can
ning instr., $2 & SASE. R. E. Smith, Rt. 2, Box 454, Ocllla 31774.__________
Ratsbane, yellowroot, 24 pits., $10 ppd. Mrs. David Stover, Rt. 1, Blue Ridge
30513._________________________________ Horseradish, 1 yr. crowns, 4 / $5, cut
tings, 6 / $2 10 / $3 ppd., 2 Ibs., $5 to eat. A. J. Ware, Rt. 3, Box 202, Ringgold 30736.__________________
Yellowroot, dried catnip, yellow dock, sassafras root, $5.50 / 4 Ib. lardbox plus post. Elzie Cantrell, Rt. 5, Box 139, Ellljay 30540.__________________
Sassafras, yellowroot, 4 Ib. lardbox / $6, 3 / $15. R. C. Chastain, Rt. 5, Box 209, Ellljay 30540.__________________
Old fashioned blrdseye pepper seed, 8 pods / $1 send SASE. Jim Green, Rt. 1, Box 59, Ellerslle 31807.___________
Yellowroot, yellow dock, queen of meadow roots, 4 Ib. lardbox / $5.50 ppd. Mrs. W. Lowman, Rt. 5, Ellljay 30540.
Pepper seeds, Peter Pepper, yellow / red squash, royal purple, 2$ ea., w/SASE. L. H. Northon, 55 Cornus Dr., Savannah 31406._______________
Rooster Spur pepper seed, 100 / $1 w/SASE. Mrs. C. L. Wages, Lawrenceville. Ph. 404-921-3003._________________
Old time cowhorn hot pepper, 250 seeds / $1 ' SASE. W. Weaver, Box 605, Barnesville 30204.______________
Rue pits., 4 / $1.80, dill seeds, pkg. / 40$ plus SASE, dried dill, $2.50 / pt. ppd. Iris Brown, Rt. 2, Dahlonega 30533._____
Lemon balm, lambs ear, 6 / $5.50; elephant garlic cloves, 8 / $5.50 ppd. Mrs. George Colllns, Rt. 3, Danlelsville 30633.
Clean yellowroot, 4 Ibs. lardbox / $5.50 or 3 / $15 ppd. Mrs. W. Fowler, Rt. 5, Box 292, Ellljay 30540.____________
Yellowroot, yellow dock, wild cherry, birch bark, 4 Ib. lardbox / $5.50. Mrs. Donald Greer, Rt. 5, Ellljay 30540.
Peppermint, spearmint, horsemint & alehoofmint, $.50 / doz. ppd. Louise Lee, Rt. 5, Box 209. Ellilay 30540._____
Yellowroot, wild cherry, red older birch bark, 4 Ib. lardbox / $5.50 or 3 / $15. Donnie Lowman, Rt. 5, Box 209, Ellljay 30540.
Rooster Spur pepper seed, 100/$1, Holiday Cheer / Peter pepper, 50/S1 w/SASE. L. Itson, Rt. 1, Box 90, Pelham 31779.
Squash pepper seeds, yellow, light/dark red, mix. hot pepper, 12 kinds, $1/pkg. w/SASE. L. Lander, 53 Dundee Lk. dr., Griffin 30223._____________
Ground sage & red hot pepper, $4.50/cup w/SASE. Mrs. C. McMillian, 1107 Ewings Chpl. Rd., Dacula 30211.
Clean yellowroot, 4 Ib. lardbox / $5.50 or 3/$15 ppd. Willa Mae Mooney, Rt. 5, Box 292, Ellijav 30540,

Yellowroot, red root, sassafras, ratsbane, 4 Ib. lardbox/$5.50 ppd. Debbie Fountain, Rt. 5, Box 121, Ellljay 30540.
New '82 crop Jumbo catnip seed, 250/$1 w/SASE. J. W. Garrett, Box 6383, Marietta 30065. _________________
Mint pits., 10$ ea., 1241 w/SASE. M. Smith, Rt. 2, Box 53, Rincon 31326. Ph. 912-826-5277._____________.
'82 Hot Rooster Spur pepper, 35 pods/$1 w/SASE. Mrs. W. A. Wilson, 2892 River Rd., Decatur 30034.____________
Comfrey roots, 20c, crowns, 60$ ppd., booklet incl., mln. $5 order. Coe Branham, Box 875, McCaysvllle 30555.
Boar hog root, 1 oz./$4, 3 oz./$10 ppd. Frank Rushing, Box 813, Carrollton
30117.________________________ Well rooted mint pits., $1 ea. plus $1.25
post. Lillian Brooks, Rt. 1, Box 24, Hahira 31632._________________
Hot pepper seed, med. pods, 25$, w/SASE. Mrs. Arthur Gentles, Rt. 1, Box 143, Toccoa 30577._____________
Rooster Spur pepper, 25 pods/$1 plus SASE. Steve Guntner, 2968 Lenora Rd., Snellville 31278.______________
Dried crushed oregano, basil, marjoram, thyme, peppermint, $1.25/cup ppd. Cheryl Haffner, Rt. 2, Box 23CC, Temple. 30179.
Garden Space
Dawsonville area, Irg. garden plot, no chrg., share vegetables. Charles Bruce, Atlanta. Ph. 404-636-5773.
Fish & Worm
Worms, Red Wigglers, any prices; miracle dirt worm casting. Mrs. John Atterholt, Sr., Powder Springs. Ph. 943-6628.
Qual. Hybrid Sunfish / Bream, guar. disease free; Channel Catfish fingerlings. Anthony Chew, Woodbury. Ph. 404-846-3005 / 3913.____________
Red Wigglers, $5/lb., 5 Ib. min. order, solid worm wt., shipped UPS ppd. M. Dumas, 1206 Weems Rd., Molena 30258.
Qual. Channel Catfish fingerlings, graded by size / price, treated parasite / disease free, guar. Immed. del. J. Foy Gilbert, Thomaston. Ph. 404-648-2062.
Disease free Channel Catfish fingerl ings, 4-6, 6-8, 8-10 in., pick up by appt., / del. Preston Harbin, Helena. Ph. 912-868-6095.____________
Channel Catfish fingerlings, 8-10$ ea. Ed Hltt. Covington. Ph. 404-863-1620.
Orig. Red Wigglers, Irg. fishing size, only $10.95/M or 5M/more, $8.95/M. ppd. w/instr. J. F. Shelton, Shiloh. Ph. 404-846-9051._________________
Channel Catfish fingerlings graded & treated for parasite & disease, pick up/del. Jimmy Sims, Winder. Ph. 404-867-2879.________________
Worm farm, located near Newnan on Hwy. 16. Pat Wise, Williamson. Ph. 495-5747.___________________
Fish cages, fish traps, turtle traps, made of plastic mesh, %, Vi or V in. mesh. Hugh Holyoak, Alapaha. Ph. 912-532-5395.______________
Ga. Giant Hybrid Bream, Channel Catfish, Rainbow Trout, disease free, pick up/del. Ken Holyoak, Alapaha. Ph. 912-532-6135.
Red Wigglers, bedrun, 10M/S30, discount on Irg. orders. David Stapleton, M-302, Rogers Rd., Athens 30609.
Redworms, bedrun 5M/$18, 10M/$30 w/instr., worm casting, 4 gal./$10 ppd. R. Stapleton, Lumber City. Ph. 912-363-4451.
Red Wigglers, any size / amt. for stocking beds/will sell bed. Bruce Self, Byron. Ph. 912-781-8309.
Channel Catfish 3/4-2 Ib. avg. for eating / stocking, $1 / Ib. pick up. David Warren, Cochran. Ph. 912-934-7045.
Fertilizers & Mulches
500 bales mulch hay, $1 / bale at barn, near Griffin. G. C. Morris, Hampton. Ph. 946-3664.
Free horse manure mix w/shavings, load your own. C. Summerour, Lawrenceville. Ph. 963-5336.
Pinebark w/soil, haul your own, $2.50 / ton, will load for $5 / ton. Tom Brown, Madison. Ph. 404-342-2452.
Mulch hay, $1 / bale, broken bales, 75$ / bale at barn. D. Frahm, Canton. Ph. 404-887-9867 aft. 5.
Mulch hay, $1 & $1.25. Harold Gilmore, College Park. Ph. 762-8977._______
Horse manure mix w/sawdust, good for gardens, $4 / pick up, you load. Pam vlcGlothlln, Gumming. Ph. 404-889-1536.
Mulch hay, $1/bale. Aros Reeves, Powder Springs. Ph. 943-6473._____
Mulch hay, 85$ / bale, Irg. round bales, $10 ea. Ida Evans, Stone Mtn. Ph. 288-4959.
Chicken litter, $20 / pick up & $2/bag, will load by appt. Jimmy Alford, Lawrenceville. Ph. 963-1937 / 3161.

Page 14


Wednesday, February 16, 1983

Mulch hay, can del. any amt. J. Wimpey, Conley. Ph. 361-7307.______

Horse manure, $5/pick up, easy access. Andrea Claborn, Jonesboro. Ph.

Mulch hay, $1.25/bale. 0. B. Dixon, CovIngton. Ph. 404-786-6218._______

Aged composted horse manure w/wood shavings, exc., $10 / pick up, del. $35 in 15 mi. D. Manning, Doraville. Ph. 396-4765.____________________

Horse compost mix. w/shavings, need
to put on garden now, $5/pick up. Candy Sanders, Snellville. Ph. 972-7525.

Rich topsoil, fill dirt, plnebark mulch,
old sawdust, sand & gravel. Jim West, Falrbum. Ph. 964-2045.________

Aged horse manure mix. w/wood shavings, easy access, $5 / pick up. Mr. Dunivant, Gumming. Ph. 887-9291.______

Horse manure mix w/shavings for gardens, $8 / pick up, you load. Beth Jenkins, Union City. Ph. 964-3294.

Horse manure mix w/shavings for

gardens, $10 / pick up, you load. Bill

McArthur, Marietta. Ph. 973-8161 /



Horse manure mix. w/wood shavings, $5 / pick up, you load. Robin Newton, Slockbridge. Ph. 957-2754.________

Pinestraw, clean, $3/bale, same amt., unbaled, $2.50. Shirley Townsend, Acworth. Ph. 974-8406.____________

Compost ready for gardens / planting, del., $30/sml load, $50/lrg. load. J. W. Van
Horn, Decatur. Ph. 289-5798.______

Aged manure w/shavings, you load/haul, $6/pick up. Julie Vaughn,
Alpharetta. Ph. 475-1223.__________

Free chicken litter, honeywagon /
tanker truck will be needed to haul. Donnie Allred, Winder. Ph. 725-2142.______

Rich, dark, aged horse compost, del. to your garden spot, $30/truckload w/in 12 mi. W. Blackstone, Mableton. Ph. 944-8443._____________________

Chicken/horse compost, pinebark, all kinds, aged / fresh sawdust, shavings, can spread. Bill Isaacs, Snellville. Ph.

Mulch hay & wheat straw, qual. hvy. bales, del. avail. Walt Prickett, Shady Dale. Ph. 468-2219 / 2407._______

Horse compost w/shavings, Irg. pick up load, del., $35. Sarah Amoson, Morrow. Ph. 961-6639._____________

Mulch hay, $1.25/bale, will del. C. L Bagwell, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-5251.

Mulch hay, $1.20 bale, broken bales, $3
/ pick up, aged horse compost, $10/load. Ed Brent, Palmetto. Ph. 404-463-4963.

Aged horse manure & shavings, $5/pick up. Claire Boyd, Fairburn. Ph. 964-5403._____________________
Sawdust & shavings, "all pine", yr. around del. Jim Grogan, Gumming. Ph. 404-887-6063.________________
Horse manure w/wood shavings, $25/pick up, del. w/in 14 mi. J. 0. Hale, Decatur. Ph. 373-1210._________
Aged rich horse manure from compost pile, $5 / truckload, you load. Marcia Hullender, Powder Springs. Ph. 943-4120.
Horse manure, $5 / load, you load. Linda Moss, Atlanta. Ph. 634-3564/636-3121.
5/600 bale fescue hay in barn, ideal animal bedding, 75$ / bale. Gene Wilson, Monlicello. Ph. 404-468-7185.________
Mulch hay, wheat straw, can del. Ralph Eskew, Fairburn. Ph. 964-3341._____
Shavings, pick up in ton truck / we del. Otto Meier, Marietta. Ph. 926-3795.
Mulch hay, 90<t/bale at barn. Mal Milam, Franklin. Ph. 404-854-4505.
Horse manure mix. w/sawdust, $5/load, you load, exc. fert. D. Mitchell, Duluth. Ph. 476-5118/921-2436._________
Aged compost, horse manure w/shavings, $7.50/reg. pick up, $10 / longbed, you load. Judy Pearson, Ellabell. Ph. 912-823-3174._______________
Good topsoil, sand, gravel, del. to you. Woody Roberts, Smyrna. Ph. 435-8107.
Horse compost w/shavings, Irg. pick up load, del., $35. Mr. Russell, Lithia SprIngs. Ph. 942-6024.______________
Wheat straw & mulch hay, good qual., can del. in truckload lots. O. L. Rutledge, McDonough. Ph. 957-5144._______

Coastal Bermuda mulch hay, Irg. sq. bales, Irg. supply, 75$ / bale. Doug Exley, Springfield. Ph. 912-754-6144._______
Mulch hay, any amt., can del. Lynn Hale, Acworth. Ph. 404-428-2835._____
Horse manure mix. w/shavings & hay, $10/pick up. Roy L Mulllins, Powder SprIngs. Ph. 943-4280.___________
Horse manure mix. w/straw, Stone Mtn.-Snellville area, $5 / load. Hazel Nlchols, Snellville. Ph. 972-2774 aft. 9 am.
Pure cow manure, no dirt / sawdust, avail, yr. around, $25 / pick up, we load. Billy Greer, Hampton. Ph. 404-946-4616.
Approx. 250 bales of clean wheat straw, $1 / bale, all / part. Fred Harcrow, Roopoville. Ph. 404-854-4891.________
Free aged horse manure. S. Schutte, Alpharetta. Ph. 404-475-0230.______
Cow manure, $15 / pick up, you haul, wPhil.l 4h0e4l-p46l6o-a4d1.78E.. 'H."W"agres, Lro,gia,nv,i,lcle.,

Wheat straw, $1.25 / bale, can del. Robert Chandler, Thomaston. Ph. 404-647-7582._________________
Mulch hay ideal for bedding for animals / reseeding, $1.25 / bale. Ed Garner, Buchanan. Ph. 404-646-5224.
Free aged horse plus chicken manure mix. w/wood chips, exc. for gardens. L. Gowdy, Gumming. Ph. 887-7853._____
Mulch hay, 90c/bale at barn, del. avail. Larry Logan, Homer. Ph. 677-3207.
Horse manure, $10/pick up, you load, aged / fresh. J. Mitchell, Vidalia. Ph. 537-3945.

Want 2 doz./more thick rind martin gourds, pay 50t ea., pick up w/in 15-20 mi. Tom McClendon, Fayetteville. Ph. 404-461-6923 aft. 6._____________
Want cattle squeeze chute. John D. Rewis, Reidsville. Ph. 912-557-4103 aft. 6.
Want sml. peanut sheller for sml. amts. Lemar Green, Lithonla. Ph. 404-296-2361 days / 972-4293.__________________
Want used clay churns, jugs, jars & milk pitchers, good cond. Doug Howard, Rt. 1, Shallowford Rd., Marietta 30062. Ph. 404-973-1487.________________
Want Red Wlgglers & pink worms weekly; Catfish mechanical skinner. Gene Hudson, Manchester. Ph. 404-846-9113.

1 in. long pine cones, 25/$1 or 100 / $3.50 ppd. Faye Abreu, Rt. 1, Box 32, Sylvester 31791. Ph. 912-776-7351.
Lap quilt frame, 12 x 12 in.,$5.50/ppd., w/lnstr., mail order only. R. D. Bagwell, Box 761, Duluth 30136.___________
Martin gourds cut / uncut; other varieties, ship any amt., anywhere. Mrs. A. H. Braswell, Rt. 1, Box 73, Wrens 30833. Ph. 404-547-6784.__________
Buckeyes, $2 / doz. ppd. Blance Harklns, Box 4, Mountain City 30562.
Martin gourds, cut, ready to hand, $1.50, uncut, $1, will not ship. Greg Harp, Fayettevllle. Ph. 404-461-7588.______
Homemade lye soap, snowy white, Irg. bars, $1 plus post. R. Tomason, 214 Shoal Creek Rd., Griffin 30223. Ph. 227-6483.
Last martin gourds & bluebird gourds, $2 up In sets. Gene Brown, Byron. Ph. 912-953-3330.__________________
Lap quilting frames sizes, 28 x 28 / $10.50 ppd., 15 x 15 / $7.50 ppd. Sherry Dean, Rt. 1, Box 222. Waynesville 31566.
Old fashion cheese hoop boxes, good cond., $4 ea. Rita Disharoon, Toccoa. Ph. 886-7204._____________________
I cane backs & bottoms of chairs / rockers. Marlene Dover, Box 121, Fairmount. Ph. 337-2102._________'
Martin gourds, sml. / $1, Irg. / $1.50. Hoyt Helton, Buchanan. Ph. 646-5404.
Martin gourds, $1.50 cut, ready to hang, $2, no shipping. Hoyt Howard, Gumming. Ph. 887-2039.________
Handmade dough bread tray, $35 ppd., guar., ck. / m.o. Grady Brewer, Toomsboro. Ph. 912-933-5950._____
Luffa sponges, 7-10 / $1.50, 12-15 / $2.50, 17 in. / $3 plus post., 50. Norma Halley, Rt. 2, Box 30B, Metier 30439.
Martin gourds clean inside / outside painted, $3 unpainted, $2.25, hang'wine & perch, no shipping. F. Jordan, Macon. Ph. 912-788-3752.________________
Kudzu / honeysuckle free from basket, $3 / 5, $5 / 7, $9 / 9, $15 /15 in. plus, $1.50 post. Janice Koone, McPherson, St., Bremen 30110.

Miscellaneous Wanted

Want 55 gal. drum plastic/metal for syrup; 1000*10,000 gal. tanks, cheap. Dan Moore, Smyrna. Ph. 436-8410.________
Want to buy used tin from farm bldg. w/ln 75 ml. of Atlanta. P. J. Mull, Mableton. Ph. 941-3029.__________
Want pinestraw suitable for baling. Frank Wood, Atlanta. Ph. 522-3570.
Want butane/propane gas tank. R. Field, Monroe. Ph. 874-3931.______
Want 36 in. poultry house fans, reas. P. L Hembrey, Winder. Ph. 867-6778.
Want eng., gasoline/kerosene, 1 cyl. w/flywheel, repairable cond. Bill Lake, Warner Robins. Ph. 912-953-3579.
Want sweet gum tree cut down free, In exchange for wood. Kerry Lockerman, Atlanta. Ph. 262-7751._____________
Want sml. anvil; riveting forge. Mickey Roberts, Duluth. Ph. 476-4043 eve.
Want sheets of 10-12 ft. tin; posts, 10 ft. John Robinson, Lawrencevllle. Ph. 979-0322 aft. 5._______________

Want bulk tobacco barns; B&O tobacco harvester. B. S. Johns, Nahunta. Ph.

Want silk and velvet scraps to repair old strip quilt, good cond., reas. Florence Marti, Griffin. Ph. 404-228-0977._____

Want cooling unit for sml. walk-in cooler, comp./parts. Forrest Knapp, Jr., Thomasvllle. Ph. 226-3997._________

Want old fashion pine tar, used in mak-
ing croup cloths. Mrs. R. S. Morris, 512 Elm St.. Rockmart 30153._______

Want good salvage heart pine boards, 1x6, 8's, 10's, 12's, will pay, $500/M. B. T. Willls, Moultrle. Ph. 985-4100 aft. 6.

Want old log barn to be torn down. Robert Belcher, 1753 Pleasant Grove Dr., Dalton 30720. Ph. 404-259-3482.______

Want farm bldg. to tear down for materials /will buy for reas. price. Ronald Buffington, Hartwell. Ph. 376-2917.

Want to buy 2 or 4 frame honey extractor. Weldon Haygood, Rome. Ph. 234-0727.________________

Want 1 cyl. twin flywheel, cast iron,

gas / kerosene engs., any hp. Royce Ken-

OTiCk, Sparks. Ph. 912-549-8416.

-. -


Will the person who got the guano dist. & plow contact me. R. E. Harris, Rt. 6, N. Tenn Rd., Cartersvllle 30120. Ph. 404-382-3588.________________
Lost/stolen blk. Lab male, 100 Ibs., SS no tattooed inside thigh, up A-1 Box Spring area, reward. Mrs. Harry Ingram, Box Spring. Ph. 404-561-2920.________
Sold out of shelled Stuart pecans. Mrs. T. L. Maicom, Box 6271, Sandy Creek Rd., Madison 30650._____________
Will Lewis Lankford of Dalton call about garden tiller. A. B. Patch, Austell. Ph. 948-1468._______________
Sold out of tobacco seed. Jessee Wray, Trenton 30752.

Out of state wanted

Want two 40 gal. iron pots, good cond., write price & phone no. Authur Bolt, Rt. 3, Box 646, Laureus, SC 29369.________
Want D-6 caterpillar dozer w/winch, late model, good cond. W. N. Bryson, Highlands, NC 28741. Ph. 704-526-2270.
Want blk., white OE bantams, BB Reds & Silver Duckwing, ship at my expense. Dorsey Grist, Box 731, Hayesville NC
28904._____________________ Want David Bradley 3 wheel riding
garden tractor. L. T. Kirk, Rt. 5, Abbeville, SC 29620. Ph. 803-459-2094._______
Want TD 9 trail loader w/new track trade AC road grader in running cond. F. Marrone, 2100 Autumn Ln., Tallahassee, FL 32304.________________
Want used dairy equip., ages makes models, prices. Lila Rowley, Hammond, LA 70401. Ph. 504-294-2537 / 2576.
Want exp. herdsman for 300 cow dairy farm near Orangeburg, SC, home provide, ref. req. John Till, Rt. 2, Box 122, Neeses, SC 29107. Ph. 803-536-4883._______
Want vacuum attachment for 16 hp. Sears tractor w/42 in. mower, any cond. Ronald Weiss, 422 Acron Ave., Stuart, FL 233494. Ph. 305-287-2583._______
Want cast iron, twin flywheels, 1 cly. gas eng., any cond. David Wrlght, 106 Cathcart Cir., Wlnnsboro, SC 29180. Ph. 803-635-3739.________________

Ice Storm Caused

Tree Damage

The recent ice storm that

swept through central and

west central Georgia caused

considerable damage to

forestlands, according to the

Georgia Forestry Commis-


Counties having the

greatest damage to forests

were Bleckley, Chat-

tahoochee, Glasco*ck,

Marion, Pulaski, Randolph,

Schley, Sumter, Terrell,

Warren and Washington. In

addition, considerable pecan

tree damage occurred in

Peach and Crawford Coun-


The Commission urges



homeowners to make an

assessment of their land and

remove any badly damaged

trees and debris to prevent

possible insect attack.

If you have problems

resulting from the recent

storm, contact the Georgia

Forestry Commission, P. O.

Box 819, Macon 31298, for

;; a,ssiptanGe.


-Bulletin Calendar

Feb. 18 All Breed horse/tack sale, 7:30 pm, Sunny Farm Stables, Hwy. 369, Gumming. Info. Charles Gabriel 887-9273 or 532-7923.
Feb. 18 - Feeder pig sale, Turner Co. Stkyds., Ashburn, 7 pm, Info. H. R. Wiggins 912/567-3371.
Feb. 18 1983 Ga. Peanut Farm show, Sunbelt Ag Exhibit Hall, Spence Field, Moultrie. Info. Emory Murphy
912/386-3470. Feb. 18-19 Southeast Long Horn Cat-
tle Assn. meeting. Info. W. B. Bradley, Mllledgeville 912 /
452-3587. Feb. 19 Ga. Farm Products Sale Cor-
poration Barn, Thomaston, 1 pm, Middle Ga. All Breed Graded Bull sale, 60 service age bulls. Info. SE Cattle Sales, Reynolds, 912/847-3535 day or 912/847-3167
night. Feb. 19 Snowbird Schooling show,
9 am, Dewey Henderson's Atlanta
Auctions, 4380 Stacks Rd., US 29 S, Atlanta 404/763-3939. Feb. 19 Annual Field Day/Stallion Service Auction, Wills Park, Alpharetta. Info. Richard Butter-
worth 526-6551.
Feb. 23 - 7 p.m. Bulloch Co. AllBreed Swine Sale. Bulloch Co. Ag Center.
Feb. 25 7 pm, Special Breeder cattle sale, cow/calves prs., springers and breeding age bulls, also sml. herd of reg. Brahman cattle, Turner Co. Stkyds., Ashburn. Info. H. R. Wiggins 912/567-3371.
Feb. 26 Big Shanty Saddle Club fun show, 1 pm, Wild Horse Creek Park, Powder Springs. Info. Grady Jones 435-0436.
Feb. 26 Open horse show, 10 am, Dewey Henderson's Atlanta Auction, timed events, hunt seat, Western/fun classes, payback, spon. by the Ga. Jr. Quarter Horse Assn. Info. Tiffany Greene 404 / 466-1448.

March 2 - 25th Annual Tifton Performance Tested Bull sale, 85 bulls, 1 pm, Coastal Plain Exp. Station sales arena, Tifton. Info. Clyde Triplett 912/386-3407.
(Hours earned in parenthesis)
Feb. 22 CES/Greater Atlanta Nurserymen's Assn. Garden Center update, Decatur, registration fee, Private (2), Orn. & Turf (2). Info. Troy Keeble 404/656-3322.
Feb. 25 - Stephenson Chemical Basic Pest Control Technology, Atlanta, Indust. Inst. (6), Public Health (6). Info. Bill Blaslngame 404/762-0194.
Feb. 28 Cortese Tree Specialists, 617 Deery St., Knoxville, TN 37917, Private (5), Forest (5), Orn. & Turf (5), Atlanta, $25 charge. Info. Don Gardner 615/522-0533.
Feb. 21-March 11 Winter Herdsman School, University of Georgia Dairy Farm, Athens, $100 registration fee. Info. Dr. Larry Guthrie 404/542-2581.
Feb. 25 - Pick-Your-Own course, RDC, Tifton, spon. by ABAC/CES/RDC, 9 am-3:15 pm, $2 fee, presiding - Dr. Max Austin. Info. 912/386-3267.
Feb. 26 'Making Money on a Few Acres' seminar spon. by the Cobb Co. Extension Service, 8:30 am-4:15 pm, Griffin Middle School, Smyrna, $3 per person, $5 for families, deadline for registration is 2/18. Info. 429-3343.
Feb. 26 & March 5 Consumer's Meat Cutting Guide, 1-3 pm, Berry College Wescott Meat Laboratory, $12 fee. Info. Susan Simmons 404 / 232-5374.
Feb. 28 Fruit Trees short course, Brookwood High School, 7-8:30 pm, $2 fee. Info. Dan Chelko 972-7642.

1982 Crops
(Continued from Page 1)
cent in value to total $189.5 million. However, tobacco retained its third place position in the overall crop value with 12.5 percent of the total.
A record cotton yield of 631 pounds per acre lifted the crop's value 40 percent to $66.6 million in 1982.
Spring freezes which destroyed the peach crop in north Georgia orchards and bordering states increased the average price 73 percent over 1981. Total value of the crop was $22.5 million.
*The estimates on value of production do not address profit or loss but deal only with the value of crops produced. Estimates on cash receipts and production costs will be released in late sum-

Ovid Harrison has his hands full with this 40-3/4 pound sweet potato and 26 pound sweet potato. The Kite, Georgia gardener claims that one of the hills in his sweet potato patch contained over 114 pounds of potatoes!

Grandpa Says . ..
Cold weather and central heating cause low humidity which is hard on your house plants. If possible, install small humidifiers or place plants in trays lined with pebbles and keep them constantly moist.
Grandpa Says . . . During short winter days
houseplants grow very little due to reduced light, so they do not need water or fertilizer as often.

Special Editions
Horse Edition April 6 Deadline
March 23
Farmland March 9 Deadline February 23

Wednesday, February 16,'1983
If you are not sure whether or not an egg is hard cooked, spin it. If it spins like a top, it is cooked.
Add one half cup of white vinegar per gallon of rinse water to eliminate dull soap film from your glassware and to make it shine.
Mrs. Mashburn of Chatsworth suggests, "To make a Sleeve roll press, roll up newspaper very tightly, put it inside a long sock and tie the end."
Before cooking over an open fire, rub the bottoms of your pots and pans with soap or shaving cream. This will make clean-up a little easier.
Have you ever wondered whether or not the baking powder that has been sitting on your shelf for ages is still active? Put one teaspoon of the powder in one third cup of hot water. If bubbles actively appear, it is still good to use.
Many of our readers have asked how to make "dancing mothballs." Use an untinted glass vase, at least quart size. Add two and one half cups of water and one eighth teaspoon of food color; stir, and add one half cup of white vinegar. Constantly stir again and slowly add 1 teaspoon of soda.
Foaming action will occur as the vinegar combines with soda water. Add six or more mothballs, (use only the Nahpthalene mothballs). In a few minutes the mothballs will begin turning, rising and falling. They will continue dancing for over an hour. You may use lesser or greater amounts of these ingredients as long as you keep the proportions the same.
(Warning: Mothballs are poisonous so caution should be taken if young children are involved.)
"Whenever I get rid of old clothing, I always save the buttons," says Mrs. Robert Mann of Atlanta. "This way I always have a plentiful supply and if a shirt is just missing one, I do not have to purchase an entire card of buttons to replace it."
Mrs. Mann adds, "If a dress or skirt is wrinkled, toss it in the dryer with a wet wash cloth and the wrinkles come out."
Forgotten Graveyards
While the leaves are off the vines and trees and the view is open and clear, the time is right to discover a lost or forgotten grave or graveyard. The Georgia Genealogical Society is urging hikers, hunters, farm families and woodsmen to copy inscriptions from any gravesites discovered.
The hundreds of inscriptions sent in the past by caring citizens have been preserved in the Georgia Department of Archives and History in Atlanta, and also have been published in six of the Society's quarterly magazines devoted to such tombstone records.
Should you discover a forgotten gravesite, copy the inscriptions. Give directions for reaching the graveyard from a well-known crossroad. Tell who owns the land and whose permission is needed to visit the graves. Give approximate number of unmarked graves, if any. Put your own name, address and phone number at top of each page. Mail information to: Cemetery Records, Georgia Genealogical Society, Box 38066, Atlanta 30334.

Sfrowberry Patch Caution

Page 15

(Continued from Page 16)

Some Plants Hazardous to Health

The matted row system is said to

be easiest and possibly the most pro-

ductive method of growing strawber-

ries in the home berry patch. Lay off

two rows, four feet apart, when the

soil is dry and ideal for planting.

Each of the rows should be two feet

from the edge of the bed. Set plants

two feet apart in the rows at the

same depth that they were grown in

the nursery.

Remove the flowers that begin to

appear a few weeks after plants

begin to grow. Blossom removal dur-

ing the first year allows plant development to occur.

Castor bean



Allow strawberry runners to

develop during the summer of establishment. After the first growing season, matted rows two feet wide with a two foot walkway
should develop. Strawberries need one to one and a

Even the most innocent looking plant in your home or garden may be a potential killer or cause serious illness if eaten.
Under normal circ*mstances, adults would never think of eating ornamental plants or unusual parts of plants. However, children are naturally curious; unfortunately they are frequent victims.

half inches of water each week, so water your patch when rainfall is in-
sufficient. You also should keep weeds under control by hand pulling, hoeing and tilling.
Fertilize your patch twice during the summer in mid June and late September. Broadcast three pounds of 13-13-13 or four pounds of 10-10-10 over the bed during each

Poisonings can be significantly reduced by following simple, preven-
tive measures. * Place plants out of reach of small
children. * Remove poisonous houseplants
from your home if you have very young children.
* Teach children never to use




bark, leaves

burning bush leaves

castor bean






dumb cane



elephant ear all

feeding. Be sure and apply fertilizer plants as food.

four o'clock

root, seed

when the plants' foliage is dry.

*If you suspect that a child has foxglove


Keep weeds in check during the following winter and spring. Fertilize plants in mid-February in south

eaten a poisonous plant, contact your physician, local hospital or local poison control center im-

iris ivy, English

underground stem leaves

Georgia and mid-March in the mediately.

Jerusalem cherry berry

mountain areas with the recom-

There are more than 700 species of jimson weed all

mended fertilizer and amounts plants known to cause death or lily-of-the-valley all

previously mentioned. Mulch the illness. Below is a list of the more milk weed


bed with a half inch layer of pine common poisonous plants growing mock orange fruit

straw before growth begins.

in Georgia.



mountain laurel all



Serving Georgia Over a Century

oleander pimpernel

leaves all

(Continued from Page 1)





first, legally constituted, state depart- Agriculture, followed by John T.


ment of agriculture.

Henderson, who served from 1879 potato, Irish leaves

At this time, Massachusetts had a until 1890. In 1889, the Legislature rattle box


Board of Agriculture. However, no made the office of commissioner an rhododendron all

state had a legally constituted state elected position.


leaf blade

department which dealt primarily

Since its beginning, 14 individuals Scotch broom seed

with farming and agricultural pro- have served as Georgia Commis- snow-on-the- all


sioner of Agriculture:


As a result of the Horticultural

Thomas P. Janes


Spanish bayonet root

Society's campaign, the Georgia

John T. Henderson 1879-1890

spider lily


General Assembly established the

R. T. Nesbit




first State Department of Agriculture

O. B. Stevens



seeds, pods

in the United States in 1874. The

Thomas G. Hudson 1905-1912

Honorable Edgar M. Butt of Marion County was responsible for introducing the legislation, House Bill 438, in

J. J. Conner James D. Price
J. J. Brown

1912-1913 1913-1917

Brochure Features State Park Events

the House Chamber. It passed by a margin of a single vote, cast by the Speaker, Honorable Augustus O. Bacon of Bibb County.
The Bill created the Georgia Department of Agriculture, the office of Commissioner of Agriculture and a staff of one clerk. A sum of $10,000 was budgeted by the Legislature for the operation of the

Eugene Talmadge 1927-1933

George C. Adams 1933-1934

Tom Linder


Columbus Roberts 1937-1941

Tom Linder


Phil Campbell


Tommy Irvin




founded in 1917 under the leader-

Many state parks and historical sites have special attractions planned during Georgia's 250th celebration year. To obtain a copy of the brochure listing the events, write to the Parks and Historic Sites Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, 270 Washington Street, S.W., Room 707, Atlanta 30334.

Department. The newly formed department was
charged with promoting agricultural improvements, gathering and dispensing information on crop acreages, markets and prices, inspecting oil and fertilizer sold in Georgia, maintaining an experimental farm, distributing seeds, and
studying insects. Thomas P. Janes was appointed
the first Commissioner of

ship of Commissioner of Agriculture

J. J. Brown. Its purpose remains to

provide Georgia farmers a vehicle

for buying and selling farm-related

equipment and supplies, often

unavailable elsewhere.

Today, the Georgia Department of

Agriculture operates primarily as the

law enforcement arm of agriculture

cooperating with other agencies in

educational, statistical and promo-

tional programs.


COMMODITY INFORMATION Fruit and vegetable market news is now available via the toll free line at the Georgia Department of Agriculture. Throughout the business day, live information is available on the grain, fruit and vegetable markets. When the office is closed, a recording will provide pertinent information. Call 1-800-282-5944 for assistance.

Page 16
If your trees were damaged in the recent ice storm, be sure and trim back broken limbs and paint tree wounds with a good tree paint (this can be purchased at most garden centers). You might also want to check your insurance policy to see if it covers trees that have been severely damaged or destroyed.
In some cases, you may be able to claim an income tax deduction for their loss. The Internal Revenue Service contends that the value of a tree is the amount by which the value of your property as a whole is decreased as a result of the tree's loss. Check with the IRS or your tax accountant before attempting to make such a deduction.
It is a good idea to take pictures of existing shade trees now. Before and after photos can help support your insurance or income tax claims should a natural disaster destroy trees.
Grow an aloe vera plant in your kitchen. Nothing relieves a burn more quickly than rubbing the burned area with a juicy leaf cut from this plant.
Grow aloe vera in one part peat and two parts sand. Water the plant weekly in the summer and once a month during winter months.
"What are wood ashes good for," writes a Decatur reader, "and for what plants should they not be used? There are so many people using wood stoves, I think that it would be nice to know."
Wood ashes contain all the minerals found in the original wood. Of course, different woods, contain different quantities of fertilizer elements. However, ashes usually contain more potassium than any other element, as well as about two percent phosphorous; very little nitrogen is usually found.
Generally speaking, both hardwood and softwood ashes can be scattered in vegetable and flower gardens as a satisfactory means of disposal and as a soil additive. However, making use of wood ashes as a source of fertilizer is difficult unless you possess a professional knowledge of fertilizer application. Too much potassium would tend to burn plant roots; too little might produce little or no results.
For fertilization purposes, one bag of 10-10-10 fertilizer will do a garden more good than several bushels of ashes.
If you choose to use ashes in your garden, do not use them with manure unless the manure is well rotted. Since ashes also contain lime, do not use them on soils for potatoes and keep them away from acid loving plants such as azaleas and rhododendrons.


Wednesday, February 16, 1983

Report Chain Letters Establish Strawberry Patch Now

To U.S. Post Office
The MARKET BULLETIN office has received numerous complaints from readers regarding chain letters and receipt of unsolicited mail.
Apparently some readers are taking advantage of the names and addresses which appear in the MARKET BULLETIN to compile mailing lists. These mailings are often just a nuisance but in many cases they are illegal.
"Anyone who promotes or participates in a chain letter which requires the payment of something of value, such as cash or money orders, and offers a prize dependent upon chance, is in violation of federal mail fraud and lottery laws. Even if the chain letter itself is not mailed, as long as the payment or prize is sent through the mail, the entire scheme is illegal."
U.S. Postal Service Publication -256
If you receive a chain letter, you are under no obligation to participate. To do so may be a violation of federal and state laws. Turn the chain letter in to your local post office for proper handling.
pick-Your-own Course
(Continued from Page 1)
tion come to the pick-your-own short course at the Rural Development Center in Tifton, February 25, 1983. You will learn what a pick-your-own operation covers, what makes some operations more successful than others, types of irrigation adaptable to pick-your-own operations, what regulations of weights and measure are required in Georgia, fruit and vegetable varieties to be used in this type of operation, about a successful blueberry pick-your-own operation and the safe use of pesticides.
For further information, contact Continuing Education, ABAC Station, Box 12, Tifton, Ga. - phone (912) 386-3267.
WOOD VARIES There are distinct differences in firewood and the amount of heat produced. The tree species that have the highest possible recoverable heat per cord are hickory, white oak, red oak, beech, birch, ash, slash pine, longleaf pine and red maple.

For Plenty of Fresh Fruit Later

Strawberries are appealing to the backyard gardener because they have the potential to produce a large amount of fruit in a relatively small area. Strawberries can be planted in Georgia from March until early April.

An area approximately eight feet wide and 30 feet long should produce plenty of berries for year round use for a family of four. Select a sunny spot with porous well-drained soil. Avoid establishing strawberries where peppers, tomatoes and potatoes have been grown in the last five years; these vegetables and strawberries are susceptible to verticillum wilt.
After choosing an appropriate site, have the soil tested to determine nutrient and lime needs. You also should have the soil analyzed for nematodes. Your county Extension office should have the information and supplies needed for making tests.
Purchase certified plants from a reputable nursery. Since the success of various strawberry varieties is affected by the climate and soil type,
Metro Rabbit Breeders
Schedule Annual Show
The Metro Rabbit Breeders Association has a number of activities planned for February and March. They will hold th^ir annual early spring show at the Atlanta Farmers' Market on February 19, beginning at 8 a.m. This will be an American Rabbit Breeders Association sanctioned show with 14 breeds sanctioned.
On February 26 the association will provide a booth at the "making money on small acreage" seminar sponsored by the Cobb County Extension Service. The seminar will be held at the Griffin Middle School.
The Metro Rabbit Breeders Association, in conjunction with Cobb Extension also will sponsor a small livestock seminar at the Griffin Middle School, March 26.
For further information on any of these events, contact Shirley Wills, publicity chairperson at 404-471-5773.

use the varieties best suited for your area. Refer to the chart below before making your selection.

Varieties by Season and Area of Adaptability*


Early season Late Sunrise S, M, N Florida 90 S


S, M, N

Surecrop Tioga

M, N S, M


S, M, N


S, M, N


S, M

*S-South Georgia, M-Middle Georgia,

N-Piedmont and North Georgia

**Apollo should be planted with

another variety to insure fruit set.

Other varieties can be planted alone.

Because weeds are such a problem in strawberry production, you can begin preparing the bed up to a year in advance by periodically tilling and spading the area. However, you should break up your planting area at least a few weeks before setting out plants.
Broadcast five pounds of 10-10-10 or four pounds of 13-13-13 fertilizer over the eight by 30 foot area about a week before planting. Allow rain to settle the soil before planting.

(Continued on Page 15)

Peanut Growers Urged To Vote
Peanut growers in district #4 are urged to vote in the nomination referendum: Ballots may be obtained at your local ASCS office and must be postmarked no later than midnight, Feb. 22, 1983. The nominees are R. E. (Gene) DeLoach, Unadilla; Eddie Smith, Chester; and George Whelchel, Cordele.

Yearbook Focuses On Marketing Advice

Arbor Day Set Aside For Planting Trees

In Georgia, the third Friday in February is set aside for Arbor Day
a day for planting trees. Although other states observe the day during other times of the year, February was selected for Georgia since it is an ideal time to establish trees.
This Arbor Day, February 18, rather than planting an ornamental or shade tree, consider establishing a fruit or nut tree in your backyard. These trees will enhance the environment by providing shade and beauty and you'll also have the added pleasure of fruit or nuts come harvest time.
Certain varieties of apples,
peaches, plums, pears, nectarines, and pecans can be produced successfully in Georgia. Be sure and check with your Extension agent

before you purchase trees. He can tell you which variety performs best in your area.
In addition, some fruit and nut trees require cross pollination in order to produce fruit. Your county agent also will be able to tell you if it will be necessary to plant more than one variety.
When purchasing fruit and nut trees, remember the old saying, "you get what you pay for." Bargain trees may not be healthy or suitable for your area. Purchase only recommended varieties from a reputable source.
For additional information on planting and maintenance of specific fruit or nut trees, contact your local county Extension office.

The 1982 Yearbook of Agriculture, titled "Food from Farm to Table," was recently released by the United States Department of Agriculture. The yearbook features marketing information for farmers and buying information for consumers. In addition, the theme of getting more for one's money is stressed in the book's three major sections on farm production, marketing and smart food buying.
Copies of the 1982 yearbook may be purchased by sending a $12 check or money order, payable to the Superintendent of Documents, to the Atlanta Government Printing Office Bookstore, 275 Peachtree Street, Room 100, Federal Building, Atlanta 30303. In addition, members of Congress have limited copies of the yearbook for free distribution to constituents. USDA has no copies for sale or public distribution.

Farmers and consumers market bulletin, vol. 69, no. 7 (1983 February 16) (2024)


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