Muscatine Co IA Genealogy Home Page-Obituaries for "E" surnames (2024)

Muscatine Co IA Genealogy Home Page-Obituaries for "E" surnames

with surrounding countiesincluding
Louisa, Johnson,and Cedar



Mrs. EDGERTON, a widow, livingwith her parents in Muscatine, Iowa, died there recently, leaving two children.Her brother is W.B. McIntyre of Rock Island, Ill. The funeral wasSaturday. (Moline Daily Dispatch, Monday 15 Oct 1894)

Source: Hawkeye Heritage,issue not recorded (article entitled "Iowa Related Deaths Reported in MolineIL Newspapers, 1893-1894) , abstracted by Janet K. Pease of Arvada Colorado
Note from webmaster: This is believed to be HattieBlanche McIntire married H. Lloyd Edgerton on 02 Sep 1879 in MuscatineCo

EDGINGTON,Grace Nelson

Mrs. Grace Edgington, 70,died today at her home, 202 Green St., after suffering from a heart ailment.
Funeral services are pendingat the Riley Funeral Home. Burial will be in the Island Cemetery.

Grace Edgington was bornFeb. 24, 1905, at Muscatine the daughter of George and Mary Putnam Nelson.Her marriage to Linzy S. Edgington took place May 17, 1922, at Rock Island.

Survivors include one sonCarl Edgington of Burlington; one daughter. Mrs. Joseph (Marian) Truittof Muscatine; and eight grandchildren. She was preceded in deathby her husband in 1974, one sister, and two sons.

Muscatine Journal 17 Oct1975
Submitted by Carolyn HidlebaughEDGINGTON, Stephen Linzy

S. Linzy Edgington, 79, of36 Albany Park, died at 7:20 a.m. today at Riverview Heights Nursing Homefollowing a long illness.

A life resident of Muscatine,he was born in this county June 28, 1894, the son of Stephen and ElizabethAnn Wright Edgington.
He married Grace NelsonMay 17, 1922, at Rock Island. He was a veteran of WWI, and a retired buttoncutter.

Survivors include his wife,Grace; one son Carl E. Edgington, Burlington; one daughter, Mrs. MarianNehas, Muscatine; eight grandchildren; and two great grandchildren.His parents, five sisters, four brothers, and two sons preceded him indeath.

Funeral services will beconducted at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Riley Funeral home with Rev. Fred S.Boyce officiating. Interment will be at the Island cemetery.
Visitation will begin after7 o'clock tonight at the funeral home.

Muscatine Journal ThursdayFeb. 7, 1974 page 9
Submitted by Carolyn Hidlebaugh

EDWARDS,Flora Minnie
Infant Passes Away.
Flora Minnie Edwards DiesAt Home of Parents.

Flora Minnie Edwards, theinfant daughter of Mr. and rs. Ernest Edwards, of Muscatine Island, passedaway at the home of her parents, Saturday, aged twenty-nine days.

The funeral services overthe remains were held Sunday afternoon at one o'clock, with Elder Dykes,of the Re-Organized Latter Day Saints church, in charge of the services.Interment was made at Greenwood.

Muscatine Journal Nov. 10,1910
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

EDWARDS,Mrs. Viola Creamer Martin

Mrs. Viola Martin Edwards,43, 915 E. 5th St., Muscatine, died at 7:50 p.m. Sunday at her home, afteran illness of six months.

Mrs. Edwards had been a residentof Muscatine for 30 years. She had been employed as a cook at the Galleyrestaurant. She had also been a cook at the Sky Nook and at Hatfield'scorner.

Mrs. Edwards was born May4, 1923, at Fairport, the daughter of George and Nuffie Bruner Creamer.
She was married in 1940to Mike Martin Sr. Her second marriage in 1960, was to Elgin Edwards.

Surviving are six sons, MikeMartin Jr., Jerry Martin, David Martin, Steven Martin, Tom Martin and DonaldEdwards: one daughter Cheryl Martin; four brothers, Alfred and Robert Creamerof Fairport, Frank and George Creamer of Muscatine; two half-brothersJames and Oddie Truesdale of Fairport; one sister, Mrs. GeorgeCreamer of Muscatine; and a grandson. She was preceded in death byone daughter, Linda Sue Martin.

The body is at the Rileyfuneral home, where services will be held at 3 p.m. Wednesday. Intermentwill be at Memorial Park cemetery.

From the Muscatine, IA, Journal,Dec. 12, 1966
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch
Note: There are some thingswrong in this obit. Mrs. George Creamer was her mother not her sister;her half-sister was Lydia Truesdale Dipple; her mother was Nuffie Brewer;birthdate should read March 4, 1923


WEST LIBERTY, Iowa -- Servicesfor Gary E. Eichelberger, south of West Liberty, will be 11 a.m. Thursdayat First Church United, West Liberty. Burial will be in Oak Ridge Cemetery,West Liberty. Visitation is 5-8 p.m. today at Barker Funeral Home, WestLiberty.

Mr. Eichelberger died Monday,Nov. 2, 1998, at his home.

He was employed with McCrabb'sin West Liberty for 22 years, having worked in accounting and as a marketingmanager. He also was involved in Real Estate and insurance for severalyears. He was active with the Muscatine County Fair and Mississippi ValleyFair for many years. He was born Sept. 19, 1957.

A memorialfund has been established.

Survivors include his mother,Helen Jean Eichelberger, and his father and his wife, Edward and ViolaEichelberger; and a sister, Peggy Eichelberger, all of West Liberty.


Levi Eichelberger, one ofthe most widely known residents of Muscatine county, suddenly expired atthe home of his son, Elmer E. Eichelberger, in Seventy-Six township lastevening at 10:45 o'clock, the cause being apoplexy.

Mr. Eichelberger was bornin Harrisburg, Pa. in 1822, and came to this county in 1844, residing inthis vicinity ever since. He was the father of 11 children, ten of whomare living. His wife preceded him in death about eight years ago and onedaughter, Mrs. Galena Idle, who resided in Letts, was found dead in herbed about five years ago. Mr. Eichelberger, since the death of hiswife, has made his home with his son, Elmer, who lives on the old homesteadand has also spent much time with his other children. A few days sincehe visited at the home of his daughter, Mr. William Lake, who lives northof of the city. Mrs. Lake last evening started for Boulder, Colorado, whereshe had intended visiting, but received a telegram announcing the deathof her father on the way and returned on the Rock Island from Washington,Iowa.

Being among the early settlersof the county, Mr. Eichelberger was well acquainted and had the respectof all who knew him. Both in business and social affairs he was agreeableand honorable. He possessed the strong characteristics of the pioneer andwhile traveling the path of industry and self sacrifice, which it naturallytakes to provide for a large family, had acquired the reputation of beingendowed with true manliness. Although he was 84 years old, he was interestedin the affairs of the day and had been active for one of his age.

The ten children who surviveand their places of residence are here given: Clarence Eichelberger andMrs. Chester Fullmer, Boulder, Colorado; Frank Eichelberger, Omaha; WinfieldEichelberger, South Dakota; Mrs. LaVague Cecil, Conesville, Iowa; ElmerE. on the home place in Seventy-six township; Mrs. Henry Hoffmeyer, Letts,Iowa; Mrs. William Hoffmeyer, Sioux City, Iowa; Mrs. James Watts, Montpelier,Iowa; and Mrs. William Lake of Lake Township. Over twenty grandchildrenalso survive.

The funeral arrangementshave not yet been completed as it is expected that several of the childrenwho reside in other places will come home.

Date and publication unknown
Contributed by SusieMartin-Rott

EIS,Abraham L.
Abraham L. Eis,
Fulton Township Resident,Dies

Abraham L. Eis, 73, who hadspent his entire life in Muscatine county, died at his home in Fulton townshipat 1 a.m. today after an illness of three years.

The son of Mr. and Mrs. JacobEis, he was born in Montpelier township, Sept. 25, 1869. He marriedSarah Isabella Tough in Fulton township on Jan. 9, 1901.

Surviving are his wife, oneson, Lester E. Eis of Fulton township; three brothers, Walter, of Lincoln,Neb., Ellery of Sweetland township and Arthur, of Montpelier township;two sisters, Mrs. Alice Malicoat, of Newton, Ia., and Mrs. Rose Fridley,of Nebraska, nine grandchildren, all of whom reside at Pleasant Prairie.His parents, five brothers and one sister preceded him in death.

The body is at the HoffmanFuneral home and will remain there until rites are held at the Hoffmanchurch at 1:30 p. m. Saturday. The Rev. B. F. Pickering of the BlueGrass Presbyterian church will be in charge. Burial will be in the Parrcemetery.

Taken from the MuscatineIA, Journal, Jan. 27, 1943;
Research Source JuneWelsch


Adam Eis Rites to be ConductedHere On Monday

Funeral services for AdamEis, 86, who died at 1:30 p. m. Friday at his home, 402 Park avenue, willbe held at 1:30 p. m. Monday at the Hoffman Funeral church with the Rev.John Haefner, pastor of the Zion Lutheran church officiating. Thebody is at the funeral home and burial will be in the Parr cemetery.

Mr. Eis, whose death wasdue to complications after a four-days illness, was the son Nicholas andKatherine Eis and was born July 24, 1854, in Port Washington, Ohio.A retired farmer, he had been a resident of Muscatine 37 years. Hewas a former resident of Pleasant Prairie and also lived in that communityfor 37 years.

Surviving are two sisters,Mrs. C. E. Platt of Muscatine and Mrs. Robert Bennett of Pleasant Prairie;four nieces, and six nephews. He was preceded in death by four sistersand one brother.

Muscatine Journal Jan. 4,1941
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch
He was in the 1900 MontpelierTownship, Muscatine County Iowa page 61a Census as follows;
Adam 45, born Ohio, Katharina36 sister born OH, Rebeccah sister 32 born Iowa.

Adam Eis Funeral HeldFrom Church

Funeral services for AdamEis 86, who died Friday at his home, 402 Park avenue, were held at 1:30p. m. today at the Hoffman Funeral church with the Rev. John Haefner, pastorof the Zion Lutheran church, officiating. Pallbearers were WalterPeterson, Harry Wulf, Robert Wunder, Arthur Sissel, Chester Eis and R.E. Platt.

Singers at the rites wereCharles Dittman, who offered the selections, "Beautiful Isle Of Somewhere"and "God Be With You Till We Meet Again" Miss Eda Critz was at the organ.

Flower attendants were Mrs.Lee Freers, Mrs. Nellie Houvenagle and Mrs. Henry Boldt. Burial wasin the Parr cemetery in Pleasant Prairie.

Muscatine Journal Jan. 6,1941
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

EIS,Albert N.
Albert Eis, 72 Goesin Death
Rites Indefinite

Albert N. Eis, 72, died at12:45 a.m. today at his home 1207 Orchard avenue, after an extended illness.

The son of Jacob and RebeccaErwin Eis, he was born March 8, 1866, at Montpelier. He had been aresident of Muscatine county all of his life.

He married Clara Rachoe Feb.24, 1897, at Pleasant Prairie, and besides the widow, survivors includefour brothers. Ellery Eis, Arthur Eis, and Abe Eis, all of Muscatine, andWalter Eis, of Lincoln, Neb., and two sisters Mrs. Alice Mallicoat of Newton,Ia., and Mrs. Rose Fridley of Ewig, Neb. Four brothers and one sisterpreceded him in death.

The body is at the FairbanksHome for Funerals. Funeral arrangements are indefinite.

Source; Muscatine IA, JournalJan. 4, 1939
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch
Note from June Welsch, theyhad no children, Rebecca maiden name was Irwin.
He was in the 1900 MuscatineCo., IA, Census age 34 born IA and Clara age 31 born IA, Abram 30 born IA, Harrison Rachow nephew 11, born IA.

EIS,Alice Kura Rowan

Mrs. Alice Eis Goes in Death;
Funeral Tuesday

Funeral services for Mrs. AliceLura Eis, 73, who died at 4:40 p.m. Saturday at her home, 317 West Secondstreet after an extended illness, will be held at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday inthe chapel of the Fairbanks Home for Funerals with the Rev. C. R. Hagee,pastor of the First Christian church, officiating. Burial will bein the Buffalo, Ia., cemetery. She had resided in Muscatine for thepast 45 years, coming from Montpelier.

Mrs. Eis, the daughter ofJohn and Mary Lehman Rowan was born in Buffalo, Dec. 27, 1865. Shewas married to Fred M. Eis on Feb. 16, 1886 in Muscatine. She wasa member of the First Christian church.

Surviving are the husband,Fred M. Eis, three children, Ollie Eis of Davenport and Harry and JohnEis of Muscatine, a sister Mrs. John Muerer of Shoshone, Ida., and onegrandchild, Sandra Lucille Eis of Muscatine. Her parents and a daughterMay E. Eis, preceded her in death, the daughter's death occurring on Feb.7, 1913.

Taken from the MuscatineIA,Journal Dec. 11, 1939;
Contributed by JuneWelsch

EIS,Anna M.

Funeral services for AnnaM. Eis, 75, of 410 W. 4th St., will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at the ZionLutheran Church. Rev. Henry Hafermann will officiate.

Visitation will begin after7 p.m. this evening at the Fairbanks Home for Funerals. Burial willbe in Memorial Park.

Mrs. Eis died at 8:35 thismorning at Muscatine General Hospital following a short illness.

She was born in Hamburg,Germany, on November 4, 1895 as the daughter of Macob Lenz and Emma Thoenssen.She has been a resident of Muscatine since 1922.

Chester N. Eis and Anna M.Lenz were married on March 19, 1932 in Zion Lutheran Church. Shewas a member of Zion Lutheran Church.

Survivors include her husband;one daughter, Loryann Eis, Moline; and two brothers, Jacob and Paul Lenz,Muscatine.

Preceding her death wereher parents and one daughter.

Taken from the MuscatineIA, Journal Feb. 18, 1971 page 7
Contributed by JuneWelsch
Note from June Welsch, inthe Welsch-Eis book Anna last name was Thahenz, so I don't know which isright.

EIS,Arthur G.

Heart Ailment Proves Fatalto Arthur G. Eis

Arthur G. Eis, 75, life residentof Muscatine county, died at 12:30 a.m. today at his home on rural route3, following a two weeks illness of a heart ailment. The body was removedto the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home, where services will be conductedat 1:30 p.m. Wednesday with the Rev. Henry Marks of Blue Grass Officiating.Burial will be at the Parr cemetery at Pleasant Prairie.

Mr. Eis was born Nov. 11,1880, in Muscatine county, the son of Jacob and Rebecca Irwin Eis. Hismarriage to Ella D. Duge took place Feb. 18, 1914, at Davenport. He attendedthe Presbyterian church at Pleasant Prairie. His occupation was farming.

Surviving are his wife; threedaughters, Mrs. Reba Rada of Muscatine, Elno Eis, at home, and Mrs. CoryneAuliff, rural route 1, LeClaire, Ia.; and one grand-daughter Linda SueEis.

Nine brothers and 4 sisterspreceded him in death.

From Muscatine IA, Journal,Dec. 1955
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch
Note he died Dec. 19, 1955

EIS,Becky (Miss)

Miss Becky Eis died at herhome in Fulton Township Muscatine county, Iowa. Sunday, Sept. 1.She had been a sufferer of a complications of diseases and an incurableComplaint for years, and it was only her exceptional vitality which prolongedher life until this time. Miss Becky was a young lady of a kind andamiable disposition, during all her sufferings she greeted all her friendswith a smile and she bore her dread disease with patience fortitude andcourage. Her suffering of late had been so pitiable that the angelof death took on the guise of a messenger of mercy and caused her weariedheart to cease pulsation at 5:30 o'clock Sunday morning, Sept. 1.

Her funeral took place Tuesday,Sept. 3 from the Pleasant Prairie M. E. church followed by a long cortageto the Pleasant Prairie cemetery, where she was laid to rest. Theservices were conducted by Rev. Mr. Crull, of Sweetland, music and singingby the Pleasant Prairie choir. She was born in Montpelier township,Muscatine County, Iowa, Feb. 4, 1868, and died at her home in Fulton townshipSunday Sept. 1, 1901.

She leaves to mourn her losstwo brothers, Adam and George, and four sisters, Mrs. Caroline Pruss ofFort Dodge Iowa, Mrs. Lizzie Platt of Bear Grove Iowa, and Mrs. Mary Benert,of Pleasant Prairie Iowa, and Miss Katie who lived with her and tenderlycared for her during her painful illness. Besides her relatives sheleaves a circle of friends who will greatly miss her in the community.

Muscatine Iowa Journal ,page 7. Sept. 6, 1901
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

Catherine Eis,
Longtime County Resident,Dies
Catherine Eis, 75, a residentof Muscatine county for 73 years, died at 6:25 a.m. today in Bellevue hospitalfollowing a four months illness with complications. Her home wasat 402 Park avenue.

Mrs. Eis was born at PortWashington, Ohio, Sept. 3, 1864, the daughter of Nicholas and CatherineWelsch Eis. She was baptized in the German Lutheran faith.

Surviving are a brother,Adam Eis, with whom she made her home, and two sisters, Mrs. ElizabethPlatt of Muscatine and Mrs. Mary Bennert of Pleasant Prairie.

Funeral services will beconducted Friday at 1:30 p.m. at the Hoffman Funeral church, with the Rev.John Haefner, pastor of the Zion Lutheran church, officiating. Burialwill be in the Parr cemetery.

The body is at the Hoffmanfuneral home, and may be viewed from p a.m. Thursday until the time ofthe service.

Taken from the MuscatineIA, Journal, Jan. 24, 1940;
Research Source JuneWelsch

EIS,Carol Joan

Carol Joan Eis, Aged 2 months,Called in Death

Carol Joan Eis, two-monthsold daughter Mr. and Mrs. George Eis Fairport, died at 3 a.m. today atHershey hospital after a short illness.

The baby was born on Oct.29, 1944, the daughter of George and Lorena Ricketts Eis. Surviving arethe parents; two brothers, Donald and Jimmie; two sisters Darlene and Mayall at home.

The body is at the FairbanksHome for Funerals where it will remain for funeral services to be conductedat 2 p.m. Wednesday. Interment will be in the Fairport Iowa cemetery,

From, Muscatine, IA, Journal,Jan. 1945
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch
Note she died Jan. 15, 1945.

EIS,Charles Adam
Charles A. Eis Calledin Death;
Rites Indefinite
Charles Adam Eis, 81, died at11:35 a.m. today at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Etta Rodgers, 906 Grandviewavenue, where he made his home for the past 10 years. Mr. Eis hadbeen ill for the past four days.

Born Jan. 10, 1858, in Ohio,the son of John and Elizabeth Eis, he had made his home in Muscatine forthe past 75 years.

Survivors include two sons,Clarence M. Eis of Wash., and Albert E. Eis of Davenport; two daughters,Mrs. Rodgers of Muscatine, and Mrs. Mable Sherry of Seattle, Wash., Fredand Frank, both Muscatine, Will of near Muscatine, and Ben of West DesMoines; two sisters, Louise Deitrich of Muscatine, and Sarah Laurie ofDavenport; five grandchildren and one great-grandchild. A son, Grover,preceded him in death in 1904.

The body is at the FairbanksHome for Funerals. Funeral arrangements are indefinite.

Taken from the MuscatineIA, Journal, Jan. 23, 1939
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch


Mrs. Clara Eis, PleasantPrairie Resident, Dies

The death of Mrs. Clara Eis,79, occurred at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at her home at 1207 Orchard avenue.She had been ill for several years.

Services will be held at2 p.m. Friday from Fairbanks chapel. Burial will be in Greenwoodcemetery.

Mrs. Eis was born on Nov.1, 1864 at Davenport. She married Albert N. Eis at Pleasant Prairieon Feb. 24, 1897. They lived on a farm near Pleasant Prairie untilabout 25 years ago when they came to Muscatine.

Surviving are a half brotherHerman Reimer of Dallas, Tex., a nephew, George Rachow, a niece, Mrs. JessieWolf, of Davenport, and several other nieces and nephews. She waspreceded in death by her husband, parents, three sisters and four brothers.

The body was taken to theEis residence on Orchard avenue this afternoon and will be returned tothe Fairbanks Funeral home Friday noon.

Taken from the MuscatineIA, Journal, Nov. 24, 1943;
Research Source JuneWelsch

EIS,Clara B. Storms Reeves

Mrs. Clara B. Eis, 81, of202 East Seventh Street, died at 6:35 p.m. Tuesday at Muscatine Generalhospital.

She was born Jan. 10, 1881,in Louisa county, the daughter of Ephriam and Adelia Jarvis Storms.

She had lived in Des Moinesfor 45 years before returning to Muscatine about four years ago.

Her first husband was EdwardReeves. She was later married to Benjamin Eis.

Surviving are one son, HollisReeves of Woodland Hills, Calif., and a number of nieces and nephews.

She was preceded in deathby her parents, both husbands, six sisters and three brothers.

Funeral services are pendingat the George M. Wittich funeral home.

Taken from the MuscatineIowa Journal Nov. 7, 1962
Research Source JuneWelsch

EIS,Clarence A

Clarence A. Eis, of MulberryAve., died Suddenly Wednesday of an apparent heart attack, while drivinghis car at Eight St. and Mulberry Ave.

Funeral services will beheld at 1:30 p.m. Friday at the Sweetland United Methodist Church.Rev. Donald Wooge will officiate. Burial will be in Parr cemeteryunder the direction of the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home.

Visitation is being heldat the funeral home.

A son of Ellery J. and ThedaAllbee Eis, he was born June 23, 1900 in Muscatine county where he wasa life resident.

His marriage to DeEtt Rockafellowtook place on Oct. 14, 1924 at Muscatine. He was a member of theSweetland Methodist Church; a member of the Methodist Men and a past presidentof the Farm Bureau.

Mr. Eis was a retired farmer.

Survivors include his wife,Mrs. DeEtt Eis, at home; a son Richard Eis, two daughters, Mrs. Carroll(Alice) Parks, Mt. Pleasant; and Mrs. D. W. (Beverly) Sage, 11 grandchildren.

He was preceded in deathby his parents, a sister and a brother in infancy.

Taken from the Muscatine,IA, Journal, Dec. 8, 1972;
Research Source JuneWelsch

EIS,DeEtt Rockafellow

DeEtt Eis. 88, Hershey ManorApartments, died Thursday night, July 16, 1992, at Muscatine General Hospital.

Services will be at 10:30a.m. Monday, July 20, at Sweetland United Methodist Church. The Rev.Robert Winter will officiate. Burial will be at the Parr Cemeteryin Muscatine County.

Visitation will be from 2to 8 p.m. Sunday, at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home.
Memorials may be made tothe Sweetland United Methodist Church.

Mrs. Eis was born Aug. 3,1903, in Muscatine County, a daughter of Charles O. and Jennie Rogers Rockafellow.She married Clarence A. Eis on Oct. 14, 1924, in Muscatine. The couplefarmed in Sweetland Township until their retirement in 1963 when they movedto Muscatine.

Survivors include one son,Richard "Dick" Eis of Bonaparte, Iowa; two daughters, Mrs. Carroll (Alice)Parks of Mount Pleasant, and Mrs. D. William (Beverly) Sage of Waterloo;11 grandchildren and five great grandchildren.

She was preceded in deathby her parents, her husband in 1972, two brothers, Fred and Donald Rockafellowand one sister Bessie Weber.

She was a 50-plus-year memberof the Sweetland United Methodist Church and member of the Farm BureauWomen and a member of the Muscatine Hospital Auxillary for many years.

Muscatine IA, Journal, July17, 1992 page 5a
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

EIS,Eliza M.

Death Summons Mrs. ElizaEis
Longtime Resident of CountySuccumbs at Home of Her Daughter

Mrs. Eliza M. Eis, 70, aresident of Muscatine county most of her life, died at 3:45 a.m. todayat the home of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Sissel, Pleasant Prairie.

She was born in Muscatinecounty on Feb. 2, 1865. Her husband, George Eis, preceded her indeath.

Surviving are a son, ChesterN. Eis, rural route No. 4: two daughters, Mrs. Arthur Sissel, PleasantPrairie, and Mrs. Walter Peterson, Pleasant Prairie; one sister, Mrs. AlbertaJohnson, Grinnell; one brother, C. W. Benshoof, Riverside, Calif.; fourgrandchildren, in addition to her husband, two children preceded her indeath.

The body is at the FairbanksHome for Funerals but will be returned to the Sissel home at Pleasant Prairielater today where it will remain until funeral services which will be conductedat the Pleasant Prairie Presbyterian church at 2 p.m. Monday by the pastor,the Rev. B. F. Pickering. Burial will be in the Parr cemetery.

Taken from the MuscatineIA, Journal, April 20, 1935 front page
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

EIS,Mrs. Ella Duge

Funeral services For Mrs.Ella D. Eis are to be held Saturday at 1:30 p.m. at the Ralph J. WittichFuneral Home. Rev. W. Larry Mitchell will officiate. She died at her homeon Route 2, Thursday at 1 p.m.
Burial will be in Parr cemetery.

Born on Apr. 24, 1891 inStockton, her parents were Louis and Alwine Broders Duge. She was a liferesident here.

She married Arthur G. Eison Feb. 18, 1914 in Davenport, An associate member of Pleasant PrairiePresbyterian church, she was also a member of the Ladies Aid of the church.

Survivors include three daughters,Mrs. Reba Ratel, Muscatine, Elna Eis, Route 2, and Mrs, Coryne Auliff,LeClaire; two brothers Arnold Duge, Stockton; two grandchildren; and twogreat-grandchildren.

Preceding her in death wereher husband, one brother and parents.

From Muscatine, IA, Journal,Aug. 28, 1977
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

EIS,Ellery J
Funeral Rites For ElleryEis Will be Friday
Funeral services for ElleryJ. Eis, route 3, whose death occurred at Hershey hospital at 11:25 a.m.Tuesday, will be conducted at 2 p.m. Friday at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeralhome by the Rev. C. B. Rayhill, pastor of the Sweetland Methodist church.Interment will be in the Parr cemetery.

Mr. Eis was born in Montpeliertownship on Feb. 9, 1864, the son of Jacob and Rebecca Irwin Eis.He married Theda Allbee on Dec. 16, 1892, in Fulton township Mr.Eis was a member of the Sweetland Methodist church and was a retired farmer.

Surviving are one son, ClarenceA. Eis, route 3, one daughter, Mrs. Bernard Kemper, Clarence, Ia.; onebrother, Arthur Eis, route 3, two sisters, Mrs. Rose Fridley, Ewing, Neb.,and Mrs. Alice Mallicoat, Newton, Ia.; five grandchildren.

Preceding him in death werehis wife on Aug. 8, 1929, one son in infancy, seven brothers, two sistersand a granddaughter.

Taken from the MuscatineIA, Journal, Feb. 8, 1947;
Research Source JuneWelsch

1900 Muscatine Co., IA Census
Ellery Eis born Feb. 1864in IA
Theda born Dec. 1866 inIA
Charles brother born Feb.1856 in Iowa.

EIS,Frances M. Lahr

Frances M. Eis, 87, 613 W.4th St., died Thursday evening at the Bethesda Care Center.

Services will be held Mondayat 10 a.m. at the Fairbanks-Lamb Chapel. The Rev. Eugene Augustinewill officiate. Visitation will be 2-5 p.m. and 6-8 p.m. Sunday.Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery.

Mrs. Eis was born Sept. 12,1897, at Yankton, S.D., a daughter of Lewis C. Rhodes and Marguerite Lahr.She married Harry F. Eis, Dec. 24, 1925, in Muscatine. She was amember of the Presbyterian Church.

She was preceded in deathby her husband and a sister.

Taken from the MuscatineIA, Journal Oct. 19, 1984
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch


Death Summons Fred Eis, 79,At Home Here

Fred Eis, 79, a resident ofMuscatine for 50 years, died at 7:30 a.m. today at his home, 317 West Secondstreet, following a brief illness.

Mr. Eis was born on Jan.5 1866, at Port Washington, O., the son of John and Elizabeth Getchee Eis.He married Alice Stevens on Feb. 16 1886, and she died in 1839. Hewas a retired railway man, having been an employe of the Rock Island railwayfor 30 years.

Surviving are three sons,Ollie Eis, Davenport, Harry and John Eis, Muscatine; three brothers, Frankand William Eis, Eldon, and Ben Eis, West Des Moines; a sister Mrs. SarahLowry, Davenport; one grandchild; Sandra Eis Muscatine.

Preceding him in death werehis parents, his wife, one daughter and several brothers and sisters.

The body is at the FairbanksHome for Funerals where it will remain pending funeral arrangements.

Taken from Muscatine IA,Journal, Sept. 28, 1945;
Research Source JuneWelsch
Note His mothers maidenname was Goettge

1900 Muscatine City East5th St. Muscatine County, Iowa Census
Fred Eis 34 born Jan. 1866in Iowa both parents born in Germany
Alice wife 35 born Dec.1864 in Iowa father born Vermont mother born PA
Ollie Mary daughter 3 bornOct. 1886 in IA
Frank brother 8, born Feb.1881 in IA and both parents born Germany
Edward brother 22 born Jan.1877 in IA, both parents born in Germany
Harry son 2 born May 1898in IA and both parents born IA.


George Eis, 68, died at hishome, 1505 Mulberry avenue, at 3:30 this morning after an illness extendingover a period of almost two years. Bright's disease caused his death.The body was taken to the Fairbanks Home for Funerals, and will be removedto the home later today.

George Eis was born in PortWashington, Ohio Nov. 7, 1857, the child of Nicholas and Catherine WelschEis. He came to Iowa in March, 1867, with his parents and lived nearPleasant Prairie until Jan. 23, 1923 , when he moved to Muscatine.He married Miss Elizabeth Benshoof on Dec. 17, 1885, at Melpine church.He was a member of the Woodmen lodge at Blue Grass Iowa.

Surviving beside his wife,are two daughters, Mrs. Walter Peterson of New Liberty, Iowa, Mrs. ArthurSissell of Pleasant Prairie, one son Chester, at home, one brother AdamEis of Muscatine, three sisters Miss Kate Eis of Muscatine, Mrs. ElizabethPlatte, of Rolla, MO, Mrs. Mary Bennett of Pleasant Prairie.

Funeral arrangements havenot yet been made.

Source: Muscatine Iowa JournalThursday March 25, 1926
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch
Notes: He was in the 1900Fulton Township, Muscatine County, Iowa Census page 35 as follows;
George 43 born IA married15 years, E. M. wife 35 she had 3 children and 2 living, C. M. son 13,F. J. daughter 19 all of them born IA.


George Eis, a well knownresident of this vicinity was buried this morning at Fairport, having passedaway in Buffalo, Iowa, from whence his remains were taken to Fairport.Mr. Eis was a brother of Mrs. Hartman of Muscatine Island, and was alsorelated by marriage to Squire John A. Rowan. He had many friendsin this city also who will regret exceedingly to hear of his death.

Taken from the MuscatineIA, Journal, Aug. 24, 1899;
Research Source JuneWelsch

EIS,George A.

George Eis 46,
Dies Suddenly At Eddyville

George A. Eis, 46, of Muscatine,died suddenly of a heart attack at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at the home of hissister, Mrs. Loyal Mallonee, of Eddyville, rural route 2. Mr. Eishad gone there to do farm work for the summer.

The son of Samuel and HarriettFriedley Eis, he was born at Montpelier on May 27, 1905, and had residedin Muscatine county most of his wife.

Surviving are two sons, LeraldDonald Eis and Jimmy Eis, both of Fairport; two daughters, Mrs. DarleneCramer of Fairport and Mrs. Mae Bird of Muscatine; one brother, Frank Eisof Muscatine; and two sisters, Mrs. Esther Malonee of Eddyville and Mrs.Beulah Hudson of Muscatine. He was preceded in death by his parentsand two children.

The body is at the FairbanksHome for Funerals where services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Friday byDr. Joseph M. Kennedy, pastor of the First Presbyterian church.

Burial will be in the Greenwoodcemetery in Muscatine Iowa.

From, Muscatine, IA, Journal.June, 1951
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch
Note he died June 15, 1951

EIS,Harry F

Funeral services for HarryF. Eis, 72, 613 W. 4th, will be held Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. at the FairbanksChapel. Visitation begins at 4 p.m. today. Dr. J. Henry Teelewill officiate at the services and burial will be in the Greenwood cemetery.

Mr. Eis died at 5:15 p.m.Monday at Muscatine General hospital.

He was born May 22, 1898at Muscatine, the son of Fred and Alice Stevens Eis and was a life residentof the area.

He married Frances RhodesDec. 24, 1925 at Muscatine. He was a member of the Presbyterian church,the Elks, Muscatine Power Boat club and was employed at Oscar Mayer.

Survivors include his wifeand a brother, John R. Eis, Muscatine.

He was preceded in deathby his parents, one brother and one sister.

Taken from the MuscatineIA, Journal, July 20, 1971
Research Source JuneWelsch
SSN 484-14-1286 Residence:52761 Muscatine, Muscatine, IA
Born 22 May 1898: Died Jul1971 Issued: IA (Before 1951)

EIS,Hattie Fridley

Mrs. Hattie Eis, Aged64 Years, Called in Death

Mrs. Hattie Eis, 64, died at6:15 p.m. Wednesday at her home, 412 1-2 East Fifth street, after an illnessof one week with a complication of ailments.

She was born at Buffalo,Ia., on Oct. 24, 1879, the daughter of Jacob and Harriet Mounts Fridleybut had made Muscatine her home for the past 25 years, having previouslyresided at Fairport.

She was married to SamuelT. Eis on Feb. 23, 1898, and he died on Aug. 30, 1937. Mr. Eis wasa member of the Church of God.

Surviving are two sons, FrankH. Eis, of the U. S. Army, and George Eis, Fairport; two daughters, Mrs.Beulah Hudson, Muscatine, and Mrs. Esther Mallonee, Ottumwa; two sisters,Mrs. Ida Irwin, Muscatine, and Mrs. Nancy Moore, Davenport; five grandchildren.Preceding her in death were her parents, her husband, four brothers andsix sisters.

The body is at the FairbanksHome for Funerals and will remain there for services to be conducted at3 p.m. Friday by the Rev. E. C. Lasswell, pastor of the Walnut Street Baptistchurch. Interment will be in Greenwood cemetery.

Taken from the Muscatine,IA, Journal, June 22, 1944;
Research Source JuneWelsch

EIS,Henry F.

Funeral services for HarryF. Eis, 72, 613 W. 4th, will be held Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. at the FairbanksChapel. Visitation begins at 4 p.m. today. Dr. J. Henry Teelewill officiate at the services and burial will be in the Greenwood cemetery.

Mr. Eis died at 5:15 p.m.Monday at Muscatine General hospital.

He was born May 22, 1898at Muscatine, the son of Fred and Alice Stevens Eis and was a life residentof the area.

He married Frances RhodesDec. 24, 1925 at Muscatine. He was a member of the Presbyterian church,the Elks, Muscatine Power Boat club and was employed at Oscar Mayer.

Survivors include his wifeand a brother, John R. Eis, Muscatine.

He was preceded in deathby his parents, one brother and one sister.

Muscatine IA, Journal,July 20, 1971
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

Death Was Due to an Attackof Dropsy
From Which He Suffered forSome
Time--Known in Muscatine.
Jacob Eis, a well know and highlyrespected farmer of Fulton township, died at the home of his daughter,Mrs. C. H. Fridley, near Pleasant Prairie, at 4:25 o'clock yesterday afternoon.The cause of his death was due to dropsy, from which he had been sufferingfor several months. He was well known in this vicinity, having livedhere for a number of years and the news of his death will be sadly receivedby his many friends.

He was born in Germany onNovember 21, 1829, and after spending his youth there, he came to thiscounty at the age of 17 years. He spent a short time in the easternstates and then went to Ohio, where he remained until he was 22 years ofa*ge, when he came to Iowa. He settled in Muscatine county soon after,and since that time had been a prominent and highly respected resident.He was united in marriage in 1853 to Miss Mary Irwin and four childrenwere born to them. She preceded him in death, having died in 1861.Some time later he married her sister, Miss Rebecca Irwin, and eight childrenblessed this union. On May 27th, 1874, his second wife died and sincethat time he has made his home with his children.

He is survived by John D.,Charles H., Walter S. and Bordman A., of Nebraska; Ellery J., Albert N.,Abraham L., Arthur G., Mrs. William Storm and Mrs. C. H. Fridley, of PleasantPrairie and Mrs. Harry Mallicoat, of Irey, Ia.

The funeral will be heldSunday afternoon at 1 p.m. from the Pleasant Prairie church, with Intermentin the Parr cemetery.

Taken from the MuscatineIA, Journal, Nov. 30, 1906
Research Source JuneWelsch

Pleasant Prairie, Dec. 6--Thiscommunity was again saddened by the death of Jacob Eis, who passed awayThursday evening and was buried Sunday in Parr cemetery. We extendto the bereaved family our sympathy.

Same page:
Boardman Eis and brotherJohn Eis of Lincoln, Neb. were called here by the death of their father;also Charles and Walter Eis.
Same Page:
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mallcoatwere called here by the death of their father, Mr. Eis.

From the Muscatine IA, Journal,Dec. 7, 1906 page 3
Research Source JuneWelsch

Eis, Jacob
Age: 17, Gender:M
Port of Departure:Havre
Country of Origin:Deutschland
Family Identification: 133634
Ship Name: Virginia
Port of Arrival: NewYork,
Date of Arrival: Jun11, 1846
1880 Census; Fulton, MuscatineCounty, Iowa Page 75B
Jacob Eis, Head, 50, born,PRUSSIA, Farmer, Fa: born PRUSSIA, Mo: ---
Rebecca, Wife, 40, bornPA, Keeps House, Fa: born PA, Mo: born PA
Walter, Son, Single, 22,born IA, Works On Farm
Boardman, Son, Single, 20,born IA, Works On Farm
Elry, Son, Single, 16, bornIA, Works On Farm
Albert, Son, Single,14, born IA, Works On Farm
Abe Lincoln, Son, 11, bornIA, In School
Gracie, Dau, 9, born IA,In School
Jacob, Son, 6, born IA,In School
Rosa, Dau, 4, IA
Alice, Dau, 1, born IA
Belle JOHNSON, Other, Single,21, born IA, House Servant, Fa: ---, Mo: PA
1900 Census FultonTownship,
Muscatine County, Iowa Censuspage 31
Jacob Eis 70 born Nov. 1829born in Germany wd.
Rosa M. 24 daughter bornFeb. 1876 in IA
Allie M. daughter 21 bornJuly 1878 in IA
Arthur G. son 19 born Nov.1880 in Iowa
Henry Pace farm laborer.

EIS,Jacob Jr.
Demise of Jacob Eis,Jr.

Friends in this city wereapprised this morning of the death of Jacob Eis, Jr., who passed from thislife at an early hour this morning, at the family home at Pleasant Prairie,after an heroic struggle against the malady of consumption. Furtherparticulars are not obtainable at this hour, but will appear later.

Muscatine IA, Journal, March14, 1900
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

In the passing away of JacobEis Jr., Pleasant Prairie has lost one of its most popular young men.He was also well known in Muscatine having taken place in a number of fielddays here. Only 26, he was a superior foot racer.

Muscatine Iowa Journal March17, 1900.
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch


John Eis, an old residentof Montpelier, died last night at the home of his son near Montpelier.He was well known in this city and county. He was born in Germanyand came to America many years ago. At the time of his demise hehad reached the age of 69 years. For the past four months he hadbeen afflicted with cancer of the stomach, which was the cause of his demise.He is survived by nine sons and two daughters. The funeral will beheld at 1 o'clock Thursday afternoon in the M. E. church at Montpelier.

Muscatine Iowa Journal; WednesdayOct. 1, 1902
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

EIS,John R

Services for John R. Eis,73, 720 Leroy St., who died at 2:30 p.m. Thursday at Valley View Manor,will be held at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the Fairbanks-Lamb Chapel.

Officers of the Elks LodgeNo. 304 here will conduct Elks funeral services. A private burialservice will be held Monday morning at Greenwood Cemetery with Rev. TonyNester officiating, Visitation will be from 2 to 9 p.m. Saturdayand 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday.

A son of Frederick M. andAlice Stevens Eis, he was born March 2, 1906, in Muscatine, and was a liferesident. His marriage to Lucille V. Fairbanks took place Sept. 7,1927 in Davenport.

Mr. Eis was a member of theWesley United Methodist Church, member of Elks Lodge No. 304, serving asa past exalted ruler and life member of the Telephone Pioneers of Americaand C W A Telephone Workers. He retired in 1971 after being employed47 years by the Northwestern Bell Telephone Workers.

Surviving are his wife, onedaughter, Mrs. Roger (Sandra) Cooley, Burlington and three grandchildren.

His parents, two brothersand one sister preceded him in death.

Taken from the MuscatineIA, Journal, June 15, 1979;
Research Source JuneWelsch

EIS,Lerald Donnie
ATKINS, Clifford G.

A Muscatine man continuedto fight for his life in Veterans Hospital, Iowa City, today after hishalf-brother was killed in a two-car accident Thursday evening about oneand one-half miles east of Muscatine on Iowa highway 22.

Listed in "critical" conditionearly this afternoon was Clifford G. Atkins Jr., 24, route 3, Muscatine.Pronounced dead at the scene of the mishap was Lerald Donnie Eis, 41, alsoof route 3. Services have been set Monday at the Fairbanks Home forFunerals.

Authorities said Eis wasthe driver of a car which was involved in sideswiping a station wagon drivenby Franklin D. Foster, 34, Muscatine who was returning home from work inBuffalo.

The vehicles came togetheron the Geneva bridge, with the Eis machine traveling nearly 800 feet ina easterly direction before plunging into a creek bed. Before itsfinal plunge, the car traveled along the left side of the highway, diggingup the shoulder of the road and hitting several short posts.

The car became airborne andflipped over in the ditch, estimated to be 12 to 14 feet deep, and landedon its wheels, headed back in the direction from which it came. Itwas the flipping of the car which possibly prevented the Eis vehicle frombecoming un-noticed in the ditch since it was practically covered by deepfoliage.

Sheriff Dick Oppelt relatedthat witnesses at the Ray Van Zandt farm, located near the bridge, sawthe car when it was airborne and saw ensuing dust.

Foster and earlier witness,John England, 115 Clifford St., both apparently were unaware the Eis machinewent into the ditch after continuing up the road.

Foster told authorities heapplied his brakes to avoid the oncoming car, but his auto was struck onthe left front side.

England returned to tellinvestigating officers that he had to brake his car earlier to avoid anaccident with the Eis auto as it pulled on to the highway from a Houseyard nearer Muscatine.

When England, who was goingto the Izaak Walton clubhouse for a trapshoot, saw the Foster car had beenhit, he stopped to give the license number of the Eis auto to Foster.The number was written on Foster's arm in ink.

Both men indicated the Eisvehicle was traveling at a high rate of speed.

Investigating the mishap,which occurred about 6 p.m., along with the sheriff was William Sharffof the Iowa, Highway Patrol.

Rev. T. Ray Crews of theMusserville United Methodist church will conduct funeral services at 1:30p.m. Monday at the Fairbanks Home for Funerals for Mr. Eis. Burialwill be in the Fairport cemetery. Visitation will start after noonSaturday.

Mr. Eis was born April 26,1928 at Fairport, the son of George and Larena Eis. He married JulianAnn Beatty Jan. 21, 1956 at Buffalo.

Survivors include his wife;a son, Lerald (Donnie), Jr., and Kimberly Sue. Also, a brother, JimmieEis, Buffalo; four half brothers, Clifford Atkins, Jr., Raymond Atkins,Muscatine; Elmer J. Atkins and Jerry Atkins, Atalissa; and two sisters,Mrs. Darlene Kallenberger, Muscatine; Mrs. Edgar (Mae) Bird, Montpelier;two half sisters, Mrs. Deane Clearman, Buffalo; Mrs. Christine Sindt, Route3; and two step sisters, Mrs. Mary Devore, Atalissa; and Mrs. Karen Samuelson,Muscatine. His mother also survives him.

He was preceded in deathby his father, step father, one brother and one sister.

Source: Muscatine IA,Journal Aug. 13, 1969
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

Lerald (Donnie) Eis
Clifford G. (Butch) Atkins

A double funeral servicefor Lerald (Donnie) Eis and Clifford G. (Butch) Atkins was held today at1:30 p.m. at the Fairbanks chapel. Rev. T. Ray Crews of theMusserville United Methodist church officiated. Mrs. Eva Kramer,was organist and Mrs. Paul Slack vocalist.

Pallbearers for Mr. Eis wereWalter Ricketts, Theodore Ricketts, Delbert Wakefield, Leon McElvoy, DonaldSchaff and Ronnie Ricketts.

Pallbearers for Mr. Atkinswere Charles Ricketts, Gordon Noble, Thomas Noble and Jerry Bird.

Both men were buried in theFairport cemetery.

Mr. Eis, 41, was dead onarrival at Muscatine General Hospital Aug. 7 following a car accident.Mr. Atkins 23, died at the Veterans hospital, Iowa City, Aug. 9, as a resultof injuries incurred in the same accident.

Muscatine IA, Journal Aug.8, 1969
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

EIS,Lester E.

Lester E. Eis, 61, died at2:05 a.m. today at Muscatine General hospital following a heart attack.His home was on Route 2, Muscatine.

He was born Feb. 28, 1904in Muscatine county, the son of Abraham and Sarah Tough Eis. He hadspent his life in the Muscatine community.

He married Lillian FigginsOct. 18, 1924, at Muscatine. He was a farmer by occupation.

He is survived by his wife,Lillian; two sons, Robert of Muscatine, and Earl of Davenport; five daughters,Mrs. Dennis (Betty) VanWey, Mrs. Richard (Wanda) Honts, and Mrs. Robert(Grace) Honts, all of Muscatine, and Mrs. Kenneth (Lorraine) Weiland, Walcott,and Mrs. Alan (Nancy) Ripperger, Davenport; and 19 grandchildren.

His parents and two sonspreceded him in death.

Funeral services will beconducted at 2:00 p.m. Friday at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home.
Interment will be at theParr cemetery.

Friends may began callingat the mortuary after 7:00 p.m. Wednesday.

Muscatine, IA, Journal Feb.15, 1966.
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

EIS,Lester L. Jr.
Lester Eis, Jr.
Services To Be Held on Monday
Services are planned at 1:30p.m. Monday at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home for Lester L. Eis, Jr.30, of rural route 3, Muscatine, who died at 2:30 p.m. Friday at MuscatineCounty hospital. Burial will be at Parr cemetery.

Mr. Eis had been in failinghealth for some time. He was born March 1, 1925, at Bay Island, Ill.,the son of Lester E. and Lillian Figgins Eis. He was a life residentof the Muscatine community and had been employed by the Yellow Cab Co.

Surviving are his parents,rural route 3; two brothers Robert and Earl Eis, both at home; and fivesisters, Mrs. Betty Van Wey, Mrs. Wanda Honts, Mrs. Grace Honts and LorraineWeiland, all of Muscatine, and Miss Nancy Eis, at home.

A brother, Walter, precededhim in death.

Taken from the Muscatine,IA, Journal, May 7, 1955;
Research Source JuneWelsch

EIS,Lucile V. Fairbanks

Lucile V. Eis, 89, died Wednesdayafternoon, Jan. 19, 1994, at the Bethesda Care Center where she had resided.

Services will be at 10 a.m.Saturday at the Geo. M. Wittich-Lewis Funeral Home. The Rev. Charles Gilbertof Wesley United Methodist Church will officiate. Burial will be at GreenwoodCemetery.
Visitation will be from5 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home.

Mrs. Eis was born Dec. 6,1904, at Buda, Ill., a daughter of Roy L. and Grace Aten Fairbanks. Shehad lived here since 1923.

Her marriage to John R. Eistook place Sept. 7, 1927, in Davenport.

She was a member of WesleyUnited Methodist Church.
She was a graduate of thePana, Ill., high school and the Chicago Normal School Of Physical Education.She studied in New York at Vestoff-Serova Russian Imperial School of Dancingand with Ivan Tarasoff at his studio for professional dancers. She wasactive in this field as a dancer, choreographer and teacher for about 40years.

Survivors include a daughterMrs. Roger (Sandra) Cooley of Hiwasse, Ark.; and three grandchildren, Mrs.DeWayne (Jill) Hopkins of Muscatine, Steven J. Meerdink of Minneapolis,Minn., and Dr. Jo Ellen Meerdink of Lincoln, Neb.

She was preceded in deathby her parents and her brother, Robert W. Fairbanks and her husband.

Muscatine IA, Journal, Jan.1994
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch


Suicide of Nicholas Eis

Nicholas Eis, a prominentresident and well to do farmer of Montpelier township, was found yesterdayafternoon drowned in one of the wells on his farm, having committed Suicide.

Wednesday afternoon whileMr. Eis was burning brush his clothes caught fire and were entirely burnedoff of his body, excepting his drawers. His body was terribly burnedin different places, but he walked to the house and refused to go to bed.It was noticed that he acted strangely the balance of the day and evening.

Thursday morning he got upthough suffering excruciating pain, and walked out, as he said, to "lookat the crops." This was the last seen of him alive. His bodywas found in the afternoon. It is supposed his mind was derangedby the accident of the previous day.

Mr. Eis was born in Prussiaand came to Muscatine county in 1867. He was a member of the GermanLutheran church and was respected by all. His wife and seven childrensurvive him.

The above was hastily writtento appear in the Weekly Journal printed last night. The news wasbrought to the city late in the evening by Will J. McElroy, and there areno material facts in addition to the above to note. The circ*mstanceis one of the saddest the Journal has chronicled for many a day.Mr. Eis was well known in this city and will be greatly missed by a largecircle of acquaintances.

LATER-- Mr. C. T. McCampbellreturned from the Eis homestead this morning and brings further particulars.Though the jury, in an inquest held before "Squire Jenkins returned a verdictof "Suicide by drowning", Mr. McCampbell thinks it was a case of accidentaldrowning and not Suicide, at all. The burns on the body of the deceased,which were reported as being so serious, prove to be a very small matter,the largest not being larger than one's hand.
The very fact that he wasup and about shows that the burns were not severe enough to cause derangement.The well in which Mr. Eis was drowned was a shallow slough well in whichstock was watered.
Mr. McCampbell thinks thatMr. Eis became thirsty in walking about the farm, and in attempting toget a drink slipped into the well and was unable to extricate himself.

Muscatine Iowa Journal April27, 1888
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

EIS,Robert A. "Bert"

Robert A. "Bert" Eis, 58,1015 Sunrise Circle, died this morning at Muscatine General Hospital.

Services are Wednesday at1:30 p.m. at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home. The Rev. Manzel Berlinwill officiate. Pallbearers are Charles Howard, Lyle "Bill" Hepker,Vern Hahn, Larry Becker, Jeff Daufeldt and Larry Brossart.
Burial will be in the ParrCemetery.

Visitation is Tuesday from2 to 8 p.m. at the funeral home. Memorials may be made to the AmericanLung Association.

Mr. Eis was born Oct. 31,1928 in Muscatine County, a son of Lester and Lillian Figgins Eis.On May 8, 1970 he married Ardyce A. Lane, at Aledo, Ill. He was aveteran of the Korean War and member of the American Legion. He workedas an electrician at Fry Electric.

Survivors include his wife,Ardyce; one son, Robert A. Eis Jr., Muscatine; two stepsons, Dennis D.Brooke, Naperville, Ill. and Bernie Schwabenlander, Muscatine; one granddaughter;three step-great-grandchildren; his mother, Lillian Franklin, Muscatine;one brother, Earl E. Eis, Davenport; five sisters, Betty Van Wey, Mrs.Richard (Wanda) Honts, and Mrs. Robert (Grace) Honts, all of Muscatine;Mrs. Kenneth (Lorraine) Weiland, Washington state; and Mrs. Alan (Nancy)Ripperger, Blue Grass; two step brothers, Glen Franklin and Marvin Franklin,both of Muscatine; and four stepsisters, Mrs. Harold (Maxine) Wilson, Muscatine;Mrs. Harry (Norma) Faulkner, Letts; Mrs. Richard (Marilyn) McCleary andMona Nichols, both of Muscatine.

Taken from Muscatine IA,Journal, June 29, 1987
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

EIS,Samuel Gordon

Funeral rites for SamuelGordon Eis, six months old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Eis, who died atthe home Thursday, were held at the Fairport Lutheran church at 10:30 a.m. today.
The Rev. Ernest A. Lack,pastor of Ziegler Memorial Lutheran church of New Era, officiated.

Pallbearers were Marion Snyder,Everett Ricketts, O. Sells and Junior Meeke. Flower attendants includedMiss Nettybelle Meeke, Mrs. Davis Buchele and Miss Georgie Geiger.

Mrs. Walter Sells and Mrs.Roy Reeves sang, accompanied by Miss Martha Winters.
Burial was at the Fairportcemetery.

Source: Muscatine JournalSaturday March 7, 1936
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

EIS,Samuel T.

Samuel T. Eis Dies FollowingLengthy Illness

Samuel T. Eis, 412 1/2 EastFifth street, retired fireman at the U. S. Biological station at Fairport,died at 9:25 p.m. Monday after an illness of three months.

Mr. Eis was born Oct. 28,1878, in Sweetland township, the son of John and Elizabeth Goettger Eis,and had resided in Muscatine county practically all his life. He marriedHattie Fridley on Feb. 23, 1898 at Davenport. Mr. Eis was a Spanish Americanwar veteran, and a member of the Montpelier Methodist church.

Surviving are his wife andchildren, Mrs. Esther Mallonee of Ottumwa, Beulah Eis and Frank Eis ofMuscatine, and George Eis of Fairport, beside the following brothers andsisters, Charles, Fred, and Frank of Muscatine; William of Montpelier;Ben of Valley Junction; Mrs. Louise Dietrich of Muscatine; and Mrs. SarahLowry of Davenport.

Funeral rites will be heldThursday at 2:30 p.m. at the Fairbanks Home for Funerals, with burial inGreenwood cemetery.
The body will remain atthe Fairbanks home. .

Muscatine Journal Aug. 31,1937 front page
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch
Notes: mother's maiden namewas Goettge
He was in the 1900 MontpelierTownship, Muscatine County Census as follows; Samuel 23 born Oct.1876 in IA and both parents born Germany, Harriett 20 born Oct. 1879 inIA, John father 52 wd. born Germany, both parents born Germany.

EIS,Sarah Isabelle Tough

Mrs. Sarah Eis DiesSuddenly Of Heart Attack

Mrs. Sarah Isabelle Eis,78, a lifelong resident of Muscatine county, died suddenly of a heart ailmentat 3 p.m. Monday at the home of her son, Lester E. Eis on rural route No.3.

The daughter of Mr. and Mrs.James Tough, she was born in Muscatine county on May 4, 1873. Shemarried Abe Eis in Muscatine on Jan. 9, 1901.

Surviving are the son, LesterE. Eis, eight grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Her husband,one sister, four brothers and one grandson preceded her in death.

The body is at the RalphJ. Wittich Funeral home and will remain there pending arrangements forservices. Burial will be in the Parr cemetery at Pleasant Prairie.

Taken from the Muscatine,IA, Journal, Oct. 16, 1951;
Research Source JuneWelsch

EIS,Theda Allbee

Mrs. Theda Allbee Eis, 62,wife of Ellery J. Eis, died at 6 o'clock this morning at Hershey hospital.

She was born Dec. 6, 1866in Fulton township, being the daughter of Gustavus and Melvina Allbee.

She was married to ElleryJ. Eis Dec. 16, 1896 at Fulton township, Mr. Eis survives.

All her life was spent inthis community. She was a member of the Sweetland Methodist Episcopalchurch.

Surviving, in addition toMr. Eis, are one son, Clarence Eis of Sweetland township, one daughter,Mrs. Coral Kemper, Sweetland township, two grandchildren, Richard Eis andWilma Kemper, a sister, Mrs. Vina Fowler, Springville, Ia., and three brothers,E. A. Allbee, Pleasant Prairie, George Allbee, Peterson, Ia., and LeslieAllbee, Marshalltown, Ia., Attorney G. Allbee of Muscatine is her nephew.

Funeral services will beconducted at the Sweetland Methodist Episcopal church at 2 o'clock Saturdayafternoon by the Rev. A. F. Polk. Burial will be at the Parr cemetery.

Funeral arrangements arein charge of the Fairbanks Home for Funerals.

Taken from the MuscatineIA, Journal, Aug. 8, 1929 page 12;
Research Source JuneWelsch

EIS,Viola Lestella Cooper


Mrs. Viola Lestella Eis,61, a resident of Montpelier and a native of Muscatine county, died at5 a.m. Monday in the home of her brother-in-law, A.E. Stigers, 2033 Dixwellstreet, Davenport. She had been ill for some time.
She was born Jan. 24, 1880,in Muscatine county, attended rural schools there, and was married Feb.16, 1898, in Muscatine to William H. Eis. She was of Baptist faith.
Survivors include the widowerand three brothers, Virgil Cooper, Davenport; John P., of Blue Grass; andCharles, who lives in Idaho. Two sisters, Mrs. Mamie Stigers and Mrs. ArabellaBohnsack, died this year and a son died in infancy.
The body was taken to theHill & Fredericks mortuary, where funeral services will be held at2:30 p.m. Wednesday. Burial will be in Blue Grass cemetery.
Mrs. Viola Lestella Eis,Montpelier resident, died at 5 a.m. today at the home of her brother-in-law,A.E. Stigers, 2033 Dixwell street, Davenport, after a lingering illness.
Mrs. Eis was born in Muscatinecounty Jan. 25, 1880 and received her education in the county schools.She was married to William Eis in Muscatine on Feb. 16, 1898. The couplehad resided in the Montpelier community for 25 years. Mrs. Eis was oneof the Baptist faith.
Surviving are her husbandand three brothers, Virgil Cooper of Davenport, John Cooper of Blue Grassand Charles Cooper of Idaho. Two sisters preceded her in death withinthe past year, Mrs. Mamie Stigers and Mrs. Arabella Bohnsack. An infantson also preceded her.
The funeral serviceswill be held at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Hill & Frederick Funeralhome in Davenport. Burial will be in Blue Grass cemetery.

clippings are from unidentifiednewspapers Date is handwritten note - July 28, 1941
Contributed by DixieA. Laire


Walter Eis, 23, Meets DeathNear Pleasant Prairie
Two Others in Car EscapeInjury

Walter Eis, 23, veteran of WorldWar No. 2, of 204 Bridgeman street was killed at about 6:20 p.m. Mondayin an automobile accident on a county road one mile northeast of PleasantPrairie.

Sheriff Fred Nesper, whowas summoned, said that Eis apparently lost control of the car he was drivingwhile traveling south on the highway at a high rate of speed. Thecar struck a soft spot in the highway and rolled over on its left side.

Eis was thrown partiallyout of a window and suffered crushing injuries.

Mrs. Eis and Dennis Van Weyof Lone Grove, Ia., who were passengers in the car, escaped without seriousinjuries, Sheriff Nesper said.

Fourth Fatality Of Year

The death of Eis is the fourthvehicle fatality in Muscatine county in 1949, and is the second in thislocality this week, although the other, which claimed the life of NancyMarie Etter of Muscatine Sunday, happened near Edgington, Ill.

Walter E. Eis, the son ofLester E. and Lillian Figgins Eis, was born March 20, 1926, at PleasantPrairie, and had been a lifelong resident of Muscatine county.

He married Ruby Higbee onNov. 5, 1946, at Davenport. Mr. Eis, who was employed by the MississippiValley Feed & Grain Co., was a member of the Edward H. Bitzer post,No. 27, American Legion.

Services Wednesday

Surviving are his wife, twinchildren, Donald Dean and Donna Jean Eis, of Muscatine; three brothers,Lester, Robert and Earl Eis, all of Muscatine; five sisters, Mrs. BettyVan Wey of Lone Grove, Ia., and Wanda, Grace, Loraine and Nancy Eis, allof Muscatine; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester E. Eis and a grandmother,Mrs. Belle Eis, all of Muscatine.

Funeral services will beheld at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral home with theRev. Merle R. Hull of the Walnut Street Baptist church in charge.Burial will be in the Parr cemetery. The body is remaining at thefuneral home. The casket will remain closed.

From the MuscatineIA, Journal, May 31, 1949;
Research Source JuneWelsch

Last services for WalterEis, World War No. 2, veteran, who was killed in an automobile accidentMonday near Pleasant Prairie, were conducted at 3:30 p.m. today at theRalph J. Wittich Funeral home by the Rev. Merle R. Hull, pastor of theWalnut Street Baptist church. Interment was in the Parr cemetery.

Mrs. Robert Hanson was thesoloist with Mrs. Floyd Scott as the organ accompanist. Casket bearerswere James Irwin, Glenn Hermann, Harland Swartz, Richard Cole and FredIrwin. Mrs. James Irwin, Mrs. Richard Cole and Mrs. Glenn Hermannwere in charge of flowers.

Taken from the MuscatineIA, Journal June 1, 1949;
Research Source JuneWelsch

ELDER,Clara Frances Kirchner

BETTENDORF -- Memorial servicesfor C. Frances Elder, of Bettendorf, formerly of Muscatine and Nichols,Iowa, will be 10 a.m.July 2 at Nichols Cemetery. No visitation will beheld.

Mrs. Elder died Tuesday,June 22, 1999, at the home of her daughter in Bettendorf. Frances Kirchnerwas born April 25, 1899, in Nichols. She married Charles Elder in Nicholsin 1917. They farmed in Letts and Nichols until 1943. He died in 1967.

In lieu of flowers, memorialsmay be made to the Clara Elder Memorial Fund or Nichols United MethodistChurch.

Survivors include daughters,Betty Bieri, Nichols, and Alice Grable, Bettendorf; 15 grandchildren; 27
great-grandchildren; andfour great-great-grandchildren

Quad City Times 6/24/1999
Contributed by Mike Bartelt


NICHOLS---- Servicesare set for 2:30 p.m. at the Methodist church in Nichols Sunday for FredW. Elder, 80, who died at his home south of Nichols Thursday afternoon.Death was attributed to a coronary.

He was the son of FreemanH. and Isabel Flater Elder. He was born Feb. 25, 1883, at Nichols and wasa lifetime resident. He was married to Grace Mitchell and later toMay O'Harrow. Both preceded him in death.

Elder was a farmer and amember of the Methodist church.

Survivors include a son,Robert, of Nichols; daughter, Mrs. Leland (Frances) Billick, West Liberty;a brother Frank at West Liberty; five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.He was preceded in death by his parents, a brother and a sister.

The Rev. Marvin Ceynar ofthe Methodist church ill conduct the services. snider funeral home, WestLiberty, is handling the arrangements. Interment will be in Nicholscemetery.

Muscatine Journal FridayNov. 8, 1963 page 8
Submitted by Carolyn Hidlebaugh

ELDER,Vera Menzer

Mrs. Vera M. Elder, 93, formerlyof Nichols, died Saturday, January 2, 1999, at Cresent Care Center, Muscatine.

Funeral services were heldon Wednesday, January 6, at the Ralph J. Wittich-Riley-Freers Funeral Homewith the Rev. Marilyn Winch of the Nichols United Methodist Church officiating.Casket bearers were Joe Elder, Jeff Elder, Lee Elder, and Dennis Menzer.Burial was in Nichols Cemetery, Nichols. Memorials may be made to the VeraM. Elder Memorial Fund.

Mrs. Elder was born September16, 1905, the daughter of Frank and Emma Shebeck Menzer, in Lone Tree.She was a graduate of Lone Tree High School and later attended music schoolin Chicago. She married Walter F. Elder Sr. on January 14, 1925, in Muscatine.Mr. Elder passed away in 1977. She was a lifetime member of the NicholsUnited Methodist Church, UMW, and was church organist for 30 years. Shealso taught organ and piano in her home for many years.

Survivors include two sons,Walter F. Elder (wife, Vera) of Muscatine and Willard D. Elder (wife, Joan)of Reno, Nevada; eight grandchildren, Candice Sabey (husband, David), HollisElder, Alison Wasko (husband, Steve), Fae Elder, Joe Elder, and JeffreyElder (wife, Diane), Tina Elder, and Lee Elder (wife, Lisa); and sevengreat-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband and a brother.

West Liberty Index Jan 71999

ELLIOTT,G. Evelyn Gritton

Services will be Friday at10:30 a.m. at the Geo. M. Wittich-Lewis Funeral Home for G. Evelyn Elliott,74, 143 Sherman St.
Rev. Roger Miller of theFirst Christian Church will officiate and burial will be at Greenwood Cemetery.
Visitation will be Thursdayfrom 2-8 p.m. at the funeral home.
Memorials may be left tothe First Christian Church, the Muscatine Hospice and Community Nursingservices.
Pallbearers will be MichaelCarpenter, Marvin Carpenter, Melvin Carpenter, Moni Begey, Missi Charlett,Mark Sheese and Matthew Sheese. Mrs. M.D. (Phyllis) Jones will play theorgan.
Honorary pallbearers areKent Charlett and Scott Bennett.

She was born March 17, 1915at New Boston, Ill. and had lived in Muscatine since 1928. She marriedEdwin L. "Ted" Elliott on August 28, 1937 in Muscatine.

She was a member of the FirstChristian Church and the Rebecca CWF Circle.
Mrs. Elliott was employedby the Muscatine County Abstract Co., J.B. Mark and Sons Insurance, MuscatineLighting, Stanley Consultants, and did the accounting for the family businessof Elliott Brothers. She also worked for many years for the Driver's licenseDivision of the Iowa Highway Patrol. She retired in 1984 as an office employeeof Louis Rich and taught evening classed in ABC Shorthand and typing atMuscatine Community College before retiring from teaching in 1987.

Survivors include one sonThomas Elliott, and one foster child, Steve Harfst, Muscatine, three daughters,Mrs. Sandra Carpenter, Moscow, Mrs. Jerry (Barbara) Musgrove and Mrs. JuanitaSheese both of Muscatine, three brothers, Dr. Charlie Gritton, Henderson,Ky., Paul Gritton, Fort Dodge, and Robert Gritton, Russelville, Ark., threesisters, Mrs. Carl (Vivian) Irwin, Mrs. Margaret Webb and Mrs. Clifford(Marjorie) Hintemeister, all of Muscatine. She was precededin death by her parents and husband in 1964.

Muscatine Journal Wednesday,July 12, 1989 page 4A
Submitted by Carolyn Hidlebaugh

ELLIOTT,James Edwin

James Edwin Elliott, 70,diedsuddenly of a heart attack at 9:30 a. m. today at his home, 2812 East Frontstreet.

The son of Winfield Scottand Mary Belle Holmes Elliott, he was born April 7, 1881 at Downey andhad been a lifetime
resident of Muscatine.He married Eva Mae Hahn May 27 1903 at Muscatine. A member of theUnited Brethren church, he was also a member of the Knights of Pythiaslodge. He was a retired house mover.

Survivors are two sons, EdwinL. and John w. both of Muscatine; five daughters, Mrs. George Schaeferof Chicago
Heights, Illinois, Mrs.E. J. Leswig of Davenport, Mrs. Oliver McBride, Mrs. DeWayne Storms andMiss Ruth Elliott,
the last three of Muscatine;one brother Frank Lyle Elliott of Vancouver, Washington, and six grandchildren.He was
preceded in death by hiswife, parents, one daughter, one brother, and one sister.

Funeral services will beheld at 2 p. m. Monday at the Geo. M. Wittich Funeral home. The Rev.Caleb Larson will
be in charge. Burialwill be at Greenwood cemetery.

Muscatine Iowa Journal: Jan.25, 1952
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

ELLIOTT,Mathilda Frances Davidson (Mrs. W. S)

Mrs. W. S. Elliott a longtime resident of Muscatine, died at 11:40 o'clock Friday night, followingan extended illness
at her home 610 Oak street,Cancer of the stomach caused her death. She was 69 years old.

Mrs. Elliott, formerly MissMathilda Frances Davidson, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, July 6, 1852.In 1870 she married Wiley Essex, to whom seven children were born, fiveof whom survive. In 1896 she married Silas Terry, who died twenty-twoyears ago. She married W. S. Elliott in 1903, whose death occurredthree years ago.

She is survived by one daughter,Mrs. Sarah Brewer of Muscatine and five sons, Elige, James and Leon Essexof this city, William Essex of Davenport and Oliver Terry of Muscatine.

Funeral services will beheld at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon from the home. The Rev. GeorgeBlagg will officiate.
Burial will be made in Greenwoodcemetery.

Taken from the MuscatineJournal March 1922
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch
(This is June Brewer Welsch'sgreat g/mother)

ELLIOTT,Winfield Scott

Winfield Scott Elliott, awell known Muscatine county resident for a great many years, passed awayat the family residence, 1393 Sherman street, late yesterday afternoonshortly after five o'clock. His death was caused by a stroke of paralysiswhich he had suffered Tuesday night.

Mr. Elliott was born in DarkCounty, Ohio, September 18, 1853 and when a babe of three months came toIowa with his parents, settling at West Liberty. The father for manyyears was engaged in the blacksmith trade at that place. Forty-oneyears ago he was united in marriage with Marybelle Holmes, and to thisunion four children were born, three boys and one girl. One of thechildren Laura Belle passed away at the age of five years and a secondson William Marshall died at the age of 21 years. The surviving childrenare: J. E. Elliott of 1391 Sherman street and F. L. Elliott of CrestonIowa. His first wife died thirty-one years ago. Mr. Elliottwas again married to Mrs. Matilda Terry sixteen years ago, who also survivesto mourn his loss.

Five grandchildren, LauraBelle Elliott, Edwin Lester, Jeanette, Dorothy, Mary Ellen and Mary AdaElliott, with two brothers and three sisters also survive. The brothersand sisters are Taylor Elliott of Albion, J. E. Elliott of Downey, Mrs.Mollie Johnson of Pennsylvania, Mrs. Belle Elliott of Liscomb and Mrs.Alice Metcalf of Albion. For more than twenty years the deceasedhas been engaged in the contracting and house building work.

No funeral arrangements havebeen announced.

The Muscatine Journal
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch


MUSCATINE---John B. Elshoff,80, died Monday, March 3, 1997, at his home, 150 Main St., Fruitland.

Services will be at 10:30a.m. Thursday, at the Geo. M. Wittich-Lewis Funeral Home. The Rev. SuzMcIver of the First Christian Church will officiate.

Pallbearers will be his sixsons, Paul, Tom, Patrick, James, John, and Douglas, and Kenny Elshoff.Burial will be at the Island Cemetery. Visitation will be from 4to 8 p.m. Wednesday, at the funeral home. Memorials may be made to theFruitland Fire Department Emergency Medical Services.

Mr. Elshoff was born Oct.19, 1916, in Iowa City, a son of Everett J. and Agnes Hinrich Elshoff.He was a life resident of the area. He married Rita C. Bakeron Aug. 14, 1948, in Muscatine.

He was a veteran of the UnitedStates Army Air Corps. serving his county during World War II. He was amember of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. He worked for the MuscatineCulvert Company for 18 years, and for the city of Muscatine until his retirementin 1971. He served as a police officer for Fruitland for five years,and as a city maintenance worker until 1993.

Survivors include six sons,Paul Elshoff of Fruitland, Tom Elshoff of Muscatine, Patrick Elshoff ofFruitland, James Elshoff of Montana, and John Elshoff and Douglas Elshoff,both of Muscatine; five grandchildren; one brother, Bob Elshoffof Minnesota; and two sisters, Delores Holtz of Louisa County, and MaryHaley of Davenport. He was preceded in death by his parents, hiswife in 1971 an infant son, Dennis, a brother, Ray, and a special friendand companion to John and his son Pat, Virginia Lamb, in October of 1996.

Muscatine Journal TuesdayMarch 4, 1997 page 5A
Submitted by Carolyn HidlebaughELSHOFF, Rita Baker

Funeral services for Mrs.John B. Elshoff, 54, will be held at St. Mary's church Saturday at 9 a.m.Visitation will begin at the Riley Funeral Home Thursday evening and theRosary will be recited at the funeral home Friday at 8 p.m. Burial willbe in the Island cemetery.

Mrs. Elshoff died at 10:30a.m. Tuesday at her home at Fruitland of an apparent heart ailment.

She was born Oct. 11, 1916at West Liberty, the daughter of Laurence W. and Elizabeth fa*gan Baker.She was a life resident of the area. Rita C. Baker married John B.Elshoff Aug. 14, 1948 at Muscatine.

During World War II she servedin the U.S. Navy as a pharmacist mate in a Navy hospital.

Survivors include her husband;six sons, James, at home; Tom, serving with the U.S. Coast Guards in Georgia;John L., serving with the U.S. Marine Corps; Paul Douglas and Patrick,at home; and two brothers, Cyril Baker, Houston Tex.; John N. Baker, Rodeo,Calif. She was preceded in by her parents and one son.

Muscatine Journal WednesdayFeb. 13, 1971 page 18
Submitted by Carolyn Hidlebaugh

ENGLUND,Margaret C.

Services for Margaret C.Englund, 86, will be 10:30 a.m. Saturday at Greenwood Cemetery, Muscatine.Visitation is 9:30-10:30 a.m. Saturday at Ralph J. Wittich-Riley-FreersFuneral Home, Muscatine.

Miss Englund died Oct. 12,2002, at Riverbend Nursing and Rehab Center. She was a middle school teacherin Casper, Wyo. She retired in 1981. She was born Jan. 16, 1916, in Muscatine.

Memorials may be made toWesley United Methodist Church, Muscatine.

Survivors include a sister,Mildred Lupton, Muscatine.

Quad-City Times 16 Oct 2002

EPPERLY,Lucretia Fry

Lucretia, wife of Wm. Epperly,of Muscatine county, Iowa, died at their residence, on the 18th dayof June, 1871; aged 20 years, 11 months and 19 days.

She embraced religion whena girl, and retained her profession to the last. Sister Epperly,was a member of the M. E. Church, during her life and death her sicknesswas somewhat protracted and exceedingly painful, which she endured withgreat fortitude and patience.

But even this allends at last
In Death's sad, sweet embrace,
We view the Providence that'spast,
And all its bearings trice.
And would not call her back;to earth
To mingle with its pain.
But veil our own domestichearth
For her eternal gain
The funeral was largely attended.May the sustaining grace of God, keep her husband and children in the pathof virtue, and may their sun set as did hers; in a cloudless sky.

Services by the writer.H. B. Potter.

Taken from the Muscatine,IA, Journal July 5, 1871
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

ERNST,Yvonne E. "Bonnie" Bloomhuff

Yvonne E. "Bonnie" Ernst,61, Muscatine, died Monday, Oct. 14, 2002, at Unity Hospital.

Graveside services are 1:30p.m. Thursday at Muscatine Memorial Park Cemetery. The Rev. Chris Learywill officiate.
There will be no visitation.The Geo. M. Wittich-Lewis Funeral Home is handling the arrangements. Amemorial has been established at the funeral home.

Mrs. Ernst was born Dec.19, 1940, in Muscatine, the daughter of Sam and Violet Ricketts Bloomhuff.She married John Ernst Oct. 31, 1955.

She was a unit clerk anddietary advisor at Unity Hospital for more than 20 years.
She enjoyed traveling, goingto The Boat, caring for her dogs and music. She enjoyed and loved her grandchildren.

Survivors include a son,John Ernst and wife Rebecca of Muscatine; a daughter, Yvonne Beckman andhusband Michael of Muscatine; four grandchildren, Amy Lloyd, Angela Beckman,John and Joseph Ernst, all of Muscatine; and a brother, Sam Bloomhuff ofMuscatine. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husbandand a brother, Sherman.

Taken from the MuscatineIowa Journal Oct. 16, 2002
Contributed by JuneWelsch

ESSEX,Beatrice Flood

Mrs. Beatrice Essex 71, of1311 Smalley Ave. died at 8:10 p.m. Friday at Muscatine General Hospitalfollowing an extended illness.

Services will be at 1:30p.m. Tuesday at the Fairbanks-Lamb Chapel with the Rev. James R. Leonardofficiating.

Born March 25, 1902 in Colona,she was the daughter of Alex and Pluma Flood. She married Harold Essexin 1920 in Muscatine.

Surviving are three daughtersMrs. Vivian Bloomer and Mrs. Betty Smith both of Muscatine, and Mrs. HazelJaynes of Glenarm Illinois, six grandchildren, and four great grandchildren.She was preceded in death by her husband, parents and five sisters.

Visitation will begin after9 a.m. Monday at the funeral home. Burial will be in Memorial Park cemetery.

Muscatine Journal May 1973
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch


West Liberty- Clyde Essex79, West Liberty died Suddenly Tuesday morning after being admitted toMuscatine General Hospital following a heart attack.

Services will be held at130 p.m. Friday at the Snider Funeral Home. The Rev. Frank Greenwood willofficiate. Burial will be in the Oak Ridge Cemetery. Visitation will beThursday afternoon and evening.

The son of James E. and EdnaArmstrong Essex he was born April 8, 1906 in Muscatine County.
He married Margaret Arnoldon July 23, 1933. She died in 1983. Mr. Essex had worked as an auto mechanicmost of his life and had recently owned and operated Essex Greenhouse inWest Liberty.

Survivors include three sons,Duane of Des Moines, Wendell of Bettendorf, and William of Muscatine, twodaughters Mrs. Darlene Adams of Muscatine and Mrs. Deanna Templeman ofArvada Colorado, 15
grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren.

Source: Muscatine Journal: April 25, 1984
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

ESSEX,Dennis Edward

Dennis Edward Essex 44, 132Sheridan St. died Thursday evening, Jan. 9, 1992 at the Veterans AdministrationMedical Center in Iowa City.

Graveside services will beat 10 a.m. Monday, Jan. 13 at Greenwood Cemetery, Military rites will beconducted by the American Legion, VFW and World War 1 Barracks.

Arrangements are under thedirection of the Geo. M. Wittich-Lewis Funeral Home. There is novisitation.

Mr. Essex was born April21, 1947 in Muscatine, a son of Edward Lincoln and Ida Mae Eisele Essex.He was a life resident of the area.
He was an Army Veteran ofthe Vietnam War era. He was an auto body worker for 10 years in thearea.

Survivors include two brothersGerald Essex of Muscatine and Randy Essex of Omaha Neb; two sistersMrs. Chuck (Beverly) Salyars of Clinton, and Donna Eggers of Muscatine.His parents preceded him in death.

Muscatine Journal FridayJan. 10, 1992 page 5
Contributed by JuneBrewerWelsch

ESSEX,Dorthy L Cochran

Mrs. Dorthy L. Essex 49,Route 1 Wilton died at her home at 7:55 p.m. Monday after an extended illness.

Funeral services will beheld at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Sweetland Methodist church. The Rev. LelandEnke assisted by the Rev. Walter Sieck, Sigourney will officiate. Burialwill be in Memorial Park cemetery.
The body will be taken fromthe George M. Wittich funeral home to the church at noon on Thursday.

The daughter of Roy and CarrieMeyers Cochran, Mrs. Essex was born Jan. 20, 1914, in Lake township. Sheresided in the area all of her life.

Dec. 12, 1931 she was marriedat Morrison Illinois to Ralph L. Essex. She was a member of the SweetlandMethodist church and a charter member of the Women's Society for ChristianService.

Surviving are her husband,one son Melvin of Atbdrnett, two daughters Mrs. Beverly Miller of Davenportand Mrs. Albert Watson of Cedar Rapids, two brothers Loran and Robert Cochranof Muscatine, four sisters Mrs. Syphrit, Mrs. Arthur LaRue, Mrs. LouisGray and Mrs. Hubert Mathes all of Muscatine and 11 grandchildren. Herparents, two brothers and one sister are dead.

Muscatine Journal Dec. 1963
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

ESSEX,Edward L.

Funeral services for EdwardL. Essex 58 will be conducted Monday at 1:30 p.m. at the Geo. M. WittichFuneral Home
Rev. J. Paul Stevens willofficiate. Visitation will begin Saturday at noon. Burial willbe in Greenwood cemetery.

Mr. Essex 918 E. 7th St.died at 2:30 p.m. Thursday at Muscatine General Hospital following a twoyear illness.

A life resident of Muscatine,he was born here on June 23, 1913 as the son of Leon and Pearl Harker Essex,Ida May Eisele became his wife on Nov. 12, 1938 in Muscatine, He was amember of the Otterbein United Methodist Church and the Moose. Hewas employed as a security guard.

Surviving are his wife threesons Dennis E., Gerald D., Randy L., all of Muscatine, two daughters Mrs.Beverly Bender, Mrs. Donna Eggers both of Muscatine, two brothers HilbertEssex of Kansas City Missouri, Robert Essex of Muscatine, one sister Mrs.Ralph (Viola) TeStrake of Muscatine and 4 grandchildren. He was precededin death by his parents.

Muscatine Journal, March1972
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch
Ref; Muscatine County, Iowa,b/cer, m/cer, d/cer. I June Welsch have a picture of Eddie. Edwarddied March 30, 1972

ESSEX,Exira (Mrs. Joseph)

Death Follows ProtractedIllness
Funeral to Be Held at Spangler'sChapel Tomorrow

Mrs. Exira Essex, the wifeof Joseph Essex of Bloomington township passed away at her home about 3o'clock yesterday afternoon as the result of a protracted illness. Mrs.Essex underwent an operation in December and her condition had beenconsidered serious since that time.

Mrs. Essex was born in RockIsland county, Illinois, and was 64 years of age on March 12. She was aresident of Muscatine county for 15 years or more and was well and favorablyknow to many residents. She was a member of the Muscatine branchof the Fraternal Bankers Reserve.

The deceased is survivedby her husband and four children, Fred Essex of Tender, Neb., Mrs. GertrudeMalone, Mrs. Adda Bridges and James Essex of Bloomington township.

The funeral is announcedto be held from Spangler's Chapel at 10 o'clock at 10 o'clock Saturdaymorning, interment to take place at the Essex cemetery in Illinois, whichis about five miles from this city.

Muscatine, Journal, April17, 1915
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch
Notes, she died April 15,1915. Marriage certificate Muscatine IA lists as daughter of Mary J. Asaand David Hood.
I firmly believe Mary'strue name was Nancy Jane Asa. Marriage record spells name Exeina B. Hood.

ESSEX,George William
Essex Rites Are Heldat Chapel Here Wednesday

Funeral services for GeorgeWilliam Essex who died Monday were conducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday at theMeyers Funeral Home by the Rev. Ira Hawley, pastor of the United Brethrenchurch. Burial was in the Essex cemetery in Illinois.

Mr. Essex was born in RockIsland County Illinois April 22, 1949 the eldest child of James and ElizabethEssex. He married Susan Troxel in 1867 and a son and a daughter were bornto them. Timothy who died about a year ago and the daughter who died manyyears ago. Mrs. Essex also preceded him in death.

Mr. Essex was a painter andpaper hanger by trade and during the past 10 years had manufactured threeviolins by hand. He made his home at 322 1/2 East Second street for morethan 20 years. About four years ago his health failed and he went to makehis home with his nephew J. W. Lewis. About a year ago he went to the countyhome and resided there until his death.

Surviving are one brotherJoseph Essex and two sisters Mrs. James Troxel of Muscatine and Mrs. ClarenceHendrex of Nichols. Three grandchildren and three great grandchildren alsosurvive.

Source: Muscatine JournalJan. 1933.
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch


Funeral rites for HaydenEssex 35, Muscatine resident who died at 6:45 p.m. Saturday at Niles Michiganwhere he had been employed for the past month will be conducted at 3 p.m.Tuesday at the Fairbanks Home for
Funerals. Burial willbe in Greenwood cemetery. Death followed a brief illness with hearttrouble.

Mr. Essex was born in MuscatineJan. 10, 1903 the son of Timothy and Grace Dougherty Essex. He marriedGrace Cooke on May 23, 1922. Surviving are his wife a daughter ShirleyMae 14, a sister Mrs. Hazel Teeple of Muscatine and one brother HaroldEssex of Detroit Michigan. Mrs. Essex is accompanying her husband'sbody back to Muscatine.

Muscatine Journal: Mar. 15,1937
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch
Notes: died March15, 1933

ESSEX,Harold V.

Harold V. Essex 68, 301 1/2E. Second Street died this morning at 5:15 at the Hershey Convalescenthome after an extended illness.

Funeral services will beheld at the George Wittich Funeral Home. Rev. J. Paul Scevens will officiateand burial will be in Greenwood cemetery. Visitation will start Tuesdaynoon.

Born April 5, 1901 at Muscatine,he was the son of Timothy and Grace Baker Essex and was a life residentof Muscatine.
Mr. Essex was a member ofthe Moose Lodge and formerly operated the Blue Eagle tavern. He was divorced.

Survivors include three daughtersMrs. Archie (Vivian) Bloomer, Mrs. Howard (Betty) Smith of Muscatine, Mrs.Robert (Hazel) Jaynes of Glenarm Illinois, and one sister Mrs. Hazel Stebbinsof Davenport. Also six grandchildren and two
great grandchildren.He was preceded in death by his parents and one brother.

Muscatine Journal Aug. 1969
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

ESSEX,Ida M. Eisle

Ida M. Essex, 57, died todayin her home at 918 E. 7th St. Services will be held at 10 a.m. Saturdayat the Geo. M. Wittich Funeral Home. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery.Visitation begins at noon Friday and until service time Saturday.
Ida Essex was born Feb.4, 1922, in Muscatine, the daughter of Eli and Ida Brior Eisle. She wasa life resident of the Muscatine area.

Her marriage to Edward L.Essex, took place Nov. 12, 1938 in Muscatine. She was a member of MusservilleUnited Methodist Church and had worked at Cohn's News Stand for seven years.(two as manager).

Survivors include three sons,Dennis at home, Gerald and Randy both of Muscatine, two daughters, Mrs.Charles (Beverly) Salyars, and Donna Agers (Should be Eggers), both ofMuscatine; five grandchildren; one brother Eddie Eisle of Muscatine; onestep brother Ralph Starkweather of Muscatine; two sisters, Mrs. Eldon (Elizabeth)Beverlin of Illinois City and Mrs. Lauren (Nona) Jarrett of Muscatine;and one stepsister Anna Starkweather of Muscatine.

She was preceded in deathby her parents and her husband.

Source: Muscatine, IA, Journal: Oct. 15, 1979
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

ESSEX,James Emerson

James Emerson Essex 69, diedat his home on rural route No. 6 at 7 p. m. Friday following an extendedIllinois.

Mr. Essex was born in DruryTownship, Illinois; the son of Joseph and Exira B. Hood Essex on Nov. 20,1878. He married Sarah Annetta Armstrong on March 13, 1902 at SummittIowa. Mr. Essex was a member of the Bloomington Friends church.

Surviving are his wife, twosons Clyde Essex of Atalissa, and Ralph Essex, Letts; two daughters Mrs.John D. Bierman and Mrs. Edward Gillmore both of Muscatine, one brotherFred Essex, Macy Nebraska, two sisters Gertrude Maylone and Abbie Bridgeboth of this city 11 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by hisparents, one son, one daughter and several brothers and sisters.

The body is at the GeorgeM. Wittich Funeral Home and services will be conducted there at 1 p.m.Monday by the Rev. Walter Sieck, pastor of the Musserville Methodist church.Interment will be in the Bloomington Friends Cemetery.

Taken from the MuscatineJournal January 1848-He died January 23 1948
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

ESSEX,John Riley

Graveside services for JohnRiley Essex, 64, Jacksonville, will be at 5 p.m. Sunday in Jarratt Cemeterywith the Rev. Randle Ford officiating, under direction of Thompson FuneralHome of Jacksonville. Mr. Essex died Saturday at his home.

He was born in Iowa, hadlived in Jacksonville 20 years, was a veteran of World War II and a memberof the Baptist church and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 3984.

He is survived by his motherMrs. Anne Mae Essex of Dallas; three brothers, Sherwood Essex ofJacksonville, Robert James Essex of Dallas and Lenard Essex of Alabama;one sister Charlene White of Lake Palestine and nieces.

Jacksonville Daily ProgressTexas Paper July 25, 1993 page 3.
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch
Ref; Muscatine County,Iowa, b/cer, m/cer. He married Jean Maylone 3 times first June 18, 1946,second February 25, 1948, third Jan 31, 1949.

ESSEX,Joseph S.
Death Summons JosephEssex, Aged 92 years

Joseph S. Essex age 92 retiredfarmer died 11:45 p.m. Thursday at the home of his daughter Mrs. HermanBridge 1155 Iowa Ave, with whom he made his home. He had been illfor 10 days.

The son of James A. and ElizabethEssex he was born in Rock Island County Illinois on Oct. 30, 1850 and marriedExira Hood in Rock Island County, Illinois. He had been a residentof Muscatine County for 60 years. Mr. Essex was a member of the BloomingtonFriends Church.

Surviving are his sons FredS. Essex of Macy Nebraska and James E. Essex of Muscatine, two daughtersMrs. Gertrude Malone and Mrs. Herman Bridge both of Muscatine, 16 grandchildrenand 35 great grandchildren. His parents, wife, two daughters andone son preceded him in death.

The body is at the GeorgeM. Wittach funeral home. Rev. Guilford of the Bloomington FriendsChurch (part missing here)
Burial will be in the BloomingtonCemetery.

Muscatine Journal FridayOct. 8, 1943
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

ESSEX,Kevin Robert
2-Year Old MuscatineBoy Killed by Auto

Kevin Robert, 2 year oldson of Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Essex, Jr. was struck and killed by an automobilein front of the Essex home on highway 61, eight miles east of Muscatineat 4:35 p.m. Friday.

The child ran onto the highwayin front of the west-bound car driven by Leroy K. Fuhlman, 42, route 2.
The third traffic fatalityin Muscatine county in two days, the boy was pronounced dead on arrivalat Muscatine General hospital.

Fuhlman was returning homefrom work in the Quad-Cities with three other men as passengers. He toldDeputy Sheriff Charlie Whisler he was traveling about 60 miles an hourbefore he saw the boy and braked the car in a futile attempt to miss him.

The Essex family had movedinto the house, located a short distance east of the intersection withcounty road P, only two days earlier. The family, consisting of severalchildren had been living at Ripley trailer court, closer to Muscatine.

Whisler, said the boy wasalone when he darted up onto the highway from a roadside ditch and intothe path of the car.

Passengers with Fuhlman wereHurschell Symmonds, 1805 Isett avenue, Kenneth Butler, 406 Jackson street,and Richard Hamilton, 1525 1/2 First avenue. Another eyewitness was MarvinSmith, route 1, Burlington who driving behind Fuhlman and saw theboy run in front of the car.

Kevin Robert Essex was bornSept. 27, 1963 at Iowa City, the son of Sherwood and Ara Irene Young Essex.

In addition to his parents,he is survived by two sisters, Charlotte Ann and Cherri Lynn, two brothersSteven Dale and Sherwood Lyle; the maternal grandparents and the paternalgrandparents.

The body was taken to Fairbankshome for funerals in Muscatine. It is being shipped by air to the Wallacefuneral home at Rusk Texas where services are pending.

Muscatine Journal June 1966
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

ESSEX,Leon Leroy

Muscatine, Ia., April 12,--Funeralservices were conducted this afternoon at the Fairbanks Home for Funeralsfor Leon Leroy Essex, 44, who died at the Muscatine county home late Saturdaynight. Services were conducted by the Rev. Ira B. Hawley of the UnitedBrethren church. Burial was at the Essex cemetery.

Mr. Essex was born in RockIsland county May 8, 1888, the son of Wiley and Matilda Davidson Essex.He married Pearl Harker 21 years ago. Mr. Essex had made his homein Muscatine for about 34 years.

Surviving are his widow;two sons, Robert and Edward Essex both of Muscatine; two brothers, EliEssex of Davenport and William Essex who lives in Iowa; one sister, Mrs.Sadie Brewer, Fairport; and one half-brother, Oliver Terry, of Muscatine.

Davenport IA, Democrat PaperTuesday April 12, 1932 page 15
Contributed by JuneWelsch
Notes: Ref; Muscatine County,Iowa, m/cer, d/cer.
His age at next birthdaywas 24 and Pearl was 24 when they got married.
1910 Muscatine, MuscatineCounty, IA, census taken 20 April 1910;
Lenn Essick 28 born IA factoryworker, both parents born IA;
Pearl 24 wife born IA bothparents born IA, she had 2 children but only named one;
Earl son 4 born IA;

1930 Bloomington Township,Muscatine County IA;
Leroy Essex 40 divorcedborn IA;

ESSEX,Margaret Ola Arnold

West Liberty-Mrs. MargaretOla Essex 67 Atalissa died Wednesday evening at Mercy Hospital, Iowa City,following a brief illness.

Services will be held at2 p.m. Saturday at the Snider Funeral Home. The Rev. Frank Greenwood willofficiate. Burial will be in the Oak Ridge Cemetery. Visitation istoday.

The daughter of William andMargaret Arnold she was born Aug. 31, 1915 in Atalissa.
Her marriage to Clyde Essextook place on July 23, 1933. She had worked at Spurgeons in Muscatine formany years.

Survivors include her husbandthree sons Duane of Des Moines, Wendell of Bettendorf and William of Muscatine,two daughters Mrs. Darlene Adams of Muscatine, and Mrs. Ronald (Deanna)Templeman of Arvada Colorado. 15 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren,two brothers George Arnold of Evansville Wisconsin, and Virgil Arnold ofMuscatine, and one sister Mrs. Gretchen Smith of Solon.

Muscatine Journal March 1983
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

ESSEX,Ralph L.

Ralph L. Essex 57, route1, Wilton, collapsed while driving his car in Bettendorf, Monday and waspronounced dead at St. Like's hospital at 12:40 p.m.

Funeral services will beheld at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Sweetland Methodist Church. The Revs. LelandEnke and Walter Sieck will officiate. Burial will be in Memorial Park cemetery.

Friends may call at the GeorgeM. Wittich funeral home until Thursday morning, when the body will be removedto the Sweetland church.

Mr. Essex was driving southon 14th street in Bettendorf and was attempting a turn into Grant streetwhen he collapsed. The car stopped after crossing a vacant lot and strikinga garage at 1116 14th street.

The son of James E. and SarahA. Armstrong Essex, he was born Jan. 13, 1908 in Muscatine. He was a farmer,a member of the Farm Bureau and was treasurer of the Sweetland church fora number of years.

He was married Dec. 12, 1931at Morrison Illinois to Dorthy L. Cochran. His wife father one brotherand one sister are dead. Surviving are a son Melvin R. Essex of CoggonIowa, two daughters Mrs. Larry (Beverly) Hoeck of Davenport, and Mrs. Albert(Marilyn) Watson of Cedar Rapids, one brother Clyde E. Essex of Atalissa,two sisters Mrs. Frank E. Anson Sr. of Muscatine, and Mrs. P. Lucille Gilmoreof Muscatine, and his mother Mrs. Sarah Essex of Muscatine and 11 grandchildren.

Muscatine Journal Feb. 1965
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

ESSEX,Robert L. "Bob"

Robert L. "Bob" Essex, 82,of 800 Wicher St. died Tuesday evening, Dec. 8, 1992 at Bethesda Care Center.

Services will be at 11 a.m.Saturday, Dec. 12 at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home, the Rev. RobertAhlstrom chaplain at Lutheran Homes will officiate, Pallbearers will beRick Duffield, Steven Duffield, Bradley Duffield, Gregory Duffield, GeraldEssex and Bobby Delveau. Honorary pallbearers will be John Crook Jr., LeoYerington, Jack Delveau, Rick McGill, Earl McGill and Chuck McGill. Burialwill be at Greenwood Cemetery.

Visitation will be from 4to 8 p.m. Friday. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer society.

Mr. Essex was born Nov. 8,1910 in Muscatine, a son of Lee and Pearl Harker Essex. He married EdithMcGill on March 2, 1935 in Muscatine.

Survivors include his wifeEdith a son Robert John Essex of Olympia Washington, two daughters PatriciaJean Duffield of Clovis NM, and Karen Lee Crook of Muscatine, 11 grandchildrenand 14 great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a sisterViola TeStrake and 2 brothers Edward and Hilbert.

He was a former member ofthe Moose Lodge, where he was a member of the award winning debate team.
He worked at Grain ProcessingCorporation for 27 years before retiring. He then worked for Krieger Motorsfor 11 years.
He enjoyed fishing, travelingand his grandchildren.

Muscatine Journal Dec. 1992
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch
Ref; Muscatine County, Iowab/cer, m/cer. he was 25 when he married Edith.

ESSEX,Sarah Armstrong

Sarah A. Essex 84 died at4:40 p. m. Wednesday at Muscatine General Hospital. She had residedat 115 Brook St.

The former Sarah Armstrongwas born January 16, 1882 in Ohio and had resided most of her life in Muscatine.
She married James E. EssexMarch 13, 1902 at Summitt Iowa. She was a member of the MusservilleMethodist church and W.C.T.U.

She is survived by one sonClyde Essex of Atalissa, a daughter Mrs. Frank (Gladys) Anson Sr. of Muscatineand 11 grandchildren and several great grandchildren. Her husbandtwo sons, two daughters, and several brothers and sisters preceded herin death.

Funeral services will beconducted Friday at 2 p.m. at the George M. Wittich Funeral home.The Rev. T. Ray Crews will officiate. Burial will be in the BloomingtonFriends Cemetery.

Muscatine Journal July, 1966
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

ESSEX,Sherwood Henry

Sherwood Henry Essex, 68,of Jacksonville died at 2:45 a.m Tuesday in a Jacksonville hospital aftera sudden illness.
The funeral will be at 10a.m. Thursday in the Thompson Funeral Home Chapel.

Mr. Essex had lived in Jacksonvilletwo years. He was a veteran of World War II, a member of the Baptistchurch and a retired mechanic.

Survivors include his widow,Mrs. Anna Mae Essex, Jacksonville, four sons Sherwood C., Robert J., LeonardJ., all of Jacksonville, and John R. Essex; one daughter Mrs. CharleneA. White, Jacksonville; one brother Henry Essex of Davenport Iowa, twosisters Mrs. Ethel Delles of E. Silbas Illinois and Mrs. Fern Keding ofDavenport Iowa, 21 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren.

Grandsons will be pallbearers.

Jacksonville, Texas paperpage 2 May 4, 1976
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

ESSEX,Sherwood Lyle
Murder charges are filed
Charges of murder have beenfiled against a Jacksonville man in the shooting death of Sherwood LyleEssex 24, of Tyler and formerly of Jacksonville, at 6:02p.m. Saturday,according to Jacksonville Police Chief Archie Cook.

James Jones 20, of 315 BrooksideDr. was arraigned Sunday before C. L. England, justice of the Precinct6, on murder charges filed Saturday by the Jacksonville Police Department.

England set bond at $10,000.Jones has been transferred to the county jail Rusk.

The incident occurred accordingto Cook, when Essex went to Jones' residence and allegedly demanded a 20gauge shotgun and $30. in return for an automobile part Essex allegedlyclaimed was no good.

When an argument apparentlybegan outside the Jones residence during the incident. Jone's allegedlywent inside his home, returned with the shotgun and shot Essex, accordingto a witness who was not identified by the police department.

Essex was pronounced deadon arrival at a Jacksonville hospital.

The incident is being investigatedby police Sgt. Orval Ray Grimes and patrolmen Alton Baldwin, Danny Garrettand Bobby Pierce.

Graveside services for Essexwere at 10 a.m. Monday in the Jarratt Cemetery with the Rev. T. A. Taylorand the Rev. Bobby Culpepper officiating. Arrangements were underdirection of Renfro-Falcon Funeral Home.

Mr. Essex had lived in theTyler area one year, moving there from Muscatine, Iowa.

Survivors include his widowMargie Essex, Tyler; one son Chad Lyle Essex, Tyler; his parents Mr. andMrs. Sherwood Essex, Jacksonville; grandparents Mrs. Anna Essex, Jacksonville,and Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Young, Rusk, three sisters Mrs. Lou Ann Stetcher,Davenport Iowa, Mrs. Charlene Pritchett, California and Miss Sherann Essex,Jacksonville, two brothers Pfc. Steven Essex U. S. Marines and Bryan KeithEssex, Jacksonville.

Pallbearers were KennethMessick, Billy Shields, Glenn McQuistan, Bobby Essex, David Shields, andJohn White Jr.

Jacksonville (TX) Daily Progresspage 1. Sept. 27, 1976
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

South End Woman DiesAt Old Age
Mrs. Susan Esex Passes AwayAt Home Of Son.
Body To Be Taken To HerFormer Home In Illinois City
Where Burial Will Take Place.

Mrs. Susan Esex 81 yearsold, died at the home of her son, 1410 Nebraska street last evening at8 o'clock. She had been ill for about three months, death being due toheart trouble and senility. She had been a
resident of South Muscatinefor about a year, coming here with her son from Illinois City.
The body will be taken toher former home tomorrow morning, where the funeral will take place inthe afternoon. It was her last request that she be buried in her own plotin Illinois City.
Mrs. Esex was born in Indianain 1830. Her husband died from wounds received in the civil war while fightingwith a union regiment.
She leaves an only childto survive her; John Crabtree at whose home she succumbed. A
brother Charles Crabtree,resides in Illinois City and a sister Mrs. Ellen Simmons of Andalusia Illinois.

Source: Taken from the MuscatineJournal May 1911
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

ESSEX,Timothy T
Timothy Essex Takenby Death
Lifelong Resident of CitySuccumbs at Hospital After
Short Illness
Timothy T. Essex 51, lifelongresident of Muscatine, died at Hershey hospital at 9 o'clock Monday Nightafter an illness of three weeks with heart disease.

Mr. Essex was born in Muscatine,May 12, 1881, the son of George and Elizabeth Essex. He married GraceDougherty here in 1899. He was a member of the Moose lodge and hadbeen employed by Haynes and Pace.

Surviving are his father;one daughter Mrs. Hazel Teeple; two sons, Harold and Hayden Essex all ofMuscatine.

Funeral services will beconducted at the Fairbanks Home for Funerals at 2:30 Wednesday afternoonby the Rev. Ira Hawley, pastor of the United Brethren church. Burialwill be in Greenwood cemetery.

Muscatine Journal TuesdayOct. 13. 1931
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

Funeral services for TimothyT. Essex who died Monday at the Hershey hospital, were conducted at theFairbanks Home for Funeral at 2:30 this afternoon by Rev. Ira Hawley, pastorof the United Brethren church. Burial was in the Greenwood cemetery.Pallbeares were T. B. Truempy, Don Fullerton, Edwin Heise, Louis Lang,Albert Diercks and Harry Walker. Flower attendants were Gladys Truempy,Myrtle (sorry I have to get the rest of this from June again)

Ref; Muscatine County Iowam/records he was 37. He was in the 1910 Muscatine County Census as follows;
Tim T. 30 born Illinoisand both parents born IL, married 12 years; Grace M. wife 28 born Iowaand both parents born VA, had 3 children and 3 still living; Hazel M. daughter10 born Iowa, Harold H. son 9 born Iowa, Haden V. son 7 born Iowa.
His d/records said he was52 years and 5 months.

ESSEX,Truman Bennett

Memorial services for TrumanBennett Essex, Route 5, will be held Friday at 10 a.m. from the HarmanMortuary Chapel with Rev. Robert Bowne officiating.

Essex, 84, died Tuesday eveningin a local hospital. He was born April 27, 1881, on a farm east ofBeatrice, where he had resided all his life.

He was a member of the FilleyMethodist Church and was still active in farming.
Surviving are one daughter,Mrs. Fern Graham, Beatrice; two sons, Charles B. of Cozad and F. Dean ofOmaha; 12 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren.

He was preceded in deathby his wife, Ida Belle, Jan. 29, 1966; one daughter, Ethel; one son Floyd;two brothers and two sisters. Interment will be in the Stark Cemetery,Rockford.

A memorial has been establishedto the Filley Methodist Church with the Filley Bank and the Harman Mortuaryin charge.

From the Daily Sun, BeatriceNebraska, March 2, 1966.
Research Source JuneWelsch
1920 Rockford Township,Gage County, Nebraska
Truman B. Essex farmer 38born NE. both parents born IL
Ida B. wife paper hanger35 born IA, father born IL, mother born MA
Charles B. son 16 born NE
Francis D. son 14 born NE
Ethel I. 9 born NE

ESTABROOK,Florence W Howard

Florence W. Estabrook 79,2317 Isett Ave., died Monday evening at Mercy Hospital, Iowa City.
Services will be held at1:30 p.m. Friday at the Geo. M. Wittich-Lewis Funeral Home. The Rev.Harlan Babco*ck, pastor of the Letts United Methodist Church will officiate.Burial will be in the Illinois City, Illinois Cemetery. Visitationwill be 2 to 9 p.m. Thursday.

The daughter of Alva andMary Hayes Howard she was born Oct. 1, 1904 in Rock Island County, Illinois.She was a life resident of this area.

Her marriage to William RobertEstabrook took place in 1922 in Illinois City. She was a member ofMusserville United Methodist Church, Mrs. Estabrook had worked at the HawkeyeButton Company for many years.
Survivors include rwo sonsLester and Ivan both of Muscatine Iowa, 12 g/children 15 great g/children,
3 brothers Laurence, Wesley,and Kenneth Howard of Muscatine and one sister Mrs. Laura Lessman of MolineIllinois.
She was preceded in deathby her husband in 1974 and one brother.

Muscatine Iowa Journal July3, 1984
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

Florence Estabrook
Funeral services for FlorenceEstabrook 79, were held at 1:30 p.m. Friday at the Geo. M. Wittich-LewisFuneral Home.
The Rev. Harlan Babco*ckofficiated. Mrs. Florence Hetzler was the organist.
Pallbearers were DonaldHoward, Denny Howard, William Howard, Bob Howard, Kenny Wayne Howard andGary Howard.
Burial was at the IllinoisCity Cemetery.
Mrs. Estabrook died July2 at Mercy Hospital, Iowa City.

Taken from the MuscatineIowa Journal July 7, 1984
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch

ESTABROOK,Lester "Breezy"

Lester "Breezy" Estabrook,63, 1907 Demorest Ave., died Tuesday at the Veterans Administration MedicalCenter, Iowa City.

Services are Thursday at1:30 p.m. at the Geo. M. Wittich-Lewis Funeral Home. The Rev. Manzel Berlinof the Musserville United Methodist Church will officiate. Pat Dilts isorganist. Pallbearers are Walter Hatfield, Duke Marx, Murry Estabrook,Bruce Herlein, Harold Estabrook and Lyal Chamberlin. Honorary pallbearersare Lloyd Phillips, Fred Estabrook and Ed Hatfield. Burial will be in GreenwoodCemetery with military rites by VFW, American Legion and World War 1 Barracks.

Visitation is today from3 to 8 p.m. at the funeral home. The family will meet friends from 5 to8 p.m.

Mr. Estabrook was born Sept.15, 1923 at Muscatine, a son of William Robert and Florence Howard Estabrook.He had resided here his entire life. On May 12, 1946 he married MaxineV. Hidlebaugh in Muscatine. He was a member of the VFW and was an Armyveteran of World War 11 and served with the 992nd engineer batallion. Hehad retired from employment at Keller Ladder.

Survivors include his wife;three sons, Ronald Estabrook, Marshalltown; Roger Estabrook and Harry Estabrook,both of Muscatine; seven grandchildren; and one brother, Ivan Estabrook,Columbus Junction.
His parents preceded himin death.

Muscatine Journal April 1,1987 page 4.
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch


Roger Wayne Estabrook, 42,died early Saturday, March 5, 1994, at his home at 2350 Gas Light Square,Lot No. 3.

Services will be at 11 a.m.Tuesday at the Geo. M. Wittich-Lewis Funeral Home. Florence Hetzler willbe organist. Pallbearers will be Thomas Jones, Jim Warren, Orren Lee, TomFullerton, Ron Ryan, Nick Pauly and Obert Liles. Burial will be at GreenwoodCemetery.

Visitation will be from 4to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home where a memorial has been established.

Mr. Estabrook was born Jan.4, 1952 in Muscatine to Lester and Maxine Hidlebaugh Estabrook. He wasa life resident of the area. He was previously married to Debra Watson.

He enjoyed watching sprintcars and hunting and fishing.

He had previously been employedat Bandag Inc., where he worked for 20 years. He worked at Precision Steelin Wilton and most recently sold Watkins and Avon products.

Survivors include two daughters,Tammy Estabrook of Morning Sun, and Rebecca Estabrook of Wapello; two grandchildren,Rickey and Andrew; his mother Maxine Estabrook of Muscatine; and two brothers,Ronald Estabrook of Marshalltown, and Harry Estabrook of Muscatine.

His father preceded him indeath.

Muscatine Journal March 7,1994 page 5.
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch


William R. Estabrook, 75,2137 Isett Ave., died at 10:15 a.m. today at the Muscatine General Hospital.
Funeral Services are pendingat the Geo. W. Wittich Funeral Home.

William Estabrook was bornOct. 1, 1898 in Rock Island County, the son of William G. and Eva BelleJohnson Estabrook.
He married Florence W. HowardNov. 26, 1922 at Muscatine. He was of Baptist Faith and was retiredafter working at R. and M. Millwork for many years.

Surviving are his wife twosons Lester A. and Ivan L. of Muscatine three brothers Henry, Wallace andLyle of Muscatine, 5 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren.
He was preceded in deathby his parents two sisters and four brothers.

Muscatine Journal Feb. 1974
Contributed by JuneBrewer Welsch
Notes: he died Feb.19, 1974

ESTLE,Marie Mary Hotz

ANKENY, Iowa - Marie MaryEstle, 93, Ankeny, died Thursday, March 28, 2002, following a short illness.
Funeral services will be10:30 a.m. Monday at the Stacy-Lewis Funeral Home in Columbus Junction.Pallbearers will be Russell Hotz, Cecil Hotz, Roger Hotz, Ron Schomberg,Bernard Prybil and Dean Rebal. Honorary pallbearers will be Marvin Hotz,Eldon Hotz, Dale Rebal, Bob Horak and Jerry Hotz.

Visitation will be 4-7 p.m.Sunday at the funeral home. A memorial has been established in her name.Burial will be at the Conesville Cemetery. Following burial, there willbe a luncheon at the Conesville United Methodist Church.

She was born April 22, 1908,in Iowa City, the daughter of Edward and Anna Knotek Hotz. On Feb. 12,1934, she married Freeman Estle in Iowa City. The couple farmed in Conesvilleuntil his death in 1988. She had resided at the Mill Pond Retirement Communityin Ankeny the past seven years.

She was well-known for hercheerful work ethic. Her love for her children and grandchildren was evidentin the many quilts and afghans she made and the family gatherings she enjoyed.She loved to garden and raise flowers. She was a member of the ConesvilleGrace United Church of Christ.

Survivors include one son,Donald Estle and wife Joann of Washington: one daughter, Mary Ann Ash andhusband Louis of Ankeny; five grandchildren, six great-grandchildren andone brother, Leo Hotz, of Iowa City.
She was preceded in deathby her husband, parents, five brothers: Lewis, James, Harry, Ernest andRichard and four sisters: Lillian, Blanche, Alice and Dorothy.

Source: Muscatine JournalMarch 30, 2002
Contributed by: Webmaster


MORNING SUN RussellEubanks, 86, died Monday at the morning Sun Care Center in Morning Sun.
Services will be at 10:30a.m. on Wednesday at the Dugeon McCulley Funeral Home in Wapello.
Friends may call at thefuneral home anytime Tuesday afternoon.

Muscatine Journal MondayMarch 23, 1992
Submitted by CarolynHidlebaugh

EVANS,Laurence W.

Evans,Laurence W., 89, of Clearwater, died Saturday (March 20,1999) at MortonPlant Hospital, Clearwater.
Hewas born in West Liberty, Iowa, and came here in 1967 from Akron, Ohio,where he worked as a truck driver for Allstate Freight Co.
Hewas Protestant and a member Teamsters Local 24, Akron.
Survivorsinclude his wife of 62 years, Florence; and a niece, Elaine Argabrite,Jeromesville, Ohio.
Moss-FeasterFuneral Homes & Cremation Services, Dunedin Chapel.

Source:St. Petersburg Times (FL)
Date:March 22, 1999

EZELL,David J.

DavidJ. Ezell, 81, Port Charlotte, died Feb. 9, 1999.
Hewas born Jan. 11, 1918, in Louisville, Ill., and came to Port Charlotte27 years ago from Davenport, Iowa.

Hewas a member of American Legion Post 110 and First Presbyterian Church,both in Port Charlotte.
Hewas an Army veteran of World War II.

Survivorsinclude a daughter, Barbara King of Port Charlotte; three sons, Stevenof Port Charlotte, the Rev. Roger of Long Lake, Minn., and Kenneth Meisingerof Wilton, Iowa; three sisters, Verdene Shepard of Moline, Ill., KathrynHunt of Rock Island, Ill., and Elizabeth Dowler of Los Angeles; five grandchildren;and four great- grandchildren.

Serviceswill be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at First Presbyterian Church in Port Charlotte.Interment will be later at Blue Grass Cemetery in Blue Grass, Iowa.Roberson Funeral Home & Crematory, Port Charlotte Chapel, is in charge.

Memorialcontributions may be made to First Presbyterian Church of Port Charlotte,2230 Hariet St. N.E., Port Charlotte, FL 33948.

Source:Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Sarasota FL : February 12, 1999

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