Email | Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Office 365?
Office 365 is the brand name that Microsoft uses for a group of subscriptions that are enabled over the Internet (cloud services) and include software such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote and more. - I just started here at The University of Toledo as an employee, affiliate, or student. When will my email be activated and what is my email address?
Your email account will be provisioned when you activate your UTAD account. Pleaseclick hereto know what license will be applied and what your default email address will be. - How do I save my files when using Office 365?
Office 365 web applications don't have a Save button. That’s because you never have to save your work. As you work Office 365 automatically saves everything for you — no matter how small or large the changes. This frees your mind to let you think about your projects, thoughts, and ideas instead of thinking about your computer files. If you change your mind about anything you’ve typed, added, or deleted in your notes, press Ctrl+Z (on your PC) or ⌘+Z (on your Mac) to undo your last action. - What is “the cloud”?
“The cloud” refers to web-based computing services that are hosted outside of our organization. When you use cloud-based services, UT’s Information Technology (IT) infrastructure resides off premises and is maintained by a third party instead of residing on a server at the University. With Office 365, for example, information storage and software are located and managed remotely on servers owned by Microsoft. Many services you use every day, both at home and at work, are part of the cloud – from web-based email and mobile banking to document and photo storage, all of which you can access virtually anywhere. - Why is UT moving to Microsoft Office 365??
There are many advantages that Office 365 offers to our faculty, staff and students, such as increased mailbox size and storage capacity. It also is in alignment with UT’s strategic priorities, such as supporting external research collaboration. Additionally, UT’s operating costs will be reduced by an estimated $2.5 - $3 million annually by limiting hardware and the number of servers the University must own.
- Who is being included in the University’s migration to Office 365?
Faculty and staff on all of UT’s campuses will be converted to Office 365, beginning with Health Science Campus and followed by Main Campus and the rest of the University. Students were migrated in 2015.
- What is the timeline for this migration and when will it be completed?
Migration for all faculty and staff is scheduled to be completed by the end of February 2018 for the Health Science Campus, and will begin in early March for Main Campus and the rest of the University. IT plans to migrate all UT faculty and staff users to Office 365 before the end of July 2018. - When will my department be migrated to Office 365?
IT has posted a listing of its migration schedule on its website at; on the left, under “Resources and Links,” click on “Microsoft Office 365.” You then may easily scroll this list to find your department number and an approximate date for work. Note: Because some users may be closely connected to other departments, this schedule is tentative and so migration dates may slightly vary. However, you will receive an email notification from IT approximately one week in advance of your department’s migration to Office 365. - What should I expect on the day that my department is migrated to Office 365?
On the day you are scheduled, IT will begin work at 7 a.m. and all migration work should be completed by approximately 11 a.m. You may continue to access your mailbox and voicemail as usual and when the migration is complete, Outlook will provide a pop-up message stating, “Your administrator has made a change that requires you to restart Outlook.” At that time, you should close and restart Outlook on your workstation. - I use Skype for Business and Lync. What should I do to maintain both of these when my department is migrated to Office 365?On the day of your migration to 365, you may continue to access your mailbox normally and once the migration is complete, Outlook will pop up the message, "Your administrator has made a change that requires you to restart Outlook." Exit out of Skype and Lync prior to restarting Outlook. You must exit out by going to the lower task bar on the desktop, right click and then select “Exit.” Selecting the top right “X” on the program does not exit out; rather, it only minimizes it.
- What if my department has a shared mailbox?
If you have a shared departmental mailbox, be sure to contact before your scheduled migration day so that IT can migrate your departmental mailbox at the same time as your mailbox and voicemail migration.
- After my department’s migration occurs, will my email, calendar and programs (such as Word and Excel) look or operate any differently?
No. Although you will have much more storage space for email and documents within Office 365, everything will look and function the same. - After I was migrated to Office 365, I could no longer be able to find a user's user id or mail stop in the Global Address Book why?
Unfortunately, Office 365 does allow us to customize the address book as we were able to with On-Premises mail system. We are currently working with Microsoft to determine when this feature may be available. - Once migration to Office 365 occurs for my department, will I need to sync my iOS or Android mobile devices with my office computer or laptop? If so, how?
Yes, you may. If you find that your mobile devices are no longer synced with your UT email, locate your mail settings on your smart device and change “server” from “” to “” Verify that your username is Also, if the domain field is occupied, ensure that it is blank. If needed, additional information about syncing your mobile devices, including step-by-step instructions, please visit our Microsoft Office 365 page. - Will I need to set up my voice-mail message again or change my email signature after migration to Office 365 occurs
No; this information will automatically be retained. - How much additional storagespace in my mailboxwill I have with Office 365?
You will have approximately 100 times more storage capacity, going from the email default amount of 750MB (megabytes) to 100GB (gigabytes) for your mailbox, plus a maximum individual message size of 25MB. - How do I log on to Office 365 from home (or elsewhere) to access work email after IT migrates my department?
When you are not at work, you may access your work email 24/7 via and then select the “UT Office 365” button. Type in your UTAD user ID and password, then click the “Sign in” button. This will direct you to your Office 365 email inbox. If you have any issues, you may call IT’s Help Desk at 419.530.2400/Main Campus or 419.383.2400/Health Science Campus. - Will my UT email address change when I get Office 365?
No, all UT email addresses will remain the same. Faculty and staff will continue using “firstname.last,” and students will continue using “firstname.last” - Why do I have 3-4 email addresses for my mailbox?
All mailboxes will have the following email addresses assigned to their mailbox: - If you are/were a student at UT and your mailbox is/was in Office 365. - Applied to all accounts - Assigned to all Office 365 accounts. This is generated by Office 365. - Do I need to reset my password once I get Office 365?
No, once your mailbox has been migrated to Office 365, you will not need to reset your password. However, if you wish to do so, visit - What web browsers are supported by Office 365?
Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome and Firefox are all supported by Office 365. - How may I get help with the Exchange mailbox or Office 365 mailbox and their features?
Visit the following site for IT Help Documents Microsoft Office 365. - Once I have an Office 365 mailbox, will I be able to share my mailbox/calendar with another UT faculty, staff member or student who has an Exchange mailbox?
You will only be able to share your mailbox or calendar with other employees or students who have been migrated to Office 365 because both users need to be on the same mailbox platform (On-Premises vs. Office 365). For assistance, contact the IT Help Desk line at 419.530.2400, 419.383.2400 or - I am a new/transfer student registered for next semester. Will I be able to download Office 365?
Incoming students will be able to download Office 365 through UT's portal two weeks prior to the start of the next semester. For more information, visit Microsoft Office 365. - If I'm a UT employee and also a student, will I have two mailboxes with Office 365?
No. Because of the new features of Office 365, IT is combining mailboxes for anyone who currently has two so they will have only one with Office 365. Please contact IT’s Help Desk at 419-530-2400, 419-383-2400, or if you need additional information. - Are there accessibility settings that I can apply to my Outlook Web App?
To set your accessibility settings, log into Outlook Web App and select the cog wheel in the upper right corner of your screen. Under Your app settings, select Mail. Expand General and select Accessibility Settings or Light Version.The Light Version allows for applications like screen readers or magnifiers to be compatible. The Light Version is also used for older web browsers that do not support the newer browser tools. - Can I use Outlook 2010/2013/2016 or Outlook 2011/2016 for Mac to access my UT Office 365 account?
Yes, Outlook 2010/2013/2016 (PC) and Outlook 2011/2016 (Mac) are supported and may be connected to Office 365. - How do I set up Outlook 2010/2013/2016 (PC) or Outlook2011/2016 (Mac) to connect to my account using the Exchange server settings?
To set up Outlook to connect to your Office 365 account using the Exchange server settings,visit this link for step-by-step instructions with screenshots. - My Exchange On Premise mailbox is full. What can I do to lower the capacity?
Delete or archive items that are more than one year old. Be sure to check all subfolders that have been created. Emails with large files need to be archived or deleted, and also check your Sent, Deleted and RSS Feeds folders. - May I download Office 365 ProPlus on my personaldevices?
Yes, if you are a full-time or part-time UT faculty, staff member or a student registered for the current semester, you can download a copy of Office 365 ProPlus software to install on up to five personal devices (desktop and/or laptops) and five mobile devices (such as smart phones and tablets). Visit installation instructions here forOffice365.(Note: Because of licensing restrictions, UT affiliates,volunteers andretirees are unable to download ProPlus.) - How long will Microsoft Office remain free for University members?
ForStudents: As long as you are registered for fall or spring semester, the license for your Microsoft Office product will remain active. After you become UT alumni, you may continue using onlyyour mailbox as long as you keep your account active by updating your password. If the account becomes inactive, the mailbox will be removed. ForFaculty and Staff: When your employment ends with UT, your Microsoft Office product will be deactivated. - As a student, may I keep my mailbox after I leave the University?
- Alumni: If a studenthas graduated in 2009 or later, as an alumnus they will retain theirmailbox only. All other services (One Drive, Office Online, etc.) will be discontinued.Note: The University reserves the right to remove and not reinstateyour mailbox if your UTAD password is not kept up-to-date and has expired. Because logging into your mailbox requires your UTAD user ID and password, UT assumes that you are no longer using your mailbox.Additionally, under the terms of agreement entered into by UT and Microsoft, be assured your UT email address will not be shared, marketed or sold and your emails will not be mined; however, Microsoft might send only Microsoft -related product information to you.
- Former Students: If a student has left the institution as an active student and are NOT considered an alumni of The University of Toledo, a student will continue to have access to their mailbox until their matriculation expires. All other services (One Drive, Office Online, etc) will be discontinued.A matriculation is the time at which a student can enroll for classes before having to go through the re-admission process. After matriculation has expired, all data including mailbox will be removed from the system. Note: The University reserves the right to remove and not reinstateyour mailbox if your UTAD password is not kept up-to-date and has expired. Because logging into your mailbox requires your UTAD user ID and password, UT assumes that you are no longer using your mailbox.Additionally, under the terms of agreement entered into by UT and Microsoft, be assured your UT email address will not be shared, marketed or sold and your emails will not be mined; however, Microsoft might send only Microsoft -related product information to you.
- More Information: For more information please refer to the following Email Provision/Deprovision information chart.
- As a faculty or staff member, may I keep my mailbox after I leave UT?
Faculty and staff members who are no longer employed by UT will no longer be able to gain access to their mailbox, with the exception of retired employees with 10 or more years of service.All other services (One Drive, Office Online,etc) willbe discontinued.Note: The University reserves the right to remove and not reinstate yourmailbox if your UTAD password is not kept up-to-date and has expired. Because logging into your mailbox requires your UTAD user ID and password, UT assumes that you are no longer using your mailbox.
For more information please refer to the following Email Provision/Deprovision information chart. - Whom should I contact if I have any questions about using Microsoft 365 at UT?
All of the information you need is available on IT’s webpages at; on the home page, under “Resources and Links,” select “Microsoft Office 365.” If you review this information and still need more details or assistance, please contact IT via the Help Desk at 419.530.2400 or 419.383.2400, or you may send questions to